Justin Smeja's Official Polygraph Examination Report

Here is the official results for Justin Smeja's polygraph test on August 7, 2012. Team Tazer Bigfoot's Ro Sahebi found one of Sacramento's top polygraph examiners to perform the test. This person has 10 years of experience as a polygraph examiner, has a degree in criminal justice, and is a licensed private investigator. She is also a member of PEOA (Polygraph Examiners Of America) and CAPE (California Association of Polygraph Examiners). Justin, Carl Olinselot, and Ro spent the night at my house and the questions were not revealed to Justin and the polygraph examiner until Tuesday morning.

The questions were pre-written by Bart Cutino, who's been investigating this incident for the last year and has a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology/Law Enforcement at University California State Fresno. Some additional questions were added by Ro Sahebi, a film producer from Los Angeles. The examiner's identity will be released upon request. This means we will release her identity to anyone who wishes to get in touch with her for interviews.

To our knowledge, the type of polygraph we chose cannot be faked. It has a 99 percent accuracy and it uses the same technique used by the military. Justin passed 100%. He was not intoxicated and did nothing to prepare as we were together for the 24 hours before the test. Also, he was not aware that the examination was actually going to happen. He thought we had canceled it.

There are two types of results. The first one contains the questions and the results. The second results contains a 7-point scale adjacent comparison tracing that includes Justin's respiration, electrodermal, and cardio. Both results indicates "NO DECEPTION".

[Update: Question #3]
Question #3 has a typo. The examiners question to Justin was "When you first saw this "animal", did you recognize it as an animal you had never seen before or even knew existed?". Bart Cutino verified with us that this was the way he had worded the question and Ro Sahebi reviewed the footage to make sure that this question was the one posed to Justin.

Strongest Adjacent Comparison Tracing:


  1. Replies
    1. So I guess this means that SWP's and his buddy's cross examination of Justin pretty much shows that they don't know what their talking about. Not surprised considering their a couple of arrogant assholes.

    2. Ladies and Gentleman...Please...Let's hold the applause...THE 2012 SUPER CRACKER REDNECK DELUXE BADGE OF HONOR IS AWARDED TO ...JUSTIN SMEJA!
      (Crowd rushes the stage)
      Smeja: Let's out a loud watery fart and screams YEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Before he is engulfed in the sweaty arms of his obese girlfriend Vera.

      Vera smiles a toothless grin. Justin raises his stubby little arm in victory.

    3. Team Tazor THE BIGGEST HOAXERS OF ALL TIME! Why isnt this on CNN? LOL. Because its fake as shit!

    4. CNN? Those PC pussies, are you crazy? LOL

    5. Oh right, CNN would like totally ignore Bigfoot because skepticism is all politically correct and what not. It isn't as if CNN has to compete with other news organizations or anything crazy like that. Why they certainly don't race to be the first one to break a story or engage in any other activity’s that might bring them revenue.

      Seriously, the media may “spin” a story but if it's news then news organizations will report it because that's what they have to do to stay competitive.

  2. Well what do the sceptics think now? I suppose they will say it's fake. Great work guys!

    1. There seems to be some general misunderstanding about what being a skeptic entails. It means not investing in a claim without sound supporting evidence. This is intriguing, I agree.

    2. I am a huge skeptic, do not yet believe in Bigfoot as a physical entity....but find these results very very interesting.

      Has Smeja had any military or law enforcement training? Just wondering...

      Did the examiner know what the questions were related to and what was her opinion of the situation? Disbelief?

  3. Now all we need are those DNA results
    and then get some researchers that can find these animals alive and give us some non-blobsquatch film/video of them in their natural habitat. Blobsquatches and spooky noises in the night are getting old.

    1. They aren't animals, duh.

    2. Monsterquest and destination truth already have DNA saying they just one mark off from being human.....

    3. If they are a mark off, then they are not human, duh. That one mark sure makes a big difference. Gibbons and chimps aren't much further off, we don't think they are human. I respect them for what they are, but they are not humans.

  4. The answer to Question 3 does not jive.

    1. It's because the thing is bs. Phony documents!

    2. That was a typo and should had read "have NEVER seen". I verified this with the video of the session and will post that in later in the week.

    3. Yeah, that's a bad typo, especially when it's made to look like official documents... Lots of people back on the bandwagon though!

  5. Hold on to your hat it's about to get windy!

  6. Thanks for publishing this, there has been too much secrecy about all this by SOME people. I'm glad Justin has been open about all this and gave more DNA to another lab, maybe we will get some answers we can trust.

  7. People can say what they want and try to tear this apart, but the questions are so direct. I'm blown away right now. I'm drinking the Justin Kool Aid now. This documentary Ro is making is going to be amazing I'm sure.

