Tim Fasano Releases Another Photo of Bigfoot Hunting Deer

Contrary to what Alex MidnightWalker has been saying, trail cameras do work and apparently, they are working for Florida skunk ape hunter, Tim Fasano. Here's another capture of a Bigfoot tree-peeking, about to jump on a deer.

Tim Fasano wrote this on his blog, The Seminole Project:

Here is another image of something human looking at a deer. Matt Moneymaker says Bigfoot hunts deer. I potential now have two images of something in the Florida swamps tree peeking at deer.

Cypress trees are very thick at their base. Something large can easily hide behind one.

It seems strange that it is looking right at the deer. This image was found by a viewer who analysis my images.

Here's a video of the trail cam setup:


  1. Okay... Now we just need to see the images of the bigfoot jumping out and attacking the deer and we'll have something to talk about.

  2. I just dont see it unless im blind looks like another blob lets see all the pictures in sequence. what did the deer do run away walk away you would think if there was a skunkape 20 feet away it might get freaked out.

  3. Honestly I don't see a face, I see shadows and depth that relate to the background. However, it is the net and not original, maybe his viewer reviewer has better...
    Still photos in today's photosoftwre age are esentially worthless as evidence, especially one not clear. Maybe it's just me, tired of these fuzzy images with no witness to the taking..

    1. The only witness was a reconyx RC60 game cam. The highlighted image was from "Deep Skunk" who analysis my images and emails them to me.

    2. That's because there is no face. Its a deer ass.

    3. Right Tim, my point, no witness. And in a case like this, either a very clear photo, or motion, would raise the level of potential usefulness, or acceptance generally. It can inform you perhaps, in how you approach the next trip, if you think it is the real deal. Detection of sorts for you, but without motion or that ultra clear HD (and it will still be a problem without a human's witness to the taking) this may not get you as far as you hope, if your goal is to persuade others or prove. Don't you find it interesting, if it is a BF, that it won't come out in the open in front of the cam? Isn't the RC60 supposed to be covert IR...hummm. Hummmm.

    4. In the next frame (you will find on our blog) the deer! Looks at the camera! Then she runs off at warp factor 6. Something scared her out of her mind.

    5. Analyzes Tim, not analysis. You only discredit yourself with stupid grammatical errors like this.

    6. Hey anon 6:32 You know Tim is in the middle of fending off attacks by other wanna be bigfooters. Cut him some fucking slack on the spelling you fucking moron.

    7. Tim oh Tim....another pic of NOTHING that can be verified. you can also find ape faces in waves, clouds, tortillas, seriously. This is a pic of nothing, and if Bigfoot hunt deer we could go find their carcass just like I used to do when deer or coyotes or cougar killed them near my cabin in PacNW. You could easily tell which predator had killed them....I was in BF country, supposedly, but never saw a BF or a kill I couldnt easily explain. We found a little doe up about 15 feet once, my bro said "look bigfoot" until we looked two feet higher and saw a 140lb cougar staring down LOL.....BF in florida? not even here Tim!

    8. Same shocking video we have seen on this site a 1000 times! blah blah blah......... tired story. Blob creature #1000

  4. I agree. The trail cam should've taken those pics too.

  5. Why would someone have a trailcam pointed at a big tree? I hope Tim that this is zoomed in. Your success in consistently capturing Bf/something on camera is astonishing. I am sure you will capture many more and hopefully a much clearer pic next time. Well done again.

    1. Yes, many more Deer asses posing as Blobsquatches. The reason we have guys like Fasano, TGBF and Joe Black posting these worthless pics is because people like you eat them up, no offense to you on a personal level as many are eating this up. I just dont get it though. The Pareidolia phenomenon has ruined Bigfooting, it has set Squatchin back "years". I mean, think about it, field work has become: said researcher scans the woods, uploads video or pics and then "fans" see blobs, imagine faces and Viola, its a Squatch.

    2. I posted the original on my blog as it came out off the media card. I have an obligation to show what kevin and I have found. I put all my pics on videos but nobody watches. They are there; go find them.

    3. Stupid autocorrect *voila*

    4. "I put all my pics on videos but nobody watches"

      Gee, I wonder why... I know I'm not about to start wasting my time with your videos, no-neck.

    5. Anon 5:18, I was being sarcastic.

    6. Sarcasm doesn't work while typing in blogs. F u c k i n g i d i o t

  6. Its a picture of my uncle Herb from the 1950s, when he wore his hair in a pompadour. Herby, you stop bothering the nice deer now.


    1. It actually looks like Donald trump looking for Mit Romney to compare birther notes.

  7. AlexMW saw the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of OZ in the first video still. Here I see the Tin Man. Another one of Fasano's hoaxes, ignore it and Fasano.

    1. Whatever he saw was real. He actually validated my image by saying something was there. My latest version shows the time stamp reconyx put on the image proving it was part of a set. Don't lie about me. Skunkape will get you.

