Phil Tackles Pro-Kill vs No-Kill Bigfoot Debate

For those people who claim they're going to bag a Bigfoot, don't kid yourself. According to Phil, because of its human-like qualities, (and there are many) most people who talk about shooting one probably won't be able to pull the trigger when they meet one of these creatures. Nevertheless, Phil thinks the topic is just plain silly and believes there's no moral reason to kill one.


  1. most people are braggers. they just want to appear tough! i'd say more than half of them don't even own a gun or for that matter don't rarely get into the woods.

    1. I think you are right, and Bfing tends to bring out those machismo fantasies, it does get dark in the forest at night.


    3. Get real Smeja has nothing. He is a lying POS, and is involved with Ketchum and the Olympic project.....hmmm......


  2. Thanks Phil for joining the debate and promoting compassion. I think most people agree, but not all. I hope even those will change their minds with more of this type of discussion, before they have to learn the hard way. Wonder if Justin would erase that day from his life if he could?

  3. Phil I'm sure your a terrific guy but this argument of yours is so convuluted. I think you should get off the sauce then get your ass off the computer and out in the woods because bro your in need excercise. Stop preaching and do something contructive, we have way to many preachers in this bigfoot community !

    1. Oh my oh my Ms. anonymous Tuesday, May 29, 2012 6:30AM. How can I ever manage to come up with a retort for such a thoughtful and intelligent comment such as yours? First, thanks for saying that you think I'm a terrific guy. I must disagree. I'm just an average guy and I can be a bit of an asshole now and again. As far as my argument being convoluted, it's not an argument but rather just some ideas of mine open for discussion - something I note that you don't wish to be involved in for some strange reason. I'm not on the sauce. Yes - I do spend a lot of time on the computer. I rarely watch TV unless it's the news or a decent documentary. I noted that you don't seem to have a problem with using the computer yourself. It looks like Pot/Kettle to me. Yes I do need exercise. Everyone does, but thanks for noticing and pointing that out to me. Great piece of investigative work there, Kiddo. I really have no excuse for my shape. Being in my late 50s isn't a viable excuse. You may be interested to know that I didn't always look this way. At age 51 I was into body building and biking (the human powered kind)I rode 3 times a week on a local trail. About 12 miles each day - some days more or less. I guess it's my fault for injuring my back. Physical therapy, shots and finally some invasive type surgery has been a problem but at least I can get up and around - and I can now even walk a half mile or so before my back tightens up on me. Gosh, this has just be a real slice of life Ms. Anon. We should do this more often. You're right about having too many preachers in this community. Especially those that preach about sobriety and exercise. You wouldn't happen to be a Quaker would you?

    2. phil you don't have to explain anything about your weight! as long as your happy unlike that dude who wouldn't be happy unless he knocks others. at least you have the balls to get in front of the camera

    3. Ditto; you dont have to explain anything to this clown

    4. Good response, Phil! And great commentary!! It matters not whether a person has the physique of a Mr. Universe unless they are able to wield intelligence and thoughtfulness. Now THAT'S sexy! I guess that means that you're out of the picture Anon 630, and Phil is DEFINITELY IN!!

    5. pro kill is horseshit, you hicks just want the trophy and you know it.


    7. You betcha they want the trophy. Whoever first called pro-kill the "Redneck Lottery" was spot on .....

  4. The reason why 2 bigfoot were shot in 2010 in Calif. was due to mis-identification and laxity on behalf of the hunter. Regulations are not just adopted to protect but also to educate; not just the recreational hunter but also the general public.IMHO as soon as the Bigfoot is verified many uncompassionate folks will be out to bag on for fame and glory. Do they care if people think the're *ss*holes; probably not. Laws and regulations with a penalty would be a deterient to the money grab.

    1. No Bigfoots were shot in 2010 in Calif. That whole story is a big steaming pile of B.S.

    2. I think thats naive, it didnt stop copyright from getting abused earlier in the year. Money enters into the equasion and the rules go out the window.

  5. All these people who believe that this thing is human and say no kill because its part human would probably agree that this thing is intelligent and has a conscience. With that logic it should understand fear of life and death.

    So my question is simple....Why kill one when you can take it hostage? Squatchnap the kid....or take out his Jacks Links.... I mean if this thing is human and can comprehend death and has emotions than it could be swayed.