  8. Sweet good for justin ,shawn you and the boys deserve a pat on the back. Looks like some talk the talk and walk the walk . Wicked clown PNW

  9. Im not sure what to think...I do think this proves nothing..he's in so deep that its a true story to him no matter and can lie with no stress about it

    1. You guys have no idea how a polygraph works. ha ha.

    2. Galvanic skin response or skin conductance based on moisture. However they 'work', they are thought to be unreliable.

  10. I don't agree with the shooting, but Justin has put up with a lot of crap and this at least clears up a lot for him. Great work! I'm a lot less sceptical. Sorry for the diss on you Justin. Thanks for agreeing to the test!

    1. Don't agree with the shooting? It was bloody murder!

    2. No, it wasn't. By definition of the law murder has to be committed against another homo sapien sapien. A murder charge would NEVER hold up in court.

    3. I think you meant to say that murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being.

    4. Murder is "homicide" which is killing a hominid,so if these beings turn out to be hominids, then he is indeed guilty of murder.

    5. You're an absolute retard, and you have managed to be wrong in two ways at once.

      Firstly, Homicide is the killing of a human being. In homicide the prefix homo does not refer to hominid. Homo is the genus name of human being because it means “the same”. Hence homicide is the killing of one who is the same. This is similar to the situation with the words necropsy and autopsy. You cannot autopsy a gorilla because autopsy means “to look at ones self”. A human who performs a dissection of a gorilla is performing a necropsy, which means “to look at death”.

      Secondly, all murder is homicide but not all homicide is murder. A murder is an unlawful killing of a human. People who kill people in legitimate self-defense are not murderers, thought they did engage in homicide.

      Therefore killing a non-human primate is not murder.

    6. LMAO! You call this person a "retard", you just showed yourself to be one. In that arguing with someone on the internet is like being in the special Olympics....even if you win, you're still retarded.

      Also, there is a theory out there that these things are at least part human. If that were to be true, then it would be murder. (Not arguing, just making a point).

    7. Shut your retarded face you retarded retard,

      You just said I was stupid for winning an argument. How much more pathetic can you get. You couldn't think of a come back so you attempted to call me stupid for being right. America used to surgically sterilize people like you, why are you giving them a reason to do so again? I would think you would try to fly under the radar and not try to draw the ire of eugenics advocates.

  11. Although the pretend skeptics think Bob Heironimus passing a lie detector test carries weight it means as much as Smeja passing one. Unfortunately, virtually nothing.

    1. BobH and Roger Patterson both passed polygraph tests. Strange huh

    2. Who are pretend sceptics? Apparently nothing will convince u!

    3. Skeptics won't believe this, they won't believe DNA and they won't believe a dead body. That's just their style, there'll always be a lunatic fringe left basing their skepticism on religion foremost.

    4. I think polygraph tests have come a LONG way towards being more accurate since Bob H or Roger Patterson took one.

    5. I would definitely believe a dead body especially if there was correlated DNA signature to go with the exemplar specimen....if Justin wanted to prove he shot Bigfoot he should, upon receipt of reputable results declaring "non human-hominid DNA identified" produce the body his sample came from, and watch his bank account grow very, very large as samples from that body are sent to multiple, reputable labs for testing....or he can dick around with a bunch of researchers and publishers and producers in LA for years....and end up just like Gimlin. Even IF his story is true, nothing gained, no wealth or recognition or vindication.

      The choice is Justin's: Produce Baby Bigfoot!!! Show us!!!

  12. I'll beleive it when congress accepts it. Until then blllahhhwwwwhhhhhhh............

    1. Congress can't even accept a balanced budget! Don't hold your breath on them !

  13. I can pass a drug test and be full of dat green .... Dat don't mean he ain't lien

    1. Druggie! Crack head, hoocher, Meth head! How's your wizzinator working for ya?

    2. And the award for the most irrelevant comment goes to.....

    3. hmm,you cant pass a drugs test if you have taken substances. its impossible. unless you cheat and arent monitored when given a sample so u have the opportunity to give someone elses sample. I cant see how u can do this at a polygraph test. you are either sitting there or u arent. dont understand your thinking

    4. if the subject uses the same muscles you use to clench a turd off every time he tells the truth, in essence puckering his butt hole, then one can raise their blood pressure to match what happens when they lie thus creating a false standard for what their physiological response is when telling the truth. Basically they would ask a few test questions like, "Is your name Justin Smeja?" as long as Justin puckered his starfish when he says, "yes" and remembered to leave his butt hole relaxed when lying, the results of the two questions would come out in range of each other.

  14. I believed justin since that interview.What i would like to know is any of team tazer still skeptic on bigfoot.

  15. I think that Team tazer will be the researchers that will bring Bigfoot in, for one they do not hide what they find like a lot of the so called researchers out in this field. Two they inform the community of what they are up to and they do not have egos. I love Team TAzer, keep up the good work and we will get Bigfoot hopefully regconized soon.

