Breaking: Patty's "herniated muscle" the result of image artifacts

We just received word from an anonymous member of the Bigfoot Forums informing us that Bill Munns just published a statement saying the herniated muscle seen in the Patterson-Gimlin film is only a film artifact. According to Munns, this image artifact only appears in a few copies of the P/G film but not contained in copies closer to the original. Here's a quote from Munns posted in the BFF:

"the so-called herniated muscle is the result of image artificats on one particular copy in John Green's collection, which LMS people scanned for the LMS video. If the artifact is in the Noll frames, that's because Noll also used the green copy for his frame scans. It is not in Copy 8 made from the original by ANE company, and it's not in the Patterson Archive copy which was made by Roger before loaning the original to Green and Dahinden so Canawest Labs could made their copy master and subsequent print copies.


In many documentaries about the Patterson-Gimlin film, some experts claim the herniated muscle can clearly be seen on the creature's leg.  According to these experts, the hernia protrudes at the right time when the underlying muscle moved. Munns latest statement has finally confirmed once and for all that it's just a film anomaly.


  1. Replies
    1. Anyone who still believes patty is real has a herniated brain.


    2. Why is the the PGF always Patty this is an older obese individual and those are man boobs, it's so obvious.

    3. There called moobs if you are going to comment on here you must use the correct terminology, we would also have accepted bitch tits. Thank you.

    4. hahhrr..suck them thar titties

    5. But wait... Paulidies said that was a bullet eruption. Oh yes, I forgot that he says slot about DNA, UFO, and CRAP like Melba does. Blue orbs, mystical fogs and shit like that.

    6. A nephilim who survived a massive wound from Gabriel's lightning bolt during the war for Heaven. Now it walks around avoiding humans and screaming at Matt Moneymaker. Amazing, womderful video proof.

    7. No hoax so Paulides' probably right.

  2. That's what she said

    No really!!

  3. I agree with Bindernagel, let's give the PG film a rest.

    1. Whenever the Ketchum study's out and being presented, I'm guessing at some press conference somewhere, along with other video bits as visual proof they should show this film because people will want to see the species as well as hearing it's real.

    2. When Ketchum's study is debunked they'll probably show the P/G film to illustrate just how stupid footers are.

    3. Yeah ok because what your so intelligent? Then you wonder why no one listens to you guys because that's all you got this is a hoax that's a hoax. Then I will talk shit and bitch and moan and cry. It doesn't help your cause to not do any research and once you don't have anything left next it's time to bash religion. Cause you are so fuckin important that you just have every right in the world to first bash Bigfoot then next bash their god. Ok genius who did the first study of that film and you better know if you got it on such good authority that you can call everyone's beliefs into question.

    4. Hasn't everybody got the right to an opinion? So anyone can bash Bigfoot and any religion they want right? So that anon has the right to air his views as much as you yeah? Am I right?

    5. Yeah go right ahead. So back to topic where did you get your info cause apparently you are so knowledgeable.

    6. I'm not the same anon you were arguing about I'm just saying his views are as valid as yours! He could be right or wrong but if you're allowed your views he is too!

    7. Yeah but do you see any sense in we don't like Bigfoot lets go there and talk smack. Where is the logic for that. I'll tell you no where cause all it is, is just like grade school people don't think like us lets go talk shit and be fuckin bullies you don't see the majority of us go to your skeptic sight and run of at the mouth everyone is here for a discussion but rather then show one shred of evidence you say nay and boo. Which to be honest makes all of you look like bullying little bitches

    8. Bandini knows what he's talking about. He's even witnessed the building of a dam in the middle of the Amazons in Brazil.

    9. Nope the dam isnt built yet but I have been to the site my father inlaw is the project consulting engineer so now what

    10. Listen,we really have no evidence of bigfoot at this date and time so no sense getting upset with skeptics,they really have the upside here.

