Tim Fasano Captured On Trail Camera Possible Evidence of Bigfoot Hunting Deer

"I may have captured something here folks," Tim Fasano said in describing his trail cam image of a possible Bigfoot stalking a deer. The Florida skunk ape hunter, through a very generous donation from a prominent Bigfoot researcher, got his hands on a trail camera a few months ago and so far, he's been able to deliver shot after shot of wildlife animals in the swamp.

This latest series of photos taken from the trail cam shows a deer in the foreground and a possible Bigfoot tree-peeking, ready to pounce on bambi.

Check out the video:

"A trail camera sequence at night may have captured evidence of Bigfoot hunting activity. This camera was close to the pig kill kevin & I found and documented in March. I dont know what is but with kill evidence nearby, this is strange. I plan on putting the original images up Friday on www.seminoleproject.com along with video"- Tim Fasano


  1. Interesting could be nothing tho.

    Keep up the good work Tim you'll be successful eventually

  2. creepy looking fella. not a normal bigfoot.

  3. for real why you guys post this shit

  4. I will have to wait for the "high resolution" because it looks like a deer's butt rather than BF to me.

    1. Deer dont normally hang seven feet in a tree. Look at how much higher up the face is. Not a deer. The deer is on the ground right next to the one you photographed.

      You know who this is.

    2. That deer isn't 7' in a tree. That's an illusion.

    3. @John Loyd Scharf, you will be waiting a long long time for the high resolution pic, unless you will be ready to pay to see it. Im sure Fasano will be charging for a look see.. Cause why else hasnt he released it yet. So be very prepared to pay for a glimpse.

  5. That's another Deer's ASS! Good grief, what a joke.

    1. Thats exactly what it looks like to me,

  6. Good Lord, it's almost impossible to make out anything in that video, except for the deer in the foreground.
    I certainly don't see eyes or any 7 foot tall being.
    Did Tim take an accurate measurement or is it a guess?
    I concur with those above, it looks like the hind end of a deer.
    Some of these "researchers" tick me off. They think they have something, but won't share the full image, video etc.
    All for YouTube hits, quite pathetic. Just show what you have and let others make up their own minds.

    1. Thank you, SN. White Bigfoot deja vu all over again. What do you have to hide, Fasano? Need time to play with a photo chop? Every minute that ticks by with you withholding the HD image, does nothing but lessen your credibility (which is practically in the toilet anyway).

    2. Credibility? What credibility? He's a KNOWN HOAXER, remember the "Palmetto Monster". He's ruined FOREVER and hoaxers are as thick as thieves as we can see by him and Dyer hanging out.

    3. It really does get tiring when people say they have something, yet they refuse to share it for one lame reason or another.
      Tim is no exception, this applies to many others out there.
      I can't say that I'd ever get clear evidence,video or photos of Bigfoot, but if I did it would go right to YouTube for all to see.
      I'm sure many people hate having their time wasted, I know I do.

    4. Probably was Dyer wearing a gorilla mask making a pass at the camera, and it's probably all for how many hits he can get on his you tube channel. or to make some money off of it.

  7. This may look like a deer ass to people familiar with "Big Game" but I if you want to see a Skunk Ape, like Fasano, all you have to do is become Pareidolia induced and you'll see anything other than what it actually is (deer ass). Just grab a camera, hit record and film a section of the woods. After that, review the footage, use your pareidolia induced imagination and you too can be a Sasquatch "researcher". This is the future of Squatchin! Being a researcher HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER.

    1. You can't see what is plainly in front of you. You already have pareidilia. Go watch Timbergiantbigfoot.


    2. Have you considered a Dale Carnegie Course, Tim? You're right we can't see it, because you are withholding the best shot.

  8. wouldn't it be something if the taxi driver beats the lab coat princess/diva to the punch?

  9. TIM I salute you for looking man, but that is a big big reach. You can turn anything you want into what you wanna see. Get a great picture and not a fuzzy ghost pic and then.make a YouTube video about it.

    1. I was not there. It is not my fault the thing played peekaboo and would not get closer. Consider that most trail cams get nothing, this at least had movement.

      This is a time consuming process and thanks for understanding that.

      The woods are always empty because there are never any trolls out there who want to rip my hard work.

      Thanks for not being one of them.


