Watch Matt Moneymaker Turn A Few Skeptics Into Believers Over Night

The video you're about to watch is the reason why Matt Moneymaker is president of the BFRO and you're not. He has the magical ability to turn skeptics into believers. Watch Matt turn a television crew into believers in one night of Bigfooting.


  1. Matt was in Bosnia? I did not know that

    1. I did not know either. That would have been after The University of Akron college years.

      Where did this outtake come from anyone? Having large rocks chucked into a river at night would be very unnerving. I have often thought that for folks with FLIR a good technique would be stable kayaks or canoes on a river during the night.


    2. Yeah I don't think he was referring to the same Matt.

    3. there is no way matt was in the army. could u imagine ,he tells us in every episode, 'ive been doing this for 25 years', .if it was the army it would be followed by and 'im ex army' highly trained in tracking the enemy,matt in the army,his own unit would shoot j=him and call it a fire fight last night sarge!

  2. This guy is a total idiot if MM can make him believe this crap.

    1. Some people may say the same about you.

  3. Our data is amazing and beautiful and all cutting edge. I will be so glad when we can share it!

    1. Sally here. When Melba says data she's just talking about me. .

    2. Ah....more from the new P.T. Barnum...

  4. Mitt Romney here! Bigfoot is not real. And Obama is gay. The truth 2012

  5. Bigfoot diary 5/2/12

    Dear diary
    Rain suck, seem rain all time. Fur matted with mud, feet, toes wrinkled. Bigfoot can't seem catch break. Bigfoot sleep, it rain. Bigfoot wake, it rain. Bigfoot poop, it rain. Catch bunny today, had wring out before eat. Bigfoot make stick house, stop rain. No stop rain, water come between sticks, Bigfoot feel stupid. Bigfoot watch hoomin make house, Bigfoot try make same house, Bigfoot not succeed. Today Bigfoot make big hole in ground, go in hole, water come in hole. Bigfoot hate rain, not happy. Bigfoot want happy. Too much ask for?


    1. Thx for making me laugh out loud at work, bigfoot.

    2. What the? Bigfoot sounds like an Indian from an old western.

    3. He is an Indian! Just ask Arla

    4. This hoomin laff. Tank u bigphoot.

    5. White man smoke em weed. See bigfoot.

      White man drink em fire water. See bigfoot.

      White man can make em money. Convince others bigfoot real.

    6. @3:44 No, he sounds like Mongo, from Blazing Saddles.

  6. Hello all:

    Just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagle and we had a long talk about this. Jack said while Matt may be talented in this area, he and many other researchers are very angry with him at this point in time.

    It turns out there is a big BBQ thrown every year by bigfoot researchers. This year it was held at MK Davis's aunts house while she was on vacation. Everyone was there Jack, Meldrum, Bobo and Cliff, Tim Fasano, Ian Redmond made the trip over from Europe, Estaban Sarmiento came in from NYC and Timber Giant Bigfoot. Melba Ketchum and Sally were not invited for obvious reasons.

    Well every year everyone has to bring something. MK provided the grill and charcoal and did all the cooking, Jack brought the kegs, Meldrum brought the hot dogs and hamburgers and Bobo and Cliff were responsible for bringing the dip. It was Matt's responsibility to bring the condiments but he no showed to make this appearance. MK burned almost all the food and without ketchup and musturd to soften it up Tim Fasano choked on it. He of course blamed TimberGiant Bigfoot even though it was clearly Matt's fault. The two started going at it and they bumped into Ian Redmond who fell and broke his hip.

    MK then flipped out because he said all the noise scared away a white bigfoot. Jack said that next year Matt would not be invited based on his no showing this year.

    1. Sally here. We don't need to have a barbecue with those losers, we have barbecues all the time with the Bigfoots. They stink and we can't understand what they say, but we still have a good time. When Arla's there, she translates for us. She can understand that kind of gibberish, she's 5/64ths Indian.

    2. Anon at 8:42am, I hate to encourage you but that was good. Thanks for the profanity free entertainment!

    3. LOL 8:42 and 9:06. Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh : )

  7. Anonymous @ 8:42 you are a fuckin idiot Sir. That was one of the dumbest things I have ever read on this site.

    1. You skeptics are all alike, mean and hateful.

    2. CBALLZ, you need to get a dictionary and broaden your vocabulary a bit.

      "AnonymousMonday, May 14, 2012 9:28:00 AM PDT," you have a solipsistic perspective and a mind constricted by absolutism. A Star Wars fan might quote, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."

