The Rock Apes of Vietnam

Editor’s Note: This is a post by Bigfoot Evidence contributor Vicki W.

Thanks to 'mike44920' for uploading this segment of a fascinating Discovery channel program relating the stories of so-called 'rock apes' that inhabit the jungles of Vietnam. During the Vietnam war, soldiers brought back tales of large man-like apes they called rock apes. These creatures are reported all over the Asian continent, known by many names. The Vietnamese call them 'Nyguoi Rung', China calls them 'Yeren', and the people of Laos refer to them as the forest men.

Join journalist Linda Moulton Howe as she travels through Southeast Asia to speak with locals about their experiences involving forest men sightings and legends. Of particular interest is the villages of Laos, where many sightings have been reported. Villagers explain that as children they were often warned to stay quiet in wooded areas, lest the forest men come and get you.

This segment includes witness interviews and descriptions, the memories of American veteran Tom Jacobs during the Vietnam war, and the story of the Minnesota Iceman, which has been rumored to have a connection to Vietnam according to American soldiers. This one is must see.


  1. This is one area where I had gathered evidence myself and my evidence was at variance with Heuvelmans and is at variance with Bigfoot Evidence. What I kept hearing was that these rock apes were APES, about like chimpanzees and sometimes directly called "orangutans". There is a problem with calling different sorts of things "Wildmen" in Indochina as there is in China: the term "Wildman" indicates a more manlike creature besides a kind of Sasquatch but also a kind of ape in both places: and the same types of creatures exactly are called "Yetis" in Tibet. What is more, Bernard Heuvelmans allowed for each of these kinds on his checklist of Unknown Animals. I wrote an article about this for PURSUIT about 1990 (revising an earlier submission made in the 1980s, and they were most keen to get it at the time)and I concluded that the "Rock Apes" were essentially the same as the commoner (smaller) kind of Yeti, which was also the same as the commoner, smaller kind of Yeren, and this kind was basically just an ape as a ground-living sort of orangutan (residual of "Fossil Pongo") However in the same area you also get reports of the Ngoui Rung or Forest People and the Shan-Tu or Giants. All of the descriptions are vague and people tend to run them together. But a creature regularly compared to a chimpanzee (the Rock Ape) is not the same creature as is described as eight or nine feet tall and leaving Bigfoot tracks alongside American airstrips being cut into the jungles. But the bigger kind is exactly the larger kind of Chinese Wildman and the same as the larger size of Tibetan Yeti. They also leave standard Sasquatch footprints and Sanderson said so, too.

    Best Wishes, Dale D.

    1. Thanks Vicki W for this segment which I had never seen before and I am a big fan of Linda Moulton Howe. Thanks Dale for your enlightenment on this subject also. I have heard of a strange experience by an American battle group (can't remember exact size during the war. They had gotten involved in a firefight with a unit of Viet Cong. During the heat of the battle, on of these tremendous size Bigfoot type creatures went running on two legs at tremendous speed right through the middle of the firefight and then ducked into the forest on the side where the Viet Cong were hiding and a lot of unusual cries and screams were said to be heard by the Americans. The fight soon stopped. Upon inspection after the fight the Americans found several dead Viet Cong that had been physically beaten to death and some physically torn apart in a quite gruesome way. The Americans new it was the creature that had done this. It would be a neat project for someone to put together a book or documentary of American and Vietnamese witness during that awful war of what they had encounted with the Ngoui Rung and Shan-Tu forest people, as I am sure there are many stories out there.


    2. I wonder how the creature knew the Americans were the good guys?

    3. Yeah there are a lot of stories out there...this, Ketchum, Smeja, all of it is total bullshit that is just more stories, more bullshit...vicious circle of bullshit, and once again NO PROOF of Bigfoot. Just like Roswell aliens, a book comes out suddenly everyone's grandpa, uncle, cousin, etc has seen alien bodies while in the military. Remember Lee Corso and William Cooper? Both touted as 100% proof of military hiding aliens tech, yet they were bothe proven beyond a shwdow of doubt to be liars.
      Bigfoot has not and WILL NOT be proven, in any country. These stories are a joke and everybody seems to tell them

    4. Folklore has been with our species forever. Storytelling plays an integral part of building morality and inspiration. Imagination is the keystone of invention. Because of *this* search, people are coming up with super-stealthy trail cams and light air surveillance technology. Being a Man O War, can't you see the crossover benefit here? This flat gray world bereft of dreams and imagination that you are advocating is not the utopia you think it is.