    2. Can't wait to see full res, doesn't look like a deer butt to me Tim.

    3. Nobody's trolling you. Its what's there in the picture (a deer) for all who take a moment to actually look at the object AND NOT TAKE YOUR WORD FOR IT. You're field work HAS ALWAYS been Pareidolia. That's just a fact.

    4. You can even see the tail pointing to the left. Its a deer.

    5. Time-consuming, my ass. Any other day you throw up videos every 10 minutes. Post the original HD quality, then go play all you want with enhancements.

    6. Not trying to rip you but instead of speculating about what it is try asking for opinions. "Like hey caught this on a trail cam not sure what it is but blah blah blah"

      Josh Gates does a great job of this as he states what he sees asks people and comes to a conclusion.

      Moneymaker is the opposite of this as he always says what it is with definitive proof and people role their eyes and rag on the guy. I'm obviously not looking for Squatch everyday but that's just my 2cents.

    7. Cut him a break guys and give him a chance to clean it up and analyze it a little more. He got something on his trail cam and showed it to us. We dont want to discourage people from doing that. Just my opinion.

    8. amen! this site has gotten so caustic I'm sick of it. Let Tim show us what he found and then do as you wish. The trolls that show up here like vultures ever time someone posts something is so childish. we are talking about an animal that most people don't even believe exists! grow up people.
      Glenn in Alabama

    9. Agreed Glenn; when he is finished is the time for constructive criticism

  10. THis guy is a fucking idiot

  11. I look forward to seeing the higher resolution photo.J.D.

  12. Hello all

    I just got off the phone with Jack Bindernagel. I had not spoken to him since he got back from San Padre Island, with that girl who interviewed him a few weeks back. He went on about his new tattoo and then spoke about this footage. He first gave his compliments to Tim saying "well it is getting time you know, it is getting time for the next generation of Bigfoot researchers to take over for us, the old guard so to speak. I can think of nobody better, to be the face of the next generation than Tim Fasano. I view the latest photos as conclusive proof of the existence of Bigfoot or Sasquatch".

    I said Jack are you serious and he said "really what the hell do you expect me to say. All anyone ever wants to talk about is god damn Sasquatch. Do you even care I play the Trombone? or that I am becoming a certified Yoga instructor? Every damn day people ask me about something I dont even know exists".

  13. Replies
    1. double bullcrap! that anon has thrown jack b's name around this website before. didn't believe him then and don't buy his BS this time either! oh i got to go matt moneymaker is supposed to call any minute now.

  14. If you want to see a whole lot of nothing look at the 900 videos he has posted..If you want to laugh and look at interesting videos look at SWP or timbergiantbigfoot//Fasano is a waste of flesh and oxygen

  15. I don't know, after one whiskey, one bourbon and one beer, I think I see three skunk apes and a lorax about to bring a world of hurt down on that flock of turkeys.

  16. Thanks Tim. I'm looking forward to any clean-up and analysis of the video.
    Good luck.

  17. I thought I would pass along this information regarding Melba Ketchum’s dna paper. I think that all I am doing is confirming what most already believed.

    I have been informed that the Ketchum dna paper has been taken off life support and now considered dead. The last journal that may have published it sent back the fourth revision and has stated they will not publish it. The problem now is because it has been rejected from about a dozen journals and the word is out so no other journal will consider publishing it no matter how it is revised. The journals now look at the paper as something that will cause them to lose credibility.

    Numerous problems with it now include testing samples in a manner not consistent with normal scientific protocols. Numerous samples were misplaced and contaminated so it is not as if there can be any retesting. This is the biggest factor in causing the delay. It was so bad that the origin of some samples may have been mixed up meaning people don’t know what results go with what samples.

    Now those involved are moving onto Plan B. Apparently “Plan B” will involve creating a website where people can read an unpublished version of the paper as well as seeing the photos they purportedly have of a family of Bigfoots. This will essentially be Dr. Ketchum’s website and she will continue to post test results of any new samples she is able to obtain. It looks like she may go so far as to ask those who view the site to send in hair and other items they believe are attributed to Sasquatch as few samples remain. The website would attempt to bring together all available and existing evidence in an attempt to bolster the credibility of the papers conclusions. This would include the Patterson and Freeman footage as well as reprints of other papers written on Bigfoot. I know for a fact she has asked people such as John Bindernagel to write new material which she would also have on the website. They are now going ahead full steam on this because they have accepted the paper will not be published. This site has a tentative date of July 15 and there should be an announcement made about it on Dr. Ketchum’s Facebook page in the coming weeks. They are going to attempt to say they are doing this because their evidence is so compelling they can no longer withhold it from the world and they need to share these important scientific discoveries now.

