Watch This: Three New Snackin' with Sasquatch Ads

Woo hoo! Check out these brand new commercials from Jack Link's Beef Jerky Messin' With Sasquatch advertising campaign.

New Snackin' with Sasquatch Commercial: Book Club. You can Sasquatch out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of Sasquatch.

New Snackin' with Sasquatch commercial: Garage. You can take Sasquatch out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of Sasquatch.

New Snackin' with Sasquatch TV Commercial: You can take Sasquatch out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of Sasquatch.


  1. How does Dogman make his hush puppies?
    He pounds a hotdog :-)

  2. those ads, "The most interesting man in the world" has a one liner..."Sasquatch took his photograph."

    1. Yes it does.And if you look to the bottom right you can see a blurry Bigfoot with a camera.

    2. "Sasquatch has taken a photograph of him" great line.

  3. I love the garage one, his suggestive movements make me lmfao!


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