SnowWalkerPrime Is Not Done With Dr. Ketchum Yet, Has His Own Photos of "Stick Structures"

In this video, SnowWalkerPrime talks about Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot "Stick Structure" photo. He says many animals make stick structures and people like Dr. Ketchum shouldn't be so quick to say that the stick pile she found was made by Sasquatch.


  1. Let's talk conspiracys because from the begining of the DNA Project people have been telling mw that the Powers at Be would never let this Study continue to the end. Well what if Ole Snowball is a Shill for the Men in Black to make poor Melba so Freaked that she cancels the whole damn thing ! It's Crazy Sure but What is Bigfoot to 75% of America ?

    1. Could be, but I suppose you could say the same about guys like Dave Paulides and Scott Nelson considering the two gentlemen's backgrounds. Maybe the green light's finally been given to go ahead with educating and preparing the public for this, it's about time too. SWP's probably on the other side of the fence, one those near-religious ring kooks now fighting Ketchum fiercely.

    2. The religious kooks are in Ketchum's camp, not Snowwalker's.

    3. You made the statement, you prove it.

    4. People who believe things on faith are the antithesis of a skeptic. Most bigfoot believers and ketchum fans are relying on faith and have more in common to what most normal people would consider a religious kook.

    5. Skeptics do the same, they believe they're right.

  2. Actually Mike your behind the 8 Ball on this one . Stick Structures were a big deal 3 years ago. Most are natural but the ones that are weaved in remote areas there is a chance its not human. But once the word got out on Stick Structures you couldn't trust any of them. That's why your big dealabout Melbas pic was Old Hat. We as a community went through this argument back then. Now they are just Bigfoot History you cannot trust them anymore just like Tree Knocks !

    1. Please inform Melba about the recent news flash.

    2. Clearly they are not history, since just the other day Ketchum released a blurry photo of a Bigfoot stick structure. And her press release person, Sally consistently posts photos of twigs, sticks, claiming they are from Bigfoot, and that they are copyrighted for her upcoming book. I agree that Sasquatch quite likely would make stick structures, am not debating that. What I am concerned about, is every nitwit who runs across a fallen tree, or a pile of twigs in the forest, gets a photo and claims it is from Bigfoot. It should be obvious to most people, that these *experts* have no idea what the hell they are doing in the woods. They are completely inapt at reading sign. Yet if you ask them any difficult questions, they remove your comment, and block you from the discussion. When someone manages to get clear video of Bigfoot making a stick structure, I'll take note. Until then, they are just piles of sticks, or structures that Boy scouts or homeless people put together. SWP

    3. Who's claiming every stick structure's Bigfoot made? I don't see people posting such photos claiming that, I see them questioning it rather and quietly guessing it could be. Besides, boy scouts don't make stick structures. It's boring and meaningless and they bring a tent. Even if they would make them what the hell for? They'd use a saw anyway not break sticks like these are.

    4. Why would Bigfoot make a stick Structure? If you're seriously questioning why Boy Scouts would make debris huts (survival badges, were you ever in the boy scouts?); tell me why Bigfoot would pile up sticks? And I never said *every*, but when people post photos with captions saying they are stick structures, they are making those claims, not me. Ketchum said her photo was of a stick structure made by Bigfoot. Sally, her spokes person has dozens, maybe hundreds of photos of sticks. Piles of sticks. If you haven't seen these photos, you are clearly out of the loop. SWP

    5. Hmmm, they could be either one scouts or Bigfoot surely. It's just fair to assume it's one of those but the point is rather this - if people know there's Bigfoot activity in the area and know there's no other people activity than themselves isn't the first conclusion closer? Goes for tracks as well.

    6. Since no one has yet established that Bigfoot is a real biological creature, the most reasonable, rational and logical conclusion, would be to say *humans* made the stick structures. Not the other way around. It would make as much sense to claim a Dragon made the stick structures. Or a Garden Gnome. SWP

    7. The problem is that people are making claims not assumptions. You cannot make a claim about the characteristics of an undiscovered animal and this is what people are doing. No one has seen sasquatches sitting down and weaving trees together but for some reason people jump on board and accept this. The problem with Melba is that she is a scientist. As a scientist you know that you do not make a claim without facts to back it up. A scientist is held to a higher regard than just the average guy and this is why she is drawing so much heat. It's ok to assume all that you want but making unfounded claims is not a scientific approach.