  16. Well the great thing about this is we can move on passed the skeptics. Maybe they can move on to another subject like Nessie. The point is, the positive data coming in proving the existence of another bipedal animal we know as Sasquatch is becoming overwhelming. The discussion can now move on to what are these things exactly? Where do they live. According to Justin's Artist's drawings and the data in other sources such as David Paulide's books point to more than one species. I think there are many different BigFoot Species. Some are more human looking and others are more "apish". It could be unnervingly like the "Planet of the Apes" hierarchy. Wow so many more important questions we can get on to now other that the same old :
    "Why do you think the PGF is real?"
    Lots of stuff to talk about now. Lots of no so important stuff to move on from.

    1. "Lots of stuff to talk about now..."

      You should join up at Shawn's new forum.

  17. Do you let congress do ALL your thinking for you?

  18. polygraph test work great for nervous people but if your a great lair with nerves of steal it wont work at all. Is he a calm guy or is he a great story teller.Usually you can find more about a person by their history..
    ask his family and friends about him

    1. dude.. learn how to spell.. lair? steal? its LIAR and STEEL!

    2. the podcast said he was nervous as hell.

    3. Sociopaths and the deluded often pass lie detection.

    4. if the subject uses the same muscles you use to clench a turd off every time he tells the truth, in essence puckering his butt hole, then one can raise their blood pressure to match what happens when they lie thus creating a false standard for what their physiological response is when telling the truth. Basically they would ask a few test questions like, "Is your name Justin Smeja?" as long as Justin puckered his starfish when he says, "yes" and remembered to leave his butt hole relaxed when lying, the results of the two questions would come out in range of each other.

  19. Another fantastic piece of the puzzle to an extremely interesting story! I can't wait to see the full documentary with all the evidence and the details of your actual visit to the site, DNA, and everything all put together in one package!

  20. It's very possible that he just really believes the story after all this time. I'm not saying that is the case, but it's a possibility. If you convince yourself what you are saying is the truth, you could possibility pass a test easily. It just reads your bodies reactions to questions. If you believe something, and it becomes the truth to you. Lie detectors arn't 100%.

  21. There's no way any lie detector is 99% accurate. That's bullshit. If you're a confident person with good lying skills you can definately fool those things. I bet I could pass that test saying I shot a bigfoot.

    1. No machine is perfect but the odds in this case are with Justin. I was totally skeptical about his story - until seeing these results, which themselves I cannot accept until we see the operators credentials. Now, I just don't know. None of us will until the DNA comes back. Damned pity there are no remains. Such a lost opportunity by the sound of it.

    2. Jeremy you are full of crap. Have an almost complete stranger surprise you with a polygraph test tomorrow and ask you about a time when you rode a unicorn and see what happens. You fail miserably. People saying the polygraph means nothing don't understand modern polygraphs.

    3. Yes, I am full of crap, but the polygraph would never know that. Lmfao.

    4. Also anonymous, that's a different story altogether. I've never claimed to have rode a unicorn, so of course I'd fail the test. But, if I made up the story of how I rode a unicorn and rehearsed it over and over and told it to many people and was interveiwed about it several times over a period of a couple years... Yeah I truly beleive I could pass the polygraph with that bizarre story.

    5. Lie detectors have been proven to be, at most about 61% accurate. There have been persons who have passed who were found to be guilty of accused crimes. Still no monkey body.

  22. He passed to many questions,he did not know he was taking it at the time.I say hes the real deal.

  23. Its funny. Justin passes polygraph and Tazer starts CHARGING for field trips and starts selling shirts. People you a fucking dumb!

    1. Thats a damn good way to make a living,i wish them all the best.

    2. The part of Tazer that set up the shirts and field trips are all on the east coast. Not even part of the polygraph or any of this. Take off your tinfoil hat and just appreciate somebody finally coming out withe something meaningful.

    3. Dude the T-shirt Idea and expeditions was talked about a long time ago, thsi is not new news man. SO your pulling stuff out of the air, team Tazer is legit and plus they are begging for money and they are giving somethign inreturn a product and the expidtiosn they give training, so you cna learn to track and stuff. They are not begging for donations like others do.

    4. I mean they are not begging for money

    5. Anon 9:09 you are dumb! Look at your grammer. Also you speak out of the wrong hole. The comments to your dumb statement proves how much of an idiot you are.

    6. East coast west coast it doesnt matter. Transfering money is easy as a click of an enter key. They make up this story to make you think its real. They ALL are in on it. Its actually called FRAUD and I'm sure the FBI will soon make their way into the room.

    7. Anon 9:32 your an idiot. FBI? What ever! Click your heels together and wish you were back in Kansas MFer!

    8. On another note, who else is searching for the beast like Team Tazer does and show all the videos of what they been doing. Not a few seconds video of nothing or a long video of imaginary BF. Plus they even show real critters that the average joe has never seen live. I heard that they even have some stuff coming down the line that is going to blow the Bigfoot community and skeptics mind. Go team Tazer!

    9. Everybody is an idiot on this page that knows what's really going on. The big news is the fraud not the results. A guy shot 2 bigfoot. My god what ignorance.

