Dr. Matthew A. Johnson: Does Our Government Know About Bigfoot? [Oregon Caves, Sierra Kills]

Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible person in the Bigfoot world. 11 years ago, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking at the Oregon Caves. After that event, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. In the following post, Dr. Johnson wrote about the possible government cover-up of Bigfoot evidence shortly after his encounter at the Oregon Caves:

Matthew A. Johnson

Two days after my family's encounter with Sasquatch at the Oregon Caves (July 1, 2000), Park Ranger, John Roth, had us take him to show him the area where it happened. Park Ranger John Roth specializes in tracking. He spent about 45 minutes going over the area with a fine tooth comb. He said, something very large has gone through here in the past 48 hours. He then showed us a very large track on an animal trail that he found. He said, "This is not a bear track. This is a Sasquatch track." Then he immediately stated, "You need to know that the park administration has a policy that we will not take a public position with the media regarding the finding of Sasquatch tracks within our park boundaries." HOW WOULD THEY HAVE DEVELOPED A POLICY WITHOUT HAVING PREVIOUS ENCOUNTERS THAT COMPELLED THEM TO DEVELOP SUCH A POLICY???!!! Within 30 days of my family's encounter at the Oregon Caves, I received approximately 30 phone calls at my private practice office from individuals who had worked at the Oregon Caves or camped, hiked, or mined near there spanning the previous 25 years. They all told me about their encounters with Bigfoot too.

Approximately ten or so years ago (2001 or 2002), I was updating my Rotary Club with our most recent research information in the Siskiyous Mountains. There were about 150+ people in attendance, including Oregon US Senator, Ron Wyden. I ended my talk with, "When the Sasquatch species is officially discovered, I doubt the United States Congress will be fully prepared to deal with the ramifications." Oregon US Senator, Ron Wyden, took the podium and addressed all of us for 20 minutes while we were eating our lunch. He shared about all the things that he was doing in Congress for the State of Oregon. When he finished speaking, he turned and looked at me across the room and said the following in front of everyone, "Dr Johnson, when the Sasquatch species is officially discovered, I can assure all of you that the United States Congress will be more than fully prepared to deal with the ramifications." All 150+ people in the room dropped their jaws in shock and disbelief. I heard a few different people whisper, "Senator Wyden just admitted that our government knows that Bigfoot exists!"

Shortly thereafter, I informed the Oregon Caves National Monument Park Rangers about what we were gleaning from our research about a Sasquatch family just south of the park boundaries on Mt Elijah and the Bigelow Lakes area. Within two weeks, our access logging road was completely dug up by heavy equipment and made inaccessible. We hiked in anyway and found that they set up video cameras and placed a rabbit in a tall cage with the top open so only something very tall would have to reach down to grab it......so I did and let it go. Needless to say, I was a tad bit angry about how they underhandedly usurped our research area.

In 2010, two Squatches were shot and killed in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California by a hunter who was scared to death and didn't know any better. The DNA analysis has been completed and submitted to a scientific peer reviewed journal. The results will be revealed to the world in the next 6 to 12 months.

Our government most definitely knows that Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Forest People exists. Are you willing to accept their existence yet? Are you fully prepared to deal with the ramifications when the DNA results are released?

[via BFRO Group]


  1. Replies
    1. ohhh boy....they are either all hoaxes, giant apes or an indian tribe living in the forest below the radar......not really that big a deal I'm sure we can handle it IF it ever happens......

  2. Yes Sir, we are. But then we have known for hundreds of years that they existed.

  3. They are real, and when recognized we can have them protected, so I hope that the government is ready to pass the laws needed to keep them safe. They exist peacefully now, but when everyone knows they exist, hunters may want to bag a BF as a trophy. I pray that never happens. That is why we hope to move fast to keep them safe when it is realized by the world that they do exist.

    1. Dont worry, no one has killed one and brought it forth as proof yet so im pretty sure theyre safe.

    2. Hunters kill the same amount of bigfoot every year as they do Dogmen...Too many!

    3. They are peaceful pacifists who love nature just like POTSMOKERS!!!!

      We should shoot or imprison them all, let the government have their homes and stick structures

    4. The government is already secretly hiring hunters to bring down the dangerous ones. They aren't going to protect them!

    5. Delusional boloney at 7:11. Johnson's probably right though, they have been covering it up because they're unsure how to deal with it. But they know of course they do, just like they do with UFOs they know very well there's life elsewhere in the universe and they've known for decades. NASA and all their latest Mars stunts, all fronts.

    6. I agree, nasa doesn't have much credibility with me either. On that note, have any of you noticed the latest release on "the starchild skull DNA results"? I just saw a clip on it today, it is AMAZING! Like the Erikson project, it took several years to get the results also and still the "Scientists" try to deny repeatable results... no wonder it took them so long to figure out gravity. I highly suggest people look this up, its very cool! Too bad that Art Bell had to get axed for protecting it years ago.