    11. I'm not upset what so ever. I figured it was merchant mad about yesterday. I did say some pretty awful shit but that's what they do to is talk max shit in video but it don't bother me honestly I could just turn off the computer I never heard about any of the people here except moneymaker. And I was lookin up something cause I was bored. So I figured hell I got two weeks off and here I am

    12. Damn. Time for some Rush.

      Half the world hates
      What half the world does every day
      Half the world waits
      While half gets on with it anyway

      Half the world talks
      With half a mind on what they say
      Half the world walks
      With half a mind to run away

      Half the world lies
      Half the world learns
      Half the world flies
      As half the world turns

    13. Hey there rumfer, are you moderating that rum? lol. Hope all is well. I cannot moderate my Rush intake.

    14. The point is its ok to have your own opinion but it should be backed up by some facts however large or small. You get people both believers and skeptics who just start spouting off based on nothing. Then you have people like Merchant who complain and cry and actually do not add anything to the discussion at large. He only wreaks havoc.

    15. half the world tries to be the other half,steathily attacking,bigfoot slays his foe

    16. ha,indulge freely and frequently in Rush,my friend.It is good for you

    17. Yes, Rush is great for the soul. rumfer, you are no doubt a great person.

      I believe in what I see
      I believe in what I hear
      I believe that what I'm feeling
      Changes how the world appears

  4. *cue the Price is Right loser music*

    bum-bum-ba-bummmm waaaa

  5. You mean to say that isn't herniated tissue? But the experts said it was! There's YouTube videos and everything! Even Dr. Meldrum said so... there's no way anyone could hoax that! Unless of course it was never there in the first place.

    1. Strange that there is no link to Munn's statement. Do we have to wait until the press conference is over or maybe we just wait til we get it from the horses mouth...



    2. Yeah that seems to be the norm for this site almost as if on selected posts they don't want you to check the source.

    3. It's just a slow news day and Shawn has to post something and we've run out of deer stories and cute animal videos! At least this is Bigfoot related and it seems to have people discussing it, so meh

  6. Why trust an anonymous person??? I'll wait for Munns to release the statement himself and to show us before I'll accept that its just an artifact.

    1. Somebody will post the name of the thread on the BFF sooner or later if it is true....

    2. bill did post that, it's true but it does not change his analysis of the whole film.

    3. Jay, I meant the quote comes from a thread on the BFF(Munns is a member) and someone will post here specifically where to find it. I know you know what I meant but I worded that badly. Anyway, I'm sure 4:46 is correct.

    4. I always thought Patty was a little too smooth and graceful in her movements for a herniated muscle like as severe as that looked. There was no limp or even hint of injury in the movement. Doesn't negate the creature itself though. Another thing I noticed is that the upper large butt muscles (glutes) didn't seem to flex like the upper hamstrings and upper, outer thigh did. (right side). Maybe its there, but I didn't see it. Or maybe that kind of forward posture doesn't require as much flexation of those muscles.

    5. Oh, okay thanks! Yeah, sorry I didn't know Munns was on that forum...well I'm depressed now haha! I still wonder if maybe it isn't just as evident on the original. No offense to Munns, I have huge respect for him, but I am gonna trust the experts who study muscles which say that it was a herniation for now.

    6. I really don't think that the herniated muscle being an artifact ruins it though. As long as the awesome super ripped leg muscles (and other features like skull flatness and mouth movement) are legit, I still think this is likely a non-human primate.

    7. I haven't studied the film closely by any means but to me the walk looks like a little old mans!

    8. primate or human?someone should write a paper on it

    9. Rumferlife: Humans are primates, sorry I get bothered when people say they're seperate haha

    10. sorry jay,you are correct

    11. I liked rum's idea there we should get someone to do a DNA study into Bigfoot! Who's with us?

    12. Yes we're primates Jay, but Bigfoot's a human primate like us not a nonhuman.

  7. You know everyone has their opinion on bigfoot and the people that produce this site and have their head up Michael Merchant's ass have really never been in the field to research. They only take sides (AKA) Merchant and blow off any significant proof of others. Carpenter is a huge supporter and he never gets recognized on this site. Why? You all are all killers of what the truth is and why you always say Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments. But you continue to trash Melba and her evidence. You guys are completely fools and do not credit the true bigfoot search.