    10. Once the DNA comes back and you add that into the mounting evidence along with this polygraph. You'd have to be a total idiot to think it's a hoax. How does a guy like Justin trick a state of the art polygraph and multiple major DNA labs all at the same time? Impossible. He's telling the truth. Why can't people get it out of their head that Sasquatch is some mythical creature like a unicorn!! It's a real thing. It's up there in the mountains right now. Not a fairy tale.

    11. @ Anonymous 10:25 - If you think everyone here is an idiot, why are you even on this site? Go back to humping your dog and playing with yourself and leave everyone here alone. YOU are the idiot....douche-bag.

  24. Now I really can't wait for the DNA results!

  25. Nice work TTB! Thanks for being as honest and up front as you can about all the research you guys do. It's a real breath of fresh air to have a group like you guys that are not trying to be so secretive and manipulative.

    My opinion on the killings hasn't changed. I've always felt the story was true, and today lends some more credibility to that. Although I don't agree with the way the killings happened, I think people make mistakes and we should all move on and try to pull any positives we can from this whole experience.

    Anyways, keep up the great work Tazer!

    1. Beer man, you beleive Smeja... I don't know, there's gotta be some sort of proof before I beleive anything.

    2. There's no proof of God and either yet millions of people believe regardless even Presidents, or maybe they're Pretenders not Presidents of course. It's all a bunch of hypocrites your elected leaders living a lie but it's status quo and how it works. So far the Sasquatch cover-up's been working only question now is how much longer will it.

  26. I don't know what to say!

    I'm very familiar with the limestone machine in my career and I don't care what people say, I know with good examiner it's not easy to pass this lying through your teeth and I'm sorry but smeja doesn't come across as a guy who could outsmart this as easy as detractors would suggest. Especially without any opportunity to practice.

    Great job to Ro and tazer guys as well as Bart C, man. Wow, I would think Cutino would be wrong choice for writing questions because everyone knows he's investigating this and has become close with Smeja, but man I have absolutely zero qualms about his form of questioning along with Mr Sahebi. Great job guys, now I'm really looking forward to all these dna results

    1. Just think - if the DNA results all come back compelling. Mind BLOWN!

  27. Well well Michael Merchant looks like you owe Justin a apology ! Don't be butt hurt Michael .

  28. Ro you should go down in history as the first BF reseacher, that did something positive that was done
    half-assed ! :-)

    1. sorry for got the word not, That was NOT dune half-assed

  29. Everybody wants a body and here we have a guy who gets a piece of one and nobody wants to believe him. Sceptics chant "We want a body, we want evidence!". Well now you have the story, the polygraph, two witnesses, and two samples sent to two independent labs for DNA. What else do you want? An invitation to a wedding with Bigfoot jumping out of a cake?

    1. Some skeptics could be kidnapped and raped by a sasquatch..they would claim it was a bear. They are afraid of the possible reality of their existence.

    2. Yes and a good part of those skeptics cracking jokes aren't really skeptics actually they're cynics and they know exactly what's going on, monitoring everything in the Bigfoot scene.

  30. Ro should go down in history as the first BF reseacher, that did something positive that was done not half-assed !

    1. Yes , well said (twice)!

    2. Hi Rick Dyer. Everybody knows it's you blabbing and pointing fingers and calling people hoaxers. You suck so bad at trolling it's obvious this is you. You suck at life.


    1. Well said. Hats off to Ro, Shawn and Carl for all putting in time and money to get to the bottom of this and pushing to bring this public rather than keep it all a secret. Hats off indeed to you guys!

    2. Hats off to the biggest hoaxers of all time. It only takes a little cash to get someones mouth to start telling the truth. Its gonna happen.

    3. You'd like that wouldn't you Rick Dyer. You think we can't sniff out your crazy ass in these forums! ha ha. It's so obvious that this comment is from you. Go crawl back into the lower colon of the bigfoot community where you belong you walking turd.

  32. looks like SWP gonna have crow wings stuck in his teeth..IDIOT!!!

  33. Hey, I just met you. And i'm batshit crazy. But my name is BobH, so believe me maybe.

  34. Rick Dyer is laughing his ass off because Tazer is about to go down as the biggest hoaxers ever and not him. What's funny is the man behind the scenes wont lose credibility only the flunkies.

    1. Rick Dyer is a broke loser that can't get anyone to watch his videos... now that's funny!!!

    2. And that's about to happen to all of Tazer. This would be WORLD news if it was real dumb asses.

    3. You're funny! It's amazing how butt hurt you are. I supposed I'd be defensive too if I was ignorant and backed into a corner. If it's fake, walk away, a smart person would. What does that say about you?

    4. We all know this is you Rick. You come on here and drop your own name and try to come up with comments to troll the forum, but everybody knows it's you. You are a leech. You just attach yourself to anything and everything because you need that attention to feel special.