    8. But that's just the thing, these are just assumptions about the sticks not claims. None of us here really know what the species is only Ketchum many know but can't say it yet, until then all we have is speculation. It's a sticky situation.

    9. That should be may know not many.

  3. Why do I suspect that's SWP's middle finger tip?

    1. Thank god its a FINGER tip!

    2. I see what you did there.

    3. Surprised his foot wasn't in front of the camera. He's usually barefoot.

    4. if it was his middle finger it would be brown.

  4. At least there's one person that has the guts to show this charade for what it is. Now, if only SWP could tell us why this sham is being perpetuated. Why doesn't she just step away from it? Her name is already associated with Bigfoot and every time she says something, it just tarnishes her professional reputation even further. Why does she continue with this sham? What does she have to gain at this point?
    I just don't get it. It almost seems like she has surrounded herself with Bigfoot woowoo wackos and joined in on their delusion.

    1. Only wack here's SWP, Ketchum appears to have the best field people and scientific professionals around her and to imply differently is quite frankly insane and insulting. But we should know by now her crtics are not serious bigfooters, in fact SWP personifies what's wrong with the search and a field that should be in unison not bitching and fighting. The fact that it isn't shows too many people have their own agendas. And what's the big stick deal here, people take and publish stick photos all the time anyway why pick on Ketchum for it. If Bigfoots are around there's every chance they made the pile so it's really dumb to pay this much attention to it. Why would he even question that so harshly if he's a bigfooter, it smells more of a character assassination or close to stalking by now.

    2. I wish I knew why this sham was being perpetuated; someone will have to ask Ketchum. It is likely safe to say, it has something to do with money, or fame, or both. And remember, we are in stage 3-4. Postpone the release of information. Before the year is up, I anticipate stage 5, where all involved will claim they were hoaxed by the other parties. SWP

    3. What is wrong with this field is nitwits like you Anon who believe everything that is spoon fed to you. The big deal is each time some nitwit publishes blurry stick figures, or makes outlandish claims about seeing a family of 5 Bigfoots square dancing in their backyard; it makes anyone interested in this area of study; to look like a crazy person. The people who are tarnishing this field of study, are people like Ketchum. A whole bunch of people have placed all their eggs in Ketchum's basket of rainbow hugging, mind speak, invisible Bigfoots; and to sane people looking at the bigfoot community; it appears as if everyone here is nuts. How is that helpful? And since when did we advocate for protecting species we can't even prove exist? When did that become the established protocol for rare species protection? Did we adopt a new protocol and I missed it? This is at best psuedoscience and at worst, an intentional scam. You can decide which one. SWP

    4. Although I think you get a little emotional too. I understand where your frustration and exasperation stems from.

      I've said often that although I've never seen or heard anything that I would attribute to Sasquatch. The possibility intrigues me.

      I wholeheartedly agree that if they exist. No matter if they are feral humans, arcane hominids or just a bipedal form of ape. They would have to exist within the "rule of the jungle", so to speak. Yes they would have to be considered mega-fauna and they would exhibit all of the ferocity and cruelty of a grizzly bear in their survival habits.

      If they exist, they've done well for a long time without special protection and until there is one on the slab. There is not much more that can be done convince anyone of the need for protection.

      I might suggest that even though you present valid and what I consider, rock solid points. Your emotional and passionate tirades will be met with the same emotional and irrational views from those who attribute all manner of magic to these supposed creatures.

      We must, as in all things in life, meet the irrational and over emotional, with calm deliberate reason. If all we do is to yell back at one another. No one gets heard or is taken seriously.
      Just my opinion.

    5. Yeah cuz Bigfooting is serious stuff dammit.

    6. @Anom 05:27, and who exactly are these scientific professionals you speak of?

