Chick Swears On Her Family That She Just Saw Bigfoot, Three Of Them!

I don't know what it is about her, but I believe this woman. The woman had just seen a light-brown figure  standing next to the trees and she believes there were at least three Bigfoots around their campsite. (Update: The area they were camping at was somewhere in Yakima, WA). Listen to what she has to say:

it was a family camping trip we stayed one night. my wife told us she seen bigfoot and she was scared i tryed to recreate it and she recorded me it looks like she recorded something else too
At this was quite 430ish dusk...I was in felt like we were both in shock b/c whatever it was stood there very still...With so much fear I ran back to my sleeping spot and hid under my sleeping bag. I was so scared..i didnt even care to zip back the tent/close...i lie on the floor kept quite and heard whistling to each other...between 3 creatures from different areas around the campsite....I was never a believer and a big critic...but What an experience that was!
(Wife' Story of the encouter prior to this video): At around 4am, I woke up to go pee outside. I didnt want to go really b/c it was quite still dark, but couldn't hold any longer. Stood up...opened the tent...I have one foot out and I looked to check if my cousins car is still there, so I can pee on the other side of the tent, but as I turn to look the other side of the tent...I noticed a tall, light brown figure (lion fur color) was standing still right where I had my husband stand ...
U can fast forward 1:45 past my girl talking it moves 2:25 look close right before i say 11foot tall like ten feet to my left


  1. "I don't know what it is about her, but I believe this woman."

    Uh...... Ok, but that makes you a woo woo. Have fun with that.

    1. No I agree with you mate.

      She's very matter of fact very convincing.

      To me the telling detail during the interview's when the kid says he wants noodles and she immediately switches her attention to him and his needs.

      That tells me at least three things about her 1) she's level headed very practical 2) she's not an attention seeker who wants the whole world to grind to a halt because she'd had the most amazing experience anyone's ever had in the history of the world and 3) she's not a raconteur or performer seeking an audience.

  2. LMAO...

    "Yo, homes, what you say you saw?"
    "I dunno, ay... like, prolly a big foot or something, homes, i dunno."
    "Say whaaat?"
    "Then i was all like, yo, bigfoot, you best back up gurl before i slap the fur off dat fat ass!"
    "You go girl!"

    annnnd, so forth...

  3. Nice story, but them ( o Y o ) really stick out! Shew.. i think i will plan a camping trip with my girl, so we can do it like they do it on Discovery Channel! At least its not a picture that somebody took and later realized that there is 7 bigfoot in the picture and they gotten 7 red circles with a arrow pointing to it. Since she actually says she seen it and she said that if she is lying that her kid would fall over dead, and her ( o Y o ) are perfect... I THINK I BELIEVE HER!! Wink, Wink at you girl man!

      Same girl in this film show us how to shake it.... NICE, NICE, NICE!!

  4. Best looking bigfoot-witness EVER!

    1. I agree, BF was probably a male and oggling her fun bags.

  5. How tall was the dude holding the stick? that was one massively tall Bigfoot.Im wondering did she end up having her pee or not.

  6. Sounds like the same color of hair Smeja described.

  7. So is she claiming during this filming there is a Bigfoot somewhere to see?

  8. Hope they get their shot on finding Bigfoot, this is obviously their goal. Hope they did a good job of scaring the sh!t out of their kids and gave them plenty of nightmares cuz you know, that's always fun.

  9. Crouched by him in brush camera right his left as he's holding up the stick, rocking side to side. I see it, could be a tree or bush. Is that what he's talking about?

    1. the only movement I'm seeing in the brush are branches in the breeze. There is something with a blobsquatch shape but again, it's branches

  10. what is it with assault rifle's and latino's camping and that tent looked like a house. Probably a grow site!

  11. Mmm...noodles, she can cook too.

  12. wow pretty good it turns and looks and then moves with the color changing..Im not sayin but true test to the squatch It will be right there and youll never see it!

  13. Probably admiring her perfectly round jugs. If I was a bigfeets, I'd be hidin' in the bushes pullin my porky whilst gazing at her juggies. She has gotta be telling the truth because her jugz are to perfect to be a liar.

  14. Stabilized video? Why did they use that word? Nothing about that was stabilized.

    Oh, and... most importantly.. where is whatever we were supposed to be seeing?

  15. WHy would you enhance at stabilize a video of a recreation? Geesh and crymanie.

  16. I think she is speaking the truth. When she talks about the hairs on her arm it convinces me. BTW it took me a few moments to figure out what (oYo) was. Light bulb moment. I did press the pause button when she bent over to get the hot water though.


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