      All words have meaning, and there is a difference between being a scoffer and a skeptic. Just because you fail to convince a skeptic does not mean it is they who is mean or hateful. There is wisdom in accepting criticism.

      If you do not produce relevant facts or use logical argument, it is hardly the fault of a skeptic.

      Scoffers, however, do not need factors or logic. Online, we refer to them generally as a Net Troll.

    3. Pardon me whilst I scoff at your interpretation of the intent of 9:28 am's comment. Put it into its proper context, as it relates to 8:42 am's post, and you might sense the same humor that I did.

    4. Whoosh, it went right over his head didn't it?
      Should we start using sarc tags, for the benefit of the feeble minded?

    5. 8:42, no way, how can this be the dumbest thing you've ever read on this sight? Have you never been to this sight before?

  8. Arla here.
    The FB page is in lockdown. No further comments will be made unless people stop making fun of us.
    No more non-information for any of you. If Melba doesn't make stupid statements, you won't have anything to criticize.

    1. Arla, I'd like to order some of your Indian hair tampons, do you have any in stock?

    2. Sure do, I just have to rinse a few out for you.

    3. On May 6 at 9:33pm Ketchum began to keep her claims to herself.

      Perhaps at some point people who are not "True Believers" and begin to question Ketchum's claims and revert to other sources to get DNA tested.

  9. Arla here. Melba and Sally will soon be constructing a new Sasquatch Birthing Center in Oklahoma' Honobia Natl forest. Please help us care for these beautiful creatures by preventing Rick Dyer and others from encasing them in plastic, stuffing them n freezers, or submitting their DNA without proper authorization forms from Melba. Soon she will copyright DNA testing, and reveal the TRUTH. Think happy thoughts to our forest friends!

    1. OH JESUS they took down their FB page! Please stop it trools! Some of us want to know what Melba knows, just stop!!!

    2. Arla, new reports are coming out that the birthing station was actually an abortion station, sort of a bigfoot Planned Parenthood, can you comment on that? Are bigfoots pro-choice?

    3. Bigfoot offspring that cannot disappear, blur when being photographed and imitate all other know animals are immediately destroyed, regardless of age.

      That Patty bitch got hers....our whole race was almost outed thanks to her fat ass!

    4. Sally here.
      When we give beer to the BF at the BBQ, they have a burping station.

    5. sierra nevada bigfoot ale 2012

    6. Been therre done that, and everybody that makes it.

      Sharon Lee

  10. I hope you bastards are happy now that the facebook page is shut down. We may never know the truth.

    1. Perhaps it is, but try to post on it.

    2. You couldn't see this FARCE from a mile away? LMFAO! Pathetic!.

      You have NOBODY to BLAME but yourself for putting your hope into a basketcase like her in the first place. Suckers! Ah hahahaha!

    3. Isnt that one of the 5 stages..I was going to release the paper but everyone is so mean to me! :(

  11. I already knew the truth. Melba feeds us bullshit for a year, starts blaming coleagues, then its "death threats" according to her FB page....and now she has closed up shop. The truth is Bigfoot doesnt fucking exist you dumb assholes, and a papere about random dna samples wouldnt prove it anyway geesh.

    1. You need to take a deep breath and relax,if you dont believe in Bigfoot then stop coming here.

    2. I invented Bigfoot

      Matt Moneymaker

    3. "i invented Bigfoot"-Melba Ketchum, moneymaker, Patterson, Meldrum, Bindernagel, geez

    4. I have not seen my penis in 15 years.

      Matt Moneymaker.

  12. Hey all, Edna here,

    Me, Arla, Melba, Louise, Betty-Sue, Gertrude, and all the other members of the Native Mystic Women With Old-Timey Names met last night to discuss our research. We have incredible news! The data indicates that _______ is __________ and ______, which of course proves that _____ ________ is not only _____, but ______ ___ as well.

    Sorry for the blanks, but we're under strict non-disclosure from the Haitian Homeopathic Vibrations and Chakras Quarterly (the journal that is publishing our findings) so we can't reveal everything just yet. But all will be revealed SOON!!!

    However, we are all available to discuss Sasquatch Colonoscopy Tables and Bigfoot Dental Chairs at upcoming seminars, and as always we have a wide array of Native Mystic trinkets and knick-knacks to sell, made in the Native Tradition from the spiritual people of Indonesia and Taiwan.


    Edna, Arla, Melba, Agnes, Henrietta, and Eunice

    1. What about Gladys? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH GLADYS!!!

    2. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *Spew, choke, piss my pants* hahahahha!!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I saw Grandmother Gladys and Liticia-Jean unloading huge bags of hair at the back door of the sausage factory. :o/

    1. Those were from Justin Smeja who is single-handedly wiping the bigfoot race off the planet, then making them into sausage and sketches.