    7. Sssh, can't reveal that.

    8. It didn't seem like a tirade to me. Calmer than usual.

  5. I thought everyone had a pet dragon?

    1. I use to have a pet Unicorn, but my dragon ate it.

    2. Need help counting my invisible herd of zebras. Pretty sure one is missing.

    3. Found your zebra in Ketchum's stick photo

    4. You didn't hear? Ketchum's writing a paper on the invisible zebras of North America and she's using your pet zebra to gather DNA samples from. You'll have to sign an NDA of course and the study should be published in about 10 years. Keep checking her facebook page for updates though!

  6. "Ketchum appears to have the best field people and scientific professionals around her"
    And for some, appearances are all that matter.

    "But we should know by now her crtics are not serious bigfooters"
    Yes and as everyone should know, you must be a serious Bigfooter before you can be critical of her. Bigfoot is VERY serious business. No one should criticize her work because her data is beautiful and amazing.

    "And what's the big stick deal here, people take and publish stick photos all the time anyway why pick on Ketchum for it."
    Did you even watch the above video, cupcake? Are we having some comprehension issues here?

  7. Shawn you are killing me here. I don't watch SWP videos because they all seem to have his image on the cover and the copy says , "he says." God man, do we need to watch the words being spoken by a strange person? Can't we just read a summary? Spare us pluuueeeeze! Why do I care what SWP says? Honestly, he seems like the rest of the Bf nuts, full of themselves and very little data, but lots of knowing what others surely can't. Wait till he has something original to say at least. Please? Pretty Please?

  8. again skunkface, please point that camera into the woods! can't video a sasquatch when it's all about you! fist off, it's just a stick f-ing structure. who died and let this jagoff take over! this bozo loves those love letters above. please find the dam thing already. so we can let this tool pipe down. in this 10 min rant about sticks!

    1. Why don't you get off your ass, stop your whining and make a video addressing SWP, instead of moaning and crying about how no one is paying any attention to you. SWP at least puts some effort into these things. Stupid trolls!

  9. SWP's committing the ultimate mistake here, where does he get off saying the Ketchum study's a sham? Does he have proof of this or just mindlessly assuming it? If this species is just half as intelligent as it seems there's no justification in killing one to satisfy kooky curiosity. I think it's not realistic big apes in the thousands live in US forests and forest rangers know nothing of it do you? I'd say that's pretty darn impossible. So what is a Sasquatch then, certainly way too smart to be considered nothing more than bearlike importance and put in a box. This is what DNA can actually tell you, big mistake to scoff it.

    1. What is Sasquatch you say?
      It's a shape shifting, mind bending, paranormal powerhouse, that's what it is. You will all find out when she proves it to be so. The answers are right under our noses and she will help us to see it clearly.

    2. This is what I said, "This is at best psuedoscience and at worst, an intentional scam. You can decide which one." Stop misquoting me. SWP

    3. I don't think that's quite what it is, it's not half as exotic or fantastic as that. Just another more hairy blood brother.

    4. Scam or sham what's the damn difference, two different words same damn meaning and you assume it's either that - intentional scam - or psuedoscience which is another outrageous claim. What do you base that on anyway, most people outside your camp understand this is indeed science and how it works. There's nothing suspicious about it.

    5. Nothing suspicious about having a DNA study without a holotype?

    6. Not as long as you keep your eyes shut.

  10. If Sasquatch is a magical, "shape shifting, mind bending, paranormal powerhouse", why would we expect it to have DNA? Be like studying a sample of Ghost DNA.

    1. Because it's magical DNA silly, only the enlightened can see it. Dr Ketchum is a Bigfoot oracle and she can see things that we can't. She can also channel their thoughts and feelings to relay their messages to us. Their thought process is far beyond our level of comprehension, but she understands it and can translate for us. She is so grateful to have been chosen by them and considers it a great honor.

    2. Magic? Now who's the mad magician, certainly not Dr. ketchum she's never made any such odd claims. Try to keep your disappointment of this prospect better in check, it's not anybody's fault these beings exist you must learn to accept that. Time will heal all wounds they say, nothing magical about that.

