Bigfoot Chicks: Bigfoot is in front of you. What do you do?

Come on, guys-- What say you? If Bigfoot is standing there and staring at you in the eye, would you cower in fear at its presence, or would you attempt to communicate with it? The Bigfoot Chicks recently asked this question on their blog:

Based on many conversations with different researchers, most of whom have never had a face to face encounter, I think I have a plan should I suddenly come in contact with one.

Though I might feel scared, I would tried very hard to stand my ground. In an effort to show that I'm not aggressive in any way, I would keep my hands visible and open. Some researchers suggest sitting on the ground to show that you are submissive, but I don't feel that's necessary because the thing is already twice our size. And, should things go south, I want every opportunity to high tail it out of there.

Once I've made it to this point in our surprise meeting, and assuming I can find my voice, I think I would introduce myself. Why not? Maybe request permission to take a picture of it or with it? You never know, maybe they can sense a sense of humor!!

When the adrenaline is pumping it's hard to know exactly how you'll react to a situation. If you're alone in the woods and you walk up on the big guy, what would you do??

You can head over to the Bigfoot Chick's blog and tell them what you would do if you encounter a Bigfoot: Click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Bacon and pancakes smothered in syrup, brother. Bacon and pancakes...

    2. Because we always carry Bacon & Pancakes with us into the woods... LOL

    3. B1tch, quit using my line. Use your own fvckin' imagination.

  2. In this case, prob just have to blast off

    Jizzlobber by Faith No More:

  3. I don't know exactly what I would do if I bumped in to a Bigfoot. I suppose it would depend on the demeanor of the big guy.
    If warning signs were given,then I would probably heed those warnings and slowly back away while facing the Bigfoot.
    If he/she showed a curious nature then I might try communication of some form. I couldn't assume that Bigfoot know or understand English but I would likely try to say something such as "hello".
    Something non-linguistic might be a better approach,whether it be by body language, crude sign language or drawing in the dirt.
    I like to think that's what I'd do but in reality, I couldn't truthfully say.

    1. You just may one day Sasquaination with a flexible attitude. Apparently holding ones hands below the waist and palms up is considered good manners among many primates, and humans. It depends on your demeanor too, odds are BF will have sized you up first.

    2. Lets add the bigfoot sporting a 16 inch erection. THEN what would you do?

    3. Grow up! How immature !

    4. Lets add the bigfoot sporting a 16 inch erection. THEN what would you do?


    5. Obvious u don't have a girlfriend or wife talking like that. Pervert or a virgin with playboys at home!

    6. While the "erection" post may be immature, there have been stories of bigfoot kidnapping women from generations ago, so in some ways, it's a valid question.


    7. Show him the brown eye. It's not the eye that winks, it's the eye that stinks.

  4. Come on... 8' to 10' tall, 600-800lbs? You would empty your bowels into your pants like every other human would. LOL

    1. "8' to 10' tall, 600-800lbs" Imagine being that big and being able to hide from 300 million humans. No problem, right?

    2. True, just stay away from campsites & RV parks. (Bigfoot hunters paradise)

    3. Apparently you've never made it anywhere near the deep wilderness. Buy a clue!

    4. Yeah, I'm sure I'd have a case of puddin' pants, I meant after that;)

    5. Anon at 6:45-
      300 million humans? I had no idea that many people ventured out to the woods. Sasquatch isn't exclusive to the U.S. by the way.

    6. SasquaiNation, come on, you know everyone in North America hits the woods on a regular basis and that nobody in the rest of the world even thinks about going into the woods! Lol some peoples logic. I live on the edge of the woods with a river nearby and still can hardly find the time to go out and do research.

    7. Okie, I live about an hour drive to the edge of the woods and I'm lucky if I get out there once a week.
      If I was independently wealthy I'd be out every day. Gotta work to pay the bills.

    8. Haha you aint kiddin-I'd be out there every chance I could get. Just waiting for my little one to grow up so she can be my sidekick woodbooger hunter. Until then, my time in the woods is limited.


  6. These girls better marry up soon. They don't have much time before the ugly bomb goes off...Not that they're pretty now, just sayin'.

    1. Not really. Cause I don't have to hear the blonde ones annoying voice.You would know what I mean if you heard her ramble on about her new SUV.

  7. BF chicks are LAME please go away your not gonna get a tv show, your not gonna be famous. your not great researchers, go back to obscurity please!!!!

    1. chill out dude, and have a laugh.

  8. LOLOLOL - nice Ivan Marx bigfoot photo on their link!

    "The slimsquatch"

  9. no eye contact would probably a good start.Show it respect and things might not be so scary.

