Watch This Alaskan Hunter Recall His Bigfoot Sightings To SnowWalkerPrime

It's rare enough to have one sighting, but the man in this video with SnowWalkerPrime claims he had at least three encounters with Bigfoot in Alaska. Some Bigfoot researchers have spent their entire lives searching for the elusive creature only to never see one. The man in this video may be the luckiest person alive.


  1. I didn't listen, but it was a bear.

    1. "may be the luckiest man alive" or a schizophrenic, a liar, an attention seeker, or suffering from a physical condition. All more likely than a giant apeman in the woods

    2. so u r sayin its Bigfoot?

    3. Anybody see the naked pics of Tim Fatassano on that floridacrypto blog? Scary!0

    4. He looks like Bobo LOL all the sightings really of Bobo Moneyaper and Fasano.

  2. What was bobo doing in Alaska?

  3. Thanks again SWP for showing us the interview and GBP's great artwork. The guy was not hoaxed or making misidentifications. There is no middle ground here: He is a witness or a liar. Hopefully his prints are good and an expedition into one of his sighting areas brings more evidence.

  4. I know it's not on topic, but who's the opening music by?

  5. I heard that most people look left when trying to recall from memory, but look right when they are making stuff up. This wildman mostly looked left during his retelling.

    1. When you lie you look left.

    2. How do you know that the webcam image is not laterally inverted?

      Anyways I liked the accounts and while they are good, all we have are unfalsifiable eye witness accounts.

      Wish he would take a POV cam out with him.

  6. For some reason I'm not buying it. I don't know if its the constant twitching and nose rubbing or that he continually calls SWP by name. Perhaps he is being truthful and is just really strange. Who knows.

  7. Another questionable goofball witness account from put 'em in a box aper SWP.

  8. I may be wrong but this witness seems to be sorta "making it up as he goes along."

  9. He seemed genuine...but I get the feeling he was caught in a lie when he first says sasquatch was 12 feet tall, then says he didn't shoot to kill because he thought it could have been a woodsman (forgot what he called them, exactly).

  10. SWP are you guys going to try and get an interview with the other womens bigfoot group?

  11. He's pretty far out there - both physically and mentally, but a very good narrative. It didn't sound rehearsed, he probably is exaggerating some, but I basically believe him... Worth listening to.

  12. I enjoyed the story, but have a question.
    The cache of elk, how did he know the lives were removed?
    Other than that his stories tend to jibe with other reporting's.


  13. This guy lives in fantasy land.
    Oh and he likes to look at pro football players buttockses too.

  14. I believe this guy, his actions, they way he spoke without it seeming scripted or made up was all legit to me, its all psychology & i could tell he was speaking from memory, his descriptions were right on point with most sightings, something is out there, this things won't come to the city, we have to go where nobody goes in order to see them.

    1. I agree. I have friends who use my name a lot in conversation,seems to be when they want to stress what they're saying.

      I think he sounds sincere and so glad to be able to talk about these experiences that certainly gave him feelings of fear and emotions he's never had before.

      His searching for descriptive words are common when trying to help someone understand what they are trying to communicate.

  15. My take on this; for what it is worth. Is that Michael Phillips is an honest guy. He was Airborn X-military, is working on his guide license, and comes across to me; as someone who sends a LOT of time in the forest. His facebook page has photos of Brown Bear tracks, and *Bigfoot* tracks. I have exchanged a number of PM's with him; and I now consider him my friend. He doesn't have a motive to lie; so I take him at face value. I believe he is telling the truth. As to what it is, that he encountered; I haven't a clue. He either encountered something strange; or hallucinated. I do not think he is being untruthful. But that is only my opinion. SWP

  16. The different colors of the Creatures in different areas also were interesting.

  17. Replies
    1. I see meth addicts.Snowalker prime? Phillips? Meth makes lies and ruined lives!Stranger danger! Fuck you dope trash, stop wasting my time.Stay away from my trash bins on thursday.The 15 minutes is now up.......vergearuker


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