Dr. Melba Ketchum To Release Hi-Def Footage of Bigfoot After Peer Review

Here's a bombshell for naysayers: Dr. Melba Ketchum has footage of Bigfoot.

Could this be the same footage Adrian Erickson spent millions pursuing? Or is this part of the proposed media project titled, "Sasquatch: The Tribe Revealed", Ketchum submitted to the US Copyright website back in 2010?

In an interview with Fox8News, Ketchum made this statement regarding the footage:
"We have at our disposal Hi-Def footage that will not be released until which time the publication is finished,” she said. Hi-Def video of some sasquatch it’s quite remarkable. It’s amazing."

Here's a description of "Sasquatch: The Tribe Revealed" Ketchum submitted in 2010-09-16:
Description of Work: A film and/or documentary, narration or audio book, supporting photos and literary paper/document/book that will follow the The Sasquatch Project, the scientist and the scientific testing and proof for the existence of Sasquatch/ Bigfoot. Information will include discussion of results including A New Tribe of Living Humans, the complete Sasquatch mitochondrial genome sequence and nuclear DNA variations and text will show complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequences were identified from DNA, analysis of the assembled sequence unequivocally establishes that the Sasquatch mtDNA falls inside the range of modern human mtDNAs and discussions of the origins thereof. The proof that the Sasquatch is not only the closest living human relative but is actually a contemporary living human. Also discussed is nuclear DNA testing performed on the same samples and the variations found in various genes including MC1R gene RUNX2 and FOXP2 as well as other targets genes involved in the perception of sound, transmission of nerve signals, the production of sperm and the lactase gene. Also discussed is how testing has ruled out ape cross and any ancient contributor and that Sasquatch is indeed a modern human with some genetic mutations accounting for their physical appearance. Also included are discussion of the history of samples and circumstances surrounding the acquisition, their testing, the circumstances surrounding the entire Sasquatch DNA Project. Documentary stars Melba Ketchum, et al

[Thanks, Rob]


  1. First. Love it or leave it ladies

    1. After reading this and the next two posts. I am not to proud to be first amongst this group of bloggers. It's been fun and games until recently. Now it's getting ugly.

      For you true believers, I am with you. Weather it's man or monkey is irrelevant to me. I don't put myself on a pedistal thinking that I am superior to a simian in any way. Animals have more common sense than most people anyway. That's a fact and nobody's gonna argue that.

      For you non believers, I understand. I'd I wouldn't have grown up here up north in Michigan and had my experience I would feel the same way. I say show me. I am a skip tic about everything and I know a lie when I hear one and something here just is not right here I hate to say

      What could be wrong here is one of two things. First, Melba is not accurate on what she is claiming or Second, we have a bunch of jeleously going on here that's manifested itself as childish behavior

      This issue of man or monkey seems to be taking on a lot of importance. a evolution vs creationism issue. Black or white, what do YOU believe? Sorry man you aren't going to sidetrack me on that issue because I understand the human need to feel superior to all of Gods creations and I am happy to just be a part of it all

      I don't want Shawn to change a thing about this site. I don't want the funny trolls to go away because they add brevity. God mows we need all of that and I am proud to say I have been and will still be one of them from time to time.

      But for the experts here with a holier than thou attitude. Regardless of what happens with Melba your true colors have shown

      Oh by the way. SECOND

      Mid Michigan calling

    2. Never thought I'd agree with a religious poster but hey he's right!

    3. wonder where Odin stands on it all?

    4. ODIN SAYS

    5. Dont forget science doesn't like to be wrong.if it proves to be real there gona be pissed they missed it.you cant hoax dna

    6. Dont forget science doesn't like to be wrong.if it proves to be real there gona be pissed they missed it.you cant hoax dna

    7. Dont forget science doesn't like to be wrong.if it proves to be real there gona be pissed they missed it.you cant hoax dna

    8. Dont forget science doesn't like to be wrong.if it proves to be real there gona be pissed they missed it.you cant hoax dna

    9. LMAO!
      Don't hold your breath, damnitahl.

  2. If Melba had already reached her conclusions back in 2010 then what has she been doing for the last two years?

    1. Telling lies, apparently. Wonder why Meldrum, Moneymaker etal are not excited about this(to say the least)? oh, I forgot Matt wants to be FIRST, and Prof. Meldrum wants them to be apes.