    I was speaking with someone involved that said many are running from the project as fast as they could and do not want there names associated with it. There is talk that one scientist associated with the project may attempt to start their own study and in their own words “do it the right way or atleast in a way that is not considered a joke”. Some are also upset at Sally, who apparently spends a lot of time in the lab but does not have a scientific background. The History Channel had scheduled an interview with Dr. Ketchum for an upcoming Bigfoot documentary, and they cancelled stating the questions surrounding the project would make the show less credible.

    1. Wow that's the most coherent and believe- able statement regarding this dumb soap opera..

    2. As interesting as your story is, I'm not sure I can accept it at face value because you have posted anonymously, you don't state any sources, and you don't say/know which journals rejected the paper.
      If what you say turns out to be true, I will offer a sincere apology.
      Hopefully you understand my point of view.

    3. Wow indeed. Not one thing in that statement screams BS. Amazing if true that people are running away so I guess the BBB F grade for her has merit.

      I wonder what else she will release on her site and isn't she the one with the Matilda video

    4. There is some kind of hazy connection between Ketchum and Erickson he has the Matilda videos and she appears in his trailer. Who knows or really cares at this point Bro. I dont think this post is legit for the reason I say below and I'll add this sounds like the PR guy for the Erickson video we heard from a few weeks ago.

    5. Whoever this is sure hasn't said much. I mean if they really knew something about the study they would just come out and name names of journals. But they haven't. So chances are they don't really know what is going on.

    6. If you thought Melba hated this blog three days ago, just wait -- there's gotta be steam rolling out of her ears right now. Wow wow wow!

    7. Anon@634 thanks man. So much confusion and BS between all these "ground breaking studies" I just lose track of it all!

    8. I hope 'Plan C' is to turn over all samples and research completed thus far to Sykes.

    9. Ah ha ha ha ha, fools! I told ALL OF YOU MONTHS AGO that this study was a farce and the sole intent was for Ketchum to line her pockets with cash. This website is OBVIOUS PROOF of that. I just can't believe that people thought this would be a "professional" anything. The BBB speaks for itself and her fumbling with the samples WAS TO BE EXPECTED. Total amateur hour from start to finish. Bigfoot braids her horses hair, Bigfoot is paranormal, she communes with a family of 5 (no evidence), Bigfoot made stick structures (no proof of that either but that wouldn't stop her from stating it as fact) , delay after delay after delay, Erickson has been swindled for millions and other people have lost money relying on her and now she won't deliver, claims protection is of the utmost importance yet she supposedly has video and audio "but won't share it" and GET THE PROTECTION (WHAAAAAT?!), an "F" rating with the BBB AND PEOPLE HAD FAITH? Common sense people, use it.

    10. Anytime bro. Our heads are spinning but its a lot of fun!

    11. Well jee, I guess that's "a wrap" and pretty much settles it all for everyone and everything because "Anonymous 6:07:00", and "Anonymous 6:47:00" said so...

      Kind of ironic how the latter's last sentence is, "Common sense people, use it."

      I think I will use mine...

    12. well written thought out but a blatant lie.the report hasnt been rejected.

    13. Sally here:

      The report above contains some clear falsehoods. Yes the paper will be made available on a website that will be up and running soon but this is not because no journal will print it.

      It is because we have become sick of all the delays and politics that are part of the process. The delays have led to far too many questions which has gotten to the point where they are undermining the study.

      Melba has been doing fantastic groundbreaking work that we know will lead to her being credited with a groundbreaking discovery. All involved know this will place her at the top of her field and make her one of the world's most well known and respected scientists. Just wait until the website is up and you will see this is true.

  18. I could be wrong because my training is in pure math; lab stuff may be different and no one knows all about everyone of the zillion journals BUT: Referees dont ask for revisions then reject you; if they accept the paper they then ask for revisions(there's always something) This sounds like bullcrap. If my comment is wrong, I hope to be corrected: I cant believe I'm defending Ketchum(lol)

  19. "I may of captured" not "We may of captured" says it all Lol!!

    1. Absolutely! That dumbass would NEVER gone out there alone if he didn't have Kevin to break a trail for him. He's been begging his sponsor to send more cams -- whoever that is should send them straight to Kevin and quit wasting time with the blowhard.