    7. This continent has been the Sasquatch home world long before human kind started taking everything over for themselves. I am angry with humanity for disrespecting nature, wildlife and these Sasquatch creatures, even dog men. These little known areas of life have been a part of the natural world as long as humans can remember. It sickens me to know that many people are so obsessed with themselves as a species that they refuse to acknowledge and respect the natural world around them. It is so disheartening to realize that your own species is capable of such cruel and disrespectful behavior towards other areas of life. I am genuinely trembling at this moment with disdain towards human kind. What is really sickening is our world leaders, people that should be able to have a deeper understanding and maturity towards life here on planet earth, and educate people on being better stewards of this planet, nature and its inhabitants. I don't blame these creatures for feeling aggression towards humans. They are trying to defend what is left of their natural habitats. Modern man has a long history of only being concerned with his own species. I can see those here that have been poisoned by the anger and arrogance of others. This is a man made problem, not a nature made problem. If humans had kept a balance between their kind and natures inhabitants, there might not be these conflicts with big foot and other creatures. People need to use their heads a bit more, and swallow some of that anger and pride. I may be viewed as a traitor to humanity, but I will not bow down to this sickness of human kind destroying and disrespecting everything.


  4. they kidnapp & eat people, just ask any native american tribe, kill them.

    1. Absolutely. Perhaps not all, but some, and that is enough. These things are a menace, some of you honestly have no idea how many human deaths they are responsible for each year. The government knows already and is dealing with it in typical secretive fashion. This would explode if the mainstream ever got wing of just what is really happening.

    2. Nice try trolls. If the species were dangerous we'd be warned about it. Sure some of them can be pissed off because they're basically primal people after all, but most will and do leave you alone.

    3. yeah right and dont call me troll pig! you would eat the buttocks of a person to survive you pig. bigfoot is an evil being that would rip your face off and then eat it like the pig you are. stuff your face like bigfoot pig! the white man stold this land and left native american tribes to suffer with the hairy man, you think its a game and sport while they live on the land with bigfoot. kill bigfoot for eating native american families.

    4. Bigfoot ate my dingo, Tonto.

  5. I agree with sweetsusieq, we need to protect this extremly scientific being. ptangier

  6. Johnson seems credible and his story is one of the more compelling eye witness accounts. But he assumes a lot here with this story. A senator saying the govt are ready for when BF is proven is NOT the same as the govt admitting they already know about BF.Besides, one thing a politician will never do, if he knows his craft, is admit to not being ready and not knowing what to do. logging roads being ug up? That could be anything, what does he mean dug up? Organisatoins have all sorts of screwy policies as well. None of those things add support for the existence of BF in my opinion.

    1. Pretty sure they must know, and they must know the species is not too dangerous or they'd be totally careless governments letting their own citizens face such possible dangers. Fact is 1000s of campers have camped and hikers have wandered with no problems and the big guys were still around and maybe even spotted, yet nothing bad happened because attention is not what they want. And that's how it is in most cases, we'll see them and they'll see us and that's all. Another day in the park, only difference is it'll soon be official public knowledge whereas rangers before were told what to say. You know, the bear rhyme like in that other blog post now. It's basically been a case of governments not really knowing how or what to tell us, so they said nothing at all.

    2. There is a recent book "missing 411" that is about missing people and mysterious deaths in national parks. I havn't read it yet, but I have ordered it. I've also had encounters with squatch and they are very shy for the most part, but if you ran into a mean one... well, scary thought.

    3. Johnson IS NOT credible. His story changed drastically and grew much greater detail after he was coached by the BFRO and the media circus started.

    4. Matthew Johnson has no credibility, he has hoaxed several times and has tried to profit off of it.
      Yes the species does exist, but they are not human at all and therefore cannot be called forest people. They are most likely an ape that has become bipedal, which is being seen more with the sub-species of chimpanzee (Banobo) has been seen walking in a bipedal manner 40% of the time.

  7. These suckers are extremely dangerous. Many people have been killed by them, many. The government has been hunting them for years and years and this hunting continues to go on. They've dwindled the numbers down significantly but they haven't managed to get them all, yet. That's been their objective since the discovery was officially acknowledged secretly by the government. Its only a matter of time so to speak. Someone, somebody has to kill one and kill one fast, contact the media (avoiding letting the government know of course) and set up a quick press conference and have it ready for viewing as soon as they get there. Its the only way to keep the government from covering it up.

    1. Again, these things aren't the sweet benevolent creatures everyone makes them out to be. They're highly dangerous.

    2. They'll rip your face off...and wear it like a mask...and stick their tongue through the lips part and make raspberry sounds. Uh yeah, very dangerous I'd say.