    5. The fear just wreaks from what you just said. Butt hurt is what you will be feeling in prison Ro. Maybe the state will be lenient on the one who comes clean first and turns "evidence" (pun intended) against the rest. You can't really expect to be able to do this legally can you? You never thought of the consequences? CNN covered the last one but why not this one? Because it's ALL a scam. Enjoy your freedom boys and gals. They're already watching.

    6. Fear??? My name and contact information is available to everyone, Anon. Thanks for giving my story so much attention, I appreciate your support... You love me, you really love!!! Your hate = my success :)

    7. It's no wonder they call him Dick Rider.

  35. I hope JS gets all his guns taken away. Who shoots something when they don't know what it is? And to shoot a juvenile anything is the lowest of the low.

  36. And there you have it!!! Now what is next?

  37. "It's very possible that he just really believes the story after all this time." Kinda like OJ believing he didn't commit those murders

  38. great questions bart and ro, you guys surely didn't take it easy on him and he passed. good job!

  39. Well it looks like Ketchum isn't the center of attention anymore. She's probably awfully pissed off about that.

    1. No elated, this only supports her study in the long run.

    2. Screw You anon 4:27,

      Ketchum's a nincompoop who believes in nephilim. Ketchum wishes that she could rise to the level of being a real pseudoscientist like Meldrum. Ketchum couldn't prove that water is wet with two hands and a hygrometer. Horses braid Melba Ketchum's hair.

      The point is that Ketchum's a bozo and an attention whore, and if she didn't want attention she wouldn't have started a facebook page.

    3. Sounds like you like the attention yourself Anon 7:44 you jackass! You post so u can hear yourself talk with you horse braid crap! You use that same idiotic line all the time!

    4. Yeah, I definitely haven't said anything about Melba's horses until today.

      You know there are actually a great many anonymous posters here so you aren’t always talking to the same person you dumbass.

  40. Yes sir

    Wonder what she thinks about justin and bart indep testing those samples? Thank god we wouldve never got any answers. Go smeja!

  41. If someone passed a Lie Detector Test saying he was Dracula would you believe him? But wait he has pointy teeth and drinks blood so he's got to be Dracula right?
    People they dont even know the tissue came from the imaginary bigfoot in the first place. How can everyone be so damn stupid? If this was real it would be all over the news. The only place you hear about this is on a few blogs and Facebook pages. Even the documentary Ro did only reached a few thousand and no news channela even picked it up. Why do you ask? Because its a scam. 100% fake as fuck. Open your eyes. I dont even see how Michael Merchant is even continuing to associate himself with these people. My God man you are supposed to be educated. Really? You need to fire these people from tazer and at least try to salvage a little dignity before it's too late. These people are the 1% alright and thank the lord for that. The other 99% have common sense.

    1. yes, WHY is the media at least not a LITTLE interested in this story? My god, FOX news would be interested at least.

      This is a legit question. I'm just asking.

    2. They're waiting for dna. They've been burned to many times. I bet when the dna reports come out you'll hear something

    3. Wrong anon 1:35. The news business is PC freaks they're not interested in the truth about anything, especially not something a poaching hillbilly says. Dracula is fiction, everybody knows that, this is merely another humanoid intelligent primate and actually just about as likely a new discovered species as any given the nature. It's not impossible, it'd be impossible were they flying dragons or dinosaurs but not now. Only your logic stands in the way of accepting what's likely real, thousands of witnesses and footprint evidence supporting. It's a real primal primate species only not found due to speed and cunning, and the unwillingness of authorities to let it. Yet.

    4. News channels just don't come screaming in on this stuff. They want the whole story first. Your getting stuff so fresh on this site that no credible news channel would be right there unless it was an accident scene! This is part of a larger story and when all the pieces come together then yes it will be news! Media gets burned on Bigfoot stuff before so I'm sure they are very cautious . Just like Rivera when he was looking into the gangster vault live. They won't do that again. Because these guys give you really fresh info you should be happy they do that. Try being freinds with Todd on Gold Rush where they have to talk in generalizations because they are filming and you have to wait s year to see and hear it.

    5. To the original poster of this comment:

      If someone told me he was the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of the vlad the impaler, had the word of his family, DNA and legal documentation to prove it; then, yes, I might give him a little credence.

      We're not talking about one guy with one wild claim. It's a collection of evidence.

      And no one says this PROVES anything. They're asking you to consider this evidence. Period.

      No one is forcing you to come here. You come here because you have nothing else to do. You are very, very sad. And you think, incorrectly, that this is an easy group of people to pick on. So you are already starting off with one big WRONG answer.

      Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know you're busy spanking it to your mom's Sears catalog. Have a nice day.

