SKOOKUM The Movie - One of The Greatest Bigfoot Stories Ever Told

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Bigfoot Chicks, Melissa Adair. As serious researchers, the Bigfoot Chicks are commited to seeking the truth regarding the Bigfoot mystery. You can visit their blog at

"Skookum the movie" project is moving forward!! Everything is in place and it will be the most exciting Bigfoot story yet to be brought to the big screen as soon as production gets underway. With a Bigfoot field researcher directing the film and Dr.Jeff Meldrum as script adviser and cast member, "Skookum" is sure to thrill the Bigfoot community as well as the general public. Find out how you can help bring this awesome story to life by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.

From the producer, Debi King:

"The Skookum project is important in that it portrays the sasquatch in a very respectful way that defers to scientific plausibility and possibility in the existence of the creature. In addition to playing a lead role, Dr. Meldrum served as script consultant in the numerous early drafts of the screenplay. Dr. Meldrum adds enormous credibility to our project and has been instrumental in providing support, details, and data to make the project as realistic and scientifically plausible as possible. Without delivering a "spoiler," we believe that the storyline and execution of the film will be satisfying to the Bigfoot community as a whole in a way that no film has been able to deliver since The Legend of Boggy Creek."

Help us bring this movie to the big screen. Click on the link below!!


  1. "Dr. Meldrum adds enormous credibility to our project"

    Anyone else laugh at that?

  2. What is it that is going to make this so much better than all the other Bigfoot movies?

  3. Well done BFchicks, finally some fresh material.

  4. I want to contribute, but the website listed above gives vague details as to what exactly the money is being used for, is the film already completed and you need money for post production? Please enlighten me. I will donate a large sum (More than "Diamond friend of Skookum" LOL), but I don't want to be part of any "Skookum Team". It's not about ego for me or getting my name in the credits, and I don't have to pay to meet Dr. Meldrum, I can do that on my own. So, if Melissa Adair is reading, fill me in.

  5. I hope they get Danny Bonaduce and Barry Williams to star... or maybe you can get Ned Beatty to reprise his very famous Deliverance role.... suuuweee!

    Frank Stalone? .... Willie Ammes? ...... how about Antonio Fargus or Joyce Dewitt? Endless possibilities is what we have here... Tina Yothers?

  6. So... If the movie doesn't make it, meaning they don't raise enough capital, what happens to those who donated?

    1. "Assume you're a dishonest man...."
      "Assume away."
      "Well, when the show bombs the investors won't be looking for a one could sell as many shares as they like and no one would know."

    2. 2:05 what the hell are you talking about?

    3. That is dialogue from the 1968 movie the producers...a very funny movie...heard the remake sucks tho...anyway ops comment reminded of the movie. Rent the 1968 version and then thank me when it's over

  7. Does anyone else think it is weird that Meldrum has taken up an acting career? (Or is he playing himself?)

    1. This is just a supporting role though, next he'll be up for a starring role in the big screen version of McCloud.

  8. Why does the movie say 2011 release? If it's being filmed now then 2011 is past.

    1. Ummm..even if it ISN'T being filmed now 2011 has passed..

    2. The whole make the "trailer first" thing is strange to me. I thought you made the trailer out of scenes from the movie. The 2011 release date could be explained by the fact they were almost finished and just needed a distributor. Whatever. People in the movie business apparently turned them down:I doubt this is plan A.

  9. All this excitement over a bigfoot butt print?

  10. If they really wanted credibility they would have engaged FasanoFilms.

  11. All they have to do is start charging people at the door when they go to a town hall meeting!

  12. Does the blonde get her tits out?

  13. I hope they let her go pee after that video; she was really scrunched up there holding it in.

  14. White Castle fries only come in one size. What you see is what you get, and you ain't seen nothin yet

  15. Oh...

    Why do we have to wait until December 2011 before we can see it?

  16. Shawn is wacking his little peepee to Mellisa Adair!

  17. A dinner with Jeff Meldrum! PASS! Something tells me that he would excuse himself and go to the the mens room when the check comes,only to climb out the bathrooom window.
    For my donation of $50.00 could I get 15 minutes with the blond instead? If it will help her focus Ill even put a chewbacca costume on.


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