Dr. Melba Ketchum: Bigfoot is real

There you have it. The following statement is straight from the horse’s mouth. Bigfoot, according to the good doctor, is real. Dr. Melba Ketchum recently sent out a press release claiming to have scientific proof of Bigfoot. However, she has yet to reveal the names of the PhDs or universities involved in her study. All we have are her words. Earlier today, when asked upfront whether Bigfoot is real or not, Ketchum answered without hesitation: "Yes, it is real."

In the same thread, Ketchum claims to have the DNA evidence to prove it as well as a "short video". Ketchum now appears to be extremely certain of Bigfoots existence. Is it possible that her paper is actually legit and that she's hearing good news about the Bigfoot DNA paper she submitted for peer review?

Back in April 2012, someone had asked if the "manuscript" is legit. Ketchum's answer:
It is legitimate science involving several disciplines. I wouldn't have double digit co-authors many with PhDs and some University Heads of Departments if this was nothing more than a hoax. We are ALL putting it on the line. Like one head of department said, this is so interesting, why wouldn't we want to be a part of this? Most of the authors have been in on this project for a long time. As we did more science, we added a couple more with a certain expertise. Our bases are well covered.

- Dr. Melba Ketchum


  1. Keep up the Great work Melba!

    1. Love you Shawn but the BS needs calling out if we are ever going to prove this species.

    2. Shawn please just delete all looneytoon's comments. Do yourself a favor.

    3. So are you saying this whole Ketchum circus show is not Looney toons?

    4. Too early to say "looney tunes", my friend. Let the study get rejected, by someone other than Igor, before you claim anything.
      This is such an important issue, it needs time to work itself out.
      Not saying your wrong, just premature in your judgement.

    5. The claim is bigfoot is a human hybrid from 15000 years ago. No more needs to be said. Looney toons.

    6. This is why we can't have nice things.

    7. Well, Sir, I guess we'll see!

    8. your a real wise ass, aren't you bobby?!

    9. Not trying to be. Just stating my opinion. If that offends you, I suggest you move on to the next post.
      Or, go ahead and put me down, call me names, whatever... I have thick skin, my friend.
      Happy New Year!

    10. I can't stand that looney tunes shit either...

    11. I choo choo choose you.. and there's a picture of a train!

    12. The Ketchum thing will play out as it will. It doesn't matter one way or another.

    13. Guys, she can say whatever she wants, just like Smeja...she has offered ZERO proof. Dont you see that she has so far given nothing to back up her claims, NOTHING. I am not being a bitch here, but this lady is bat-shit crazy and has done nothing so far but embarrass herself, and all believers.

    14. You are officially setting yourself up to make an ass out of yourself.

    15. God I wish I could take a deep, long inhale from the bottom of melba's dirtpipe.
      - said nobody ever

    16. One doesn't simply understand or 'get' looney tunes. You had to have been there.

    17. Nothing to back it up, BiB ? She merely can't say it all at present that's the case still and in the meantime the haters run loose spreading their terror agenda against a study they know zero about. I guess most people just don't understand how long ago that time span really is, 15.000 years.

  2. Replies
    1. Shawn...and delete all stupid comment like this^^
      Do us all a favor....please...

    2. I think that ship sailed a very long time ago.

    3. here here my good man perhaps ye should just DELETE thyself fron this blog entirely

      or DELETE thyself period

    4. I thoroughly agree, Shawn. PLEASE OH PLEASE do some moderating. It's getting SO BAD on this site! I long for the good ol' days, like six months ago, when an actual intelligent conversation could be had here.....

    5. It doesn't get more real than tators and poop in a jar. That is real life shit right there.

    6. Ah yes, another bleeber just climbed on the Big foot short bus. Welcome aboard.

    7. You must be aware of the forum by now, so I ask what is your problem with it? Why do you want the comment section of the blog to be a moderated forum when there already is one? Makes no sense...

    8. Cyndi and anon 526
      perhaps you should both start YOUR OWN web page and compile all of the info and make it a members only page where you two intellectuals could converse with others of your kind

      that would be something now would it not or would that be too much like work for your BIG BRAINS????????????????