    2. On one of the other threads I made a comment bout DNA results meaning nothing without either a specimen or a really great no denying it's real video. I also said I doubt Ketchum has one to which an anonymous poster replied "there are videos" so I guess I was expecting something. Maybe this leak and media circus is to get networks interested in footage from Erickson so Melba can get back some money or make the money needed to get that footage? I still think the whole releasing the information early was no accidental leak if she's been after tv producers for years and no one was interested I bet that's changed now! If there are anymore delays it's probably so she can decide between which network she was to work with and who will publish her book and doing interviews with Time magazine or whatever. I still have very little faith in her I think people are right to be cautious.

    3. I think you fucking idiots that think Meldrum would care if bigfoots(if there even is such a thingoutside of a myth) are proven to be some human or non-ape are really something else.
      Are you telling me that Meldrum wouldn't be the happiest guy on this planet regardless? He wins the war, who cares if his theory was off a bit.

      People really don't use their brains that comment here.you aren't just being dicks either, you really believe ignorant shit like that and have convinced yourself LOL

    4. Anon 2:13, it's pointless they don't listen they turn everything into some crazy soap opera drama thing bout apes vs humans and ignore the fact that Ketchum seems totally full of crap

    5. Holy crap, it's really over for the naysayers isn't it. LOL At this point I just don't understand, how they can continue pretending this study's no good when it's clearly quite an amazing one and discovery yet the trolls crap away everytime Dr. Ketchum talks her unwavering truth (yeah wait for it it will be) and brings new glimpes into what's coming. As they say folks this is it, if you don't want it there's plenty outside this troll infested blog that will and who matters more than some geeky congregation. I think she's actually doing this the right way now, I worried about all the facebook stuff if that's really necessary or a good idea but I see now that it's much better to warm the public to the thought than just explode your bombshell news all over and risk unwanted chaotic reactions. Now we have been informed beforehand as it should be.

    6. You are a class A fucktard! How do you know for sure that Melba isn't full of shit? You don't do you, you just keep up with that blind faith thing huh? Just keep making huge big bold statements with nothing to back it up with and anyone who might have an ounce of common sense or maybe just believes they'd like to see evidence or even the study itself is a troll! Man when did people get so dumb?

    7. in the end some kind of actual proof will have to be shown,not just talked about

    8. The video is Erickson's stuff. She also has a bunch of other photos and videos. She's been getting ahold of them for some time now. Probably buying rights to them. No doubt she has the Erickson's videos and that's what she is talking about here.

      She's on board with the National Geographic channel on TV for some sort of a BF special. Perhaps the Erickson documentary will air on that channel, I have no idea.

      She has a Hollywood publicist and a Hollywood lawyer, two of the worst land sharks on Earth, working for her for some time now. She's been building her boat for a while...

  3. All yall finna eat yo wordz suckaz

  4. Replies
    1. Crap, I should have looked for comments before reading..... lost my foirst status

  5. Sure she will. There is nothing stopping her from releasing it now, unless she's putting together a collection to sell for three easy payments of $89.95 (shipping extra).
    I can see the infomercial now......insanity.

    1. Don't be ridiculous! It will only be 19.95 and if you act now you can receive and additional copy! Shipping will be 89.95 plus if you are one of the first 100 callers you will get a FREE set of Yoshi knives! Geez!

    2. Ah yes well... it's all about the payout, isn't it?

    3. Yep, Money,Money,Money,MOOOOOOOONEEEEEEYYYYY! Which is why this whole mess stinks of a big con job.

    4. Money? There's no money involved and there never have been that's all in the haters' minds.

    5. Copyrights? Movie deals? Come on, man!

    6. Well, I will say that my one beef with Melba is that she is the one who has introduced GREED with capital f-ing letters, into this whole mess in a way that we've hardly seen it before. She's one of the greediest women I've ever known.

