SuperSoylent2 Debunks Popular Bigfoot Howl

In the following video, SuperSoylent2 (TeamTazerBigfoot) gives an example of how things can get misinterpreted over time. He pulls from the archives, two unrelated Bigfoot documentary clips that purportedly used the same fabricated "Bigfoot Howl" audio.

In the first documentary, an expert suggested to viewers that the howl was probably made by a "territorial hominid" or an ancestor of a human. However, as SuperSoylent2 points out, the howl was a total fabrication from a much older documentary and the film producer of the first documentary was probably being dishonest.

For years, some Bigfoot researchers assumed that the "approximated" howl audio came from a Sasquatch. Many have used the popular audio in call blasting as a way to attract the attention of nearby Bigfoots.


  1. Good work. That was interesting.

  2. Why is his identity concealed? Most times it's people who believe ask for that due to potential ridicule, not the other way around.

    1. It appears you didn't know that SuperSoylent2 is a Truther/Prepper surviving in a self-contained bunker under Mount St Helens, where he farms mushrooms in dark caverns to barter for Spam, Jack Links, and HughesNet. He went into hiding after being repeatedly door-knocked by suspiciously friendly-looking pairs of young MIB (that later shape-shifted into ladies in nice dresses). The ruthless Lizard Cult will stop at nothing to quash his reports of the rampant chemtrails in our skies, which are frequently accompanied by loud sounds and sightings of bright orbs. He remains hidden for you, and for me. Thank you, Phil.

    2. No one can know his where a bouts. No one can know his real name. How many have there been so far? 10? 30? The list is endless.

    3. to Anon at 6:48 am

      LOL that was very detailed!

  3. You're kidding me right? I dont know anybody who either uses this howl In the field or believes this wasn't manmade. Lets see this idiot debunk the "ohio howl" that would be worth a story.

  4. 1. The moose watcher seen at 3:08 is the son in law of William Roe, who is famous for a very up close bigfoot sighting on Mica Mountain in 1955. Just search William Roe if you're not familiar.
    2. I've heard for many years that the howl in question was created by non other than Mr. Roger Patterson himself, to be included on the documentary he was filming when he captured a very real "Patty" on film.
    Yes, he did create it as an approximation and didn't intend for it to be taken for real. By the time people were calling it real, Roger had already passed away from cancer, so he couldn't chime in to correct them.
    Good video on how things can get out of hand.

  5. I have read that this howl was originally created by Roger Patterson by putting a bucket over his head and that he may have been in a tree or silo to get the effect. Don't know how accurate this is.

  6. Idiot!! This was never claimed to be an authentic bigfoot vocalization. This was re-created for the television show it is in.

    Gary B is right. Who thought this was newsworthy?

    1. Keep reading. He'll keep getting kudos for debunking something that anybody who knows about this subject already know it's fake. And these imbeciles think he's smart!

  7. Excellent job. This is exactly the type of critical thinking so rare in this field.

    1. I agree.

      Good work SS putting the two together.

      Good point about myth becoming truth.

  8. I did a quick search and found some info regarding this and Roger Patterson. As it turns out it may have been a church bell. Try this site:

  9. The bell tower story is odd and not very likely given the quality of the recording. Besides, I've heard that one of Patterson’s Hollywood friends, Ross Hagen, helped to record that in a Hollywood Studio. Also, the recording was probably made by two different people; Ross doing the grunting and a female soprano doing a scream. Both were then slowed down and spliced together. Stories being what they are (just stories) it’s difficult to say for sure but one thing I do know, and that’s the difference between the quality of a 1960s portable recorder and a full stereo studio production with the ability to adjust the speed and splice tape.
    And, yes, Anonymous 07:27 - It was claimed to be an authentic Bigfoot vocalization - by the TV show I presented at the beginning of my video in fact. But thank you for calling me an idiot. That made my day.

  10. There are a lot of curious things about this guy. First, he hides his face and his voice. If he didn't want to be seen, just make a video with other pictures or video and don't make it completely obvious that you are in hiding. Also, why mask your voice? Do you actually sound like a 12 year old girl?
    Second, he thinks this bigfoot yell is recognized by the BF community. I have never heard anything like this in the field. I have never believed it is real.
    Third, why can't he pronounce Leonard Nimoy's name correctly?
    The best part of this post is the comments. It's nice to know where that actually came from (Patterson) - even though the SuperSoiler guy was wrong.

