Possible Neanderthal Hand Stencils vs Anthropomorphism

Anthropomorphism: The attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object.
An author by the name of Danny Vandramini, theorized that anthropomorphism may often be used when Neanderthal depictions (artwork, wax sculptures, etc.) have been done. If you haven't checked out his theory, you should: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZbmywzGAVs. Not only is it intriguing, it could very well be plausible. For more information, visit his website at www.themandus.org.
In my honest opinion, the artist that created Danny Vandramini's vision of the Neanderthal may have went slightly overboard. The only reason I say this is because I believe the nose of the Neanderthal in the artist's rendering may be inaccurate. I'm not sold on the eyes either, but that may be more plausible than the nose. If modern man most likely evolved from H. heidelbergensis, and the Neanderthals also evolved from H. heidelbergensis, then shouldn't they share facial similarities? Anything is possible, but I would think so. Currently, I am working on a new drawing of H. heidelbergensis as a sasquatch. In my drawing, I have taken out most of the anthropomorphism, not all of it however. The nose I created in my sketch is in between a great ape and a modern human. The drawing will be added by the end of the weekend. On to the hands of a Neanderthal and the use of anthropomorphism.
Take a look at the picture above. If these are stencils, in which the hand was placed on the wall, and the paint was blown onto the wall, over the hand, then this is very intriguing. Look at the thumb. Not entirely different than us, but there is a subtle difference. It seems longer, and at a glance resembles something in between man and great ape. Judging by the stencil of the hands alone, it seems very plausible that the Neanderthals could have actually had more ape like anatomical attributes than we may believe.
What's even more intriguing, is when you apply Vandramini's theory to humans of the Pleistocene in general and add the fact that our more recent ancestral cousins, the Neanderthals were artistic, the possibility is there that the Squatch could have some sort of culture.
since we have been Homo Sapiens our pinky's have gotten shorter, the possession of a longer thumb isn't an ape trait,in fact, most primates have shorter thumbs relative to the other digits than humans do, the position of said thumb being located in the similar place as a human with a longer palm and the fingers located higher up for grasping and climbing.
ReplyDeleteand there is no credible evidence of bigfoot existing or drawing art.
ReplyDeleteGood post. Its not a simple thing to describe what "culture" is; does not have to mean paintings, crafts etcs. I remember a nature show from awhile back where some scientist made the argument that different populations of monkeys passed along different ways of digging bugs from the ground, and that constitutes an example of culture.
ReplyDeleteThe paintings certainly look like the hand was used as a stencil. What else could it be?
This is a perfect representation of Sasquatch penis! My guess is Sas is a neaderthal decendent, and still sports a hand-shaped, multi-appendaged penis...these guys just slapped their meat on the wall and sprayed it with paint. Kinda like that old Kiss song "plaster Caster".
DeleteGreat Article!
What guys? The impression given by the article is that the photo depicts recognized cave art.
DeleteUh, it is cave art.
DeleteCave art is passé. Get w/ the times people.
DeleteNever said it was not Okie. Maybe "impression" is not the right term for: "the article is not about whether the drawings are legit or not, the author said they are cave drawings. Why question that?"
DeleteHow hot are janine garafolo and sara silverman? i love them.id like to put there hands against a wall like that and do some spray panting around them like the cavemans did.
ReplyDeletehillery was DA BOMB in her day to----------------DANG GIRL----------------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stupid Libtards falsly useing my name. I win, coward loosers
Delete@Leon: I think it's kind of funny that on one hand you're a staunch conservative and on the other you lust after liberal Democratic woman.
ReplyDeleteMake up you mind, and learn how to punctuate and spell. You come across as very retarded, BTW.
There is more then one leon W floating around the comment section. someone has a theory that the original leon W is a master reverse troll, making his impersonator the biggest fish.
Delete"The trolling on these blogs folds in on itself" lol,
You fool! In you're effort to enlighten a poster on their ignorance, you have given away my secret!
Lol; I dont know if the folded trolling is collapsing or its a Morton's salt girl type thing; I'm getting dizzy
DeleteNot me, looser libtards posting above, no balls to concede, so they cheat. More of that------------------------------------------- I can't, so i'll take from others mindset!!!!!!
Delete8:29 , 9:02, fAKE LOOSER lIBTARDS
DeleteBest evidence since PGF, things are geting interesting in the Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon/Bigfoot debate.
ReplyDelete"and there is no credible evidence of bigfoot existing or drawing art."
ReplyDeleteOral traditions of Native Americans are credible enough on my opinion. Period.
those red skins also have fantastic stories about bear spirits dipshiit. Reeeeeeealy dumb
DeleteYour suggestion that a mistaken perception on one topic, by a subject, renders ALL perceptions by the subject wrong, is not valid.
DeleteIt must / should be considered.
Yes it should. You know how much drugs those natives did? Hell, im surprised theres not more fascinating creatures described aside from Bigfoot....
DeleteOh ya there is. The Natives describe a short, stout creature that looks like a kangaroo with antlers. If there stories of Bigfoot are real, how bout the stories about this?
Peeon just what is this high IQ. score you brag about all of the time?