  42. Well this still PROVES NOTHING. I know first hand polygraphs are no where near 99% accurate. Not even with the best trained examiners. I have passed two in recent years and knowing lied in them. During the middle of the exams questions brought up recalled memories that were not the same as my written statements, but in order to pass the tests I could not change my answer so I had to lie. Both times I passed. Each exam was by different testers, new machines. The examiners had twenty and thirty years of polygraph experience. The machines are just not that fail proof. Now before anyone says it, the polygraphs were part of job interviews, asking about criminal records, juvenile pranks that were illegal, drug use, etc. The part I had to lie on was juvenile illegal activities. They both used surprise questions to verify and the questions were designed to pull up memories. They did. If you are on many types of meds, particularly heart, blood pressure or pain meds, the test will be less accurate. BUT that said, the majority of people cannot lie and pass, even on meds. I just have no faith in them if the subject is important. Now back to this test. What we have is a story. There are witnesses to the story, supposedly the dna has been sent to two different labs, the story says a polygraph has been passed. But there is no BODY. Nothing that can prove everything, or anything, in the story is real. We are a lot closer to it now though. I believe he has shot two of them. This test does not change my feelings and by the number of poopoo posts, not many others feelings either. The world will only accept a body or parts of a body it can touch, see and test. I hope this test does spur some main stream media attention though as that might put enough pressure on people to release the studies. I have to say good job to everyone in getting this test done. And congratulations to Mr Smeja on being the one who MAY turn the world on it's head. But we are still in limbo until the body pieces and dna proof is released.

    1. maybe someone has a body secreted away?
      I've often wondered about this.

    2. I think they might. I know I sure would. But leaving a body and coming back later to find obky a little chunk is very possible.

    3. Why should normal thinking people care what the world will believe or not? The world is stupid, the world already believes in an old bearded man in the skies. Talk about bad excuses. They won't even believe a body, have you seen how backwards many religious gropus in America live? DNA is sufficient, this isn't a circus show with animals on display it's science at work and science prove things via samples today. That you still won't believe it then is your problem not the intelligent part of the population.

    4. Anon at 443,

      DNA does not prove that it is from bigfoot, it proves that they have yet to profile whatever it is the sample shows. It could be from a unicorn for all we know. All together now: Body, DNA, Identification. Without a body, it is an unknown sample stored in a lab impossible to identify because there is nothing to match it with.

    5. It doesn't prove anything, but it's an important piece of the puzzle. Both his and the drivers story plus the polygraph results, add in the DNA evidence plus evidence from the site. Some people won't be convinced no matter what - but what else can anybody do. Unless you were there at the time of the shooting all we can do is utilize polygraphs and DNA and go research the location. That's all anybody can do. This is the first time anybody has gone to such lengths to get to the bottom of what would normally just be another story - at least there's something to consider here.

  43. Has anyone done a freedom of information request to the dept of fish and game? Being a state agency, they must provide any information requested about this. There should be dispatch records, emails, phone records, letters, something that proves fish and game is involved. If they refuse to give info due to ongoing investigation, that is proof itself.

    1. The department of fish and game could easily be engaged in an investigation of Smeja and that wouldn’t “prove” shit. Smeja publicly claimed to have shot two unknown animals in California, why wouldn't they investigate? They may well suspect him of poaching.

    2. It would be proof that fish and game is involved. Either because if poaching or shooting a bigfoot. I imagine the statute of limitations would close to up by now on a poaching case, so any ongoing investigation would be something more. If they release info that says they talked with Mr Smeja, saw a sample of flesh that was not human or known animal then closed case, that would prove something was shot.

    3. Unless I am misunderstanding the legislation, the statue of limitations won't be up until October 2013.

  44. I am rather disturbed by the last question and his answer to it. If he thought it looked like a human in a bear suit, why did he shoot it? It could have BEEN a human in a bear suit!

    Big Jim, that's a good idea!

    1. It said LARGE human. A 10 foot tall bigfoot could look like a large human in a suit, but it would just be to big to be a human

  45. Well now I know polygraphs do not work because bigfoot does not exist.

  46. NO polygraph test is fool proof and if someone tells you they are, they are lying. Of course a polygraph business is going to tell you it is 100%. The tests are not at all reliable and that is why they are not admissible in court. Do a little research people and quit drinking the koolaid.

  47. Good job roe..and for all the strokes bragging about beating lie detector test,i myself took one years ago and passed the test but was caught on some little fib...so i dont think its that easy to pass..only thing i didnt understand was i was asked a series of questions leading up to the test about personal things to gauge me on lieing and telling the truth..i was suprised they didnt do that to justin also..any thoughts on that roe? or did they ask other questions that wernt listed?

  48. if any of you guys really ever took a lie detector test you would know its not easy to pass,i have taken one,ITS NOT THAT EASY anyone who says it is hasnt ever takin one..im sure of that SORE LOOSERS HA HA HA

  49. My job once had things stolen. We all had to take a poly to find out who did it. I wasn't even working the day it happened. When I took the test, it was determined that I did not take it, but KNEW who did. The truth was I had no idea who took it, but had a suspicion of who might have. Had to explain that when questioned by my boss, but bottom line was that my suspicions were picked up on the poly. If Justin was lying on anything, it would have showed up in someway.

