Watch This Awesome Promo For An Awesome Bigfoot Documentary: Truth In The Mountains

Anytime someone asks us to spread the word on a new Bigfoot documentary, you can always bet your bloody Sierra Kills boots that we'll do a post in it. Filmmaker Jacob Stark says he's trying to produce a visually striking documentary about a cryptozoology expedition, through the eyes of true believers. All he needs is a little bit of help from the Bigfoot community to pull it off.

Watch this promo video and then let them know what you think about it by contributing to their goal of $2,300.

Click here to visit their KickStarter page.
Who We Are

We are a young energetic team who believe whole heartedly in the existence of hominoids. The team is :


Jake has had a fascination for the mysterious and the unknown since childhood, his vision for this documentary is to intelligently show the mystery of the legend as well as the scenic beauty of its home. (With luck some great evidence as well.)

Austin-Lead Investigator/Mechanic

Austin has a easy to love personality, extensive knowledge of the Sierra Nevada's and a fearless attitude towards the cryptic. His skill as a mechanic is huge plus to the expedition, should anything go wrong.

Nick- Investigator

A fellow lover of all things cryptic. Nick is a great open minded researcher with a love for seeking out the truth.

John- Investigator

John is a wonderful asset to the team, his never say die attitude and reliability is a must for this trip.

What's a hominoid?

"Hominoid" technically means a member of the biological superfamily of Hominoidea, including modern great apes, humans, and several extinct ancestors and relatives.

The term Hominoid has been adopted to describe the controversial family of upright walking hair-covered primates that live on every continent on Earth except Antarctica.

Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie/Skunk Ape/Alma

Why do you need my $?

The team lives a far cry from the research location, and as we all know gas for 4x4 vehicles isn't the cheapest. Since mainstream science doesn't fund expeditions of this nature, it is up to enthusiasts and specialists to document and collect data. We also need climbing gear, night vision and call blasting equipment. We want to give you the best film possible for the lowest amount of money.


  1. Already too many docs. without any tangible evidence out there now. I'll pass.

  2. Not getting a dime from me, hey everyone I need $$$$ send it.....

  3. I wish these guys well but I have a hard enough time funding my equipment on my own.
    The cinematography looks very nice and I'm sure it'll be a nice documentary. Can't they get a grant from the film board, or some sort of tax breaks?
    I suppose every country has their own regulations but I'm sure most countries offer grants or incentives for educational filming.
    Just a thought.

    1. Hey Sasquai,

      Ya know, I've really had my eye on this Glock 19 and a couple of 15 round magazine's. As you know the economy is rough but I really love target shooting and its an expensive hobby. All I'm asking for is $485.00 to get me started. Think you could swing it? I'll take checks and money orders too. If you can't swing the entire cost, I'd greatly appreciate what ever you could donate. Thanks in advance.

    2. Well my friend, had you asked for the Glock 17 with 100 round drum, I may have been able to help you out;)

    3. Son of a bitch! I knew I should've kept the 17 after I typed it. I had a model 19 Gen 3 once, got rid of it and I've been kicking myself since.

    4. The semi autos and autos are nice, but bang for the buck (pun intended), I'd much rather have this. I've always been a fan of wheel guns.
      Try doing this one handed while eating a hotdog.

      Sorry, I got off topic, I just like guns, and not in some crazy lunatic way.

  4. Really, gas is expensive? Well, isn't that just a massive surprise. What makes these guys think people (who they dont even know)are going to give them money? I'm sure EVERYONE would like to afford to be able to travel all over the states and conduct investigations . Most can't due to the very reasons they cite. I guess if people are dumb enough or generous tenough o donate then that's just grand. I just think asking people for money so you can go have a good time is shameful. Call me old fashioned or call me a dick-head if you like. That's just the way I feel about this crap. Here's an idea, there's 4 of you on the team. Each of you come up with $575.00 by saving up, doing odd jobs, etc etc and you are all set. It may take a month or two (it shouldn't take that long though, its summer and there's a lot of grass needing cut) then go make your documentary.

    Its just shameful that people are lazy and want everything handed to them. What a generation.

    1. You're not a dick-head. It's pretty hard to believe they can't raise a couple grand. Some people would be willing to help being that it "might" have an interesting outcome. OR...they could be like the bums panhandling on the corner to buy booze. Terms like "researcher" and "call blasting" are a total turnoff though. I've seen enough of Matt Moneymaker's ineffective techniques to support an attempt set up for failure from the beginning.

    2. Yeah, he's obviously doing something wrong because he's never even had a sighting in those 25 years. I honestly can't believe a grown man gets on t.v. and thinks every snap crackle pop is Bigfoot. I could honestly enjoy the show much more without him on it. Think about it, what does he seriously bring to the table?

  5. I was interested in helping before I read that they needed money for call blasting equipment. Call blasting doesn't work. I'm out!

    If you decide to rent a bouncy house to set up deep in the mountains then I might be back in. There in no way a young BF could resist a bouncy house... just saying. If not, I'll end up doing it myself someday up here in WA. Good luck fellas!

  6. I would love to go with you! Let me know when you get enough money so I can go. I think our best bet to find Bigfoot would be in the Bahamas first then Hawaii second! We can save on water and only take beer what do you think guys?

  7. Yes the economy is rough. I saw a bomb shell blond with a dynamite ass on the corner today holding a cardboard sign. It said will give T aterhole for food. God Bless.

  8. Hahaha Im gonna laugh at you dogs if these gentelman actually pull this off and find the funding and Bigfoot. Cause one day someone's gonna catch up to this creature. Its just a matter of time!!!

    1. Yeah because a brand new group of 4 who's bumming for money and equipment are going to go out there and find Bigfoot. Ya know, the creature who hasn't been found by people who have PHD's, are Field Biologists etc etc.

      However, a few guys who have amazing things like: a fascination with the mysterious; an easy to love personality; a love for all things cryptic; and a never say die attitude are going to go out there ( oh after people pay for their little excursion) and find Bigfoot?

      Uh huh........yep. Keep us posted.

    2. Oh, I'm not knocking these guys and if they find the be all to end all, then awesome for them.
      As a commenter above mentioned, you need to put in some pain in order to get the gain. Nothing is free.
      Just my own opinion.

  9. i think this has been done already, many times. they mite try telavangelism to get money to walk around in the woods all day and shoot the shit.

  10. Didn't Sharon Lee already fail at this......

    1. She just wanted a holiday, not a camping trip.


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