Guy On "Real News" Does Facepalm When Talking About The Existence Of Bigfoot

The last time we showed a news clip that had to do with Bigfoot, one of the news gal made a snarky remark, asking why when scientists are going to do a study on the Chupacabra. It never fails to amaze us that news people feel such strong urges to belittle the subject matter.

Real News is a website delivering news from around the world and their motto is: "The truth has no agenda." Watch how uncomfortable the room got when the lady on the left started to talk about the Yeti story:


  1. "It never fails to amaze us that news people feel such strong urges to belittle the subject matter."

    seriously? you people must at least be smart enough to realise the topic of bigfoot is very silly to regular people.

    1. You must be from across the pond.Bet you don't like Family Guy either.jackass!

    2. I love family guy but Bigfoot isnt real

    3. We're not laughing with you, we're laughing AT you.

    4. Timmy-AKA Bigfoot is Boring.What a sock puppet jack ass

    5. Timmy,why are you here if you don't think there is a possibility of a North American Ape? Is it because you are a troll?Seriously,what is your agenda? Do you think you are the smartest person in the class so to speak? Why not make a web site that is for the non-believers? Probably wouldn't be any fun then now would it Timmy.So it goes back to you,Timmy,that you only come here to troll. Wow,look at that,I answered it for you.You have nothing better to do than come here and troll.THINK ABOUT IT!

    6. Timmy=Bigfoot is Boring....

    7. I find it "silly" that the "guy" is doing a "facepalm" when it appears that most of the male population is actually doing the more traditional "crotchpalm" whenever the woman opens her mouth.

    8. Some find it "silly" that the "guy" is doing a "facepalm" when it appears that most of the male population is actually doing the more traditional "crotchpalm" whenever the woman opens her mouth.

    9. LOL, I knew it. Timmy is Bigfoot is Boring. Looks like I was right about him being a slack-jawed indoctrinated hamster brained peon who has NOT accomplished one thing worthy of mention in his life.

    10. Timmy, can I pay you to leave? Please?

    11. Timmy's here because some people like to be hated and punished for it, same reason some folks pay a hooker to whip their ass. As for news people's attitude, they merely realize their main audience is even more brainwashed than they are and won't risk complaints if their public's intelligence (effectively not there at all) is insulted.

  2. The funniest thing about this video is that the chick with glasses has a deeper voice than the males.

    Ah hahahaha.

    I'd drink her diarrhea!

    1. She's without a doubt the hottest Squatcher in the world.

    2. I want to give her a bigger pearl necklace.

    3. I,d eat a mile of her poop just to smell where it came from.

    4. FORGET the squatch watch. We must now concentrate on the CROTCH watch.

    5. Maybe we could persuade the Extinct podcast crew to score an interview with her. Then all of us could try to set a record for the biggest real time online circle jerk.

    6. I'd like to have her pee in a champaign glass then throw in an alka seltzer to carbonate it and drink it like a nobel vintage.

    7. I'm a bit more traditional. I'd rather just her straight up.

    8. Seriously??! Talk of drinking this woman's urine and eating her excrement??? Really???? I am getting sick & tired of the grossly sexist comments on this blog. You boys need to do some growing up and stop hiding behind "anonymous". Women are much more than your sexual fantasies.

    9. Lighten up ''Seriously''. It's just the internet,not school or church. Although some of it is a bit out of hand it's good to laugh once in a while. Try it,you might release all that built up tension inside you.C'mon,we can tell you are all tensed up by all the ???? marks.Have a nice day and relax.:)

    10. Amethyst,

      What do you have against a nice pearl necklace?

    11. Probably that is washes away and doesn't stay.

  3. Who is that lady? Wow, I would smash her hard!

    1. I get the feeling that most of you would screw a hole in a wooden fence so all these posts aren't really surprising.

    2. as long as its been sanded so I don't get splinters

  4. The chick is SE Cupp and the face palm guy is Andrew Wilkow who has a show on Sirius 12-3 on the patriot channel called The Wilkow Majority.

    1. Yea,who gives a flying fock who they are.We just want the girl.How much for the girl?

    2. What kind of fence? Cedar smells nice...

  5. Ambiguity intolerance, explains a lot, people feel extremely uncomfortable with the idea that Sasquatch may or may not exist they NEED it one way or another. That's why you get that extreme believer- skeptic dichotomy, some people psychologically need an answer right now. That guy's histrionics indicate a strong emotional response to even the slight suggestion of sasquatch.