    7. Outside of you of course! Your tied with her!

  6. Why they don't publishing a convincing still pics of the footage ?

    1. Because they don't have anything to publish.

    2. There is nothing and no DNA, you cannot get reliable dna from a non existent creature,they might as well try and get dna from a ghost

  7. I told you! Melba bought out Erickson! Erickson doesn't even own that video anymore. Melba does! I've been saying that for some time now...

    1. Is that the one where Todd Standing and his makeup artist sister went to "consult" on the filming? And now it's being prettied by Hollywood film editors? That one?

    2. Yes Robert we are all very impressed.You may go now.

    3. Yo da man!! I beieved you!! I follow your blog. Keep up the great work!

    4. Hey Robert you funny little twit, why don't you explain to everyone how a game of Turd Darts is played. Cause anyone with a thimble full of common since knows this is how you scoop your stories.

      Worthless you are!

    5. You are wrong Robert. 100% wrong.

    6. Maybe he did transfer over his share of some business venture they partnered on, for a price. I could imagine something like that taking place.

    7. Stranger Danger! Stranger Danger!

    8. Roberts on his period again, cut him some slack!

  8. Replies
    1. That may be the fool formerly known as fecal matter in a canister. Oh yeah, by the way, RL is usually about 90% right on everything he leaks. He may get a few of the specifics wrong, but generally he is right.

  9. (the real) Sally here,

    I've seen the footage. Its real and never been show before. And it has been held back because of the paper.

    1. So were you actually gay with Melba or what?

    2. The pain of her betrayal has turned my wings to stone.
      But I am strong enough to fly away, even with stone wings. As a double Scorpio, I have a unique insight


    3. Holy shit I bet you didn't see that coming from knots landing

  10. The fact that she's not releasing the footage until *after* the study is released, coupled with the fact that Igor Burtsev is involved should be big red flags for everyone. Burtsev has either perpetrated or been suckered in by multiple hoaxes in the past, including organizing field trips to fake Yeti lairs.

    The footage is more of the same - "I have amazing stuff, but you can't see it." It's nothing more than red meat to keep her name out there and to keep the faithful from doubting her. She's got her audience figured out perfectly.

    1. Shut up Matt, it's lights out.

    2. Yeah, I saw Igor on the National Geographic Channel. He was researching (and believes) a woman from Tennessee who claims that a family of bigfoot lives near her property, and the alpha male from this group comes to her door frequently and asks for things like garlic (yes, the bigfoot talks). Igor called this woman "the Jane Goodall" of Bigfoot.

  11. Everyone always has the amazing footage that turns out to be blurry or an obvious hoax.

  12. Melba been havin HD footage she just aint released it cuz of that one fool erickson. She still oweded him money and shuold be done payin him off soon so all yall can get a look yaknowhatinsayin

  13. Skeptics loose.

    End of story.

    Yes you all really have been that thick and stupid.

    You've ignored the statistical MOUNTAIN of evidence for years.

    You all do the same with the Bible. Facts laying all over the planet.

    1. That's a very small mountain.

    2. Yes, skeptics are loose. Gullibles lose, though.

      In all seriousness, why does Melba claiming to have HD footage change the equation at all? Has she released said footage yet? Is there any independent confirmation that she's close to publishing her results? Igor Burtsev doesn't count. He's a known hoaxer.

    3. No he's not you tart, the lame attacks are useless.

  14. If the Cat Vet has high def footage...it must be real.

    1. I resemble the incineration of that remark

    2. Gomer Pyle with a beard speaks.

    3. The musings of the ignorant. You sound like a bitter child who didnt get his cookies after dinner. What you will be getting is a huge plate of crow. Perhaps you should wash it down with the diaherra that oozes from your ears. Your misplaced sense of self-righteousness is laughable. Were you born an idiot or did you facilitate the process yourself? Go kick rocks squirt

    4. You people don't seem to understand Texan's. Smeja, Ketchem ---- Texas Prokill groop.

      A Missourian say's "Show Me"

      A Texan say's "Ok Smart-ass, Let me work on that!" And then does it!

