Phil Breaks Down Vermont Trail Cam Mother Bigfoot Photo

So what was stealing all the apples on the piece of Vermont real estate? Watch Phil's breakdown below:


  1. omg, i can finally kill myself! FIRST!!!!!

    1. You're doing the right thing. I was first back in March 2011 and realize now it was the highlight of my life. There is nothing left. Someone must stop this madness!

  2. OMG I can finally wound myself!2nd

  3. Replies
    1. i think its more likely to be a 9ft tall, hairy monkeyman that can never get photod, and likes to braid horse and sing.

    2. And I told you moron, there's nowhere for the owl to be.

    3. Thar's 10ft tall. You're right about the braided horse manes though

  4. Shaun, you should rename this blog as team team tazer's bigfoot's evidence

    1. He posts every organizations work, I think. Team Tazer is pretty active hence we get a lot of TT posts.

    2. Has anyone actually seen tallywhackerprime carrying a tazer? I've seen him with a revolver and in his last video he had a shotgun but I've never seen him with a tazer. If he's serious about subduing the magic ape shouldn't he be wandering the woods with some sort of industrial-strength tazer and a set of manacles?

    3. I think I would opt for the shotgun.

    4. Actually, firearms have been found to be minimally effective against imaginary animals. However, a can of GROW THE FUCK UP has been found to keep Bigfoot at bay.

      -The Department of Reality

    5. Tornadobait Tazer is suffering from serious delusional episodes brought on by massive doses of sleep deprivation caused by methamphetamine.
      His last video showed him wearing flip flops in freezing weather? This is for grasping copper wire as you strip it.We all know copper is the the preferred monetary metal of true wiggers?
      Make him go away.......vergearuker

  5. Its A hoax! Its Steve Kulls in a costume!

  6. I think most BFF footers and JREF closet bleevers think it's a Bigfoot. I'm surprised it's not being discussed on the BFF.

    1. I'm not real you fucktard.


    2. ^^^
      In love with a gay magician who's claim to fame is telling the world that people can't really bend spoons with their mind.

    3. ^^^
      Retard who thinks he can bend spoons with his mind.

  7. Bigfoot and Wildboy...BAYAAAAAAAAAAAA

  8. There's no such thing as trail cams, never was, never were, never will be, never would be, never could be.

    1. You're getting just a little too skeptical.

  9. Replies
    1. I can't stop looking at those bikini chicks? This is a real sasquatch.......

  10. Who the fuck is Phil? Who is this cock gobbler and why should I give two shits? Is he a full time Bigfoot skeptic? Okay, if that's what he is that's fine, but he isn't seriously involved in Bigfoot research Bigfoot is he?! All he does is shit out of his mouth. If all you do is arm-chair debunk this type of footage, trail cam pics, ect ... it might be time to come out of the closet as a skeptic.

    Next up, Phil debunks Patterson-Gimlin by saying "it's fake"!

  11. Clearly an Owl. The bigfoot head is the inside of the wing, look, (shoulders) folded wings look, head in middle of wings .even see the beak.

  12. well put anon 9:19pm.. well put!

  13. Yet again while all other animals are clear the supposed 'squatch' is nothing but a stupid blur.
    How phony can this all get.

  14. thanks Phil someone got it right!!!!!!

  15. It looks like the back of an owl swooping in with its wings forward braking it. It it preying on things eating the apples or is it eating the apples its self? I do seem to remember a lot of barred owl calls during the teams night investigation near the site.

  16. they wear owlskins on their heads duh,
    or deer heads
    and they look through the eye holes but they look through the left eye hole with their right eye..they are clever like that.

  17. I seen bigfoot yesterday I even served a booty call to her house BOOM

  18. Then I took some apples from Vermont in the fall and some Jim bean. BOOM


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