    BTW, using a sound as an approximation does not invalidate it as real. It,in no way, implies that is was created.

  11. "It is better to have people think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Mark Twain.

    You are an idiot. You just proved it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. this?

  13. This is interesting. I thought this blog did not censor posts? I guess they do. I didn't believe it myself, so I just had to come and look.

    Sure enough.

    1. I am happy to try and help out those who can't seem to get their comments published.

      "I thought SS would have done some research on this before doing any analysis but it appears that SuperSoyler just soyled himself again. Now, who is it that has to clean up his mess?" End comment.

      That's not nearly half as bad as some of the hateful things I have seen on this blog.

    2. SuperSoyler.... weak. What mess, exactly? I saw an informative little clip showing the same "bigfoot howl" was used in two different TV productions.

    3. Looks who is talking, the queen of censorship, you tried to silence the poeple that did not agree on how you showed the world the supposed greatest photo of BF since the Patty film, slinging accuasations to cover up your own lack of true research abilities, what has the ABS contributed to the search of Bigfoot. You do not even understand technology, you admitted that in your own blog. Saying that people are benefiting from a photo that does not even belong to you. What a crock of poop, go away M.H. comeback when you learned some humilaty.

    4. Maybe you could help me Melissa, and provide proof and evidence to support your claim, made as a *fact* that Phil and myself are making money off your photo of that suit. SWP (TeamTazerBigfoot) Proof and Evidence.

    5. Please provide Proof and Evidence

    6. Does Melissa Hovey have nothing better to do. That's two false accusations in two day. Melissa, you're just making yourself look worse.

    7. Any comments by Hovey and friends should be labeled spam automatically by all self-respecting sites.

    8. I love it. Melissa points out just how useless and stupid this post is (and she's right)and imbeciles here attack her. The proper name for many of the posters here I believe should be shit for brains. Please attack me! Your brain power will quickly run out and you will shut down.

  14. I thought SS would have done some research on this before doing any analysis but it appears that Super Soyler just Soyled himself again.

    Now, who is it that has to clean up his mess?

  15. So the point is Hollywoood uses made up sound clips over and over to heighten the drama in documentarys WoW ! Big Ass Deal !

  16. Oh; hello there Melissa. Nice to see you around. Since you chose to come here and dump on my video - let's do this. Bring it. What is it about my video that you have an issue with? What facts are not correct in my video?

  17. I don't know...he didn't exactly prove to me that they were the same howl, fake or not. A simultaneous overlay might have proved it, or side-by-side or back-to-back computer analysis...and why is he hiding his identity?

  18. Karla try this link;

    Thanks to Gary B for doing the hard work this Super Soyler can't be bothered with. Some will do anything for attention.

  19. "howls" are the worst possible sort of "evidence"

    complete waste of time.

  20. Be careful SS, you'll be accused of paying Shawn next to post your videos!

  21. Nobody believes this is a real recording, it was done by patterson and tv show screwed that up (maybe on purpose). This is equivelent to poling debunking an ivan marx film, gimme a break

  22. Hey MH
    Come over to myspace and twitter my yahoo so I can google all over your facebook....Hahahahah....

  23. SS,I kinda think this might have been a fishing expedition too? If so congratulations you didn't even have to use magic bait. ;)

    By the way I owe you an apology and I'm sorry. I was misled previously but I also should have researched one of the characters better.

    1. Hey, I'll give Melissa "Rita" Hovey ONE (and only one) round in this fight. I wouldn't have caved into Phil's demand for my witness' email address, either. That's not to say the witness even exists, but cough it up to a stranger (Phil at the time)? Nope.

    2. Oh I agree Anon at 6:58 but there's more to the story than that.

      I wouldn't give anyone an email address unless I had permission from the owner of the address.

  24. LOL I just caught the "Rita" in the anon post at 6:58pm. Good one.

  25. Team Tazer Bigfoot sounds so gay. Could you not come up with a better name then that?

    1. I like the name, very unique and yes a happy name.
      That's another meaning to the word gay you know "Happy".


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