    5. Hey Snowball, I want to ask a favor of you. I want you to put a video together.

      Turn on your camera and record the look on your face when you read that.

      1. The report has passed and published.

      2. Smejas sample was present and good.

      3. She has good high def vid and it's real.

      4. And it's not ape, of any form?

      And finnally your apology to Melba and Justin. And for picking on Damien when you really don't know everything you think you do. (you are very smart) Just lacking some knowledge and wisdom.

      The Good Book say's "There is nothing new" All things will come full circle and we will know again about things that were known before. Should be very interesting times ahead.

      I told you this shit would drive you crazy and i think the very least you could do is let us see your "Brain Twist a Little" at the moment you realize, you are now living on a new and different planet.

    6. Maaaannnnn I want some of that shit you're smoking,

    7. Love him or hate him, SWP is bang on.....Hi Def my ass.


    8. I'm trying to make that happen 1:22. Got the seeds of knowledge!

    9. What good book is he on about? I've just read the new Jack Reacher that was a good book but I didn't see that quote in it ? It's not in the book on corn snakes I read yesterday either! Must find this good book....

    10. I think he's referring to the Real Frank Zappa Book, where Zappa wrote that "There is nothing new in music."

    11. Yes she's the real deal like the study, Snowy you lose because you're too daft to find anything yourself. The sorry ass geeks can yap 'n' yap little will it matter now your skulls are being bulldozered with facts and that really must hurts, ouch ! L M F A O

    12. save that for five years from now when you can say it again,and yet again

    13. If the moose counter says it's real, it must be real.

  15. More incredible claims from Ketchum. However, unlike most I'm more than happy to wait this one out. Nothing has changed until we see the data. The footage of course will be open to interpretation and a whole PGF type debate will begin again.

    Pointless to try and second guess what she has as we simply don't know. Why so many respected figures in this field have shown their hands on this one is beyond me. Either they will be proven to be wrong and their reputations will be shattered or perhaps even worse, they could be proven to be correct and will spend the next few months/years boring us to death with their 'told ya so' rhetoric.

    1. To be fair, I could imagine if someone had the ability to study dna and had slam-dunk video evidence they would withhold it. After release, other scientists would become involved and you might lose the opportunity to be the first to study the dna, classify the animal etc.
      I doubt that is the reality of the situation, though.

    2. You're right it's not an animal, read closer next time.

    3. It's most likely a hoax. Pay more attention to events next time....

  16. In times like these, people need to chill and make cookies.

    Wilderness Lodge Cookies

    32 mins preparation time, recipe makes 5 dozen cookies

    2 cups butter
    2 cups white sugar
    2 cups packed brown sugar
    4 eggs
    2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    3 cups all-purpose flour
    2 teaspoons salt
    2 teaspoons baking soda
    6 cups quick cooking oats
    2 cups chocolate chips
    2 cups chopped and toasted walnuts
    1 cup coconut
    1 cup raisins


    1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets.

    2. In a very large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar and white sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, salt and baking soda; stir into the sugar mixture until well incorporated. Mix in oats, then stir in the chocolate chips, nuts, coconut and raisins. Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheets.

    3. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown. Let cookies cool for a few minutes on the cookie sheets before removing to wire racks to cool completely.

    1. I want the recipe for Chicago style gardinera

    2. Ingredients

      1/4 cup table salt
      1 cup small-diced carrots
      1 cup tiny cauliflower florets
      4 to 8 serrano peppers, sliced (depending on heat level desired)
      2 cloves garlic, minced
      1 stalk celery, diced small
      1 red bell pepper, diced small
      2 cups canola oil
      1 tablespoon dried oregano
      1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


      Combine 2 cups water and the salt in a glass or non-reactive bowl. Mix until the salt is dissolved. Add the carrots, cauliflower, serranos, garlic, celery and bell pepper to the salt water and stir to combine. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

      Day 2, drain and rinse the vegetables. In a clean bowl, mix together the oil with the oregano and pepper. Add the vegetables and mix to combine. Allow to marinate overnight. Giardiniera will only get better with time. After 2 days at the most in the bowl, you can place in air-tight mason jars and keep in the fridge for at least 2 to 3 weeks.