    3. Magical DNA. Thanks for clearing that up. :)

    4. Ketchum certainly seems to believe they are telepathic. I'd say that qualifies as paranormal. She's made plenty of odd claims. Have you forgotten the family of 5 BF's she said she saw?

    5. eeeeYup magic DNA. Hokus pokus and all that.
      She receives the telepathic transmissions from the mind benders in her labORatory.

    6. So seeing five sasquatches is magical telepathy and if you're seeing only four it's not? I see.

    7. Yes, you see, they need what is known as the 'force of five' (in Bigfoot lingo) to have maximum magical powers. They have limited powers when there are fewer of them, but the magic is not nearly as strong as when it comes from the force of five. Nonetheless, their DNA is always magical.

      Are you following me here?

  11. I can't see how Dr. Ketchum can come out of this looking good unless the study is Published. She has invested everything character, Professional Standing, and her future all in getting this project peer reviwed and published. She has to be taking this seriously. The only other possibility is the Bigfoot she is visiting have scanned her mind found out she is trying to OUT THEM and so the Big Guys hypnotised her to screw this study up at the very end by making her look like a NUTJOB !

    1. One of the more unlikely scenarios I think.

    2. Ketchum and Sally are putting together a non profit protection group for Sasquatch. What do you think the chairperson of a non profit gets as a stipend? How much for traveling the talk show circuit? Book deals? Not to mention the money made doing the study in the first place. If down the road this is proven to be *bad* science; there is still the possibility of making big money. How can she go wrong? Her company has numerous complaints filed against it in Texas, she was involved in a patent infringement suit; so really what does she have to lose? Her rep at a Cat vet? Her professional standing is a small risk verses high reward.

    3. Aw hell yeah, let's take this show on the road.

    4. More stupid slander from the belittled.

    5. more stupid comments from the small minded.

    6. more dropping Rick Dyer's name, less dropping Jane Goodall's

    7. You're the first to name them.

    8. You're working hard lately

    9. working hard and still coming up short

    10. I didnt want to point out they are coming up short, but yeah. I didnt hear of Jane Goodall in bigfootery until melba started mentioning it. I'll take pride if I'm the first to compare her to Dyer because that will be closer to the truth.

    11. Idiot, she's a scientist about to prove Sasquatch real Dyer's a faking nobody.

  12. I'm confused, let's say that the paper comes out and DNA shows proof it is unique, etc. Will Ketchum release a book/documentary with it? And will This have anything to do with the Erickson Project purported documentary that's in the works? Or is it 2 different things?

    1. Two different things. Skeptics merely have this idea always, that if you work in this field you must be out for money and fame. It's just the troll way of saying they don't believe sasquatches exist, but really that's their own problem isn't it.

    2. If rumors of *non disclosure* agreements are true, then the 2 projects are attached at the hips.

    3. It isnt really a problem. It is amusing watching hoaxers dance, duck and weave. Rick Dyer has some of the same problems. Trying to broadcast his message to people who believe him without people who know better responding publically and exposing his fraud to his target audience.

    4. The main reason Sally removes comments and blocks anyone who asks a question out of line with their magical thinking.

    5. All we know is, that the unbias reader or casual Bigfoot curious visiting this site will quickly realize who's the serious party in all of this and who's not, and see the hate and bull's coming solely from the fake skeptic corner. Hmmm, must be hurting to be confronted with this knowing there's nothing you can do about it but bitch and moan.

  13. This is the new SnowWalkerPrime fan site. When are we gonna get a picture section???

    1. They are kinda like Ketchum with having their fan site on facebook. I dont think they have to ban people from it though.

  14. Stick Structures are passe' so forget them and wood knocks. You go into the woods now and every person who saw Finding Bigfoot is howling and woodknocking making the family 100 yds away think they are hearing a bigfoot. So they knock back and holler also creating a chain effect across the park, driving Sasquatch utterly crazy !

  15. Dinosaurs need protection. They are in the fossil record, we have their DNA, people see them in Australia and Africa. Let's join together and kick start this movement.

