New Photo: Rocky Mountain Bigfoot From August 18th

Here's a new photo that was just posted on YouTube by user COmtn77. It was purported taken near Ward, Colorado on August 18th 2012. As with all Bigfoot images, we're pretty sure you have a ton of questions you want to ask about the photograph.

Please enjoy this photo while we try to get more information from the person who took it.


  1. we finally have the evidence we need, go team!!!

    1. "we finally have the evidence we need, go team!!!"

      'Team' being the operative word because clearly the Sasquatch Nation were thinking of entering a cycling team in the Olympics to go by the natty lycra cycling shorts its wearing.

    2. Then again is that another Squatch crouching down or am I looking at the wheel of Fred Flintstone's car?

  2. Just another skinny guy in a suit. That's a wrap. Word to your mothers.

  3. Its just going through its purse, no big deal.

  4. Looks right! Top of the head is sloped. Arched back and posture. And bent legs. Id say this one is a genuine sasquatch!

  5. Is this squatch wearing black dress pants and carrying a briefcase?

    1. Yeah, it was a long day at the office...cut him some slack, at least he's employed and not on welfare.

  6. Replies
    1. I guess after all the basement dwelling computer geek sceptics have weighed in I guess there is nothing to talk about!

    2. You don't need to go in to the field to have an opinion on a photograph you TIT.

    3. I agree. It is a stump with grass/moss etc. stuck on its roots. Not a Sasquatch! I do believe, but not with this picture. Come on people open your eyes.

  7. it could be camera angle and distortion that makes this "creature" look skinny. But the standing one isn't as interesting as the smaller one kneeling down in front of it. It doesn't show up very well in the still, but when you run the video at one point it becomes lighter and you can see better detail of the little one. eyes...nose...

  8. This will be my final post and no I won't be back in a week.I have enjoyed talking and arguing with you.To reasonable skeptics You do have the right to be here no matter how much your questioning pisses off the believers.

    Rude skeptics that just want to talk about their dick and farts and how many chicks they have screwed while constantly pointing out Bigfoot doesn't exist.You are not fooling anyone,you do think bigfoot is real and you have never screwed anything but your hand.

    To the believers the DNA test won't end this only a body live or dead will.Until that happens think what you like and don't let anyone stop you,if you have had an encounter of any kind you know what you saw or heard.

    I want all of you to know that anything I have said on here is no different than what I would say in my every day me or hate me it's been fun.


    Randy L.Frank.

    1. Pffffft, there was at least one thing you said that was true. DNA from an unknown source don't mean shit. Thanks that clearing that up for the blievers

    2. I believe in bigfoot but I still want to talk about my dick and farts and how many chicks I screwed. Oh and lets not forget taterholing. What the hell is wrong with you Randy?

    3. Sad, another level headed, smart poster gone.

    4. Come on man...Don't quit because of that stupid stuff earlier.

    5. Big deal. Posters come and go.

    6. Anon 8:54,

      You post like someone who enjoys taking it in the taterhole every day.

  9. This could be a real sasquatch. Obviously, the enlargement causes the image to lose clarity. It does seem as if it has a natural looking curve in the spine. The fur looks real (in the non-enlarged version), and there appears to be some muscle definition in the calf of each leg. There is little to give scale; it does appear to be fairly tall.

  10. run the video... freeze at :20 sec mark. you will see a smaller creature kneeling. 2 costumes in the middle of nowhere... doubt. not a stump. m.d.

  11. randy should i post the email you sent to me now? You know the one where you thought i was fasano and you wanted to buy the dvd? LMAO hypocrite.

    You will be back in 20 mins posting under anonymous. Your on here 24/7 and post on every article 5 times. Its peoples like you that shawn just laughs at.

    Ill post a pic of a christmas tree and gnrfan will debate if its a yeti or not..

    LOL by the way my house got robbed again today. LMAO just shows footers believe anything.

    1. Wow! gnrfan has been EXPOSED for the FRAUD she is. Dominated! Nicely done Anon 7:47.

    2. Stankape sucks donkey d!cks!!!

  12. You know, I started visiting this blog a few months ago because I thought there might be something to the whole Bigfoot thing. This blog demonstrates very effectively what a huge load of hogwash it is. Life is short, time to move on.

    1. This blog does seem to have gotten silly over the last few months. Many of the articles now include "humor" in the heading.

      The silly articles have encouraged many of the comments to be silly as well.

    2. Nothing is stopping either of you from starting your own serious BF blog.

  13. There's only one way to explain this photo:

    1. Holy shit that's funny!!!!!

    2. Mitch truly nailed and wrapped up Bigfoot in 25 seconds.

  14. it's really exciting that allot of new photos are coming out! Still can't convince any close minded skeptics but it's really neat to see them all anyways!
    Chad W

    1. People are finally feeling brave enough to show their photos. Thanks finding bigfoot!
      Chad W

    2. Unfortunately, the blobsquatch pictures also keep popping up. To skeptics, it is automatically assumed that blobsquatch = hoax.

  15. it is fake i have seen it before

    1. You havn't seen it before! That's a default comment you use every time something is shown. Where is your proof it's fake?

    2. Anon 9:05,

      That's not how science works. The burden of proof lies with the suggestors, such as yourself. "Prove its fake", LMAO, what a laughable display of imcompetence. Bigfoot is blurry and always out of focus for a very good reason. He doesn't exist and that IS the correct answer. Sorry for destroying your dreams!

      It IS the most logical choice and when all the facts (or lack of in this case) come together it IS the ONLY answer. Burden of proof........prove me wrong. What do you got?

  16. one thing, the neck is really long, so are the calf's
    long neck is hard to fake,(still pic easier) it does seem to be very tall.