  6. Whether it's human or not (and it most surely is) there is no reason to kill it. They don't pose a threat to society, they don't interfere with our civilization or lifestyle in any way, and killing even one certainly isn't in their best interests. They've done just fine at preserving their own species without our help at relocating them or tagging them or setting aside parks from them. In short, to shoot one in order to prove its existence is an exercise in merely satisfying our curiosity.

    1. Sorry but they're most definitely an unknown human species you can check all these : humanlike faces, humanlike feet, bipedal, speech. None of these features animals possess. So obviously none should be shot, although some probably have been and then found too human to bring back. If the shooters even made it back, lots of folks go missing in them dark deep woods. Besides, apes would've been found by now and these guys are way too smart.

  7. Sally here - We had a wonderful Memorial day barbecue with the Bigfoot family yesterday. It was very thoughtful of them to bring a side dish of possum butts, marinated in frog guts...quite delicious actually. We all played games and sat around and chatted. They mindspoke to Arla and she translated. One of them even braided the Doc's long gray hair and randomly stuck twigs and leaves in it, it was beautiful and amazing. Before we ate our wonderful feast, we all stood for a moment of silence, in honor of the brave fallen Bigfoots that were murdered at the hands of ruthless Bigfoot researchers. As the day drew to a close, a ugly RV pulled up and the Bigfoot family scattered into the woods. Out pops this ugly little baldheaded guy, said his name was Dyer. Said he was here to kill a Bigfoot so he could clear his good name and restore his reputation. Arla said the Bigfoots did a mental uplink and told her that they were very angry that the barbecue ended this way and blamed Doc for it. At this point, she became furious. She got in Dyer's face and was calling him every cuss word she could think of (some I'd never even heard). Let me tell you, the spit was flying out of her mouth. While all this was going on, some guy named Randles shows up and she stops cold, she knew this wasn't gonna be good. He gets out of his car and walks up to her and says I'm tired of you scamming us and taking all of my friend Wally's money, were abandoning you and going with that Sykes fella, my buddy Jeff got us all hooked up. He then got back in his car tore out of there, leaving a cloud of dust. Before the dust even settled, another vehicle emerges from it. A guy jumps out and I recognize him. I remember seeing him sneak out of the Doc's motel room during the last Bigfoot conference that we cancelled on. It was that damn David Pauldiddy. He walks up to her and says WE'RE THROUGH! I'm tired of you making me look foolish, I can do that well enough on my own. He points down between his legs and says, if you think you'll ever put this in your mouth again, you are sadly mistaken. He then proceeded to grab a hamburger off the picnic table and stormed off. Doc was totally devastated and ran off screaming and sobbing frantically.

    Yeah, that's right, it was a wonderful barbecue. That bitch finally got what she had coming. I'm tired of her treating me like her little toady and ordering me around. Tomorrow Pauldiddy is taking me on a date in the woods so we can find our own Bigfoot family.

    1. Bully for you Sallly! Its only a matter of time before Sykes puts up a facebook page, so get your resume ready!

    2. ROFL, hahahahaMAHAHAHAHHA

    3. I love you Sally!!! keep those posts coming!

    4. I finally read one, sadly funny.
      Your talents are misspent in Bigfootery!

    5. Sally could one-up her turncoat boss with the first Bigfoot BBQ Cookbook.

  8. Phil,
    Well said. I believe if you were able to locate one and get a shot off, and kill it then you would probably have to shoot several more because you would not make it out of the woods with your trophy, since it is widely acknowledged they live in family groups like other primate's. And you would most likely be shooting a juvenile, since they are the one's that seem to get closer to people and that's no trophy. Thanks.

    1. Mythical creatures can be very dangerous, when provoked.

    2. I think we need to bait a trap with twinkie Phil.

  9. Well, I've thought long and hard about this and I really don't know what I would do in this situation. Part of me would just want to let it go due to it possibly being a Dad or Mom etc etc BUT part of me would would really want to end the debate once and for all. By harvesting one, you could get species recognition and protection, thus the harvest would not be in vain. It would really be a tough decision to make and I just don't know what I would do.......although if armed with both (camera and firearm) at the scene and I could no doubt get some clear unmistakable footage, I would shoot it......with my camera and hope for the best. However, if I don't think I could get the footage I think may finally solve the mystery, it would be a hard decision.

    1. Leave the gun home, because you wouldn't shoot it; but that's a good thing. Anybody that uses that lame term 'harvest', thinking it softens the true term 'KILL' is already making excuses.