    3. you are amazing i have not had a good beef or gardinera since i moved to the hillbilly villa

    4. you wouldnt know the recipe for lina's chicago style italian beef would you

    5. thats a new one but I'll have a look

    6. Best I can see so far....




      1 (5 lb) rump roast (please don't use chuck roast, too stringy and greasy)
      1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
      1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
      1/2 teaspoon coarse-grind black pepper

      Da Gravy

      2 cups boiling water
      2 beef bouillon cubes
      2 teaspoons dried oregano
      1 teaspoon dried thyme
      1/2 teaspoon coarse-grind black pepper, to taste
      1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
      8 garlic cloves, minced
      2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
      salt (bouillon can be salty, taste first!)


      1 Preheat oven to 325°F.
      2 Sprinkle the roast with garlic powder, oregano and pepper, then cook roast, uncovered, in a shallow roasting pan, about 30 minutes per pound.
      3 Roast will be very rare-- don't overcook it!
      4 Let cool slightly, then thinly slice.
      5 Add to the roast's pan drippings: the boiling water, bouillon cubes, oregano, thyme, pepper, Tabasco sauce, garlic and Worcestershire sauce.
      6 Simmer for 20 minutes, scraping up the browned bits.
      7 Taste for salt and add some if you wish.
      8 Add the sliced beef; cover and marinate in da gravy overnight.
      9 Reheat the next day and serve in crusty Italian sandwich rolls.

    7. much appreciated i didn't know they don't have all this good food in the south i knew the pizza sucked ass but they don't make a ton of shit

    8. that'll do i love how they stole short french bread and rename it crusty italian thats funny

    9. cool, let us know how it turns out! I'll keep looking.

    10. I will for sure ill wait 3 weeks cause all the flavors need to come together and be nice and spicy again thank you very much I appreciate it

    11. Bigfoot don't like recipes.

  17. Yay! Lets hope the next 5 years goes by fast.


  18. Oh Yea !, so much to look forward to.

  19. What next, she has a body in a freezer?

    Crashing & burning.

    1. Pssst, oi, Pssstttt

      This is an American forum for Bigfoot not mythical black cats.

    2. Yeah she does have a body in a freezer LOL. Well, not her, but because of her it got stashed there, and the folks who put it there are part of her study...

    3. FUCKING BULLSHIT and I'm being kind.


    4. Yeah, get back to your shed and drink your cuppa, you are just jealous because you don't have your own giant monkey.

    5. Hey I'm from the UK and I don't have a shed and I fucking hate tea (cuppa) I fucking hate British people, I fucking hate the weather, I fucking hate sheep, I fucking hate cows did I mention I fucking hated British people? I fucking hate the government, I fucking...and on it goes.............

      welcome to the UK.....what a shit pit!!

    6. Alright, alright, just try not to act too, you know, British.

      -Captain Compromise

    7. so no fucking umbrellas? okay I get ya......

    8. holy shit you do understand that is the whole reason we are on this side of the ocean don't you

    9. To act British or to carry umbrellas?

    10. I thought it was none of you could swim.

    11. Robert, I heard from a couple of insiders that the body is in a freezer in Georgia - I think you know who I'm talking about. Can you confirm?

    12. You think he'll respond? Doubt it!


    13. "Hey I'm from the UK"

      I sense your unhappiness but I implore you to remember your proud heritage and for Good Queen Bess's sake cry God for Harry England and St George.