    1. We need to protect Dodo birds too; before they go extin...never mind. ;)

  16. This guy needs attention like a crackhead needs crack. I think hes jealous of the attention Ketchum is receiving from the bigfoot world and his only outlet is to attack her. Not taking up for her tho-i think shes handled this all wrong. Show us something a little more conclusive or quit showing us stuff period.

    1. SWP was already on T.V. Getting attention doesn't seem to be a issue for him. It looks like Ketchum is lined up to be tazered along with the likes of rick freezer boy dyer, hovey and anyone else peddling snake oil.

    2. Er... and how can one get more conclusive than using Melba's own words, writings, and photos (however shaky)? The ball is in Melba's court as suspicions build as to her methodology, credibility, business practices ... and therefore, honesty.

    3. Possibly. We'll find out, if this proves to be a hoax or thepaper is rejected-there will be some pissed of folks in this world!

    4. We all know SWP will lose face on this in the end, sometimes I question the sanity of people still talking the talk he does about boxes and animals. Can't believe these illogical viewpoints are still in circulation out there wrapped as rationale when they're anything but. I don't think he's for real, at least Moneymaker is the real bigfoot deal even if he's slightly weird too.

    5. Moneymaker is a kook. But that sumbitch is bigfoot all the way. A little too much sometimes. Lol

    6. Your a kook too cause you claim to have seen one. lol

    7. You're a kook to doubt it.

  17. Ok.. SWP is the man.

    This guy is frigging funny

    1. If you lived your entire life in a cupboard and this was the first thing you ever saw and heard upon exit, then yes why not.

    2. Enuff's enuff, no more pretending you're not the snowalker.

    3. Honest bigfooters, JREF skeptics and casual bigfoot readers all love SWP. It is the liars and hoaxers that are scared and jealous of SWP that are worried and attacking.

    4. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Snow Walker Prime pass out at 31 Flavors last night!

    5. Has Rita reported that in the Daily Tattler yet? ;o)

  18. first off i was sticking up for the lady melba! and skunkface knocks everyone. that comedian that you love troll boy or was it tool boy? most people can't take his wise-cracks daily. it be one thing if your super-hero could show us something besides that puss of his. or is that your backyard he's always in?

    1. hoaxers are getting mad

    2. That's right we are scared, scared to death that Bigfoot is real. Scared of the thought that a real live 9 ft tall hairy monster man may be lurking in our forests. I am so scared in fact that I want to keep it from being proven.

    3. You'd only have a point there were they monsters, but having lived right next to them for decades with little trouble I guess it's only fair we conclude that's not exactly what they're most likely to be.

    4. You lived right next to them? Oh please tell us about it. Ignore the trolls, there are plenty of others that would love to hear what you have to say.

    5. It's speaking in broader terms, generally Americans have lived right beside them and did't know or care.

  19. ive been making stick structures all my life
    ~every 10yr old in the woods

    1. But did you take a blurry picture of them with your finger in front of the camera?

    2. I've never made stick structures, must be a hobby for morons.

    3. Yeah for morons. You probably never had sex either.

  20. all this talk is nothing but a fart in the wind

    1. Probably the most correct post made.

    2. Yeah the rants of HeWhoWalksInSnow are getting old.

    3. You must be a habituator.

  21. I'm sorry, but I don't think he is nearly as funny as he thinks he is. I don't mind the debate and difference of opinion I suppose. But, the delivery style and arrogance is what is killing me.

    Why can't you just disagree and debate the topics using logical and adult-like arguments? This childish crap (on both sides frankly) makes the whole community look like a freak show. I come here because I am interested in the subject and haven't made up my mind. Hearing both sides helps form opinions. Seeing all the chest pounding and narcissists involved on both extremes, doesn't. - SWN

    1. No, SWN has a very good point it's a madhouse now where it wasn't so much before. Has a lot to do with the coming Ketchum paper, it's got all the pro-kill kooks and bitter skeptics up in arms now seeing the end of kookinism is in sight.