    1. Nah, eye contact is ok. Just dont give them fearful or maniac eyes.

      Kick back and halfway close your eyes. If you have something (like a twig or leaf), play with it. Non threatening body posture (relax against a log or hillside).

      Dont say a word. Look disinterested. However, think and psychically broadcast something like "hello my friend. It is good to see you - you are looking good. I like your people and will see you again soon"

      And then see what happens. Worked for me back in '93. True story

    2. ^^Dude was on Shrooms.^^ So to him it was true.

    3. i can get my dog to stop whatever she is doing and focus on me by lightly clearing my throat, most animals with fur are sensitive to simple inflection. Wild animals are pretty much hyper sensitive to it. I would again like anon 7:25 said, act like you belong there, say hello and speak clearly and calmly,use inflection in your voice as you would with a friends new dog that isn't sure about you yet, if you must move do it deliberately and slowly, remember to breath ! Treat all wild animals the same and be aware if you have one in front of you, you likely are being flanked as well and if your back trail comes from a choke point one will likey have a cut off angle on you.

      This is why I think call blasting and "squatch calling" are bad ideas, they know your out there, and god knows what you are communicating to them when you do.

  10. I would show him the Patterson-Gimlin footage and ask for a professional opinion. If he says something like "Yeah, I boinked her" then that settles it.

    1. Two words for you! Erectile dysfunction! Dork!

    2. Your wife said that was cured. Is it back?

    3. Dork??Do your parents know you read this site? Gets a little racy, last week they posted a pic of monkey love; since we will never get a photo of bigfoot, they have to keep the folks entertained somehow. You doodyhead!

  11. I'd yell...oow would ya look at that? Just look at that. Just look at it. Get a look at it. would ya look at that? Just look at that. Just look at it. Get a look at it.

    Then everything be cool.

  12. I think I would offer $20 dollars to the Sasquatch for a nice clear photo, because that buys a lot of pancake mix,plus I'd be famous. It's a win-win people.

    1. Howza bout baiting a trail cam with a dollar on a string? You know, get Bigfoots's attention and reel 'em in. Im just an idea guy... c'mon researchers lets do this!

  13. Ok. So The Bigfoot Chicks still are not hot. Not now, Not ever. Attention seeking women, thats for sure, but definately not hot.

  14. hang a jacklinks slimjim onthe camera.That would sure as hell get my attention those are good.

  15. This actually happened to me. A couple weeks ago, I was helping some kids film a video with some aerial shots on my Helicopter. We had been out there for 3 hours and it was getting hot. I turned around and I was face to face with Bugger. The first thing I did was to look around at the people I was with and tried to figure out who was slower than me. I figured I would just run by that guy and he would get caught. Then everyone busted up laughing. Turns out the kids (all in their early 20's) knew about my Bigfoot interest and one of the kids Dad has a Knock out REAL looking suit and they brought it to screw with me, They did a damn good
    job, because for the first 2-3 seconds I was thinking about which person I could out run.

  16. This actually happened to me. A couple weeks ago, I was helping some kids film a video with some aerial shots on my Helicopter. We had been out there for 3 hours and it was getting hot. I turned around and I was face to face with Bugger. The first thing I did was to look around at the people I was with and tried to figure out who was slower than me. I figured I would just run by that guy and he would get caught. Then everyone busted up laughing. Turns out the kids (all in their early 20's) knew about my Bigfoot interest and one of the kids Dad has a Knock out REAL looking suit and they brought it to screw with me, They did a damn good
    job, because for the first 2-3 seconds I was thinking about which person I could out run.

    1. LOL. great story. RC helicopters, all metal, come with small cams now; doubt the range will do though, but soon maybe.

  17. My last encounter with Bigfoot was when I came home and found him in bed with my wife. I got a couple of good shots off with a .357 Magnum, but he hightailed it outta there before we could exchange pleasantries.

    1. 9:05:00 Anonymous who wrote 'Dork!'; STFU you piece of Bigfoot excrement, or I'll grab you by the neck and stuff you up Bigfoot's hairy ass.

    2. Immature man child . Need to move out of mommas house and get a job. Ohhh no it's scary out there. I can't hide in the basement at mommas house and put dirty words out on Bigfoot sites!

    3. Lol! Awesome. Yeah anon 12:50 shove that up your keester !

    4. Anon @8:12-Should of joined in the action.It's a good thing.-Martha Stewart.

  18. DAMN i bet she had to have surgery

  19. Please everyone go over there and make them famous.

  20. squatch watch chick looks good but i aint licking no bodies tater hole.

    1. Your sick! Typical comments from a 13 year old, u apparently have never been by a real girl! How's the blow up?

  21. the answer is, there are no bigfoot so this will never happen.

