BFRO Revisits Fish Lake Thermal Creature Scene Because Researchers Were Too Afraid To Get Close [Video]

No one knows for sure what these guys saw last summer at Fish Lake near Bluff Creek, CA, but they swore it was a Bigfoot. During last years 2011 Fish Lake BFRO Expedition, a group of individual investigators locked their thermal imager onto a target that looked to them like a Bigfoot. The team claimed the creature was stationery for at least 15 minutes before fading out of view. Strangely enough, one person with a Gen3 night vision scope claimed he only saw rocks. You can read the full report here.

Here's the follow-up investigation by Robert Leiterman:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part One of three segments. During the last evening of the 2011 Fish Lake BFRO Expedition, five of six individuals reported seeing a figure through a hand held therm (ThermalEye X 100 XP) while traveling along a dirt road in total darkness. They used 3rd generation night vision (starlight scope) and the latest weapon in the squatching arsenal, a therm. Three of the witnesses shared their observations. The next morning, BFRO Field Researchers Bill Brewer and Robert Leiterman met up with the witnesses at the scene of their encounter with video camera in hand and this is what they shared. The intent of this follow up in not to prove or disprove their encounter, but to focus more on the variations in the eye witness statements. In the end, they all made sense but along the journey, you wonder if they were all seeing the same thing. The fact that every witness will see things a bit differently is not all that unusual. Add a potential life changing event ... a little stress and excitement. See for yourself.


  1. No one recoreded the Thermal ? No one recorded the Nightvision ? These are Researchers ????

    1. Most older thermals and nightvision do not have record capabilities. The ones that do are very expensive. Most guys I know who have thermals, do not have recording capabilities yet.

    2. "We got the greatest evidence ever"!!! yet again, no recording devices, no proof. Im sure Fat MonkeyFaker still has about $5,000 worth of receipts from the pathetic campers who paid HIM to camp in the free-section of the public woods on this expedition.

      I guess Bigfoot was so smart this time that he just turned into a pile of rocks after he slipped up on covering his thermal scan, blending silently into forest, and structuring his entire existence. around avoiding a bunch of fat potsmokers who take twenty people with lights to the woods and scream "wooo hoooooo" to attract him?

      Does anyone else find the BFRO bullshit to be old and worn out?

    3. They couldn't care less about what we think so long as the fish keep taking the bait. I wonder if participation has gone up since the show started...

  2. ahhh wasnt in an open BFRO expedition with amateur folks who paid to go on an expedition and folks who are NOT reserchers? I arrest my case.....

  3. Why would you arrest your case? Has it committed a crime? Plus, do you own thermal or night vision equipment with the capability of recording? I for one can't afford it. I make a pretty good living and I own a very cheap Generation 1 plus night vision monocular. I paid roughly $300.00 for it and I cannot record with it or attach it to a recorder. It works fine out to about 100ft but it is not made for recording with.

    A Gen 3 works great but the story says that it is a "scope" which may mean rifle scope. If it is a rifle scope, it is not designed to record with.

    Sounds like this story is "fishy" but to many people on this site have a very bad habit of taking 2 plus 2 and coming up with 7 or 8 as the answer.

  4. It's fishy because (as they state on their forum) it was a bigfoot. There's no question that is what it was. Except that it's a bunch of rocks. They're not objective, in the least, and they aren't doing science, they're on a snipe hunt.

  5. Rocks do hold heat for a while after the sun goes down. They can be rather startling in a thermal imager. The heat can also dissipate quickly in a cool wind. When in doubt, one should never assume "Bigfoot" and instead go with another plausible explaination. I'd vote rocks. Labeling an encounter as a squatch should only be done when all other probable/possible explanations have been examined for feasibility.

    1. Exactly what I thought when they said it never moved then faded away.

    2. Absolutely. No evidence of BF whatsoever, just some hot rocks. Move along.

    3. Not to be mean or hate but these guys are a bunch of friggin idiots with absolutely no scientific skills or background. What do we expect when they find rocks and broken trees, coyote howls and bear scat, then turn to the camera and say " I know theres a Squatch here"? They dont know anything! Occams razor you idiots!

      Reminds me of the Greek guy on Ancient Aliens: "i cannot explain this, it can only be attributable to aliens". Change to: "sun makes rocks hot, sticks fall out of trees, the forest is dense and scary, I got tired and oxygendeprived, I mustve just seen Bigfoot!"

    4. @Andy P,

      Love it! It is great to see people actually thinking about other possible conclusions. Always consider any and all explanations.

  6. Well FFS! SIX guys together on a road don't charge this thing that is only 60 feet away?! I'd be ashamed to even report that!

    1. "too scared". Of being discovered as charging admission to a really expensive snipe hunt maybe

    2. That is an excellent point. But charging towards an unknown figure/object in the dark wouldn't have been a wise choice either. At the very least they should have proceeded slowly towards it, especially since they felt confident that it was a Sasquatch.

  7. They did state in the videos they thought it was a rock until they saw slight movement

  8. Don't know what these guys saw as 80 yds is a long way to get that type of definition and not sure how experienced they are.

    As for those screaming about recording you do know that most of these therms aren't freaking camcorders right? Most of these are made as spotters for PD's and fire Dep to detect smoke with a video out that has external capabilty

    Ok to be skeptical of everything but no excuse for ignorance before opening your mouth

    1. The group 'leader' went to within 20 yards of this thing. They were on a road, not bushwacking in the dark. How much 'experience' do six guys need to yell or throw rocks to see if it moves? To sit there staring at a thermal screen instead is just fn laughable!

    2. if they threw rocks bigfoot might feel threatened and throw rocks back. Its a known fact a squatch can throw a rock hard and accurately enough to kill a human out to at least 100 yards or so

  9. great post Shawn. not sure why they didnt continue up the road to try to get a better idea what they had there but hind sight is 20/20

  10. One can understand the intensity of an experience perceived as a Bigfoot encounter, but if it were me there I would have gone up and tapped the thing on its "shoulder" to see if it really was something other than a rock. Potential beheading or dismemberment be damned....

    I WOULD have been there had we not spent the entire day heading up to the PGF site and gotten back so late. Darn. I could have had a rock sighting!

  11. I have to say that during that whole expedition up in Bluff Creek (they paid ME for me to go) I did not experience a SINGLE thing that was out of the ordinary. Yes, I heard tree breaks and knocks (wholly natural), hoots from owls, falling rocks, whoops from humans, found bear scat and tracks, saw "moving" shadows (imaginary), heard deer in the brush, and saw satellites and planets that looked like UFOs. Ascertainment of the object of perception is a very important thing, and Occam's Razor always comes in handy for cutting away false perceptions.

  12. Guess what moneymaker is fat and shawn is a dbag

  13. To quote Russell from the Pixar film Up:

    "You were talking to a rock."

  14. I will give props to these guys for actually being out in the field and trying to figure everything out.

    But why not at least throw a small rock off to the side to make a noise to get a reaction to see if it would move? Missed opportunity to get definitive answer i'd say (if they didn't want to approach it or get approached by it).

  15. I find it questionable that these researchers did not attempt to take a camera and spotlufht so if they got close to sonething bigfooty they could blindit wirh a flash caught on camera kodak moment, or they didnt take a dart gun to tranqulize not kill the creature so they can prove it exsists!


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