    1. I like this site because it keeps me up on all the bigfoot sightings but I agree, these asses are bias and Michael Merchant is a joke with a camera

    2. True anon 1:44, if anything it's an anti bigfoot site that does throw in the news when it hits but generally it's a joke blog.

    3. Ya know, you guys could always fuck off.

    4. Not you poop in a jar guy I was talking to the douchers above you.

    5. Why have you BE geeks stitched Patty's lips together ? You're not being funny, you know.

    6. Yeah you tell those killers of truth!!!! Yeah damn you all to hell! How dare you mock Ketchum this wonderful woman who has avoided the spotlight and has provided so much documentation so far for her wild claims and also tirelessly fighting for the rights of these beautiful Forestpeople!!!! Yes damn you all and when the study is published in 2025 in North Korea you'll all be eating crow you doubters!!!

    7. Oh because you are sooo fuckin important with all of your hear say and conjecture. Cause apparently you know so much you must speak to dr. Ketchum right. Oh wait no you don't do that. Then you must speak to god you have to to have all the knowledge right. No you can't you say no one is there. But wait if you guys don't speak to either one where does all your info come from? Oh that's right you have no references because you guys just make up bullshit to give people a hard time about something they like to believe and about ones god. So how exactly do get info to speak all this nonsense. Never mind I just realized you pull it out of your ass with your butt plug. Well keep up the good work it's not easy to fabricate shit on a daily basis fuckin flamers

    8. 1:44 That is not true. Carpenter's stuff is posted here quite often-probably every time he puts something his blog or youtube channel(both of which I became aware of by hanging around here). If you think there is something we should see, post a link.

      Hello poop in a jar guy. How's it going?

    9. No I've gotta right to knock people who big ass bold statements with no evidence because like me they haven't seen Ketchum's paper either yet they make out as if it's all ready proven fact! As for God prove to me he exists! Whoops you can't do that can you? People have their views and I have mine, they don't like my views then answer back or turn the other cheek! If you're beliefs can't take the odd bash or two what does that say about them and you?

    10. Every time I hear or read someone refer to the figure in the film as "Patty," it drives me absolutely bananas and I want to run outside and jump off the nearest bridge. Please stop before someone dies needlessly.

    11. Sorry, "Patricia" could have been hoaxed or could be real. I hate abbreviated names too :)

    12. That's better, thank you @ 5:20. I've calmed down now.

    13. Patty
      are you dead yet?
      how close is that bridge?

    14. No not that I read I even said myself it may be true it may not. But rather then waitin to see where it goes or if she gets flushed. But you guys keep sayin your statement right there pretending like every single one of us is ready to take her report as gospel. Maybe a straggler here or there said it not one person with half a brain said anything like that we just asked why you guys and merchant keep makin video to bash the woman without letting either side see where it will go from here so that must make you feel real special make fun of a woman who is not here to defend herself then we will attack god because no one has proof on that right so you must just be so bad that you can't talk about anything in the here now you follow the other one.

    15. harry,put down the whiskey and pick up the rum,as for melba,fuck her,if she proves it shes rich ,right?

    16. Sure thing man I'm sorry I just never seen such a large group of them come to talk shit and it's over the dumbest shit rather then debate they bash beliefs I'm sorry but that sounds a lot like the bully to me and it's supposed to be site where we can come and discuss. I never get hyped up I'm easy going but I can talk shit with the best of them

    17. Be patient, Ketchum will prove that God does exist, in due time.

  8. Here we go again, now all the hoax asshats will say it's just a suit. Should this just be a film artifact it'll hardly make the film any less significant and authentic, you can count literally hundreds of details on her body supporting the expert conclusion what we see is a real flesh and blood being and no suit those countless details remain as impossible to fake today as they were yesterday. Munns should stress that. Her anatomy and build proves that. There's also been talk of some small fabric sticking to her leg, this however is not present in all film prints so that bit is indeed film dirt.