  22. He is 13 get over it already.

  23. I would do the samething everybody has always done, run!

  24. This has been my biggest fear since I was a kid. To stumble upon a saquatch like that. And I would probably just stare at the ground and probably started to cry. And im male 23 hehe

  25. Check out its midtarsal break.

  26. This whole post has the same person putting perverted stuff on here! Could tell by the same writing style and how he reacts when he's told he is a dork! Momma boy get off the site and go back to your playboys or you can stick to the actual subject so we don't have to hear about your Internet fantasies !

    1. Wrong! You,you.....dork! Go away, before someone gives you a wedgie!

    2. I thought maybe middle school age but I'm thinking 8 or 9 now.

  27. Well I wouldn't offer him beef jerky.................a beer maybe but not beef jerky.

  28. Well, one thing I can say for these girls is, they're not fat, like most of the females associated with the Bigfoot myth.

    1. I agree, but they still ain't slim.

    2. Like the men are any better.

    3. What's wrong with Fasano? He's a hunk by this girls standards. Signed-Melissa Hovey.

  29. draw my G29 in 10mm and see what it wants to do...

  30. This blog is going down the toilet fast!

    1. lol tater holes,you funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. not my quote, some 13 year old who is bored because mommy hasnt bought him another month of xbox live yet and he cant play mw3 currently...

    3. We know it was not you, there was subtlety. Also, no ridiculous spelling or grammatical errors, nor any silly 4th grade putdowns like "dork".

  31. First time it happened to me I was 15 and was awoken in the middle of the night. It was looking in the window three feet from me. I scrambled out of bed and got some distance from it across the room by my room mate who was franticly telling me to shut the window. It left.

    Second time, 20 years later as an adult and on an expedition, I saw a large one briefly from about 20 yards. We later measured it at 9 feet based on the tree it was by. It stepped off into brush, I grabbed my camera and began following its trail for about 100 yards through the forest until it went into an extremely dense maple sapling thicket (I could still see the maples swaying from where it went in). I did not pursue it any further.

    Someday, I hope to come face to face with one in a situation where I can attempt to gift it with an apple or somethng and get the coveted close-up shot.


    1. Are any of these encounters in the BFRO database?

    2. Andy, SWP would love to hear your story.

    3. Andy, Moneymaker would love to hear your story.

    4. Good for you Andy. I can not imagine the sheer terror at 15 and looking in your window. When I hear about others having this experience It is scary to even read about it. Again 20 years later, you are a lucky guy. I think trying to gift one face to face would be worthwhile and at least get to see its expression.


    5. First one is a BFRO Class B, look for a 1985 report in Burnett Cty, WI. I'm "A" in the report. I'm also the report submitter.

      The second one happened during the 2007 MI BFRO Expedition. Matt was leading that expedition, but there was so much happening and the press was there; I'm not sure how much my little encounter stuck with him. This was also the expedition where we had some of the first good views of squatches using thermals and he was really focused on trying to get the one thermal that could record to the hot spots. My encounter was just a prelude to the storm of activity we had later that night and the next.

    6. Thanks for the response Andy; good luck on all your future endeavors.

    7. Like your encounter Andy. Keep up the research!

  32. I would lay down and start masturbating.I hear that they are into live porn.Then maybe they will start having hot gorilla sex.Then you could sneak away.

    1. FYI - there are several paid gov't shills on this site attempting to disprove and character assassinate the bigfoot community.

      All the dirty talk is a specific method I have seen employed within other fields of fortean study.

      COINTELPRO at its finest.

    2. Where does the gov't go to recruit these people, comedy clubs? That was funny in a "get on the nerves of ridiculously uptight bigfoot fans" kind of way.

    3. I think they recruit them from middle school drop-outs.

    4. I dont know where they get them but its really pissing me off. Stop it! If I'm uptight then sobe it.

      I'm here to discuss bigfoot not a bunch of monkey business, eating someone's poop, etc.

    5. I wonder if bigfoots eat their poop. it may be why we don't stumble upon it.

    6. They do come across their poop!

  33. I think those bigfoot chicks are hot maybe they could "get some" bigfoot dna and bring it back with them.

  34. Please dont give anymore of these two trolls anymore pr. Bf chicks plese go away.

  35. If a bigfoot was in front of me, I would give it an Alabama reach around! Or it could give me one!
    Jeff Teagle

  36. Bigfoots use Thermal Cameras? I did not know that.

  37. Put up a photo of a couple of girls on a site which is likely visited primarily by dorks and Lo! About 20 times the number of posts as on any other article.

    To answer the question: Anyone who believes they'd do anything other than experience total, uncontrollable terror is beyond self-delusional.


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