Oh, Canada: What's More Rare In British Columbia? Full-Time Park Rangers Or Bigfoot?

Question: How many full-time park rangers do you think there are to serve the 1000 parks and protected areas - more than 32 million acres of land?


Answer: Only 10

In British Columbia, deep government cuts have made it difficult to maintain provincial park services and facilities. The number of full-time-equivalent seasonal park rangers positions have gone from 27 in 2001 to just 10 today.

What's so bad, you ask? Well, for one thing, beautiful infrastructures are decaying, due to the cuts. Also, the lack of patrols are resulting in vandalism and theft from BC parks. And worst of all, the risk of wildfires are now even higher without adequate rangers on patrol. It's so bad in BC that some parks areas have no budget for toilet paper!

Go here to visit Save BC Parks.

Thanks Paul for sending this in.


  1. Its a well know fact that you should take your own TP to a Canadian park.

    1. every facility I have ever visited in Alberta has had TP. Maybe you should be more specific.

  2. I live in British Columbia and I frequently visit National Parks. Never once have I seen a park ranger (full or part time).

  3. Guys in Bigfoot costumes are hardly rare. We have youtube to thank fo that.

  4. Thats interesting i wonder what canada is hiding.Official olympic sasquatch mascot.

  5. That's another reason I don't live in B.C. They suck the fun out of everything. I was born and raised on the Island, lived in the Kootenays and the Okanagan. I love the place, just not the government.
    Most places in B.C. rely on tourism dollars so it doesn't make sense to cut jobs in this sector.
    In Alberta I regularly see Park Rangers. They're a friendly and helpful group of folks.

    1. okanogan lake = kick ass summertime fun

    2. I agree with you on that!! I had so much fun there as a teen.

    3. Now that we have Odumbo care we to will start to go broke! That is what happens when you try to have a nanny state.

  6. Since -- by many accounts -- Sasquatch seems to have magical properties, why don't they just conjure Canadian currency from rocks?

    Problem solved!

  7. Magical properties my ass homi da clown. What you dont know gone rip you a new asshole.I cant cant take dis chit no mo.Yello yeeello yolanda im coming home two see you baby.

  8. By the time the banks and Bernanke are finished no one will have anything, let alone TP.

  9. Easy solution, raise taxes and/or print up some currency and use this money to hire new rangers? hats wrong with that? cf/ Eat the Rich by Motorhead

  10. What would burnt Bigfoot do?

  11. thats when we all start wiping our ass with gov. police and any other fucking leeches you ever seen dream catcher by steven king.D ont think that shits impossible.

    1. I think there may be an undiscovered 1/2 ton ape monster loose in North America, I'll seriously consider just about anything.

  12. just like that mutha fucker said the only thing we got to fear is fear itself

  13. Canada is and always will be our red headed step child. Sure, we let them act like they're independent of us, but they know the truth. Guess who's going to have to pick up the pieces when they finally bring their economy to total destruction, yep, you guessed it.

    1. You guys can't even manage your own economy, so I don't know how you think you will help..........unless you meant make ours worse?

    2. Anon 6:28- Our economy is far better off than it is in the U.S.
      People keep blaming Obama, and granted he has much to with the current slump in America.
      Dubya was the one who sank you. He's the red headed step child who should have never been president. But he was....twice.
      Now if that doesn't make me laugh.
      I don't wish to pick on Americans because I have many good and decent friends there. It's comments like the ones made by the poorly educated anon at 6:28 that show how uneducated some people can be.
      Why don't you guys drill your own oil or cut your own timber instead of buying here then.
      Since this is a Bigfoot blog, I'll stop my rant here.
      There really should be a law for being stupid.

    3. At least they're more civilized up north. We def are in trouble down here but best left on a political blog.

  14. Replies
    1. The young men that are gifted with the abilities that enable them to excel in hockey apparently think so.

  15. Ok, uh, I found a mouse in a bottle of Elsinore beer and I heard that when that happens you get your beer free?

  16. Aw come on! That's someone in a costume. You can tell by the hands. How can anyone be fooled by that?


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