    Personally I'm not sure if sasquatch exists, I find the idea that they might be real interesting, I also find the idea that they might be a big hoax/delusion interesting too. I don't need an answer right away, I don't see the harm in discussing or looking for it either.

    1. It only takes 5 seconds of logical thought to come to the correct conclusion that bigfoot does not exist.

    2. ^Proves my point.

      The possibilty of it's existence may be slim but it's a possibility all the same, the fact that you only think about it for five seconds shows that you haven't really entertained the idea at all. If everyone thought like you the Bili ape would've never been discovered.

    3. its perfectly reasonable for the bili ape to exist, and it does.

      it is not perfectly reasonable that a 10 foot bipedal ape lives in north america, with no supporting evidence after decades of searching.

    4. There is evidence, it may not be high enough quality to prove it's existence but there is enough evidence to suggest it MIGHT exist, the footprints and sightings certainly open up the possibility of it's existence just like the reports of the locals about the Bili ape encouraged further investigation. If every scientist that heard rumours of a chimp that behaved like a gorilla said "nonsense, no such creature exists!" they would never have been discovered.

      Scientists went looking for the Bili ape (which they knew existed and where they were) for a whole year yet they only observed them for 20 hours, now imagine if the apes were even more intelligent and shy of humans, they probably never would've seen them at all after a year of searching.

      I don't know of any team of qualified primate researchers spending a whole year out in the field looking for bigfoot.

      Bigfoot might not even be 10 ft tall, those reports are probably exagerrated.

    5. The clip is a microcosm of the USA. Highly polarized. Black white thinking.

      Very dangerous mentality which does not lead to good things.

    6. ^^Whoa whoa dude,put down the bong.^^

    7. It only takes 5 seconds of logical thought to come to the correct conclusion that Bigfoots do exist.

  6. Oh come on until there's clear evidence of bigfoot the subject will remain in the BS territory. I have no doubt Bigfoot will be proven to exist, but for right now its seen as BS by the majority of people and its perfectly understandable.

  7. Why the fuck would you be blogging on this website if you didnt believe in the squatch? I dont get you losers with no lives. Just harass people who feel.strongly about something. Suck the big one skeptics

    1. Because I love to laugh.

    2. Why you laugh? What funny here? No. Nothing. Serious reserch onlys

    3. The obsessed closet bleevers are still closet bleeving. All is right with the world of Bigfooting.

    4. Because I love to laugh.

      Best comment ever LMAO!!

    5. @ Anon 9:17

      You're pretty much simple minded, aren't you?

    6. So how many sites other than Bigfoot do you go on to laugh? If. Your on so many random sites to get laughs you must be ignoring your friends and family! Find a new hobby !

    7. Trolls are great to laugh at, they portray the general ignorance out there and they speak for all the other naive nobodies not even aware of this subject. Somebody must represent the beer slobs.

  8. same guys in every thread saying bf not real, they dont exist blah blah blah. Dont you fcktards have anything better to do than lurk and troll a blog about something you ave no interest in?
    Get out of your mommas basement and get a job or find a new hobby besides sucking c@cks.
    Better yet go camping in the bushes here in BC, knock on the trees, do some yells and wait for a sasquatch to show up to violate your loose a$$hole$

  9. Don't you get it by now? The subject is ridiculed so the average person will feel silly about it, not believe it, and never pursue more information on it. If the media took it seriously then people would think it was credible, and start asking questions certain people do not want asked. It's basic propaganda used to control the potentially explosive issue of the sasquatch's reality. Nobody has to deny it's real if everyone already "knows" it isn't and is afraid to even ask.

  10. I want to say something again. I think that some people want to hide the truth (whatever it is) about Sasquatch. If so, i hope that they will FAIL.

    1. The trolls for a large part are MIBs, if you met them in the woods or wherever you reported your sighting they'd persuade your silence somehow either nicely or otherwise.
      At least here they can't harm your rights, they know that and simply opt for the exaggerated ridicule act which is even more extreme here than it'd be in real everyday life person to person situations.
      That my friends, this over-doing it on their part, gives the purpose away and I think they're basically frustrated with their job.

    2. Dude,quit huffing gas fumes.

    3. Likewise, cures gullibility.

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