    9. perhaps you could DELETE each other now that would be something

    10. That's right Cyndi...might have to go back more than 6 months...it seems like forever we've been putting up with low grade, useless comments. Most all of the intelligent commentators that contributed,speculated, and showed actual interest in actual bigfoot evidence have left, or at least stopped the intelligent dialogue that used to make for interesting blog reading. Now the idiot looneytooners, taterholers, jar poopers, just make it to tiresome to find anything worth reading, let alone try to generate quality, serious bigfoot subject discussion. Very, very sad, compared to what it used to be. Shawn...please do something. There's nothing here now but adolescent arguing, and vulgarity.

    11. There's nothing left in bigfooting to discuss. Its all been done to death. Get a body and then you will find comments worth reading.

    12. I keep my loony tatterhole poop in a jar.

    13. Cyndi go fuck yourself and leave if you dont like it.....stupid byatch!

  3. Dr. Ketchum is not real, therefore, there is no bigfoot.

    I am highly educated.

    I am a girl.

    1. Everything on the Internet is true. Right Rictor?

    2. @5:03, you are sad whatever you are

    3. Wonder who these other experts are and what credentials they have, if they have proved the existence of a mythical creature then i will take my hat off to them.
      And if its just another lie/hoax then it just confirms what most people think... its all just another publicity stunt to give someone 5 mins of fame& make a laughing stock out of the simpletons who think bigfoot is real

    4. @6:45...but that is not the case. Ketchum has gone by the book, followed protocol, there's just no room for wiggle. It's done, work submitted, revisons made, and now the slow engines of academia, and politics take over.

    5. neither is cyndi she must be a figment of intelligent conversation as well

    6. By the way 503 isnt me, and is absolutely pathetic, almost as pathetic as those who lie about fake DNA studies..and yes you giant flaming asshole, I AM a girl, and the only reason it came up was because an idiot like you called me "pencil dick" and claimed I never got laid..LOL better check the mirror in mommies bedroom to see that loser (you).

    7. You're clearly in denial BiB, how do I know that, well because you're here now all the time talking about something you think doesn't exist yet it occupies you enough to kid about it. That means the back of your is speaking to you fool. LOL

    8. Back of your mind that should say.

    9. Nah, 5:03 is you alright, it's you to a tee.

  4. Bigfoot make boom-boom. Then I eat boom-boom, yes?

  5. Well we can all rest assured now. There is no more certain proof then having "fox" come and Gang rape you with his boys. Let me tell you, Melba is speaking from experience, when you wake up with a fuzzy memory and a sore crotch it is obvious what has happened. Bigfoot Raped you!!. We have men sitting on death row for Rapes they did not commit when it is obvious that Bigfoot is to blame. That is why Forensics labs all over the country are under investigation, because they keep finding Bigfoot evidence at crime scenes so they just have to keep framing innocent black guys. The Creator's of South Park have all this figured out because they work for Lucifor

    1. Hassan = stupid raghead fuctard!

    2. Whenever I see 'stupid' followed by a racial slur I am super impressed with that argument.

    3. Hassan, that's some first rate trolling right there.

  6. Lucifer=Fallen Angels. Bigfoot=Fallen Angels.

    1. Drugs, lots of drugs! Crawl back in your hole we made it past 12/21/2012.

  7. Melba is a lunatic, she is money hungry (know from experience) and not credible at all.

    1. Do you know Dr. Ketchum, Mr. Anonymous? Because otherwise your opinion means nothing.

    2. Yeah anon. Bugger off pillow biter

    3. Robin Lynne Forestpeople told me Melba was sane.

  8. Dr. Ketchum is telling the truth. She is the only one who need not fear those who oppose this reveal, as she is an independent researcher- the rest of us have university positions to protect. Watch.....