    3. ^^^its true, I've seen it. Pics to follow...

    4. I heard they rip you in have till your guts are taunt then pluck them like banjo strings.

    5. I love how all these idiots joke about it, when in fact that is the truth posted by the first anon, above. Go on, make fun of him/her, you are being foolish and setting up more people to die by your ignorance.

    6. ^^^its true, I've seen it. Sometimes these BF will wear a humans face to blend in at the walmart, usually just picking up some unmentionables for the mrs's.

    7. Blahblah lots of silly troll junk talk. There's been thousands of sightings over centuries and they've mostly been peaceful, simply because it's in their own best interest to shun us. We're the menace evidently. The only attack you'll see is a bluff charge at most, it's the usual silent retreat.

  8. Phew I'm glad there wasn't a video to go with this. I can't handle seeing this guy cry again.

    1. I agree.Everytime he tells his story the guy cries like a baby.

      I think he needs to quit playing with his Johnson when he's out in the woods.

    2. Stephen Fry didn't believe him either, but that's probably because he wouldn't play with his.

  9. That's right its the govt covering it up.Maybe you should ask to see Dr JOhnson aboout your paranoia about a) dangerous BF's killing people and b) the conspiracy by the govt (who couldn't keep a secret like that) Where's the whistleblowers, you telling me the hunters who hav been shooting them would stay quiet. It doesn't help to move this whole debate into 'Tin Foil Hat' BF truther territory.

    1. Your gov. is keeping quiet we aint no damned fools.

    2. Gareth, there ARE whistleblowers, and people like you laugh at them, too.

    3. You're such an asshat Gareth, of course the government knows are you nuts. Thousands have seen what's evidently there yet the leaders tell you it isn't happening to calm the sheep masses, just like the flying saucers they can't handle either but still exists. So fact is the species is there, only real question is what are they excactly man or beast. Evidently not beast because we'd seen warning against that then, so the last option remains they're a strange human species and not fitting into the picture we've painted of this world with that superstitious nonsense called religion.

    4. Gaerath The Gae!
      Who loves you baby!

  10. Its all aconspiracy ,you know how much shit come true since 1972 . as ateen ager i thought is was false .believe it or at least most of it .Fuckem all.

  11. How about this i bet mm and melba is succking the cia ,and thefeds d.ck right about now.

  12. Does anyone think this is a fluff piece released by Someone in the Cat Doctors inner circle to advertise the DNA studies release? We havent heard about Spirit Sticks in awhile so they could be trying to get their name out.

  13. Who gives a shit i dont i want some fu.king proof dont you.

  14. Matt Johnson is one of the most un-credible people in bigfooting. He literally turned into a sobbing. blithering ball of mush over his purported sighting, for which his wife and family divorced him over his ridiculous behavior. need i say more?? So much for a phsycology

    1. He reminds of that Dr.Jonathon Reed that hoaxed a alien killing or something like that.This dude is a total whack job like Johnson and he cried like Johnson did.

    2. Let me get this straight: if a man shows emotion, then he lacks credibility? Conversely, if he showed no emotion you would say,"His lack of emotion destroys his credibility!"

      You just can't please some people.

    3. But it's everytime he tells his story.
      I can see him doing it the first time he told his story,maybe even the second time but EVERYTIME,C'mon.

      Seems to me he is trying to hard to "CONVINCE" people of his sighting.

      Also his wife has come out and said that he is hoaxing.

  15. That dog bowl non sense on his Facebook is a freaking joke. Because of only that I put no weight in anything he says.

  16. Ok I'm a skeptical believer in bigfoot. Meaning while I believe bigfoot is out there I am however very skeptical of all the bs & so called squatch facts out there, but now government conspiracies & gover ups? I thought we were looking for a animal not ufo's & reptilian shapshifter. If the bigfoot community dosent get serious about trying to find real information that's useful soon, we might as well get our facts from david icke.

    1. I love how you preach the concept of selectively discarding evidence to fit a preconceived idea of what bigfoot is, then talk about hoping to arrive at the truth. What a tool you are.

    2. Don't be so quick to dismiss david icke, I hear he gets all his info directly from the mothership. Put it this way...the guy knows his way around a probe.

    3. Devil, we're not looking for an animal here they're just hairy giant forest people.

  17. That is one giant leap in logic based on a politician simply using your own words of doubt in a response to ensure that his constituents know that they have everything covered. It was a simple political statement and not an admission of anything.

    If 150 jaws dropped then there were 150 hardcore believers in the room or 150 conspiracy theorists.