    2. A time stamp doesn't prove a photo wasn't doctored.

    3. Actually, he accused you of photoshopping the image into the video.

  8. Hello all:

    I just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel. Jack said "what the hell didnt I just hang up with you?" and I said "you and I both know you have nothing better to do than talk to me".

    Jack replied "Unfortunately your right, so what do you want now" I said "have you seen Fasano's latest pictures"? Jack responded "Do you think all I do is look at pictures of Bigfoot? I spent the morning doing what I always do-walking around the mall before the stores open".

    I then sent them to him and he said "you know that picture shows something that could be a Sasquatch". I said "well what do you think it is" Jack said "the hell if I know, I am the guy who talks about a 4 inch Sasquatch print- you think I am the go to guy on evidence- I just talk about it when the cameras are rolling. You can bet I will say its a Sasquatch or Bigfoot if the History channel tells me to".

    1. Anon @ 5:07, Well I will say it and reiterate it, that is some funny arse shite, funny arse shite, (figured since our posts are now censored might as well clean up the vocab) lmfao.

  9. Look at this picture of Bigfoot, and then compare it with 3 trailcam photos on Tim's site that are from the same camera in the same position. In the 3 other photos, they are blown up a little more and you can see that the top of the "Head" is actually a small fern sticking out. Also, there is a 4th picture with his buddy walking through, and judging from that bigfoot would have to be the size of mini me. This is not bigfoot.

    1. Of course its Bigfoot! Why are you here if you don't believe!? Believing is a requirement for this site! Troll!

      The above was sarcasm my friend. Unfortunately (I sh*t you not) there's a poster here who "seriously" posts things such as the above. On a serious note, I agree with what you have stated. This one is in the books.

    2. It's all good Anon5:23, I got a chuckle from it. The shot really does look like a face when zoomed in, but zoom out a little and it becomes pretty obvious that it is not.

    3. I can't believe -- really can't believe -- I'm commenting, but I saw the same thing Patsfan. I know the Bogfoot field is soaked with hoaxers and charlatans, but is it really THIS bad? I looked at the trailcam photos, clearly saw that it was a fern (or some sort of plant) poking out from behind the tree, yet the blogger claims it is an image of "something human?" What I don't understand is why THIS site gives such things a platform. Shouldn't this community be "policing" itself a bit when it encounters obvious fakery? I suppose these are all rhetorical questions; please, all, forgive the surprised musings of newcomer. I just didn't realize things were this bad.

    4. I meant "Bigfoot" of course; "Bogfoot" was a hard rock band that opened for Foghat during their '75 tour ...

      ... I'm kidding folks, I'm kidding ...

    5. I think someone saw a big foot but it was on the other side of the tree. you can see his fingers chest groin line leg. Foot.. but his face isn't in the pic.. on the left

  10. Tim has quite an imagination.

  11. Hi Tim, can you get a photo of the same location without the deer and face peeking around the tree? Good Job. Keep up the good work. J.D.

    1. Yes, if you go to the Seminole project website, the next sequence of night images shows nothing looking around the tree. Anyway, this was found by one of my legions of fans. Check out the video, as well, it will blow your mind.

  12. Nice catch Tim. Keep up the good work!

    1. A pic of a deer ass coupled with pareidolia is what's considered good work nowadays? This field has been set back years and may NEVER recover if that is SERIOUSLY the case.

    2. The greatest researchers of all time have yet to enter the field. It may be you.

    3. It certainly ain't you, Tim.

  13. And Fasano can not figure out why everyone considers him an idiot

    1. My YouTube site is days away from 1,000,000 video views. That puts me in the top 1%. Scores of thousands of comments and constant traffic are a testimony to the high taste of the viewing public.

    2. Like he said, "They're just jealous because they're not me."

    3. 900,000 views and 899,999 regrets for the waste of time. Top 1% of what exactly, Fasano?

    4. maybe they like watching a train wreck

    5. Hey Tim. Can you PhotoShop some Squatch Junk on the next one so we can confirm it's a Male Bigfoot? That would be cool! Thanks!

  14. Rule #1 of trailcam shots is take a shot of the field of view with nothing causing a trigger so that these sorts of images can be compared. Otherwise all you have is a blob. If there is a difference and something is showing at least you have a significant blob. Trail cams need to have higher resolutions. This picture is just pretty much useless except is maybe, possibly, remotely shows something is there. To speculate that it was about to attack is unprovable and should not be done. Evidence is only what you have a chance of proving. It could have just been checking out the weird thing on the tree (the camera).

  15. Matt Moneymaker here. This footage is tin-tilating. This could be the next best thing to the Patterson footage or at least I Tink. Fatsano could be the next Jenny Craig sponsor as he is shown capturing footage of the mighty beast while sweating pounds off. He'll start a new bigfoot diet craze. It can happen. Anyway, gotta go do one of my patented howls in the forest. Cheerio.