    Prof. X
    Dept. of X
    X University

    1. Indeed hence the nervous trolling and here's what they stand to lose now she's discovered it - remember, the two origin species existed already 15.000 years ago separately (whoever that unknown male primate father is) and only mated then resulting in Sasquatch. This discovery for whatever reason slipped under the radar of mainstream science perhaps so far intentionally kept from the public for organized religion's sake. No matter what they say there's always an official truth and an unofficial one just like the Allies say, presumably at the time for historical reasonings after WW2, didn't release all Hitler recordings they confiscated where in fact much still remains locked up there. The one with the power is also the one with the means.

  9. I don't trust the dna results but I would like to see the video. Is she referring to the Matila vid?

    1. The original video claim was made in the same post where she also claimed she interacted with a playful family and that they braided her horses hair. The rumors about the Matilda vid was that it, along with the rest of the material associated with the the Erickson project, was to be released after Melba's paper comes out.
      Matilda was never mentioned by Melba or anyone claiming to be part of her project. Robert Lindsay speculated that Melba bought Erickson, though.

  10. I am amazed how many still want to believe Ketchum. Bigfooters have to be one of the most, if not the most gullible bunch of people I've ever witnessed.

    Theres always the next big claim right? Suckers.

    1. Noone here believes her. Only a few loons from the bff still do.

    2. That's not even close to being true @5:16. the looneytooners have chased all the intelligent commentators from the blog. Melba is on the leading edge of genetics science...proving a new species, maybe two. (hybrid and unknown hominid). You looneytooners are on the leading edge of poverty and neurosis.

    3. Her remaining supporters are lame new-agers that believe bigfoots are benevolent,peaceful supernatural beings that dwell in our forests. These people believe 'foots live in close proximity to the enlightened and also mind-speak with them.
      Melba herself is one of these nuts, apparently. It is also possible she is just trying to take advantage of them. Hard to tell....

    4. Anon. 5:46 - You are completely off base here. I am neutral with regards to Ketchum, but I support her getting her paper published. Isn't that what researchers have been calling for for years?? An actual peer reviewed, scientific paper?? Well that's what she's doing and instead of support, this woman has been thoroughly attacked from day one. Give it a rest and let the science stand for itself. DNA DOES NOT LIE.

    5. you're right and based on the recent results shared, she's lying, hello?

    6. Cyndi, dna may not lie but it can be lied about or misinterpreted. This project smelled more like commerce than academics for quite some time-at least since the copyright application was discovered.
      And yes, I think everyone would like to see papers pertaining to cryptozoology get published.-5:26

    7. @7:19....The facts are that Ketchum has not lied about anything regarding dna. So do not imply it, unless you can prove it, which you can't. The best you could do if you were trained in genetics sciences, would be to argue the interpretation of the dna testing results. None of us can do that until the information is made public. That it has not yet does not mean she's lying. Any legitimate researcher would copyright new discoveries and techniques. Only an idiot would not, and only an idiot would criticize someone for doing so. The academics and research come first, the rewards and awards come after. Do you really think Ketchum would just make up stories about Department Heads of Science at major universities being part of her team? She knows very well this could and will be validated. No way she states that unless it is true. (and you don't get to be a dept head unless you have serious, serious, credentials).

    8. Ketchum will not prove bigfoot, and does not have bigfoot DNA. It really is that simple folks. It's all bullshit. Just like ALL bigfoot claims. This one will end the SAME.

    9. 7:53 Only an idiot would believe a cat vet who never published a paper in her life has something of substance underneath all this tomfoolery. Have fun reading her self-published bullshit on her website....

    10. Of course most people here don't believe her because they're obviously not smart enough to fully get this and grasp the concept in other words lying to themselves, knowing they've lost this has now turned into her hate space.

    11. ^^^ deluded and needs medication. no one is that stupid.

    12. Bigfooters have to be one of the most, if not the most gullible bunch of people I've ever witnessed. Esp Alex Midnight Walker. BTW CYNDI GO FUC YOURSELF AND MAKE ME A SAMICH!

    13. Then that makes you the Retarded Follower if you believe what you just wrote Dick Head! ^

    14. Indeed he is. They're deniers that's all and people have that tendency when facing the unknown.

  11. Well she is lying because I can tell you for a FACT that bigfoot doesn't exist. Her video has already been debunked by Munns and he's the biggest bleever of them all.

