H. Heidelbergensis and Sasquatch

Editor’s Note: Michael Higgins is 28 years old, Texas born, Oklahoman. He is an advocate and a firm believer of the Squatch. He has witnessed one of the big guys or gals near a powerline trail in Honobia, Oklahoma. Michael is a realism artist interested in doing sasquatch sketches for eyewitnesses. You can visit his blog at okiesquatchartist.blogspot.com.

I'm no expert in the study of human evolution, nor do I pretend to be. I have done a small amount of research and theorized as to which of our ancestors the Squatch is a shoot-off of or possibly even could be. While conducting my research I found that one of our ancestors, at times, was just a tad bit bigger than everybody else. According to Dr. Lee Berger, a professor in the Department of Anatomical Sciences at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, some populations of Homo heidelbergensis grew to heights in excess of 7 feet. H. heidelbergensis, it seems, was also more robust than modern humans and had a cranial capacity similar to that of modern humans. Their bodies were made for hunting the large animals of the Middle Pleistocene at close range, possibly even wrestling down their prey.

Our rather large ancestors are said to possibly be the species that modern humans evolved from. From what I understand, H. heidelbergensis originated in Africa. Some populations migrated to Europe and developed shorter, stockier bodies, eventually evolving into Homo neanderthalensis. The Neanderthals eventually became extinct. H. heidelbergensis in Africa eventually evolved into Homo sapiens. Now, lets theorize for a moment. This particular ancestor evolved into not one, but two separate species of the genus Homo. Could they have evolved into another? Anything is possible. What if, this species of man not only evolved into yet another species, but also developed traits that it took to survive the Middle Pleistocene? What if, instead of losing the traits, such as large body sizes, hairy bodies, nocturnal lives, etc., they kept the traits because they worked? These traits, allowed this species of man to elude the destructive nature of their cousins, H. sapiens.

Its possible. This is only theoretical. And I wouldn't be surprised if I was completely wrong. However, I put my artistic skills to use on this one. Using the famous Atapuerca 5 H. heidelbergensis skull as a reference, I drew a partial side profile of a sasquatch face. To me, it fits perfect. There is a sagittal crest. There is a large cranial capacity. The top of brow ridge immediately recedes instead of forming a forehead. The large orbital bones house large eyes. Throw on some squatchy hair and you have something similar to eyewitness descriptions.


  1. "grew to heights in excess of 7 feet. H. heidelbergensis, it seems, was also more robust than modern humans and had a cranial capacity similar to that of modern humans. Their bodies were made for hunting the large animals of the Middle Pleistocene at close range, possibly even wrestling down their prey."

    Sounds squatchy

    1. Great theory although you will soon see that in fact the Sasquatch people are a completely different haplotype than encounterd before among hominids or direct sapiens/erectus decendents. They are a completely diverse, genetically variant off-shoot of modern man, whose genes allowed traits of large size, more hair, etc to shine through for natural selection within their environment. You will soon see. Oh and no worries about the public perception btw. ;). It wont be too much longer.

  2. I tend to put Homo heidelberensis closer to the Almas of the Caucasus than to the 'squatch. The Almas seem to be a stone-age tribal group, whereas the 'squatch is a more solitary creature in most instances.

    1. Agreed. The US boys are way too big and hairy probably to be the Heidelbergers, I think they're two different species. The H boys could be the Almas or Yowies whereas Sasquatch will be some other hominin altogether with nothing ape/animal about any of them either, anybody holding on to that outdated primate theory still must be out of his skull. These are unknown species of primitive vocal people we're dealing with though not quite as primitive as Bigfoot trolls evidently are.

    2. The last time I researched this, "heidelberg-man" was never found as a complete skeleton nor were multiple bones from confirmed multiple individuals found together. The size was determined by one almost complete skeleton that was the size of a H.Sapiens man, but was later determined to be the age of 7 when it died. "7ft" is a theory based on how we humans grow. But if this thing had an accelerated growth-rate (which is possible considering the world it lived in depended on growing fast) then it could have been eight or 9 feet tall.

      Almas are said to be more human and possibly Neanderthals. I don't know much about Yowies. I think Sasquatch IS H. heidelbergensis on the money.

      But I never bought into the "They became extinct." thing. I think that we pushed them out of the plains into areas we could not colonize. The same areas where we have sightings today. When you think about it, we can only live where our Technology allows us to live. Humans are frail. No one would be living in Arizona without irrigation and no one would be living in Alaska without electricity or gas or clothes (Speaking of Cities, not small native tribes).