    2. I will pump bigfoot full of lead, even if it begs for its life. I am a coldhesrted sunofabitch who just wants this thing proven, laying on a slab bleeding for all of the trouble they've caused us.

    3. Anon 1:04,

      PFFFFFT, I'll do what I damn well please, thank you. Harvest is a perfectly acceptable term that I've used for YEARS AND YEARS throughout my time as a hunter. I just may change my mind forever and KILL THE HELL OUT OF IT just because of your smart ass remark. Thanks for sealing Bigfoots FATE should I ever get Dad/Mom/Sister/Brother/ Son/Daughter/Adolescent/Child in my cross hairs.

      In all seriousness though. It would be a very tough decision and while I would honestly try to get quality footage first I CANNOT SAY FOR SURE that I would not harvest the big fella.

    4. Trolls are a waste of space.

    5. So is Phill and his big butt.

    6. Anon 3:13,

      Why are you here? This is the comment section. Get that hamster wheel turning in that lump you call a brain and come up with a thought. Troll.

    7. loser said what? hurry little boy justen bieber is coming on tmz and your gonna miss him.

  10. My dad shot a bigfoot in Iowa in 1983. He thought it was a bear from behind, and shot it under the left shoulder. Went down almost instantly. When he got up to it he realized it wasn't a bear. He thought it was a gorilla or a chimpanzee that had escaped a zoo. He left it there as he didn't think you could eat it, and he didn't know what to do with it. He called the Iowa DNR and reported the location and they said they'd send either a ranger or officer out, but he never followed up with them and never heard anything back about it.

    In 1989 we were watching TV and Unsolved Mysteries came on and they did a segment about bigfoot and showed the PG film and some sketches, and my dad made us put a tape in the VCR and record the show. He watched it a couple times and was convinced that that's what he had shot in 1983.

    He had never seen a sketch or photo of a bigfoot before that, so to him what he shot looked like a large chimp or gorilla, until he saw the show.

    Either way, whatever it was, he said he regretted shooting it after realizing it wasn't a bear.

    1. Your father was a horrible man for shooting one of these magnificent gentle creatures...horrible.

    2. My father thought it was a bear, and he regretted shooting it after finding out it wasn't. Either way unless you're a vegetarian, you have no room to talk.

    3. Your Dad IS NOT a horrible person. Don't pay ANY attention to the hippy above. He (the hippy) obviously never wants protection for the species. Obviously he'd rather this continue to happen OVER and OVER and OVER again rather than someone harvesting the big guy once and for all and BAM, PROTECTION! In all honesty the best way to prevent this sort of thing from continuously happening in the future is for the Government to put a bounty on the first ones head. After the first one is confirmed dead, nationally televise and radio broadcast for the bounty to be called off and that if any more are killed (from the point the first one is acknowledged) then the person(s) responsible will face huge finds and prosecution. I'm all for protection but the easiest way to get that started is for one to be laid out on a gurney. The next easiest way is to get footage and good luck with THAT. Stories have ran rampant of Sasquatch for over 50 years and look where we are today. The hardest way to go about it is capturing one. Yeah, that's probably NEVER happening, unless, the Navy SEALs/ Army Rangers/Air Force Special Ops/SWAT teams/FBI/CIA all get together and go Squatching. The bottom line is protection is needed IF they exist and if they exist, the easiest way to get that started is one on a gurney, FACT.


    5. Fn Commie spy had no business being in Iowa...

  11. Sally here - MK Davis is Melba's girlfriend.


  12. ALL cryptids should be protected. They are ALL "legends" and "myth" until you capture one.

    1. There'll be no capture or killing, I can guarantee you right now it will not be proven that way due to the actual primate nature of this species of hominin. Real big powers will prevent you, mainly the big fellas themselves.

    2. Time for your meds and your sleeveless jacket John.

    3. If they exist and you decide to put a well placed .30/06 round in him, he's a goner. There's NOTHING the "big fella" could do about, the end.

    4. Well HE might not be able to do anything to you, Anon Tuesday, May 29, 2012 3:35:00 PM PDT, but Big Guy's buddies may beat you to death with your arms and hang you by your intestines. The Northwest Native Americans left Big Guy and friends alone for a reason - for every one they killed the 'Foot clan killed 12 tribesmen.

      So please, call your buddies and family and go a huntin' for 'Foot. That's one way to thin our herd, which from some of the comments here, is well overdue.


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