    Simply toons.

    1. ^^^^^^^^^

      Useful idiot at 5:15.

    2. What's 5:15 good for? Help us out...

    3. You can't prove it for a fact because it is not 100% impossible for there to be a very small(200?) and isolated population of...well, something.
      If a legend(i.e population 0) can cause this phenomena, then so can a very small population.

    4. Munns has seen Ericksons "Matilda" video? Has good ol'Munns Put up a breakdown/comment? I personally would love to see the video, although I think the still image released/leaked looked pretty unconvincing.

      Love you guys. Shawn, please moderate the comments.... Please. Civility is key.

    5. Munns saw one of the videos and said they look like bad wookie costumes.

    6. 6:05 This is an old story. Munn's popped up on the Erickson thread on the BFF and said 1 clip he was asked to examine was a wookie mask. He did not specify what the footage was supposed to be or who took it, but it was probably something the Kentucky homeowners gave to Erickson.
      I agree with you though: I want to see the videos from the project anyway. Release the pancake video!!

    7. @5:15 you useless idiot. Your "facts" are SIMPLY not facts. You just have a simpleton looney tune infested brain. Shawn...please, please,please, please, start deleting these idiots.

    8. ^^ that kinda sounds like the real Mill Bunns on his knees begging for clemency.

      Only the real Phil Bunns would throw an insult in his first almost sentence.

      Question for Nill Punns: why no results? slow month?

  12. The fact that the "center piece" of her study turned out to be bear and Smeja certainly hurt her credibility...Although I do hold out just a glimmer of hope that she has something...Wish someone would just tranq one, chip it with a GPS detection device of some kind and turn it loose. No kill and we can find it again anytime.... existence proven.

    1. Can't prove an imaginery creature bro.

    2. Prove that any of Ketchum's test samples turned out to be a bear. Cutino was testing a coyote hide and his Canadian lab came back with bear. The fix is in.

    3. Who knows. Its crazy. Can someone just release the bigfoot genome data like Bart did for the bear.

    4. It's absolutely ludicrous to suggest Bart & Tyler's labs have it wrong. This is the good Dr's only escape. THose guys did the right thing and at least for now gave me some hope for those that represent this pitiful field. My hats off to them as I'm sure they would've liked to have different results.

    5. Warning:

      Useful idiot spotted at 5:19.

      Take normal precautions.

    6. Melba will show them the truthe then they will know.

    7. Melba couldn't find my dog's asshole if I shavrd it and painted it red.

      That's why I use a country vet.

    8. The best troll comments are always the ones were they deny these imaginary creatures to themselves lol when it's only these trolls' poor imagination that imagine that's what this species is lol It's always a good reasuring laugh to know such sad nerds are out there all helpless lol

  13. Proven hoaxer now we know justins sample is a bear. Somehow she got "bigfoot" from Justin's DNA. I know I know you can't write this shit.

    1. Prove that Smeja's sample that he gave Ketchum is a bear. Smeja did not give Cutino the same sample that he gave Ketchum because the BFRO was apparently not to be included in the Ketchum DNA study. Cutino is BFRO. Cutino's lab then falsified their results to get bear from coyote. So Cutino got a coyote from Smeja. Smeja probably has a freezer filled with various wild animal hides. All unlabeled.

    2. This is hilarious, isn't Bart also in AIBR, his own group and god knows how many others? To suggest a University like Trent would falsify anything is crazy...batshit crazy.

      You must be a forest person that believes bigfoots speak through their minds. God help you you nutbag

    3. He said she said nonsense, excuses and more excuses. Let's just see some evidence of this 8 foot monkey running around north america. Shouldn't be too hard to find right?

    4. The bigfoot haters are just too damn funny they're evidently way too dumb when they conclude Melba's study has somehow failed just because one sample is a known animal, as Smeja's steak may be, they're conveniently forgetting many DNA study samples always turn out to be so in lab studies and likely were in hers too however all the rest were not and that's where the discovery's made. Make the differentiation please you're clearly incapable of that so here have some crow in advance.

