Season 3 Hasn't Aired Yet And Finding Bigfoot Has Already Wrapped Up Their First Episode Of Season 4

Can you believe that Finding Bigfoot has already started to film episodes for Season 4? After the network officially announced the third season, the producer wasted no time it seems. Judging by last year's ratings, season 3 will probably be another hit for Animal Planet when it airs this November.


  1. Hollywood BF hunters what you expect a real investigation????

    1. Brother shadow and tim mitchell are jealous because they have nothing to offer to bigfoot research.

  2. hell by the time season 4 hits they might have found the big brown bastard. i'm just saying that season three should of already been on the boob tube. clowns like dyer and FATsano might pull off another hoax and ruin the whole thing.

  3. So wait we now know not to bother watching season 3 because thy didn't find anything.

    1. Lol, great point. The show is a waste of time for any serious research. The eye witness testimonies are indeed the only thing worth watching.

    2. Keyword "research". They go out to conduct research, which is exactly what they do.

  4. I read a comment on here the other day that someone likes to watch just for the eye witness accounts and if I watch any of this season that is the only reason I would.

  5. Let me get this straight. They didn't find bigfoot in season 3?


  6. This reminds me of Gilligan's Island. The Professor
    can make a radio out of coconuts, but he can't patch
    a 3 foot hole in the Skipper's boat so they can get off the island.

    Gilligan and the gang never get rescued, have loads of Island fun, each episode, and the show went on season after season....just like Finding Bigfoot: they never find Bigfoot but have loads of out in the woods fun......

    Of course watching Ranae is kinda fun...maybe not
    as fun as Ginger and Maryanne, but rather fun.

    1. In one episode the Professor also built a lie detector machine out of coconuts. It could come in handy with some of these bigfoot stories.

  7. Put the show down, but any of you naysayers would jump in in a second if asked to be on the show, your all jealous, its TV its entertainment, if real serious BF research was televised it would be boring as hell and mainstream public wouldn't watch....

    1. Most of the anonymous bigfoot/crypto, sci-fi/horror, or fans of the paranormal in general think the show is enjoyable and that the eccentric cast is likable. A few "serious" and "known" bigfoot researchers have a problem with it for reasons known to themselves. Jealousy is an excellent guess.

      Silent Majority

  8. I wouldn't mind a season of Finding Find her in my bedroom..... Hot tub...pool.... Shower.....

    We need some hot scandal pics of

    1. What are you talking about? She looks like a 14 year old boy. She is def built like one

    2. gross, definetly not my kinda woman.

  9. Till they are willing to cover the real issues facing this community like the sierra kills and the DNA studies then I'm not willing to watch it

    1. Isn't that the truth. Just by proving or disapproving the sierra story they could prove or disprove the entire Melba ketchum study as she said it was consistent with all her other samples. There was 3 samples Melba claimed to have done a complete gnome on. One was from jcs PVC pipe another was the sierra steak and the other a bunch of hair the op contributed to. You disprove smejas story and disprove melbas hoax (if there is one)

      Why hasn't finding Bigfoot covered the biggest story in Bigfoot in the last 40 years?

    2. Because its not the biggest story in the last 40 years ...

      Where is it reported in the mainstream media, anywhere?

      It's only a "big story" in the comments section of this particular blog, because so many commenters here are such naive suckers.

      You can bet that mainstream media researchers have kept their ears to the ground for sensational bigfoot stories over the past few years. Surely they have heard about this Sierra Kills story by now, and they have read all about it. They've probably asked Meldrum about the story too and he has quietly give them the skinny.

      Newspaper and TV news researchers are very savvy when it comes to sensational stories. But they want their sensational stories to have some basis in truth. They have figured out, like many others, that there is not even a kernel of truth to the Sierra Kills story.

      They also know the whole sideshow with Melba Ketchum is phony. They can figure that out for themselves if they've been following it for a while.

      So the Sierra Kills story will never get into the mainstream media, and that's why you can't even say it's "big" story, much less the "biggest story of the last 40 years." Give me a break ...

    3. 1224 what are you gay or something?

    4. Except for Renae, the cast members believe bigfoot exists and are investigating whether or not they can be located in specific regions. What does that have to do with a dna study, unless bigfoot is wearing a labcoat and carrying a clipboard?