  17. Looks pretty good to me. If it's fake it's a really good one.

  18. stankape I didnt email you to buy the dvd. I emailed you to ask a question. thats all.

    RANDY aka gnrfan

    I deleted my google account so have to post like this.

    goodbye all goodluck shawn sasqui etc

    1. That's not what the transcript says. Hmmmmm, who's lying?

    2. GNRFAN did you not email me at FasanoTampaSeminole @ gmail asking me how to pay for the dvds. And then asked me if id be willing to let you come along with me on an expedition?

      If you lie ill just post the email you hypocritcal scumbag wannabe

  19. I'm just glad Rosie is ok and enjoying the outdoors.

  20. Big time Photoshop. Amazing that nobody has called this one. Too easy.

  21. This squatch had been hitting the Meth pipe. He needs to bulk up.

  22. TO:
    Message flagged Monday, August 20, 2012 7:11 PM

    Hi Tim,

    Good video. I saw your comments and Im really interested in buying all your Dvds! Ive been a long time supporter of your vids. But my questions are. Do you accept pay pal? I tried to send the $$$ to this address and it wouldnt accept? Anyways id love to chat if you have a chance. I think i saw 3 other Skunk Apes in your video that you may have not noticed. Would you ever be interested in letting me come on an expedition? We can get to know eachother so you know im not a serial killer. LOL. Im well know on Bigfootevidence blogspot. If you wanna check my past post to see im serious. Its GNRFAN. I sometimes post under anonymous though. Well have a great day and LMK about those DVDS when you are not busy,

    Fellow Sasquatch hunter,

    Let the excitement commence!

    1. I DO Not think there is only one Randy in this whole wide world, could be anyone named Randy, you blow hole. Go back to UFO hunting you might get new followers, and it's easier to fake.

    2. That's bullshit! Gnrfan wouldn't do that.

  23. First Autumn Forest and now Randy. They're dropping like flies.

  24. whoa whoa Gnrfan wants to hunt with fATSANO? LMAO WOW

    1. Maybe his vid wasn't totally worthless after all.

  25. I would love to see someone trying to create a hoax while wearing a suit actually get attacked by a real one!

    1. I agree 100%. It would be nice if someone like Smeja wasted them too. People need to realize that there are many people out to shoot first and ask questions later. I don't pity the hoaxer who gets smoked.


  27. Replies
    1. WTF. This place is nuts. Stankape is Fasano, GNRfan the Fasano-hater turns out to be a lady, is busted hitting on him, and is distressed she can't get her cash to him to buy his $50 blue-ray DVD and autographed photo. Do I have that right?

  28. What the heck happened to it's neck? I don't see any rings like some tribal women in Africa wear. That makes me doubt it right off. On the zoomed in still, it looks like two different things. The colors change. But the video shows one color until zooming. Maybe it is two bears messing around with Mommy bear. Or maybe a bigfoot giving a ride on the shoulders to a small one. All this sitting on the fence lately is giving me hemorrhoids. I need a clear pony picture or a clear bigfoot one.

  29. I've been to Ward CO. This is just one of there residents. Trust me, Ward is a scary place without Sasquatch. One of the creepiest places I've been. No lie!

    1. Totally agree. Ward is a friggen freakshow of humanity. No sasquatch there, but a lot of people even too weird for Boulder. Not event far enough into the mountains to consider it being real.

  30. Only a few years ago - 2009, I think - there were a number of sightings (and some video) of Sasquatch in Rocky Mt. National Park, which is not far from Ward, Colorado. I suspect this is most likely an image of the real thing, but as usual it lacks the detail to be sure. Hell, if it had the detail people would doubt it because it did. On a scale of 1 to 10, the latter being the highest probability that it's genuine, I'd put it in the 7+ range.

    1. Clueless! Bigfoot is blurry and always out of focus for a very good reason. He doesn't exist and that IS the correct answer. Sorry for destroying your dreams!

      It IS the most logical choice and when all the facts (or lack of in this case) come together it IS the ONLY answer. Burden of proof........prove me wrong. What do you got?

    2. Hey man at 4:49, why do you have to rain on my bigfoot parade? Why do you gotta be a downer man? You got some negative energy going there, some negative vibes.

  31. It actually looks like the Sierra Kills Hide hung up on a branch.

  32. gnrfan=Fasano.
    The Ultimate Super Troll!!
    Think about it people!!

  33. Thats not Bigfoot its, FaceBook Find Bigfoots mom going to work!

  34. When a photo is this bad, people might as well not even bother or tell anyone they saw something. If it's a hoax, you will gain nothing by having something so run of the mill as this. Either way, who cares? One more picture for the pile of non-proof.

  35. Replies
    1. it has a nek. thats the only red flag u see. lol

  36. why even ask 'real or fake' ,like all BF film/photo is could be guy in suit or an apeman of myth! until we have a body or e are doing is looking 99% hoaxes. As the years/decades go by in shrinking Norh America ,with sophisticated equipment,we still have PG film as the only film with any cred. Pity Patteron was a 'jack the lad[could be British term but Im sure u get themeaning],with a remit to go and film BF. A year before he drw a female BF that look identical to the one he filmed. whas the chances[makes it fake in my book]. There nneds to be a pro kill stance taken by preople ,if they want to prove it, i for one wouldnt be taken that chance though as youve than likey just shot a student in a suit messing about

    i'll keep poppinh in with the hope somebody posts something thats not a clear hoax or anything done by MK Davis, squatchmaster,fassano ec...why do these guysbother,have they know pride in their charcter

  37. Oh for Christ sake... if you cover up the just the bigfoot head, you can see the guy in the costumes real head and face, which btw puts it into perfect body head size for a man.
    It almost looks like an astronauts or bee keepers helmet with a long bigfoot neck and head mounted on the top... obvious fake is obvious.


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