  14. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

    1. Where are you going with this?

    2. To the cupboard to get her more food, of course.

    3. Your kitten needs a new owner, because in the near future it's owner simply won't be able to survive in the world of people...(right about the time your parents kick you ass out of the house)Maybe they'll keep the cat.

    4. You're honestly not hurting me.
      Her breath still smells like catfood...

    5. Who cares about your GOD DAMNED CAT!!!

    6. She's not a cat, she's a kitten.

    7. My ass smells like a hole!

  15. The Smeja-steak-DNA-hoax accusation doesn't make much sense. The DNA result on that, if contaminated with Smeja's DNA, would still have shown bear DNA as well. It's a really sloppy and weak accusation, that one, that she's mistaken bear DNA for Sasquatch DNA based on human contamination. The contamination allegations will have to be more precise and make sense in order to carry any weight.

    We don't know how credible she is or isn't, but a full-on hoax would destroy her ability to make a living, unless she is counting totally on a book and film deal which will amount to a massive retirement fund. But that seems a huge risk. Those could fall through, publishers back out, etc.

    1. Das Melba will be on television faster than you can say Muck Monegrubber.

    2. No use guys the ranting on this blog won't influence other scientists as you hope, only DNA speak the true language of science.

    3. Having a degree and an ability to do a DNA test does not science make. She has to 1.) Have the full knowledge of DNA science, 2.) An ability to use the results of a DNA test and pull both her knowledge and the results together into a credible theory about the nature of the results, 3.) The ability to write a thorough, cited, well-written and detailed paper that her theory is backed up by DNA science and 4.) Scientists who have reviewed her paper and agree with her.

      It is a big job. Does she have the ability? What do we know? I believe that she can do a DNA test, but know nothing about the other qualifications that are working or are not working for her.

      Reading between the lines, I think she may be having troubles with the paper that have zero to do with the existence of Bigfoot.

    4. The data's all good her problem is all coming from colleagues with their own agendas and reasons for not believing it, after all who wants to be proven wrong as they're about to be.

  16. I notice Shawn took my comment down. What he won't take down is since I called Ed Smith out, Lee has said nothing. There is nothing like a knockout punch. It hurts the wrist but its fun watching them fall.

    Paulites, Walker, Johnson, and many others supported and pimped the Ketchem study. They are the real hoaxers because they were blinded by greed.

    I hope everyone on this blog a HAPPY NEW year.

    I am glad I was one of the only ones to go public and expose these two frauds of 2012. If I can be of further service, let me know.

    1. Fasano keep fighting the good fight, respect to you my brother.

    2. ^^^you've exposed nothing but your stupidity. You're just a low class hater, dissing highly educated respectable professionals.

    3. ^^^ lol at the respectable professionals. in bigfoot! lollllllll.

    4. Professionals ie people that make money out of bigfoot yes there are a few. Respectable? No.

    5. tim you are the biggest clown in the tabloid
      bigfoot circus, That's the worst fuckin label on the planet !!
      and you wear it perfectly...
      2013 the year win tim fasano is laughed out the bigfoot world !!!!
      BYE BYE LARD ASS !!!!!!

    6. oh the hate flows strong in these fools.

      Happy New Year Big boy, I'll admit I was a little slow on the uptake with your whole comedy bit about the Geneva Convention. I did get it after I had thought about it. Kudos, but next time throw a wink in there or something.

    7. If you're not an idiot you really don't mind timbo. Once you know bigfoot does not exist(hence not an idiot) you can just laugh with/at timmy. So feel free to not take footery serious. As the comedian says "Its all one big fuckin' joke."

    8. Hey Tim can I get a cab? Im at the Hard Rock in Tampa. Wooo! Happy new year bitches!

    9. Happy New Year Mr. Mayor! Don't forget to tip the waitresses...and the cab driver! Good to see you setting an example by not getting behind the wheel....

    10. To you too anon if that's your real name. I've been taking a cab the past two weeks as I have no idea where I left my Lincoln Continental.