  14. If those humans were there, then other humans could be there. I dont know maybe other BFRO members there to ensure the guests have a fun time. At least you get what you pay for.

  15. I am not a real researcher but I play one on youtube.


  16. I am filing a lawsuit against all of you!

    Matt Moneymaker

  17. WTF was that footage at the very end? LOL!

  18. You didn't see that footage, I need you to sign this non-disclosure agreement.

    Matt Moneymaker

  19. Matt is still a better researcher than SnowWalkerPrime. And that isn't saying much.

    1. Why, because SnowWalkerPrime doesn't take a minimum of 20 people with him to stomp around like a herd of cattle? No, he will never match the wit of a genius like Moneymaker.

  20. "The video you're about to watch is the reason why Matt Moneymaker is president of the BFRO and you're not. He has the magical ability to turn skeptics into believers."

    And here I thought it was because I never was a used car or Cutco knife salesman.

    When I moved I had to get used to the sound of the constant din of cars driving by. I once was more used to not hearing a single human sound but once a day when a passenger jet went over at about five miles up.

    You have to get about three miles from the closest road to be someplace like that.

    I have actually walked for miles at night on a road in Eastern Oregon when there was absolutely no light. I had to walk with one foot on the pavement and one in the gravel to keep track of where I was going.

    I would hear the flap of wings of a nighthawk when they heard the gravel crunch just before they let out a screech.

    When urban people are in a pitch black environment without noise, my experience has been they imagine things that are not there.

    I am certain Matt Moneymaker creates a situation which fulfills the expectations of those who go out with him.

    1. Did you have a point to make or did you just forget to take your meds?

    2. Now that really is matt!

    3. So you are saying you are much smarter than all the people who have attended BFRO expeditions and who were naturally on guard for that sort of thing? The people who had sightings and encounters on those expeditions all say it was the real deal ... but you know better, right Scharf?

    4. JOHN LOYD SCHARF CREATED THE INTERNET! HE IS A GOD! Spiders get them off of me! ahhhhhh!! I need my meds!!! Ahhh!

  21. Ok, you clowns have had your fun, time to set the record straight. I'll have you know that I was the first researcher to execute and document the conversion of a skeptic to a believer. I was also the first person to find a birthing station and deliver a baby squatch. I have hours and hours of BF footage that makes PGF look like a cartoon, it's just that good.

    Fat Monkeyfaker

    1. I also created cold weather, and then I created fire to keep us warm

      Matt MoneyMaker

  22. This site just keeps getting better and better. Some of these comments almost caused me to wet my pants after laughing so hard.

  23. Poser skeptics. These are like the crippled people that are magically healed by preachers.

  24. There is a video of Matt on the BFRO YouTube site were he is teaching children about how BF is unlike zoo animals. The kids are hanging on his every word. He shows great skill as a teacher (think SWP). If Michael Merchant was added to the FB cast it would leave the realm of "Destination Truth " type of shows and be more believable. Unfortunately, Ping Pong productions only know one formula.

    1. Dumb ass. He was doing a presentation for a college anthropology class.

    2. as great as it would be to see a serious bigfoot series, I have to admit DT is pretty entertaining. risking life and limb to look for an alien vampire gremlin in the amazon jungle at night is hard to beat

    3. DT is very entertaining unlike SnowWeaselPrime.

  25. Bigfoot is real.

    CrapSpewerPrime and Fat FoneyFaker.

  26. Rick Dyer is the greatest sasquatch tracker of ALL TIME!

  27. Fat Monkeyspanker has one mission.. Just like Charlie Brown ... To make you beliebers in the Great Pumpkin of Monkeymen. Sasquatch!!
    He has his monkeymen who make squatch calls in the woods to hoax you into this monkeynonsensense. Has he mastered the art of deception?? Yes quite frankly.

    1. He's laughing all the way to the bank.

      Are you laughing all the way to the bank?

    2. I laughed in the bank, they asked me to leave.

  28. You've got to keep bigfoot going in order to keep the money coming in.

    Know bigfoot, know gravy train.

    No bigfoot, no gravy train

  29. I have been a biologist and wildlife photographer for over 25 years and watching the Bigoot video on television convinced me of one thing Matt M may be well intentioned, but his attitude and field techniques are those of an amateure. He neither acts or sounds like a biologist. We need more shows done by professionals like John Bindernagle. Let's hope, Bruce C.


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