  20. Pretty bad that Ketchum has been kicked off the Animal planet. The same channel that did the mermaid show.

    1. After it comes out that she totally botched this study she's gonna get kicked off the Internet.

      There are rules.....

  21. this women couldn't send a clear pic of a freakin stick structure and u expect a pic of a family of 5 of the most elusive creature on earth?...keep drinkin the kool aid

  22. with the pic being that blurry..........my money is on it being Lion from Wizard of Oz.

  23. I heard the infamous Ketchum-Fasano sex tape will also be available on her website along with "Free Melba" tee shirts and Bigfoot coffee mugs

    1. Lol; A guy awhile back was looking for a sex tape of the tall and short girl. I hope he is willing to settle for this. Ugh!

  24. Well maybe animal planet can make a show out of it. The mating habits of the hippo.

  25. I love Tim Fasano more than life itself.

  26. Tim,

    Get some real equipment and quit posting ghettos shots of the monitor from a video camera.
    You can buy equipment out of the toy section that would produce better quality than the shit you post.
    But since there is nothing to see anyway, i guess it doesn't matter.

    1. Lol, Fasano brings out some real funny comments..I hope he posts more shit

  27. There's alot of jealousy aimed at Tim. Even his detractors would have to admit that Tim defines sexiness and what a great researcher should be.

    1. hes the jealous one you fool. his sexiness was apparent in the 80s when he was famous for the being a bottom in gay porn flicks. you can still find his gaper on the net

  28. What the bell was I supposed to be seeing there? A bigfoot? No.

  29. Why are my fucking cuss word being sensored damn it!

    1. Because people are sick of em! Can't you communicate without them?

  30. Show us the HD shots!!!!!!! If you got em, share em!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡

    1. You won't see the HD shots until he has a chance to doctor them up, than expect to pay to see them.

  31. "Tim Fasano captured on trail camera"

    Is he really this elusive? Lol

  32. fatsano used to mock sh1t like this, now he puts it out and says its sas. if it was real it would be as clear as the deer...

  33. http://youtu.be/3Gy1Blntf4A
    check it out, even this goof knows its a lie, and he would know, he spouts them constantly. he says he can kick fatsanos ass too... id buy that ppv!!!

  34. Fasano does this crap all the time. He knows how to post the actual trail camera still shots in HD to Youtube. He is doing this crap for attention and this site post away...its a bunch of BS...

    1. Still shots AND the running video clip. Why did that thing appear out of nowhere in a video stream? It should have moved into the scene, and instead it just instantly appears. Two months later, you'd think Fasano had enough time to improve his photoshop game.

  35. Tim Fasano is my hero. I want to go for a ride in his Taxicab and listen to his amazing stories about his adventures with the Bigfoots.

  36. This is Tim's first use of Trail cams and typical of people that get a new gadget they can't wait to prove something. So they check the camera everyday for pictures and they only see deer and coons but no Bigfoot. Tim had the trail cam 7 weeks and he already has the Hairy Beast hunting for deer on his Olympic Project trailcams. This reminds me of another Egotistic Bigfoot researcher from Ohio who had purchased a thermal camera and within 3 weeks had videos up on Youtube claiming he caught bigfoot not once but twice ! So checkout the credability of the person before jumping on his bandwagon folks !

  37. It is a deer from the rear. Paused @ 1:08 you can "clearly" make out the back of the deers head and its ears.

  38. So he's perfectly cool with releasing a crappy android resolution of the video but not the better version wtf? Bigfoot researchers should really come together to set up some sort of rough guidelines for releasing videos. LIKE RELEASING AN HD VIDEO WHEN ITS AVAILABLE!!

  39. This is bullshit! This fatsano makes us investigators look bad when he posts this crap.

  40. Tim Fasano.....Blah...Blah....Blah....This big fat ass cry baby needs to find a different hobby. I'm so sick of these "poor me, everybody stop picking on me" videos he posts...Get some results Fasano, not this BS that YOU have ridiculed so many others of posting in the past.. Also, why do you say, Look what "I" have captured? What about Kevin? Oh I see, you think it may be something, so now it just yours? Nothing but a blurry pic here, that looks like a deers rear end.

  41. I'm confused. If this was shot using a trail camera, why is it moving around like it's a hand held camera? Trail cameras are stationary.

  42. I think it's an insect close to the lens.


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