  10. Show was interesting at first,but turned out to be a joke. Fireworks scare away animals,but I guess they had to make the show intersting since they cant find anything,not even a bear! cmon this show is a waste of time.

  11. Moneymaker brings zero credibility to the table..Remember the Senoma video in which he fell into a trap set by Penn&Teller. He claimed that the video was 100% authentic and he had authenticated it himself. It was actually a video shot with a cheap Halloween costume. Moneymaker is the weak link in any chain he is part of..a loudmouth knowitall who knows nothing..kudos to Cliff,Bobo and Rene for being interesting and personable and actually investigating...My advice is drop the dead weight of Moneymaker and keep investigating..

    1. No doubt Moneymaker dropped you. You were probably banned from BFRO expeditions, or from the BFRO, or both. There's nothing you can do about that now except snide comments on public forums.

      Most veteran bigfoot researchers say he's the best witness investigator and expedition leader out there. I've been with him on three expeditions and I can tell you he's much better in the field than the TV show reveals. He picked really good areas and called in some bigfoots on all three expeditions.

      He has a great sense about where bigfoots will go in various types of environments and how they will respond to sounds. I've seen it myself first hand. Why do you think he has such a huge following? Because he's "dead weight" ?

      Animal Planet created the Finding Bigfoot series around Moneymaker. That's obvious from the show itself.

    2. Are you high? You can't possibly believe that. Mm is a joke. Even his friends will tell you that. From cheating on his wife to pill popping and pot smoking he is simply a joke. Everything's a Bigfoot to matt. "There's a sqautch in these woods"

    3. Your mom is a joke in bed. I have had better!

    4. Sorry jealous guy. Moneymaker is the man.

    5. Do Moneymaker's enemies still claim to be his friends? Wow.

    6. Stop talking to yourself mm

    7. Hey mm when are you going to pay back Jim his 22k?

    8. Hey Justin, Meldrum knows you are full of shit too.

    9. Not justin.

    10. Yes, Meldrum knows very well that Smeja is full of crap. He knows that Melba is a con artist too. And he has known for years that Derek Randles is a wacky true believer who becomes irrational about evidence that he can claim as his trophy, even when the evidence is clearly just shapes in the clouds ... or a laughably lame bullshit story from a redneck drunk like Justin Smeja.

    11. At least justin doesn't cheat on his wife with his secretary

  12. Out of curiosity, are you all also upset that "Survivor" doesn't teach you real survival skills?

    "Finding Bigfoot" is a reality TV show; it's characters scripted. Just like all other reality shows. It's on Animal Planet, the channel that brought you "Mermaids"; it's not sold as a documentary on NatGeo or Science. And in the event this cast actually finds a Bigfoot, whatever they find belongs to Animal Planet - it's in the contract.

    Matt Moneymaker may be many things unflattering but stupid isn't one of them. You don't search the forests for 30 years and form a network of field researchers to hand over the find of a lifetime to the "100 Funniest Cats" people.
    I suspect they will NEVER find a Bigfoot while filming the show. But don't be shocked if Matt uses episodes like 'scouting' trips so he and BRFO may be credited with a discovery between season shoots. And for the price of being painted an idiot on TV, he gets paid well for his 'role' and gets a network to pay for trips all over the country and world.

    And let's say evidence of species is published before November (when Season 3 resumes) - Finding Bigfoot still 'works' because then they would be searching for a real elusive animal instead of a legend - think about how long it took wildlife filmmakers to capture a snow leopard on film.

    Doesn't sound too stupid to me. In fact, sounds like a dream gig.

  13. The team of FBF,should look in the cave systems of the U.S. north western mountains,go in and search them cause thats the only place an animal of this size could hide and not be found yet.I think there afraid to go in!!!

  14. Is MM still fat? If so, I'm not watching it.

  15. The only thing decent about this show is the Town Hall meetings and regular people telling stories. EVERYTHING else is a waste. Animal Planet could save a bunch of money by using one person to travel the country and conduct Bigfoot interviews and I bet your ass it would be a hit. They could save a lot of cash by not paying these 4 to walk around in the dark howling like buffoons.

    1. I bet you think they should have hired you instead.


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