    2. It has always been a madhouse. Ketchum found a way to be a shark jumping kook.

    3. It amazes me more each day when I read anybody thinking "skeptics" would be happy there's no sasquatch to ponder. You're absolutely wrong.

  22. Once again SWP knocks it out of the park. And as usual the critics have nothing to offer except name-calling and unsubstantiated assertions.

    1. He's wrong plain and simple as that, no wonder really then angry trolls now flock to his defense.

    2. How is he wrong? Show me the evidence then.... oh that's right there is none.

    3. Thanks for proving my point ;)

    4. So you're an angry troll then are you, 451?

    5. Why is anyone who dares to question Ketchum a troll? I call it critical thinking.

    6. No it's just dumb when it's not out yet, but later there won't even be time for all the crow eating anyway.

  23. Its Friday where is the fucking paper?

    1. Yes, where is the paper?

    2. if the paper was up your ass you would know where it is.

    3. Somebody show these drunks the toilet ! --->

    4. Show us the fucking paper Ketchum!

  24. For those that praise this clown, can't you see the myriad of straw men this guy sets up? Ridiculous analysis.

    1. Maybe you'd care to enlighten us?

    2. Perhaps you should point them out.

    3. yes El Gaupo, you have a myriad of straw men and a plethora of pinatas.

    4. I thought his analysis was spot on.

    5. If anything he's knocking the straw men down, like dominoes.

    6. hoaxer, hoaxer, whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when he comes for you?

    7. I bet SWP talks this much in his sleep too and makes videos of those speeches also. LOL

    8. Of course it's not, just secure it to the ceiling or in this man's case on a stick. Voila, ready to sleep'n'speak.

    9. It is ok to video another animal while they are sleeping, you just need to be calm and assertive about it like Cesar Milan says.

    10. Mystery: "yes El Gaupo, you have a myriad of straw men and a plethora of pinatas."

      !jajajajajajaja muy amusiado!

    11. !Si si si! Estoy meurta con de jajaja! :oD

  25. He makes alot of sense.To much really,This whole mindset that everything must be a squatch!,is just about keeping us interested in this whole scam!IF she has pix of 5 squatches or video show us!!!People are not buying this.

    1. They're invisible Sasquatches.

    2. I thought the Zebras were invisible?

    3. All these Bigfoot clowns here lately, where do they come from? There can't be that many imbeciles out there. Like the Thanks Giving WKRP turkey dropping...they almost seem...organized...

    4. I haven't noticed any shortage of imbecile researchers on YT......

  26. The description of it having a coat similar to a coyote is not unheard of. Tim in Ohio gave the same description.


  27. We should all congratulate snow deuche on winning his recent trophy as runner up to rick dyer for the ugliest man of the year award. Sources say that each thanked their stupid ugly relatives for their genetics and that they were very proud to hold the titles.

    Shawn over at bigfootevidence had this to say:
    Well they may be ugly as shit and stupid as a door knob but their giving me money from youtube subscribers and hits so its all good. Im gonna keep promoting them as much as i can because its all about the money and i dont care what people say.

    Thanks so much for that gem of wisdom shawn. Its obvious you had a great set of parents to give you great moral value.

    Wait a minute.....breaking news!!!!!!!!!!1
    Rick dyers gay brother has just announced that it indeed was him performing in the popular video 2guys 1 horse.
    When asked how he prepared for such a pounding role, rick dyers gay brother answered.... Thanks, i used to practice with Rick but i realized i could get the same effect from a chapstick tube so i switched up to tim fatsinos fat roles. And that really did the trick.

    Rick dyers gay brother went on to confirm that their would be a rainbow crusader meeting held at his house later this week. They agreed to make more fake videos for rick and to label stacks of 1 dollar bills with 100 dollar wrappers that rick can flash on camera to look like he has money. An open invitation has been extended, the only thing required is an ugly face, and an intelligence level of snow walker deuche. He hopes to see team buttag bigfoot their. A big thanks to all especially rick dyers gay brother and snow deuche! You guys are ugly as hell...........YEAAAHHHH

    1. I still don't understand the obsession with Rick Dyer's gay brother or if he even has a gay brother. That anony started during the Hovey pic shenanigans, so I see it as a ABS representative.