  50. The questions asked first are control questions. They are usually given every time, but not listed on results. If you have nerve problems like carpel tunnel, spinal injury, head injuries, or take any med that regulates blood pressure, heart rate, treats depression, and many more, you are more likely to beat a polygraph. That is why I think I passed them. I have serious nerve damage in my legs, scarring on the brain, carpel tunnel, and take meds for everything but depression. Maybe that explains my fascination with bigfoot.

  51. People have been trying to poke holes in this guys story and this is again shows he's telling the truth. What else does he have to do? They have visited the site and put real situations against it, body parts for DNA, a lie detector test, interviews, witnesses, ect... I'm honest and I would have screwed this up! What does it take?

  52. If he did shoot a female and a baby I would think twice before going into those woods with the male Bigfoot in wait! If bigfoots are as smart as we all think they are that male is going to go on a rampage and start to rip people's heads off just like I would do if I was him! I think they have declared war for killing an unarmed female and baby! Watch the papers and see how many hikers come up missing in the future!

  53. If he did shoot a female and a baby I would think twice before going into those woods with the male Bigfoot in wait! If bigfoots are as smart as we all think they are that male is going to go on a rampage and start to rip people's heads off just like I would do if I was him! I think they have declared war for killing an unarmed female and baby! Watch the papers and see how many hikers come up missing in the future!

    1. Stop double posting, your comment was stupid enough the first time.

      Oh, and if you really believe that then you have a lot to learn about non-human primates. Chimps can hold a grudge, but they don't dwell on a dead mate or dead offspring. Jane Goodall reported a case of a female who killed another females child and ate it and there wasn't any big revenge killing or anything like that. A male chimp could reasonably expect to have some of his offspring and mates die and he's not going to go on a rampage because of it. Now if another chimp attacked the male, then you can expect some grudge holding.

  54. Questions I would like to have asked him.

    1. Did you shoot the adult more than once
    2. Did you take the infant home with you and store it in a freezer
    3. Do you have the infant in your possession

    1. 4. Is there any other details that you have not yet talked about

    2. Good questions im sure he was asked that but they arnt going to let that info out yet..as soon as the taxidermy gets the infant done it will be on ebay..thats when roe gets his cut lol

    3. I would be willing to bet ANY member of Team Tazer that their is NO BIGFOOT! I will have an attorney draw up a contract stating the rules of the competition. I will have my own private investigator examine the facts. Lets say 100,000 fellas? Unless you want to go more? You agree I will release my name and my financial backing and there you have your monetary gain. Between all the members I am sure you can come up with the means for the bet. I will be waiting for your answer.

    4. Shut up.

      There's no such thing as Bigfoot, but Bigfoot is more believable than you having 100,000 dollars.

    5. Unlike you poor uneducated backwoods hillbilly's, some people worked their entire lives with a job that required a college degree. Since that was my case I have retired with well OVER 100,000 dollars. Its called a 401k retirement plan and I actually believe they offer that at Mcdonalds so its in your best interest to look into it. At minimum wage you can still earn a considerable amount over a long period of time. But I digress. Shall we agree upon this wager?

    6. @ Anonymous 6:27....Really? There is no bigfoot? Wow. Thank you SO much for clearing that up! So all of the thousands of footprints, witnesses that have seen one face-to-face, structures, smells, scat, Native American art, etc. All that is just HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of years of bullsh*t? Wow.

      You are such a douche. Tell the people that have come face-to-face with one of these creatures that they are not real. I really hope that someday you see one and it scares you SO bad you shit yourself, as I am sure you would.

    7. Anon 8:18,

      By your retard logic, ghosts “have to”exist because thousands of people have seen them over hundreds of years. When are you going to stop having sex with goats and learn that the number of liars will never make a lie true. It doesn't matter how many liars you can get to say Bigfoot exists it won't change the truth. “Witnesses” aren’t proof. Smeja, the lying liar, lying to a polygraph examiner isn't proof. Degenerate scum like you seem to believe that you can make Bigfoot real with sheer force of Bullshiting. Well I've got news for you looser: It's never going to happen. Scientists won't let it happen.

      Anon 7:21,

      Stop trolling. You don't have $100,000. You don't have a 401k retirement plan. You're wanted for non-payment of child support in the state of Louisiana. No one will take up your wager because no one (even the footers) is dumb enough to believe that you have any money.

