If Gorillas Can Do This, Imagine What Bigfoot Can Do

About 7 months ago (November 19, 2011), this Blog posted an article, a portion of which discussed a Bigfoot who allegedly had destroyed a 330 conibear trap. Whether or not this actually occurred, it does beg the question, “Could it happen?”
If the conventional wisdom that Bigfoot is, intellectually, somewhere between man and ape holds true, the answer is apparently a resounding “Yes!”
An article last week on Africa Geographic Magazine detailed how several young gorillas went about destroying snares set by poachers, just two days after a fellow gorilla had been caught in one and died.
If gorillas can do this, imagine what Bigfoot can do. While disabling/destroying a 330 conibear trap would certainly require a greater strength and skill set than would the poachers snares discussed above, would not a stronger and more advanced creature likely be able to destroy a stronger and more advanced snare?
Significant are the words of Veronica Vecellio, gorilla program coordinator at the Karisoke Research Center, who noted that the gorillas “worked together to deactivate two snares” and “demonstrated an impressive cognitive skill.” Cognitive skills refer to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning. If a juvenile gorilla can demonstrate such skills, imagine those a Bigfoot might possess.
Did a Bigfoot destroy a conibear trap? Could he? Further, is it possible that one reason it has been so difficult to procure a definitive photograph of Sasquatch is because Sasquatch is aware of the placement of and purpose for the cameras and thus deliberately avoids them? With such impressive cognitive skills, what else might a Bigfoot do or be able to do that we may have neither learned nor yet considered?
In before the stupid-a** trolls.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you are simply the first troll in! :-)
DeleteWhere's the video footage of bigfoots doing the same thing, or "imagine what a BF could do?" sort of stuff. Gorillas don't manage to avoid cameras. People don't manage to avoid cameras. If BF are midway between apes and humans, why don't they get caught by camera traps, snares, bear traps, hit by cars, leave dead bodies around after they die, and on and on and on.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you're starting to realize how moronic you are for being obsessed with Bigfoot.
DeleteGood point, motion sensor videos nor camera traps ever seem to deliver any good results. However, if you ever watch wildlife films or docs that feature this sort of footage or pictures, the animal that has been caught always seems to be looking directly at the lens. I don't know for sure but it seems to me that these devices must make some sort of continuous mechanical sound that animals must be able to pick up on. Just a theory, probably wrong, but who knows.
Delete"imagine" being the operative word.
ReplyDeleteGood article Joe and good questions. I think an adult bigfoot could probably destroy and Abrams M1 tank if it wanted too. Destroying a conibear trap would be a simple task for one, and of that I have no doubt.
ReplyDeleteI am most impressed with the gorilla cognitive skill set ability and better yet, - good for them. There are certain bottom feeder factions on this planet that will not be satisfied until every last gorilla is dead. Want to know why a creature far smarter than a gorilla and in short numbers remains so elusive. Go ask the gorilla and the buffalo.
imagine what manbearpig could do.
ReplyDeletemakes as much sense.
imagine what could do.
I have seen first hand what manbearpig can do and have nightmares constantly, even while awake. Trust me, the human mind cannot "imagine" that type of horror without going into a catatonic state. Super duper serial
Deletewhere is timmy today
ReplyDeleteNorth Americans are funny people, they call their free living gorillas "big foot". You should probably protect those animals instead of hunting them down. Nice gorilla pics on the right side and by the way: gorillas do indeed walk upright and they have a very special skull shape. Americans brought gorillas some to their country, setting them free a long time ago, so what? "big foot", hahahaha.