    2. He is dumb and wrong and is angry because he is gay as well as dumb and wrong. The time that he invested in his statement is an indication that his he is very childlike in nature as well as highly unstable. His immature attack against a gay person is nothing more than bigotry. His only service is to him and he is devoted to entertaining himself with immature statements.

      He needs to move a long.

    3. That's classic. He rips on SWP's parents for not showing him "great moral value" because SWP dares to question provable falsehoods and conniving in the $$$ Bigfoot INDUSTRY $$$.

    4. I agree all the way with this guys statement. And its damn funny. This sped on the video above obviously did get dropped on his head or else was given lead as a baby. who else would torch some old shed or abandoned house and then beg for donations online. Personally i dont care who is right and which camp has the best evidence. But it is profoundly easy to see the clowns and retards that are in this field. And as if it wasnt obvious that includes: rick dyer, i guess his brother is gay form what ive read so hes included, fasino, snow dude, team whatever bigfoot, shawn of this site, moneymaker, and a few other loosers. Im not going by whos right or wrong or who is lying, im going by who has just made an ass out of themselves and who is doing this all for profit and for attention because they are that much of an immoral bastard.
      And to the poster above, the reason this guy is bashing rick dyers brother is because everytime someone attacks rick dyers statements calling him out, some anonymous comes out claiming to be rick dyers brother and slamming everyone around, and apparently he has come out as a gay. So what? This guys just stating the truth.

      And for the sake of it all why are we calling this moron snow walker whatever, why doesnt he list his name so we can stop calling this moron by some generic retarded name. You dont see Hovey or anyone else trying to hide behind a made up screen name. at least if he came forward and grew some balls and told us his real name then we could attack him on the same ground he tries to attack others on. To bad thsi group of morons is just jeaelous and trying to seek attention anyway they can because they have either been left behind in life or are just everyday retards. case in point rick dyer

    5. Hovey's sycophants are pretty absurd as well.

    6. Bottom line: Dyer,Ketchum and Hovey are all the same. I bet Dyer would agree.

  28. lol.. Rick dyer is ugly as shit!

  29. It's funny how people's posts disappear on this site.

    1. Contact Shawn to get it through the spam filter or retype it and word it differently. I have had one or two disappear. Spam filters are usually 98% accurate at best and the alternative of not running a spam filter isnt an option.

  30. I bet he has his old lady perfectly trained to submit to back door action. Most alpha males do.

    1. psst... there is no training involved with that, it is about trust and intimacy, maybe alpha males excel at that.

  31. Did you notice all of the SWP critics are anonymous. Most of them are known entities in bigfootery, because nobody else would care to attack him. Not one of them will attach their identity to a criticism of what Michael Merchant is doing. SWP is WINNING.

    1. I made that comment and I'm not hard to track down. It is your turn to reveal yourself.

    2. The Hovey or Ketchum camps will not reveal themselves. Deceivers don't work like that dumb ass.

    3. actually anyone who supports this view is just stupid. If you use your name on this site you have to go through a bunch of crap to get your name to come up next to your comment. Its not like you click google account of one of the others and suddenly you can just enter your name. Otherwise everyone would do it Because no one really gives a flying shit about whether their name is their or not. The morons and bafoons people attack on this site know that their retarded and the people who think that dont mind saying it. Its funny that half the comments that support it are anonymous and the other is some guy who is going by a pseudo name that doesnt link to his real name at all. So basically you are just freakin stupid. My name is Chris Jarett. And yes rick dyer and snow walker are the biggest pieces of crap around. And shawn is indeed grouped in with that crowd for posting their crap. I mean you should be at least smart enough to not make statements attackin people who take the quickest and easiest route and post under anonymous when you yourself do the same thing or post unders some pseudoname that has nothing to do with your real name. If you really want to try and make some remark on how youve got more balls than someone else or someone else is afraid of making some comment or its the same old people under different names, then you have a very retarded way of doing it that just shows how stupid you are.