  55. Well what the hell do I say on this one.First of all thank you to Shawn,Ro and TT for doing this and after meeting Justin being man enough to stick to your guns on this whole thing.Yes a polygraph can be beaten but I'm taking this as a pretty damn good indicator that Justin is telling the truth.
    There are some people that no matter what happens with this and the DNA will never accept anything to do with Sasquatch.Even after a body is produced and the DNA comes back they will still say "I don't believe a word of it. I've been in the woods all my life and I haven't seen any of those its all made up to make money".
    The waiting is very annoying but you have to consider two things either these other projects don't have what they thought the would have by now or they have alot more than we think they do.I think someone has a body and some mind blowing footage and want to make sure everything is done right to solve this once and for all.
    I think if Justin shot a Bigfoot and a Juvenile it was an asshole thing to do.Sometimes good things come out of a tragedy,I hope that is the case here.

  56. The ones that say BF is not a real creature , must be stuck on stupid ! Because the proof is here .

    1. A man who believes in a magic ape calling other people stupid is like Jerry Sandusky calling other people perverted.

  57. I just want to thank Ro and the gang for being about as thorough as you can be with this kind of thing. Let the haters hate. You'ver done more than enough getting to the bottom of this story and you should be commended for it. -- d3w177

  58. The fact that in this report question #2,and #3 conflict with each other is alarming. I'm sure it's probably a typo but that just goes to show the lack of professionalism in handling this situation. To publicly release the polygraph results and to flub question #3 and make it read like he intentionally fired at a known animal to him is just pathetic. Don't release things publicly without having them tight and presentable other wise it just further shows a lack of credibility on your part.

    1. hi idiot anon 8:04. did you not see the update or read the whole article? bart cutino verified how he'd written the question and there was a typo by the polygraph examiner. Ro also went back and reviewed the video tape and there was a typo as the question was asked correctly as written by bart. ro, bart and the TTZ guys are not responsible for the polygraph examiners typos

  59. All these people saying that if this was legit it would be on the news are idiots.....or NEVER watch the news. The news will not report a polygraph test. If there was a confirmed body or DNA (and there will be soon), then you MIGHT see it on the news. The Georgia hoax a few years back was ALL OVER the news...you think the networks are going to get burned again so easily? No way. It is going to take something HUGE for them to even touch a story like this and one lie detector test is not enough.

  60. I thought the line of questioning was supposed to be made by the examiner and not some guy that has a Bigfoot connection to JS and happens to be drinking the same juice. I've read many times that the questions made by the EXAMINER and the order in which they are given, are one of the tools THEY use in detecting whether the subject is lying or not. Like most Bigfoot 'evidence' this smells very fishy.

    1. Understandable I guess as I'd feel the same way but after reading those questions I think the right guy, with most knowledge of case asked them imo.

      Did you even read the questions? I'm sure the examiner did as how do even know he used all the questions Bart gave, or didn't change some? do you think the examiner is getting paid to listen to the whole story and create his own questions? Doubt it

      Doesn't appear to me that Cutino gave Justin any leeway there and the guy has said repeatedly that he's independtly testing Sierras evidence and will wait for that.

    2. The examiner had no idea what the subject matter was. She was basically told at the last minute it was about bigfoot

  61. Nice investigation work, Team Tazer rules!!! :)

  62. I guess the only thing I don't like about this is that there should be a few test questions where Justin purposely lies to make sure it registers as a lie. If someone already mentioned that I'm sorry, didn't read this entire thread.

    I thought that was a common practice during a poly.

    Most of the questions about the test posted here were answerd on it

  64. ahahaha you bleevers all drinking the kool aid, tooooo funny

    no bigfoots were shot.

    bigfoot does not exist.

  65. Here is some logic that I do not think has been mentioned yet. One, just because he says he shot a bigfoot doesn't mean he actually shot one, it just means he shot what he perceives to be a bigfoot. Two, test questions are administered in every poly test and they were likely asked, just not posted to the story here. Three, if this story is false it is very likely that he could still pass a polygraph at this point. He is obviously so immersed in this story that even though it may not have happened, he still believes it to be true. Also, polygraphs are "beaten" all the time for a variety of reasons.

  66. no shit bigfoot bob, did you happen to notice the questions as Bart and Ro wisely addressed that in question one. he never did say he shot a bigfoot if you've paid attention to story, just he believes he shot what others call a bigfoot.

    Smeja passed, bigfoot bob failed

  67. I completely understand that polygraph tests are fallible which is why they aren't admissable in a court of law. But I will say that this reinforces the 'believability factor' of Justin's past interviews. I found him credible on most of the comments in his interviews. The few inconsistencies from what we've gleaned from prior research and eye witness accounts was keeping me from believing his story. It appears that he gains a little more credibility and perhaps we now need to be on the lookout for arm waving BFs with chimpanze looking babies...

    Shawn and Team Tazer, Big props for taking this to a new level and satisfying those of us who remain on the fence with more info on this story.

  68. Lots of comments today! I didn't read any of them but here's my 2 cents..Lie detector tests can be easily faked. It takes a small amount of knowledge and a large amount of courage but it could be done. However in light of all the media exposure that is soon to follow this story, I sincerely doubt so many individuals would put there reputations on the line in the name of scoring a few bucks..I could be wrong here though, this IS the world of Bigfoot afterall!


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