  16. I appreciate your efforts Tim, but it honestly just looks like background, light, and shadow.

  17. WTF? That blob is crap. I thought you were gone for good Tim. I'm disappointed to see that was bullshit as well as all of you "evidence"

  18. Of course the "face" doesn't appear in the night shot! It's light and shadow, so its only visible during the day.

    Post a daytime show of the same location and I guarantee the "face" will still be there.

    1. I have many game images of the same spot, including Damian Bravo looking at the camera. Watch my stuff ...ALL OF IT before you judge me

    2. We don't need to waste time with your garbage to see you're just another crackpot.

  19. So I am assuming that the animal in question had to walk away from the camera and not parallel to it or you would of had a better pic. Those Damn Dirty Apes! Fasano you would have been a Squatching God !

    Imagine Bro you could of had the legion of Bigfoot ladies like those "hot chicks" from the earlier post or the sexy Renae. Maybe even Bobo if your into that...

  20. Great way to plug your own website Tim!!!! Can you show off anymore fake shit please???


    1. honestlyi saw the skeleton, then i realised the skull is actually the hair on the faces head, look at it again. parodelia at its best...

  22. Don't let the haters get you down Tim. That's a wonderful picture of a Skunkape.

    1. and Skunkape Penis! Look whats peeking lower on the tree! It's Huge! Definitely a Sqatch! All the real experts in the field will verify Tim's "Amazing" photos! I'm sure of it!

  23. Its an Owl on a branch "in the video"

  24. I don't believe Tim is a complete Hoaxer. Some of his findings are very real.

  25. Heres the endless speculation from Both sides.

  26. Looks like the lion from the wizard of Oz, can You say hoax.

  27. Tim Fasano is the Marlin Perkins of Bigfooting and his haters don't appreciate it.

  28. Are you kidding me? If you see this pic and even bother to look at it, it's clearly just a fern growing behind the tree. So much for "covert" cameras. They give off detectable IR, that animals can easily detect. Useless as has been found so many times by others previous. But, I guess if you think a fern, because it has a relection on it, looks like a head peeking around a tree, you'll buy anything...Take another drink of the Koolaid, it's good for you....

    1. You are correct. It occurred to me as well while viewing the other pics on his website. He is not hoaxing, its definitely a misidentification of a fern. 100% guarenteed

  29. Yep, it's the Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man.....

    naw, run for your life, it's a Zombie!

  30. ROFLMAO... a deer's ass in the first one and some foliage in this one.

    Move along please.... nothing to see here.

  31. It looks like a face. Is it I do not know. Keep up the good work.

  32. It looks a lot more like a face than the trail cam image put out by the Olympic project. And they have the alledged "Dream Team". J.D.

  33. It totally looks fake it kinda looks like a ghost or maybe a person who knew the camera would be taking a pic soon and stuck his damn head out smh

  34. Holy cow--Fasano captured the fabled Snuffaluffugus on cam. OMG .. Call CNN quick

  35. The 2nd one zoomed looks like it's holding a cigarette looking down and to the side, the way men hold them, between the thumb and index finger. So if it's a BF, it's a male, or a tomboy. Lol...

  36. When people put dramatic music to a video like this I immediately roll my eyes and assume it's bogus or weak. I don't understand how anybody wanting to be taken seriously puts horror music behind their "evidence".

  37. Really! You want us to take you seriously!

  38. This is Alex MW response to this blog and post. Interesting and I think he's absolutely correct. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ki-aogOzuw

    1. He is wrong. This blog gives enough info so that anyone who wants to make an effort can google and surf to find anything bigfoot related. He gives one example of an unmentioned researcher, and for all I know he could be mistaken. Ballpark guesstimate: 75% 1 stop shopping, 15% links, 10% lead for google search.

  39. I was wondering where Wayne Newton went on vacation, nice pomp baby.

    1. Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!! Yeah, Arla & Co lured all the bigfoot out of Branson with custom birthing stations and cute cribs.

  40. I'm leaning towards a moth or some other flying insect coming into frame. Either that or it's a disembodied head.

  41. Midnight Talker's response cracks me up! What property did he have bigfoot on? His city property or the appartment he lives in now? Hes a faker like no other! And any one who calls him on his b.s. gets attacked and threatened with a law suit! Hes EXACTLY like Fasano!

    1. I know, I wonder if when he mindmelds with squatch they get his fourth grade humor? "Shawna"...what a tool!

  42. Deep Skunk here - Tim, I will continue to analyze your pics and videos, as long as you don't tell anyone that I'm actually you. This must remain our little secret.

  43. tim you look like a man that has Delicious ears....

    has anyone hung a string of used tampoons from a tree infornt of a trail cam....? that seems to work best here....

    Southside chicago.

    ~morgan freeman

  44. True believers wonder why there are skeptics. This picture is reason number 12,876.


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