Photo Of The Day: Bigfoot Between Trees

Thanks to Mark Parra for sharing this interesting Bigfoot photograph.

According to Mark, "the hairline and broad jaw are very consistant with the Large Alpha" in his area (He lives in Colorado). While he's going to try and see if he can obtain more information, he believes it's one of the better ones out there.

I just got home a little while ago turned on the computer and there he was!...LOL, but its too good to be a fake, there are so many things that are consistant with what I have seen , including some eyeshine there...
Even though its a very good picture, the problem I have is that people dont put their name on stuff, like I do, that way it can be vetted, and so everyone knows where and when, I`ll take on any skeptic when it comes to my own stuff, but maybe the owners are afraid of scrutiny or who knows the reason, but yes, it sure would help alot to have background, I always try to ask the owner also for permision to post something also first, to be respectful, but if people dont want to be known then fair game, the community needs to see it, period!

- Mark Para


  1. looks fake to me but u never know

    1. zzzzzzzz.....another faraway blurry pic of a gorilla costume. Bigfoot IS real, here is the proof, this photo has convinced even me.......LOL

    2. Yet you come back for more. OVer and over and over.

    3. I don't know, those trees look pretty real to me.

    4. Seems like there should be an arm visible on the left, doesn't it? Broad shoulders but no arm seen at all coming down from it? Suspicious.

  2. Insufficient information to make a decision either way. Such pictures are as useless as teats on a bull without the info and follow up he talks about. It goes in the big dustbin labelled "Interesting, but...".

    Where are the afterwards photos of the footprints in the snow?????????? Where are the follow up photos period?????????????? Even digital phones allow you to take a sequence of shots. This one shot wonder crap is just insulting so give us a break from the posting of this sort of time wasting nonsense. Ante up more evidence or just don't bother. Proves nothing; convinces no one who has even half a questioning brain. Have to agree - fake until shown otherwise.

    1. why don't you take a seat.

    2. Dude, really? You're too obtuse to see a gorilla costume in there? No wonder this field is an absolute and total joke. With gumshoes like you on the case they'll always be an opening for these "researchers" to pick your pockets dry.

  3. Sorry, looks fake. First thing I notice is the left shoulder up towards the top appears to be in front of the tree a little bit. But the edge is straight. Next, where are the legs? You can see the base of the tree so unless there is a hole it is standing in, the legs are really short. Then zoomed in on "eyeshine" and noticed the head must be deformed as the eyes are not even. The left eye is higher than the right eye. So unless this is Quasimoto the Sasquatch, it is fake.

    1. lol you seriously think this is photoshopped? It can be fake without digital manipulation...

    2. It's fake and manipulated. Anon 2:18 is right about the shoulder. It looks like someone took the time (not enough though) to photoshop a guy in a golrilla suit between the trees. What a waste!

  4. I straight up looks like a gorrila suit! The bare patch of black skin on the chest, come on. I want nothing more than for Bigfoot to be real; but this is bullshit and things like this destroy what little credibility is out there for this "field".

    1. You want nothing more than for Bigfoot to be real?
      It's refreshing to hear a footer say something true for a change.

  5. Interesting picture. I zoomed in as far as I could and first off I am not seeing any eye shine. The way I am seeing it is he is looking towards the smaller curved tree in front of him. I can make out the two eyes which from what I can tell are the same size and both are black. I can also make out his stache which is a bit lighter in color, and the mouth, nose and beard.

    Regarding its looks like there's a slight slope to the ground so his feet would be lower than you think. And also you may be only seeing its left thigh in between the two trees, the right leg would then be obscured by the other tree trunk.

    Just my two, whether it's a guy in a suit, photoshopped, or the real deal is anyone's guess.

    1. No, its really not. Its a straight up Butchykid type gorilla costume. Dear God almighty

  6. This is a screen grab from fasanos video that is coming out later today

  7. Does look like gorilla. Agree with the left shoulder. Seems like it was sloppily photo shopped and it would have to be on it's knees or in a hole. Lack of story again points to fake .

  8. This is the best Tim Fasano could do?

  9. I don't think they bothered to photo shop anything. It looks to me like a guy in a gorilla suit no more no less.Imagine a guy in a suit trying to pull off a Bigfoot hoax.who would have thought.