    1. Actually the EXPERT conclusion is that Bigfoot’s not real.

    2. The wrong experts say that and aren't much of experts then are they. DNA proof shortly now wait and wank somewhere else.

    3. Everyone knows the foots love blueberry bagels not muffins

    4. What do you care? I'm interested in the bigfoot phenomenon but it boggles my mind that whenever anyone questions the PG film foaming at the mouth footers come out of the woodwork like someone just insulted their mothers. It's insane. You can look at the film critically. But this film is gospel truth for the bleevers out there.

    5. If by “wrong experts” you mean biologists with doctoral degrees who are experts in the field of biology and use facts, the scientific method, and credible evidence to reach their conclusions, then no, those are the right experts. You and your “experts” are retards.

    6. Yeah damn scientists! Fuck your reason and logic!!!! They're just all trying to keep the information suppressed !!!! What do biologists know anyways?!! It's not for man to talk about or know about it's just for the all knowing invisible man who made this earth 6000 years ago!!!!

    7. The only potential conspiracy in this whole Ketchumgate affair would involve blogs like this one being in on the hoax. I've noticed that Melba related posts generate the most traffic, as the whole skeptic versus believer arguments are rehashed at least 20 times a week by the same people. The subject seems to incite the most fervent passions of those on both sides of the issue. Obivously, the owner of the blog benefits and I would not be surprised if Melba herself is receiving part of the financial proceeds.

    8. Rush Rules! just hedging my bets for some of that scratch,Shawn that last check you sent bounced.I know you're good for it.

    9. Yeah I'm due a big pay out from the secret world order for all my posts! Although in all honesty it is getting dull having the same arguments over and over sometimes with several different people on the same thread. I think Ketchum has divided everyone you are right there and any posts get a crazy number of commenters but that's because it's the big news at the moment and not a funny deer video or a cute Panda!

    10. Oh no 2:18, most mainstream scientists are fucking stupid when it comes to outside the box thinking. It challenges all they've been taught by those before them even more stuck, so they're really just passing the running stick along not inventing it anew.

  9. Okay, no hernia in the tissue, just something that showed up in 24th generation versions of the film. I accept that now -- but please explain why Patty is carrying a blueberry muffin.

  10. there wildmen in the smokey mountains. I seen. They will follow you and get you if you arent careful.

    1. Sure thing, Todd. Why don't you get back to sylvanic. But be sure to wear a tinfoil hat. Melba says the squatches can read your mind.

    2. those aren't wildmen,thats joe black

  11. Horse hide costumes don't have hernias and most creatures that I know of have more than one eye.
    The other muscles are just Bobs clothes moving under the suit.Sorry I believe that bigfoot is real but that film is not one of them.

    1. I think it more likely that Bob was sweating profusely so that the costume was clinging to him and that the “muscle movement” is caused by Bobs own muscles.

    2. The muscle movement in the legs are the rubber boots Bob wore and in the top part of the suit it is the shoulder pads and Bobs own cloths.
      If you want the truth about this film you have to listen to both sides of the story.
      Just think about what Mike rugg said Patricia Patterson wanted a piece of the pie when they showed a reel that diddn't even belong to her at Discovery days.That museum doesn't have a lot of money but she wanted some anyway.
      The film is a fake Patterson is not some god he is just a guy that pulled off a hoax and got away with it.
      When there is a very clear photo of a Bigfoot you will see it does not look like Patty.