    14. Ok. I have to put my two cents in. I have respect for anyone,,who puts their idea,,opinion,,or feelings and or info,,right or wrong,out in the world,,and puts their name on it. When someone posts as anonymous,,,not so much. As in none,,if its negative,,hurtful,or for some of us who can handle the basics only,,posts anything bad,with no explained reason. The most logical thing,,IMO,to do,,is to quit bitching about everyone else,,try to make a positive contribution to this awesome legacy,,or understand once and for all,if you do not believe/know the truth as Many of the kind and intelligent people here do,,hey,,,that's ok. That's your right. And we actually need people like you to show us possibilitys,,theory's,,etc that we've not considered. At the same time,,we need intelligent,,polite skeptics. Not belligerent kids that only know the four letter alphabet. And btw,,this is not just about Robert. This is about everyone. I happen to read RLs BF post,,and I enjoy them. Most of the ones I've read are informative to say the least. And nothing personal against any site,,,but his thankfully is for the most part free of belligerent nonsense. And maybe that's a lot of this. I've noticed so many of the hard working,,dedicated and knowledgable people,,are joked about and such. That reeks of jealousy and envy. Those are two traits frowned upon anywhere,,,not just in BF world.

  20. I posted here a couple months ago that Melba could come out of left field and make all us go WHOA.....looks like she is in the batters box now....just sayin .......tkoenig


  21. I have sequenced DNA for a previously unrecognized Hominem ans also have HD footage of said creature. Wanna see?

    ......Psyche........Sorry i was mistaken.

  22. I'm taking a shit as I read this and I cannot believe the amount of mud that came out of my ass!!! Piles and piles of it! Like a Monkey shit!

    1. Did you put it in a jar to send to Melba?

  23. Or..... Sorry , the men in black came and took it all, the govt. does'nt want you to know.

    1. That's right we did. We took it to protect the lumber industry, or was it the pharmaceutical industry? Maybe it was the military-industrial complex? Oh I remember! We did it to protect people from the truth, because knowing the truth could kill them. It's an actual cause of death you know. Oh wait you're not supposed to know that, cause it could kill you.

      - A Man in Black

    2. so what they came in your house and said that was swamp gas you really didn't see anything and remember we know where your parents live

  24. *HD footage of Sasquatch already exist...The proof of this creature was established a LONG time ago..Now any "studies" of the existence of Sasquatch or DNA "proof" is only an attempt to make money...I say shoot one..but beware, their family will be close by to recover YOUR body if you do. Capture a baby Squatch...maybe you can teach it to talk.

    1. Then I say, shoot the fucking lot of them as one body wouldn't do anyway!

      Bring in a bloody pod (actually what do you call a group of mythical creatures?)

    2. A can of cryptids? A baloney of Bigfoot?

    3. A lore pod or a pod of mythos

    4. This place should change its name to TBHB - The Bad Humor Blog.

    5. A soirée of Sasquatch

  25. Here we go AGAIN....Dajavu anyone?..Go back a year and read what she was doing....soon...soon...
    Keep listening to her, give her more time..Gesh
    I for one am DONE giving her the time of day.
    Ketchm= who??

    1. You've been giving her the time of day? What the fuck?

  26. The parade of stupidity just gets better.

    Questionable credentials.

    A scientifically questionable "study."

    A premature press release.

    And now... what will be an obvious hoax video to any thinking people.

    The squatch believers will eat this shit up!

  27. Melba doesn't give a flying shit About any of the comments from the nay-sayers on this site. There is always idiots that won't believe stuff so it's expected.

    1. Melba said that the Sally who posts here is not the real Sally....So, no you're wrong, she does care. She's proabably doing everything in her power to dispel the rumor that she and Sally are lovers as we speak.

    2. I thought she was dating Igor. Guess he is a beard....

  28. There are two issues:
    1. Does Sasquatch exist?
    2. If so, what is it?

    I wish we would focus on #1 and then worry about the second issue afterward.


  29. lol bigfootery aka the perpetual carrot on a stick routine

  30. If you don't show the HD footage, it's as good as not having HD footage.

  31. I have a couple of questions:

    1. Have any of you idiots ever composed a paragraph, or proof read a sentence before?

    2. Why do you care so much one way or the other? If there are Sasquatches out there, AWESOME! It would be a wonderful stride in biology; if they turn out to be a new ape or monkey, AWESOME AGAIN! It shows that undiscovered species do exist all over the world. If they turn out to be some form of homoerectus, that's cool too!

