Photos of the Day: West Virginia Bigfoot Photo, Ketchum Project Conspiracy

Purported Bigfoot photo from the
West Virginia Bigfoot Research Organization

West Virginia Bigfoot Photo:

These photos were taken 7 years ago by David of the West Virginia Bigfoot Research Organization. David was only 10 years old at the time. Here's his story:

The location was Pocahontas Co. WV, in a little neighborhood with a forest on one side, a cow field on another, an old farming field on another side, and a main road on the last side. I was playing in my clubhouse which was about 30 feet from my house, and as I walked around it, I remember hearing branches snapping in the woods that were only about 100 yards away. So I looked up and saw what looked like a big clump of fur slowly walking through the edge of the woods. I was so terrified that I started to get tunnel vision and I couldn't move for about 5 seconds.

But then, as a little kid I realized that no one would believe me unless I had proof, so I bolted inside and retrieved my crappy 8mp camera and ran back to the same spot I had been standing before. The clubhouse was to my left and I tried to lean against it to get a more steady picture, but I was so scared that I couldn't stop shaking, so they were mostly blurry. The whole encounter lasted about 30 seconds, but I only saw the thing with my own eyes for about 10, because if I held the camera up to my face, and I only saw it on the camera screen, then I could imagine that I was just looking at a movie, and that I was in no immediate danger. So the only 20 seconds of the sighting was while looking at in zoomed in through the camera screen.

- Dave

Ketchum Project Conspiracy:

The images above were done by Rictor Riolo, the man behind the Finding Bigfoot cartoon drawings. Last night, Rictor posted the photos on Dr. Ketchum's public Facebook page and now he's a little worried about being "unfriended" for posting them.


  1. It's called invasion of privacy. How much lower can you sink!

    1. Kethup's Facebook page isn't private. Try again.

    2. Obviously can't read FB pages. Try again!

  2. Don't worry Rictor, I'll be your freind

  3. There's no conspirary. No credible evidence = no published report.

  4. That was a bit bold Rictor, what were you thinking?

  5. I think its funny how no one really knows a thing about Melba ketchum's BF paper, but yet were all so quik to write it off as rejected or call it BS because it has taken longer then we have all wanted it to? try to show some respect this paper could change the whole BF world or at least lend credibility to the "Real researchers" trying to prove they exsist !!!

    1. I'd say Paulides. Great guy but often confuses "then and than".

    2. Correct, BigfootFinder. We know nothing about her paper, so let's consider what we DO know: BF's braid her horses' hair, she communes with a family of 5 'playful' BF, and takes lousy photographs of stick structures she definitively describes as BF-made. And she wants respect.... bwahahahahaaaaaaa

    3. And her associate communicates with them through mindspeak and recently found a BF birthing station. The BF in the photos above, is the nephew of the father of the family of five that Ketchum is such good friends with. I hear they keep in touch, telepathically of course.

  6. Ketchum paper - yawn, old news. WV sighting 7 years ago - yawn, older news. Shawn, Shawn... if there is nothing going on for a few hours, it's OK to not fill the void. :)

  7. Rictor - you are HYSTERICAL! Like Hillary is some super secret spy sleuth. LMFAO!!!

  8. I was their when these bigfoot photos were taken and they are totally real.... and i would know, because im the GREAT FLABSINO. Behold my manboobs and back hair

  9. Question: Is that really Ketchum in the pics? If it is, she looks much much older than the pics I've seen on this and other sites.

    1. The pic is a screen shot from the trailer for "Sasquatch the Quest", so its probably from 2 or 3 years ago.

    2. But is that her in the above pics? That's what I want to know? I mean, all of the pics of Ketchum that I've seen would lead one to believe she's in her very early 30's maximum. The pics here are of a someone who is in their late 40's, maybe even 50 years of age. WTF?

    3. I would think its her, or Shawn and other webmasters have been wrongly attributing these screen shots to Ketchum. Of course, I dont know myself. I know what your saying, though. I've seen nicely done facial shots where she appears much younger.

    4. Hmmm, I wonder why everyone uses the pics of Ketchum at 30 (maybe younger) though? Hell, her Facebook page even has a picture of a much younger female. I honestly thought Ketchum was 30 something Max, LOL. Strange........

  10. But is it Ketchum? I mean, the pics I've seen of her would lead one to believe she's in her very early 30's maximum . Not in her late 40's, maybe even 50 years of age. So is the pics here really her?

    1. Yes, that's her. It's the pic from her Facebook page. Some have said she is "nearing retirement", whatever that means. 50+ ?

  11. The WV photo proves that Eastern Sasquatches are blurry and brown. Wait, almost all squatches are blurry unless they are blobs or so crystal clear you can see scars on its skin as it stands before fake foliage.

    Yep, keep this solid evidence coming in. 2012 is the year of the BlurSquatch.

    new anony

    1. It is also the year of the biggest humble pie eating contest.

    2. ^^^^^^LMFAO!! Swing and a miss strike 45 (years).



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