  10. The shading on the subject doesnt seem to fit in with the shading on the tree. Photoshopped I think.

  11. Agree. It's a gorilla suit.

  12. Hi ahm em kay davis ah have en hananced this photograaph an an an and ah found at ferst glaance et looks like fake, bbbbbbbbut i iiiiiiiif y'all lok closely ther dooose apear ta be some ah shaane aaaaand the saaaze of this creature is is is is huge jjjjust huge IIIIIIIIIII don,t know what we are lookin at here but IIII think it may be a sasquatch in in inin any case let me know what yall think ahm em kay davis an ah thank you fer your taame.MOMA!!! AH THOUGHT YOU SAAID YOU WAS FIXIN TO GET A NEW CHAIR FOR ME!A A A ALL THIS SQEEEEEKIN IS DRIIVIN ME FUCKIN CRAYZY.

    1. Why are all you mean skeptics always making fun of M.K.? Ya know just because he once saw a Bigfoot hiding in an etch-a-sketch doesn't mean he's stupid or nothing. Why, he's the most skilled Bigfoot photographic annalist on all the internet. Who else but but M.K could have found that Bigfoot hiding inside another Bigfoot? No one that's who. And who else could have shit a turd that looked like Bigfoot and auctioned it off on eBay? No one, that's for damn sure. Ya all are just jealous of his prodigious skills

      -M.K. Davis' Mom

  13. I am looking to start doing some bigfoot research and going out into the field. Does anyone have any advice? I am going to start a youtube channel to document my findings.

    Also on a completely unrelated note, does anyone know where I can buy a good bigfoot costume from, I need it for a erm fancy dress party soon. Thanks.

    1. Be sure to put vaseline on your camera lense for that extra special out of focus blobsquatch effect.

      Clearly, this is a lame gorilla suit photo.

      new anony

    2. I'm finishing up some editing and in the final stages of my Bigfoot videos. These videos will blow everyone's minds, better than PGF even. My suit will be up for sale soon. It's a great looking Bigfoot suit and the feet make fantastic prints.

  14. First don't.2nd if you must bring a gun, a big gun use the gun and drop the sum bitch.oh yeah BRING THE BODY OUT WITH YOU!

  15. It doesn't matter if the photo is real or not. There is no point in debating wether it's real or not. No skeptic is going to believe any photo no matter how good or bad it is. That's the problem with skeptics!
    Chad W

    1. Actually that's not a “problem” with skeptics.

    2. No it's not a problem too skeptics, it's a bad habit/personality quirk of skeptics.
      I was a skeptic too once till I saw something that's not suppose to exist.
      Then you realize skeptics are close minded people that need to stop thinking that everyone in the world is a liar.
      Chad W

    3. I think Chad W has skepticism way out of whack. Dear lord son, educate yourself. If this is real I'm your Daddy. You make the decision.

  16. Consistent with gorilla suit and they don't tree peek that way, maybe tree pee but not peek.

  17. Oh my God! You've done it! Finally a blurry image that you can still make out as a guy in a Gorilla costume between two trees posing for the camera! Amazing stuff!!

    I guarantee you that there are many a schmuck looking at this thing right now and thinking: " this is real and as good as it gets".

    If you are one of those many, just end it.

  18. I'd just like to mention that I'll be releasing my Sasquatch footage on DVD for $29.99 tomorrow. SasquaiNation and gnrfan have already purchased the first two copies and I'd like to thank them. They will sign NPDA's (non-pirating disclosure agrerments) and the rest of you will beg for me to release it for free. That's not going to happen though. I convinced the aforementioned members here that I have finally captured the ghost of Giganto, while difficult, I finally did it. They'll be amazed and the rest of you are losing out on this tremendous opportunity.

    Just tell them what they're missing SasquaiNation and gnrfan.....

  19. When's the bigfoot? Is it behind the guy wearing the monkey suit. I don't see it.

  20. No doubt that this is the best photo ever of bigfoot. This is no monkey suit. You can clearly see the muscles under the skin. You can't fake that with a suit. This is the real deal.

    1. Yes, definitely can't be faked with a gorilla costume. If you look on the right side about half way up between the two trees, you can see another bigfoot peeking out from behind the tree in the mist. These two bigfoots are no fakes.

  21. oh dear. you would have to be incredibly desperate to post a photo of a guy in a gorilla suit. any wonder you guys get laughed at?

  22. This is the damn decoy they used in the one Bigfoot documentary on one of the Monster Quest episodes.


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