    3. Why do so many of you childish little trolls waste so much time attacking people here? If you do not believe in it, good for you...go back to playing Warcraft and devolve into your imaginary world, where you actually believe "Orks are real, magic exists, and Gandolf is immortal"; how dare anyone actually think that there could actually be a living and breathing unknown species to distract you from your Internet masquerade.

    And lastly, stop posting "anonymously", if you don't have the balls or the intestinal fortitude to post your BS attacks, threats, insults, and vulgarities while using your real name...it does nothing but show your cowardice and destroys your credibility.

    Grow up and at least act like you have some damned manners.

    Wayne Stacy

    1. whatever it is is it certainly isnt a 8-9ft 800pd apeman. a dead cat/critter/ carpret ,yes! there is no scsale and the usual 1=one] PHOTO. IF YOU WERE TAKING THE MONEY SHOT OF A BIGFOOT SLEEPING YOUD MAKE DAMN SURE YOU TOOK AS MANY SHOTS AS YOU COULD. SHOCK HORROR,EVEN WAIT TILL IT STOOD UP AND YOU ARE A MILLINAAIRE. NO YOU TAKE 1 AMBIGUAOUS SHOT. RED FALG TIME

      ps sorry for shouting

  32. Human DNA what is so rare about human DNA. Sounds like someone is selling a little snake oil.

  33. This is outrageous. Ok. So you have to be a scientist or your a complete and hopeless,,blundering idiot!?! Is that what were being told by the "intelligent" and "educated" community!?! A monumentous study is finished. And not a two week fling. Not even a year. But many years. And results were triple checked. And this Dr Ketchum is staking not only her name,,,but her company's,,and therefore by them sending blind samples out to many credible labs,,witch get complimenting results,,those are in this as well. And when you account all of the other mind numbing factors into this ball of technology meets legend,,and the results are confirmed,,,it shows up human DNA in parts and unknown DNA in parts,,and these people are going to tell us that the researchers or someone in that area possibly CONTAMINATED THE SAMPLES?!? Is that there best shot!!? Seriously. It's one thing to admit that your narrow minded enough to admit you cannot see how these beings exist. Well,,that's easy to see if you live anywhere other than prominent sighting locales,,as in Pacific Northwest. Most people I've talked to,,they fire right off,,right now. "Bigfoot don't exist" ok. My reply. How do you know this. "We'll that short segment of really old footage.,,you know,,it was at a creek or beach. I seen something that said it was a hoax." Ok. I ask next,,what else? 90 percent of time,,that's the only thing about BF they know about. IMO,,the ones stating their opinion about the study,,,would lead me to believe these are the types we are dealing with. And if this is in fact the case. WE are DOOMED. Utterly and totally Doomed. May someone have mercy on us and Bigfoot. Lol

  34. And for the record. I am not a scientist. Lmao. I'm not even college educated. But I have enough basic understanding that if results come back in what was said "have never been seen before" ,,I cannot rule out either contamination or the other possibility/s. To make a statement without knowing every detail of the research/methods/entire list of everyone involved would be illogical.

  35. Why would these people (trolls?) claiming Ketchum's DNA studies are "crap" be more credible than this doctor who has run a DNA lab since 1985? That does not necessarily make her right all the time, but why should I believe some internet anon compared to this very public person with a reputation at stake. There are reasons that the "shadow goverment" (one useful shorthand term; there are probably other, more appopriate ones) does not want us to know about creatures unknown. It means there are other "unknowns" out there, like ETs, other forms of energy that would undermine oil, other forms of currency and exchange that would undermine bankers, other forms of advanced intelligent life that would undermine world politicians (and no one should be more undermined than politicians.)

  36. I don't know if BigFoot exists or not. But from what I understand true believers often worry that BF would be disturbed or even hunted when real proof comes out.
    Proving BF is almost human would make most people think twice before harming them and help pass laws to protect them.
    So....hopefully they release the DNA evidence followed by video and pics of BF taken while observing them where they live.

    I'm not getting my hopes up but that would be crazy.

  37. Melba is also planning on releasing an autographed picture of Mohamed and a few copies of an album that recently come into her possession, "Jesus Sings the Blues".

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