      And I seriously doubt belief in Bigfoot will decay our moral fiber to the point that unicorns and dogs fornicate in the streets.

      Chin up, ManOWar, wake up on the other side of the bed tomorrow. It *can* be a beautiful day!

    5. Thank you Dale, and again as always fuck you..

  2. Thanks for the great video.Around 20 years ago,I played softball with a gentleman who was a Army Ranger in VietNam.He was a member of the 101st Airborne's LRRP(Long Range Recon Patrol)team in 1968-69.They would be dropped off in very remote areas of VietNam's central highlands and patrol for days trying to gather intel on the NVA without being seen.Their team consisted of 6 men.He told me that more than once they encountered a Bigfoot type creature that they called a "Rockape".Until recently,other than the stories he told me,I have not heard much about this creature.This video was extremely interesting.I wonder if any records were kept by our government of the sightings and experiences of our soldiers during the VietNam war?

    1. Based on the story that one was captured and carried away in a helicopter, I'd say the government kept more than records.

    2. Provide a link. So many stories of Bigfoot but no bigfoot

  3. When I was motoring up and down the Mekong Delta in our PBR hunting gooks in the Brown water Navy we ran into some shit that would make you call home crying for mommy. I ain't talking about the cong either, these were 10 ft red haired beasts that could rip you in half and I'm sure they did it to both sides regularly during that jungle war. These dudes were bad assed and were not the panzy waving freaks we got in this country. These boys were hardass motherfuckers !

    1. I to remember an encounter after a hard day of hunting gooks in the delta. We had just finished cleaning and skinning the gooks we had shot while hunting (delicious barbequed with garlic)when my buddy Frank ran into one of these hardass motherfuckers. It tore Frank's head off and proceeded to shit down his neck. Well, Frank was lucky the doc was there to get his head back on. Good times....Good times...

  4. As far as i remember, a hut was found during Vietnam War; and there were some stone tools in that hut. I suppose these belonged to a kind of hominid. Can someone confirm this info? Thanks.

    1. More than likely used to torture opponents during the war....but thats a nice way to somehow tie it back to Bigfoot!

      Look a car in my driveway, Bigfoot must have put it there therefore Bigfoot is real!

      Cmon Ketchum!!

  5. So... the MN iceman again... I call Bullshit. It is simply unbelievable to think that a G.I. in the 1960s had the ways and means to freeze a primate and ship it back to the states during the Vietnam War... I can just imagine what that person's superior officer's reaction would be to such a request. As if the troops would even have the opportunity/time/money/ability to do this.
    How much would that have cost to pull that off in the 1960 from Vietnam during the war!?!??
    Do not forget, this was a side-show gaff that, however fascinating and awesome in it's own right, is simply not real nor was it ever real. Sure, the idea may have come from the region, but surely not the prop. It doesn't add up in any way, shape or form.
    The rock-ape thing is fascinating but the MN Ice Man tie is ridiculous

    1. The video clip suggests there's an Iceman connection, but I doubt it. There are several tales about that sideshow's origins, not "consistently" the same as the video said. And besides which, it looks like the army/government recovered the creature, not a single soldier.

  6. I agree with the ending of this clip. You have to have a body.

  7. "Linda Moulton Howe leading bigfoot expert".......Hmmm

    1. Should have been Melissa Hovey, the NUMBER ONE female bigfoot researcher!

  8. hey manowar, get a grip. if you don't believe in ET's or bigfoot whatsoever, you just aren't paying attention, or just don't want to believe it. native americans didn't make up stories about bigfoot to get hits on youtube. they basically lived in the wild, and talked about their real life experiences. but let me guess, they are ALL liars too. and a bunch of men moved 100ton blocks ten miles with logs and rope to build the pyramids. sure

    1. Manowar is saying a former college football coach of Indiana, and now a whimsical Espn fooball analyst was associated with aliens. News to me. The man he speaks of is Lt. Colonel Phillip Corso, who has never been debunked or proven right. Can't imagine why a person such as this that does not believe or even entertain the idea as a possibility of bigfoot (and apparently anything else that was not in a history book) would waste so much time of their life to come to a site like this but many do. Guess they get a real kick out of cursing and calling us kooks and worse. What a shameful way to live.

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