Woman Wants To Know What Scared Her And Her Daughter Out Of The Woods

Woodknocking is typically what people hear when they're in Bigfoot territory. According to researchers, Bigfoot uses woodknocking to locate each other in the forest. And cccasionally, researchers will utilize this same technique to locate where the Bigfoots are.

In the following event, a woman and her daughter heard a loud knock that they were not able to identity. The knocking continued on and on until the woman and her daughter decided to boogie on out of the area. The lady said that her daughter refuses to go back into the woods with her and she wants to know if anyone can tell her what exactly made the knocking sound.


  1. Seemed like the mother was more worried.

    1. More crap...could be teenagers, loggers, woodpecker, etc....least likely answer is a Bigfoot but what the hell lets all surmise and assume so it fits "the story".

      In PacNW all my life, never seen it BTW

  2. Poor kid has no chance, her mother took her into the woods to "film plants that move on their own" and then gets freaked out over noises in the woods. Seems to me that she was primed to react to anything.

    We don't know enough about the location to say what it is.

    1. Monkeyfaker and Bobo in the woods, hitting a tree with louisville slugger and filming

    2. Ha Ha, could very well be....

  3. Kid didn't seemed fazed until the mom kept scaring her. What was that! Did you hear that! Woodpecker???? . What's with filming plants that move? It just seems she was trying to convince her daughter to be scared and the parent who supposed to be calm wasn't . I say it's faked. Also single knocks evenly spaced points to a person. I've heard knocking and it's generally sporadic and not that even. Just my opinion.

  4. Parents should always remain calm and not scare children!

    1. very well put mr. or mrs. anonymous! seems to me she was trying to put her little girl in wet underwear mode. maybe it was mom's lover knocking on his wood?

  5. Maybe she should refrain from freaking out her kid with her own weird paranormal ideas, and teach instead parsimony and understanding.

  6. Maybe she should refrain from freaking out her kid with her own weird paranormal ideas, and teach instead parsimony and understanding.

  7. Sounds like they were close to a busy road. Get back in your trailer and stay there...loser.

  8. Ok lady,I won't tell you it's a big hairy man with big feet.But I will tell you it's a hairy man with a big pecker.

  9. Did she notice large sulfer deposits or a salmon-like oder? 1000% certain this was manbearpig mating knocks! I hope she knows how lucky they are!

  10. Please tell me that you are not so desperate for attention that you would risk your kid's well being by inadvertently contacting a lunatic. Remember, if anyone claiming to represent Animal Planet calls, ask them for the password( "Bobo loves bacon").

  11. Could have been anybody that has watched finding bigfoot. Sounded close so they probably where doing it to scare the lady and her dtr. Maybe it was a bigfoot.

  12. Why is she trying to justify the reason she had the camera on her? That points to a fake ! Most people wouldnt even bring that up! Most of us already carry phones and cameras nowadays .

  13. I can help this lady. I know exactly what this was and I offer reasonably-priced counseling and training for these types of experiences.

  14. No need for you or your child to be afraid of the woods or what's in them. Just be cautious and observant, get proper training and never, never go anywhere unarmed. Period!

  15. What a fucking redneck sounding rube lying cunt bitch.

    1. You anon at 9:20 am are digusting!

    2. Southern accents are sexy - redneck not so much

  16. After looking at some of her other videos, I would say take this one with a grain of salt.

    1. Translation: She is an attention seeking hoaxer, one of many, and the video above is like so many that came before it: worthless drivel.

  17. I really believe this is evidence of a sasquatch smacking a tree with a woodpecker..You were sure lucky that it was trying to commincate with you with this pointed bird,because Iv'e heard that they can also use this as a weapon and shoot your eye out..Thanx for the vid..diffinite proof that the skunk apes exsist...fla.

  18. What is it with people and video cameras? Do they even watch the crap they take? Maybe not because who can watch this crap? Maybe it should be mandatory that people take a lesson on video technique before they are allowed to own and use a camera. Like a driver's licence. I mean the rampant and mindless panning around. This crap is un-watchable. Maybe she should just have a tape recorder.

  19. I'd like to do some wood knocking with Ranae Holland

    1. Sorry,she's not into wood knocking.But she is into rubbing tree knots.

  20. Nice jam block they are using for the knocks. Fools.

    1. I totally agree with you. It's too high of a pitch to be someone banging on those trees.

      This video means nothing!!!

  21. definately a woodpecker!go back and enjoy the woods!

  22. I just think it's wrong to scare you kid like that, i wouldn't go back into the woods with you any more if you were my mother, shame on you. seek some help.

  23. Yah - the vid of her daughter riding their black lab like a horse was enough for me. We're not dealing with the brightest bunch here Clark

  24. Def sounds like the knockers moneymaker has. To high pitched,doesnt sound like anything hitting a tree. Stop the hoaxing please. Skank


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