    4. You are dumb and you adhere to double standards, so in a way that makes you wrong as well. Here's why:

      First your statement is no more than an act of lashing out through irrational and immature anger. The time that you invested in attacking others on the way that they attack others is a sign of an irrational mind. The length of your irrational and double-standard statement is indicative of a childlike and highly immature and angry mind. Your attempt to lash out and attack people for using other names is in contrast to your own argument. Your assumption that people on this board will take you at your word that your real name is Chris Jarett is erroneous. The same argument that you set forth can be made concerning yourself. You also resort to ferocious name calling. This is also a sign of a very angry, very immature, very irrational, and a very unintelligent mind. Your attempts at persuading people to change the way that they attack people are counterproductive and demonstrates a lack of positive social engagement. In other words you lack the ability to communicate in a responsible and respectable manner. You have proven yourself dysfunctional and tasteless.

      If you have any other concerns please address them in a more civil and rational manner. If not, please move along.

    5. Who is stupid? It is a simple as signing in to google by the way.

    6. I get you anony 7:08 You were talking about anon 529. It still isnt a good move to call anyone stupid

  32. its funny that your ragging on him for writing a long statement indicating "anger" yet you yourself wrote one just as long with the same tone. so whos the hypocrit following a double standard now. Looks like your not as smart as you thought. And mysteryscience bigfoot, its not that simple as you have to have a google account to do it and lots of us dont because ive tried. And hes got a point, you still hiding behind a screen name.

  33. For the life of me why are people talking like hovey is responsible for some big movement and that she has all these followers. For pete sake, all the lady did was post a photo of a possible bigfoot. Thats all, the only difference between her and the thousands of others is that she copyrighted it and she openly stands behind it. And just like with every other photo taken, some believe or some dont.
    Ive never seen one place where this lady has tried to gather people to support her pic. All she did was post it and state she believes its real. Yet because of morons like this crapstain above talking about her like she has her own bigfoot religion, others have joined the bandwagon.

    Melissa Hovey has done nothing other than post a photo, who carese about her. She isnt asking for attention and she isnt making daily blogs on how her pic is real. I really dont think she gives a damn anymore about it. Yet these same group of fools keep posting videos about her? And trying to gain attention from something they arent even near too? So why are you the public even interested in this.

    Bottom line is a woman posted a controversial bigfoot pic and stands by it. who gives a flying f#ck. So my question is why has she been picked out to make fun of. I mean honestly think about it. She has literally played almost an insignificant role in this field and their are huge heavyweights in this field that have done things much more controversial. Yet somehow here is this group of 10 or so dudes who all are friends who have randodmly picked this lady out to go after. What is their hard on for her?

    Is it that they think shes an easy target to get them attention? This is probably the best guess. Or is it that they just dont have the balls to go after a male researcher in the field? Its very possible and likely as well. Or is it possible that they know if they open up their traps to some of the guys with bigger reputations they know they would be destroyed for the scum they are? Again very likely

    This is just from someone looking at things from both sides. And their is zero argument on their side as to why they have picked this woman to go after. She posted a photo? Thats all, the only person who keeps throwing that photo up is either these guys or shawn here at this site. She doesnt seem to care about it anymore. yet these people, for them, its all they can think

    Think about this friends and youll see its absolute facts.

    Bottom line is that this group of filth are just trying to get attention any way they can. From setting fire to their own vehicles to get on the news, too posting these 3rd grade videos. Its really a shame america can produce people like this

    1. You clearly have way too much time on your hands.

    2. Listen Hovey, I know its you up there, no one is talking about you anymore. So if you really don't care then give it up.

    3. Hovey take your long winded and BORING rants to your own blog.

  34. It is all a big game fueled by testosterone.

  35. Is Snowalker gay? Because the more he posts, the more I want to take him into a tent and show him what I can do!

    1. You know how I know you're gay? Because you want to man rape SWP. That's how I know you're gay.

  36. Oh no, it would be mutual... I'm quite the charmer... suave...

  37. They call you The Rimrictor, right?


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