    3. Yeah, Yeah, we get it. Patterson was a con-artist and his bitch is a piece of shit. But I don't see how rubber boots, shoulder pads, and Bob's clothing is necessary to account for any “muscle movement” which people claim to see. A hose fur suit is going to be hot as fuck, and it's going to get sticky as fuck with actual hose skin on the inside. It's also going to be heavy and “drape” around whoever is wearing it. I don't doubt that he was wearing shoulder pads under the suit, but the most parsimonious solution seems to be that the “muscles” are Bob's own muscles. I just don't see anything in the film that Bob's own muscle moment in a heavy, damp, horse skin suit can't account for.

      The point is that there's no need to contrive a more complex explanation then is warranted. You could be right about the boots, but Bob was a football player and the expansion and contraction of his own gastrocnemius could easily be visible through the fur suit.

    4. What is hose fur and hose skin? You can make a suit out of hose?

    5. I'm kinda on the fence on PGF it could have been the greatest hoax ever of it could have been the real deal and at the end of the day only the people who filmed it truely know and one of them is dead. I would say that I don't think that Bob or anyone else's muscles would show through a heavy suit like that, it would have a thick backing that the fun fur or horsehair is either glued on or punched into. I think that material would be too thick to let even the biggest guy's muscles show through. The technology we have today is a lot different and it could be achieved easy with foam padding, polyester hair or probably Yak hair cut in certain places to naturally accentuate the bumps of the muscles and put on an ultra thin skin suit made from manmade fibers. Anyways everyone's seen Harry and the Hendersons so pretty obvious what we've been able to do SFX wise for the last 20 years! No way that Morris costumes guy could have done that in the 60s as Patty does look better than 90% of the Hollywood monsters from that period! Who knows ? It's still cool to watch it and think what if it was real :)

    6. Patterson admitted on his death bed that the whole thing was a hoax. Case closed.

    7. Actually he didn't that was cleared up on here a two weeks ago? Everyone says they heard that Patterson confessed on his deathbed but it wasn't him it was a story about one of the famous Loch Ness hoaxers. Patterson didn't confess to anything, doesn't mean he didn't hoax but he didn't confess :)

    8. I remember seeing a television show in the early 80's in which Patterson's wife said that he admitted before he died to the hoax. For whatever reason the show/interview has disappeared.

    9. The most impressive detail is the bulging of the right calf muscle. The area is large enough to rule out grain, bleeding of colors or whatever else people knowledgeable about film refer to as artifacts. I doubt the cause of it is an actors actual muscle for the reasons ^4:17 gave.
      Maybe a water bag. Roger was quoted as saying "Just look at the muscles" to a reporter, and when you see the bulge it looks like Patty is turning his right foot inward to give a better view of that muscle. could be the calf muscle of a sasquatch!

    10. It was cleared up on here? You mean this blog? This one? Lol I don't think anything ever actually gets cleared up here more like it gets turned into a tangled mess

    11. 5:08 Roger never confessed. As 5:14 alludes, two weeks ago Matt Moneymaker talked about how that falsehood was a result of a mix-up of 'footer lore and a Loch Ness related hoax confession.

    12. On his death bed, Roger said that it was real. I can cite reliable books and articles that say this. And even if the subject in the film doesn't have a herniation, it still has some awesome ripped leg muscles!!

    13. When "The Planet Of The Ape's" Movies came out in the early '70s it took around 12 hrs. to get all the makeup and costumes on so to me there is no doubt it is NOT a costume andif it was all that added weight, fabric,etc, there is no way a person could move that gracefully!!

    14. Obviously no hoax - Ketchum's about to prove the species real anyway - seeing one on film scares some people enough so they must compose their massive rants against its realness.

  12. I'll wait to see what Bill Munns himself releases regarding this latest news.

    1. Bill munns is the last person I'd ask about the PGF.

    2. I never said I trusted him, I just want to make sure he actually said it.
      I have no emotional ties to the film as it is. I would rather focus on the "now" instead of the past.
      People always say that evidence presented will stand or fall on it's on merits. The PGF teeters back and forth.