      But at the time we say these other Hominids went extinct, Humans could only live in grasslands and near large water sources. Fossils can only be made in the same areas so we find no more fossils from the other hominids around the time we start finding our own and assume the others ALL became extinct a few hundred years later? But at the same time science confirms that fossilization is impossible in forests, jungles mountains and swamps.... All places where sightings occur all over the world today.

    3. I would agree the Almas probably are Neanderthals and whatever the Sasquatches are, the one thing I seriously doubt they are is wild apes.

      I also agree they live where we can't or won't go anymore, modern man can't survive the way he's become accustomed to without all kinds of tools at his disposal particularly anything electronic.

      Especially women would be lost without a roof over their head and most men wouldn't last too long either before getting bored or lost.

      Staying hidden for this smart huge primate is really not a big mystery, it's precisely because they're human they've eluded us and probably why authorities won't disrupt status quo.

    4. Hi my name is Jak Wolffe - funny enough both you and I have come to same conclusion here - now I am in the U.K. and obviously I go to Hunting the Europeans ones ie Alma's menus etc and I am, inclined to speculate that there may a Lazarus spice(s) out there - monkey men india yarn china yeti Tibet etc hey it would be great to compare studies and findings. Clearly though I would say our Eurasian one are clearly not the H. Hid - more denovisian ? Neanderthal red deer people? - thesupernatualseeker@gmail.com

  3. I can see a midtarsel brake on it's head.

  4. Here's a good one to ponder. First link is to the guy's book, the second is a 15 video discussing his theory with some excellent artwork, right up your alley.

    WATCH THE VIDEO... He had this theory years before it was confirmed.



    Similarities are there, interesting stuff no doubt.

    Cliff G.

    1. Was an interesting theory, however it does have some flaws. But in context to this site, maybe it is possible that BF is some evolution of Neanderthal and early Humans. That would blow peoples minds.

  5. Seriously, could the flunktard who wrote this article not be bothered to Google sagittal crest? Maybe that skull has a sagittal keel (Its a little hard to tell from this angle) but it definitely doesn't have a sagittal crest. After writing “I'm no expert in the study of human evolution” he should have thought about what he just wrote and stopped writing. Furthermore if you just Google “heidelbergensis, height” you can find a number of recent articles stating that they were only slightly taller than neanderthalensis based on a study of long bones.

    1. He is right it should have been keel. The information I found about the height I had to dig for and I even emailed Dr. Berger and asked him about it. He sent me a couple of publications explaining the height of the species of the Middle Pleistocene. So if you just Google "heidelbergensis, height," most likely you aren't digging deep enough.

  6. That looks like my uncle Jorge. He smells like a burrito.

  7. That looks lik my uncle Jorge. He smells like a burrito.

  8. a long time ago my johnson used to be bigger.

  9. Well I don't always like what Okie has to say, BUT I really do like his drawings. So much of what is drawn lacks the skill and detail to convey what the witness saw. Are you going to publish the drawing of what you saw Okie. I tried looking for it on your website and could not find it. Me Dumb. J.D.

    1. Hey man-I will eventually draw my sighting. I'll see if Shawn will post it also.

    2. Hi Okie, I hope you have a really sharp memory so you get all of the details you saw. Really looking forward to seeing what you encountered. J.D.

  10. Impressed with the artwork, seriously! Thanks Okie, appreciate the article as well. I think many find this view reasonable, perhaps one day we shall have DNA results.

  11. Maybe he's wrong, but it's a plausable theory. Perhaps heidlebergensis evolved in a third way. Bigger, stronger, faster. Then perhaps didn't need tools, fire, etc. Dr Meldrum doesn't beleive sasquatch is heidlebergensis, because heidle man had tools and the trappings of culture and civilization, or the beginings of, and wouldn't just throw them away.

    It's interesting to ponder such, and it's fun. Something evolved into Sasquatch. If heidlebergensis did evolve into homo sapiens, it would have been Homo sapien idaltu. These were the first sub-species of sapien sapien. They were very tall averaging 7 ft. If whatever evolved into sapien idaltu also evolved into sasquatch in the more noth eastern parts of asia...it wouldn't surprise me. I haven't heard anybody speculate about sapien idaltu on this blog, but there's a clue they contribute to the taller, bigger advantages of evolving. They go back 160,000 years at least. the possibilities are endless, but heidlebergensis to neanderathal, sasquatch, sapien idaltu, then finally sapien sapien isn't too far out of the box. And this evolvement might not be in any particular order. Local climate and geography could bring out the activation of different genes. DNA is very intelligent in it's ability to adapt to local environments. If heidlebergensis plays a part in the developemnt of neanderthanl and modern humans, why not sasquatch?

