David Claerr's Depiction Of The Demon of the Straits AKA Red Dwarf

The Nain Rouge (also known as the Red Dwarf or Nain Rouge in French) is a cryptic primate that inhabited the woodlands of Canada and Michigan. Sightings of these creatures go back as far as 300 years, where European explorers like Antoine Du Cadillac, British Captain James Dalzell and the American General, William Hull, reported encounters with them. Some sighting reports have persisted into the 20th century.

David Claerr published his encounter today in an article titled, "The Demon of the Straits Revisited: An Encounter with the Cryptic Primate Also Known as the Nain Rouge". Along with the story of his encounter, Claerr published three images illustrating the creature posing as a tree stump to avoid being seen. Click on the following links to see the images: Photo 1, Photo 2, Photo 3.

The illusion of a tree stump was very convincing, but I had the immediate feeling that something was amiss; I knew the location well, and there was no tree stump at that spot. As I peered steadily at the "stump", squinting into the stiff wind, I noticed that there was a slight ruffling motion on what looked like broken splinters at the top. As the sight of the figure resolved, I realized that it was an animal, and the motion was hair moving in the breeze.It was then that I had the sudden realization that this creature was a Nain Rouge, probably the same one I had seen some seven months earlier. It was crouching low to the ground and had taken a peculiar but ingenious camouflaging pose that obscured its shape, hid its face, and resembled a natural feature of the landscape closely.

By squatting, arching its back, and raising an arm with bent elbow, it mimicked the shape, general color and texture of an old stump. The neck was bent so that the Nain Rouge could peer back through the crook of its elbow, watching me with its face hidden in shadow.

In the Illustration, the Nain Rouge is depicted just at it is about to adopt the tree-stump pose. For the sake of clarity, it is a close-up at a low angle. In my encounter, the Nain Rouge was farther away, and the face was more hidden in the crook of the elbow and the loop of the arm as it finished adopting the pose. (I was so impressed by this trickery that I practiced and used this pose myself when watching wildlife or when I wished to remain unnoticed by other persons in wilderness areas.) The third image in the series is a photo of myself, striking the pose, left arm to the left of the photo. I am wearing a buckskin jacket, which has a color and texture that matches the limestone andsandstone boulders in the areas of Texas that I frequent most often, In this pose, I could see the photographer quite clearly. The photo is a close-up for clarity, but from a moderate distance, I look like a piece of the rock outcropping.

Click here to read David's article.


  1. Replies
    1. Still not fixed.

      Yahoo says: "The requested URL was not found on this server".

    2. BTW, the device I'm using is a Droid X. Is it just a mobile thing? As in mobile devices can't access? If so, that sucks.

  2. David's art surprises me, I didn't realize he was so talented in that as well as writing. I am just a little tired this am...knowing I am headed soon to try and join the Summer of DNA Collection..LOL...and now I have mermaids, little red dwarfs, and UFOs clamoring for attention..NO, I can't consider all these too! Guess I have to drop the mermaids, low probabilty in the forest? :) always enjoy reading David's articles.

  3. Great work there with the photos. The last one had me convinced it was just a rock. Clever!

  4. Still no pics for me - trying different device

  5. Still no pics - trying a different device

  6. Links work for me on my pc

  7. Well, that's interesting, if a bit weird. In looking it up I see this creature is strongly associated with Detroit, Michigan.


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