    3. It only teeters back and forth when you don't accept the truth that it's clearly a hoax.

    4. Isn't Bill Nunns the really terrible SFX guy who got fired from Return of the Living Dead for being shit? I've got a feeling he was?!

    5. If it's the truth that the film is "clearly" a hoax, then you must prove your claim. You made it, you own it.

      You can't "prove" the film is a hoax any more than someone can "prove" the film is real. You may have evidence that the film is a hoax, but not proof. Evidence and proof are two different things.

    6. No proof required. No such creature has been found to exist therefore the solution is its a man in a suit.

    7. I can't prove or disprove whether the film is a hoax or if it is real. The only power or influence it has on anyone is what they allow it to have. Whether or not I beleive it's real or a hoax has no merit to someone else. People are entitled to their own opinions in any subject

    8. The Bill For Funns report is a joke.

    9. 4:24 He did not get along with the director according to the defense he presented on his munnsreport site. There was what is considered a bad effect early in the flic.If you're not looking for it(i.e watching in a theater when it was 1st released)it is no big deal. His opponents in this PGF debate do not mention that he also has a very good effect at the end of the movie.

    10. I agree! I greatly respect Munns, but until he totally disproves it for all to see, I am going to accept the statements of muscle morphology experts (who say it is a herniation) before I accept his.

    11. Yeah I have the nice Bluray of Return of the Living Dead with the amazing full length documentary about the making of the movie. From that it was pretty clear it was an unhappy set and the late Dan O Bannon was a real dick as a director! However, the effect that he was fired for was the headless corpse at the beginning in the chiller (he's that yellow dude running around that they cut up and put in the furnace at the crematorium) and the effect that he'd built for it looked like something your dad would do at Halloween. It really sucked and he was rightfully sacked, I think the production designer was really unhappy with his work too. In the doc Munns gets his chance to talk about it too but really they were right to fire his ass! I'm not sure which effect he did at the end that you mentioned but it's one hell of a movie! Before I posted just to make sure it was the same guy before I went totally off topic talking bout zombie movies! Thanks for replying 6:46, I recommend getting the new Bluray if you have a player at home :)

    12. You are welcome-thank you for the heads up on the blu-ray edition. Oh, the effect that was pretty good was the zombie that pops out of the grave and grooves to the music during the end credits.

    13. Bill Munns couldn't prove shit's existence in a full septic tank.

    14. ^So says the guy that puts a straw in a septic tank and takes a HUGE hit of the poop.

    15. Anatomy's already proven it a real squatch. Check. Enough spooked comments against it again to safely confirm it's no hoax but only too real for comfort. Check. Bill Munns proved it so too. Check. Melba Ketchum will too soon. Check.

  13. Replies
    1. It'll never be over, even if they admit it was a hoax people will still believe it's true

    2. I'm sure somewhere out there someone is creating yet another film to feed the fire. People don't like when their worldviews are challenged let alone shattered. They will defend them by any means possible. It's just human nature. Beleive and let beleive I say.

    3. Admit it? LOL That's hardly proof of anything. No, real bigfoot it is meaning nobody will ever admit hoax and the guys who did lie.

  14. I did like his presentation of the tracks he had!

  15. Grimlin's still alive. We can make him talk.

    1. Sorry, but he comes across as a bit of a weasel. He should vigorously defend his slandered friend or leave posterity the true details of the events or shut the fuck up entirely.

  16. So one guy confirms it...once and for all. He can't even find a decent barber so...yeah....

  17. No matter how nice the print or professional the clean up, detail is never added to facial feature-eyes, mouth and nose. Hence, anything small in favor or against authenticity can be attributed to grain and artifacts. You have to take into account the whole story. Roger said he was the worst person to submit the film so I'll believe him and let it go :)

    1. Dunno there was an episode of Monster Quest where they digitally cleaned up the head and face area, think it'll be on YouTube somewhere. They mapped it on the computer and it had the traditional pointy Sasquatch head if I remember rightly ??? Think it had Meldrum on talking bout the gait and the guy in the monkey suit couldn't get the walk anywhere near the same. I dunno only one guy alive can say for sure what happened that day so unless he confesses any time we are all still non the wiser.