    1. In the species name Homo sapiens sapiens the word Homo is the genus name, the word sapiens is the specific epithet, and the second sapiens is the subspecies name. Therefore your statement that homo sapiens idaltu was a subspecies of Homo sapiens sapiens makes no sense.

    2. I think the assignment of a trinomial name is a declaration that we are looking at a snapshot in evolutionary time and the species(that share the first 2 names) are in the process of becoming two separate species.

    3. Maybe it does in a way ; I think assigning a trinomial name is a declaration that we are witnessing a snapshot in evolutionary time and that the animals(with the same first 2 names) are in the process of becoming two separate species as their populations become separated and undergo different pressures. In the case where one remains unchanged and the other becomes much different, maybe the latter can be thought of as a "sub-species" in the literal sense. No?

    4. Anon 7:53, I think you misunderstand my post. In Homo sapiens idaltu, the word idaltu is DEFINED AS the subspecies name. Homo sapiens idaltu is a subspecies of Homo sapiens, it is not a subspecies of Homo sapiens sapiens because Homo sapiens sapiens is also a subspecies of Homo sapiens. To put it another way Homo sapiens is a category which includes both Homo sapiens idaltu and Homo sapiens sapiens within it therefore James's post, as written, is incorrect.

    5. @6:11pm....thanks for the correction. It might however be that idaltu directly evolved into sapien sapien, which was my point. Was idaltu the "bigfoot of patagonia"? The spanish encountered monster sized people when first exploring that part of the south american. I've often wondered about the origins of those rather large version of people as reported by the spanish. Idaltu might be a good fit there. The sasquatch seem more gifted with blending of body type and survival skills than idaltu or bigfoot of patagonia. Unless of course idaltu evolved into and became sapien sapien.

    6. Thanks for the clarification 9;15.

  12. Cliff G provided me with this link. Extremely interesting. I'll be doing another drawing soon.


    1. that was an interesting video, and plausible theory. I thought it was a bit outlandish at first until he got to the bit about how we came to have some Neanderthal DNA. His idea that they were raping human women is possible, but I would think that any offspring would have been killed off by the early humans.
      Of course the offspring and women could have been kept and protected by the Neanderthal, but the currently accepted theory is that modern humans, excepting those from Africa and Australia, have 1-4% Neanderthal DNA. Which would mean what? That most modern humans evolved from a hybrid? Not buying that.

    2. Noooo I dont buy that at all either lol

    3. Not plausible at all. His overlay was speudo science at best. Peer review would destroy his idiotic claims.

    4. uhhh this guy bases his model on "Primates" as opposed to Humans? Did no one fill him in that Humans are in the Order "Primate"?

      And his theory does not suggest modern humans evolved from a Hybrid. It suggests that modern humans ARE Hybrids :O

  13. Bravo for putting forward your theory Okie. I do not know a great deal about anthropology except when the anthropologist think they are figuring it out, someone finds another specie that coexisted with the many others and is a little different. This probably led to a lot of interbreeding and we may well have genes from many of the past human type species, and this may someday be decoded in our DNA.

    I lean toward the ancestor of Sasquatch being the Gigantopiticus. Anthropologist think it was a huge ape that went extinct. Except all that has been found are teeth and a few jaw fragments and it well may have been a hominid that never went extinct but evolved and stayed to the forest the same as gorillas to ensure its survival, and some made their way to North America through the ice age Bering land bridge.

    Ps. I like your art work Okie, it is quite good.


    1. Hey Chuck!

      Thanks for the comment. Check out the youtube clip above, provided by Cliff G. It will make you think a little...

    2. I'll give it a listen to in the morning while working out in my office. Thanks for the heads up Okie.


    3. I never bought into the Gigantopiticus theory as all we have of it are teeth and the teeth suggest it was some sort of giant orangutan and not a bipedal creature.

  14. Wow, this is the first civil thread in a long time. J.D.

  15. Hey Okie. Just watched this morning and it gives a whole new concept that was an awakening about Neanderthals and just maybe Bigfoot. Since this is an avenue you seem fond of pursuing, maybe you could incorporate this into an evolving theory and continue doing write ups. At least this discussion was civil for the most part unlike the silliness that usually occurs here.


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