    1. Exactly! No politician is gonna say they aren't ready.

  18. "Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible person in the Bigfoot world." What a load of B.S. This guy has lied about his sighting. Originally he had a typical Bigfoot sighting when he was with his family at Oregon Caves. In a recent podcast interview on Bill Lees website. Dr Johnson now claims the Bigfoot can cloak themselves like the Aliens in predator. He also claims that a Bf touched his head through a tent and he expierenced mind speak. The BF told him that the were decendents of cain or edomites or something like that. I just about pooped my panties after hearing this podcast. He has no cred do to him telling two different stories about his Oregon Caves encounter. Dr J. is a total fruit loop.
    Jeff Teagle

    1. Yup, he's a kookoo bird.

    2. If that's true then I amend my previous statement on him appearing credible. He is still more credible than the tin foil hat posse of conspiracy kooks who should stop watching loose change.

  19. Does "the government" know... Which government? The Feds? State government? Forest Service?

    I would assume that some do know. But I doubt that there is one official over-riding policy shared by all. Those that know seem to be in the business of official denial, waiting for such an authoritative over-riding policy. That is my guess.

    I know a retired forest service employee who worked in the Pacific Northwest. He and another employee experienced what BFRO would call a Class B encounter of intimidation by a Bigfoot. And yes, they felt intimidated!

  20. Dr. johnson, "one of the most credible people in bigfooting" are you kidding me? Has anyone visited dr. Johnsons fb page recently? The guy has supposed activity everytime out and is always seeking attention. the more he speaks the less credible I find him and I seriously question his oregon caves encounter more then ever. Apparenly the guy can also fill w emotion and cry on que. Wake up people and keep your skepticals on with this guy

  21. Why wasn't Smeja investigated for homicide by the authorities? in his own words he shot at a man in a suit.

    Because they believe his story that's why.

    I'll stop shouting now.

    1. If U is serious, U is a moron.

    2. That's right, 7:10 anon's just of them poor scared sheep needing assistance to even fart otherwise he'd die of fright alone.

  23. Just to play Devil's Advocate here let's say there was Bigfoots. They would obviously be an extremely endagered species and therefore their range would have to be protected. This would mean an end to logging, mining, development in what amounts to the vast majority of North Amerian wilderness. That could result in some major financial heartaches as well and making us dependant on foreign raw materials. Just saying.

    1. Protected from harm by a law yes, but not necessarily anything more than that. They've done fine so far without our help so why shouldn't they continue to do so, we can't really set land aside for them very well because they wander where they please anyway so that'd be futile. Protect from bodily harm yes, that's about all they need it would seem.

  24. No matter how seemingly long these blog entries are, I do get through them rapidly by only reading the entries with proper grammar and spelling. So, that isolates 90% of the matetial as being published by morons. Try screening just the first couple of words. Saves time!

    1. Indeed very easy, just skip anything by the obvious trolls including dogman jive, Sally, Bindernagel, Bigfoot is fake, Bigfoot doesn't exist, etc.

    2. Jack that is, I should say.

    3. Who died and made you the master english teacher? Your just a douche with nothing to offer. Fuc you ass milk.

  25. Some of you folks watch too many TV shows. Why would the government cover up the existence of sasquatch?

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  27. The government knows they're there. They've known for a long time. They study them too. They don't tell us citizens because they don't want every Tom dick and Harry trudging through the wilderness with guns and trashing the forest and wilderness ruining and interfering with the studies that have been going on for years.The day mainstream public is informed Sasquatch existence laws will be put in place. Which could be very soon.

  28. They are definitely real without a doubt 100%. They just don't come out and say hi here I am. They are very intelligent in and about there surroundings in the woods. They go about there business for the most. They investigate when there territory is encroached upon. They want nothing to do with humans really. They will run you out of the area though. The younger ones are more curious though.

  29. They do just fine without our help and have been for centuries. People are they're only nemesis. They live off the land. They only take what they need. Not like modern day humans, we take what we want. Most humans hunt and fish for sport. They do it for survival.They eat farmers crops too . but, u wouldn't even know they were there unless u were looking. They are truly the Boss of the woods especially the big males. They are huge! I can see how people ask the question how can something so huge be so elusive. But they are. They are very good at what they do.

  30. This guy is the LEAST credible Doctor I have ever seen. His second sighting story is just asinine. There is no excuse whatsoever for not taking a picture when you sit for half an hour singing and whistling to attract a bigfoot and waiting for one to appear and then when it comes meandering up the slope and watches you for several seconds before casually strolling off. How stupid does this guy think people are? Even his dog apparently didn't make any fuss--total crap!

  31. Bigfoot is real. Dogman is 1000 percent real. If BF is officially discovered. This is no spotted owl. Residential and commercial housing stops (lumber etc.). Some are curious, some are very dangerous. Too late to turn back. They must go. Dogman cryptid is way more dangerous. They smell plastic trail cams, gun powder. Put a bait pile in your living room. Seem out of place. Imagine the woods is their home. They have infrasound abilities and more. I agree with government on this one.


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