    11. Happy new year uncle Funny

    12. Fasano is so dumb he therefore can't see it's himself - he is - the most clueless gullible guy in bigfootery so have pity on the damn fool.

    13. Why don't you take some time to check yourself? Why not call yourself out?

    14. Have you noticed that it is working out that every 2 years someone claims they have a bigfoot.

    15. Actually i've gained alot of respect for fasano the past coupl months.

      Have a good 2013

  17. Everyone knows rick dyer had a real bigfoot body in 2008 and the government paid him off

    1. Smegma had a body in 2010. The government and footery sucked him off.

      What's your point, kind sir?

  18. tim you are the biggest clown in the tabloid
    bigfoot circus, That's the worst fuckin label on the planet !!
    and you wear it perfectly...
    2013 the year win tim fasano is laughed out the bigfoot world !!!!
    BYE BYE LARD ASS !!!!!!

  19. Melba is an apostle of Bigfoot, there are many more, but she is way up on the list.

  20. Happy new year Bigfoot Evidence and readers it has been one hell of a bizarre year.



  22. New year ..same bigfoot Bullsh*t..HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE,GOD BLESS BE SAFE,CHEERS!

  23. Of course they are real and hopefully within a week I am going to release a video that I think will really stir the pot in the Bigfoot community. I will also add that metaphorically speaking, sometimes you should have been looking at the leaves instead of the forest.

    1. That's all very well but usually you can't see the woods for the trees.

  24. Happy New Year to Shawn and everyone that hangs around this blog! Best wishes for a healthy and happy 2013...

  25. I believe Dr. Ketchum. There nisn't a supposed timeline for a scientifi paper to get published unless there is one by a specific publication. We will just have to wait and see. I have seen plenty of Bigfoot evidence and heard it. I don't need any confirmation. Seem's to me all the skeptics would need DNA to verify something!

    1. I'm a skeptic. Where's your DNA, bitch?

    2. Go blow yourself - if you only could, that is. Pipe dream.

    3. You sound like Bobo John. "I don't need no fricken scientist to tell me they are real or not. I know they are real. I've heard them, I've seen them ".

      I have also.


    4. John if you believe in Melba please go kill yourself now. We dont need another gullible researcher in this field.

    5. Even the maniac trolls here ALL EACH AND EVERY ONE believe in her and the study - that is the whole excuse for their bullshit they know she's spot on 100% correct and those prospects frighten them whatever their different agendas may be.


  26. Happy New Years Shawn, and everyone that reads/posts here!

    Hope it's a good one for you guys/gals

  27. I believe Ketchums work is flawless, how ever i believe several U.S journals refused to look at the study.

  28. Well there ya have it. Case closed folks.

  29. Shawn, why is it when you post things about Melba it always has an implication that she is not creidible. Yet when you posts uninformed opinions of the so called BF community its written as the factual truth? Have some unbiased journalistic integrity. Heck you give fatsano more credibility than Ketchum

    1. Hey fuctard Ketchum has no cred!

    2. Fuck you.

      Another example of an uneducated redneck chickenshit motherfucker who sucks on fasano's wet noodle

  30. Melba is the Orly Taitz of footery.

  31. Here is a serious question: if and when Dr. Ketchum's paper is published, will we finally learn the origins of "mindrape" and Sasquatch electro magnetic pulse blasts? I can't tell if its some stupid ass trolls posting here, but I've seen enough mentions of mindrape to think it must have some basis in the discussion. Could someone please give me a link explaining WTF mindrape is and what it has to do with Dr. Ketchum? Also, where does she say squatches can hunt by pulsing prey with mental electro magnetic energy blasts? I have my own experiences with this phenomenon so I want her take on it.

    1. There's nothing to it for fuck's sake it's you trolls acting stupid.

  32. To all you non believers, I have seen and heard Sasquatch here in Washington State. If you don't believe me, bring your chickenshit ass out here and I'll be your guide and drop you off in the area that I know they exist. You can camp out there for a few days, but I won't be staying. When you get captured and they use you as their personal fuck toy, don't come crying to me....if you escape lol.


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