    2. I understand how proponents can analyze and argue for authenticity based on something large or sustained like the gait or limb proportions. If by the face area you mean the mouth, I would say that any movement can very well be the result of artifacts like the hernia. I'll check out that MQ episode, I don't remember that one. Thanks.

  18. Patty is hotter than Matilda.

  19. It takes more than one person to create a hoax or a conspiracy and there not all dead yet :)

  20. That's the same statement about snitches. The only way 3 people can keep a secret is if 2 are dead

    1. How do you know it was only 3? They were in the area because they were scouting out a location to make their movie about Bigfoot. A classic story line with a cowboy an Indian a trapper all hunting a Bigfoot.

    2. I don't know that I'm just talkin shit haven't you ever seen casino

  21. Bob Heironimus was asked to explain the bulge and said it was his car keys. Now, maybe he did have his keys in his pocket-but it is possible this shows he is willing lying to lie to defend a claim. Funny how after people say, in so many words "I am a fraud and a liar" we say thanks for your honesty, now please give us the details.

  22. I feel bad for the credulous pretend skeptic JREF footers for bleeving that lying cock sucker Kitakaze when he said he found the P/G suit although it was obvious all along that he was just pretending.

    1. I remember hearing a rumour on here that Kitakaze might have been involved in the Elbe trackway hoax as well and not just Tontar.

    2. I thought Elbe was proven real.

  23. Do not question PG! The film is our best, and only, definitive proof of bigfoot. Without this film, footery would be a sham. I have not wasted thirty years of my life crawling through the forests of the Pacific north west howling like a baboon and knocking wood like a lumberjack for a damn hoax. I've seen the creatures myself. It was just for a brief moment, but I felt him reach out to me. Not with his long hairy fingers but with his mind. He told me not to be afraid. Then a warm golden halo appeared around his head and he told me his name was Raphael. Telekinetically, he warned me that bigfoots needed to remain hidden, but also told me that every bigfoot is a fourth degree blackbelt. The foot used his mind powers to braid my hair without even touching it and sent me on my way with a blueberry bagel. He also have me his cousin's business card for his contracting business. Apparently the foots are starting to turn a profit off of stick architecture.

    1. "The foot used his mind powers to braid my hair without even touching it and sent me on my way with a blueberry bagel


    2. More bullshit from Timmy Toon.

  24. Bill Munns is pissing in the wind and he knows it.

    1. And your down wind with your mouth wide open drinking it.

  25. Bill Munns was fired from ROTLD in 1985. He hasn't done a movie since.

    1. Bill Munns is a self taught and completely uncertified photogrammest.

    2. Bill Munns was banned from jref beccause he couldn't handle critcism or play well with others.

    3. Bill Munns once asked his fellow forum members to give him money to buy a camera from an online auction site.

    4. Bill Munns appeared on television and calculated Patty's height to be 4'6"

    5. Bill Munns received university funding to further his research into the pgf.

      Munns used the money to strip a lady naked in the woods and paint her silver.

    6. Bill Munns once ate spaghetti with Bobo in the bush.

    7. Sadly enough, each of these statements is factual.

    8. Bill munns is actually 4'11" which makes him a midget and he's bowlegged it must suck to not only be a midget but a cripple midget

    9. ^Likes to suck on MK Davis' taterhole.

  26. Bill Munns has finally agreed that flying two patio chairs attached to a porch swing under a helicopter over Bluff Creek in the winter was a pretty fucking stupid idea.

  27. Amazing. It can be clearly seen from sweatiyetis enhancement that patty is wearing a strap on dildo with a fresh mud helmet visible. This indicates there were indeed 2 bigfoots at the creek.

  28. See I knew there was two of'em the bushes were movin and poppin

  29. Munns is wrong. MK says so.

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