The Ketchum Camp Answers To Rumors About October Publication Date [Bigfoot DNA]

Whenever a rumor surfaces, the Ketchum machine kicks into full gear and runs it down.

Lately, there's a rumor about the Bigfoot DNA paper's publication date being pushed back to October 2012. If true, this would give more fuel to critics who have been suggesting that the study is a hoax. For those who believe in Dr. Ketchum's study, the publication date is probably closer than we think.

On Dr. Ketchum's latest Facebook update, her publicist, Sally Ramey posted this short message on her wall. It addresses the latest rumor about an October 2012 publication date: "Sally here - There is NO truth to the rumor that the paper will be published in 26 weeks."

As usual, Ramey's statement didn't really tell us anything we didn't already know. Although we did not learn anything new from her statement, it's clear that the Ketchum camp is keen on addressing gossips/rumors.

Since we know that her camp keeps up on the latest gossips/rumors, we're going to re-post Lindsay's most recent article regarding Dr. Ketchum and her paper. According to Lindsay's source, the paper was originally rejected "because Ketchum wrote it all herself." Apparently, Melba wanted to be "a one-woman show".

Here's what Lindsay wrote:

Dr. Melba Ketchum’s DNA paper. Ketchum recently made a couple of posts addressing rumors about the upcoming publication of her paper. In one, she blew off everything I wrote as “fiction.” But then she shoots down everything I say. She always has. I guess she has to.

The other one said that she’s afraid that if she divulges the name of the journal or publication date, the paper will be killed. That’s certainly possible, and if that is part of what is driving her secrecy and paranoia, then her caution is surely justified.

On the other hand, I can find out the name of the journal and the publication date without jeopardizing the paper, as long as Ketchum doesn’t tell me. She has no contact with me or with any other members of the media to my knowledge, and she’s certainly not giving them or me any privileged information. This is the right way to play it, and she’s doing a good job.

I still believe that the paper will be published on, around or before May 1. I think it will be published on a Thursday or Friday. The paper is certainly in peer review, and I believe it has actually passed the review for some time now. Ketchum did indeed do an urgent rewrite 3 weeks ago to secure her publication date.

Ketchum stated on her Facebook page that there is no publication date for her paper, but I don’t believe that. I think she has been given a date, but she’s not admitting it. She wouldn’t tell us the date if she did admit to having one, so it’s no big deal.

Ketchum paper embargoed already? A source sent me a link (scroll down to where it says “embargoed”) to an upcoming journal article that is embargoed until April 23. The embargo started on April 19. There’s no description or title because the article is embargoed.

It’s listed under Nature/Animals and the keywords are: Niche conservatism, Climate Change, Mammals, Geographic range, Cenozoic, Pleistocene extinction, Megafauna, Deep time, North America, Taxonomic diversity, Paleontology.

I haven’t the faintest idea if this is the article in question, but it seems odd that the embargo would lift on Monday for an article we always assumed would run on a Thursday or Friday. But who knows?

Why was the initial submission rejected? A source tells me that it was rejected “because Ketchum wrote it all herself.” Apparently she wanted to make it a “one-woman show” as Richard Stubstad has long complained, and there was little to no input from other authors.

In her second submission, Ketchum has reportedly rounded up some more co-authors, including a major taxonomist, and a good guess is that the paper is much more of a team effort this time around. This is what I have been advocating for a long time. At least Ketchum is more flexible than her critics say she is. You gotta do what you gotta do.


  1. More rumours from the king of disinformation. Little wonder she gives you short shrift because you contribute nothing to the common good and only worry about your own self engrandisement at the expense of others. Haven't you worked out that you are regarded as a joke by many. I await her paper when it appears and that is as good as it gets. Your trying so valiantly to make more of little snippets of mistruths and rumours than they warrant is just a nagging nuisance like a mosquito in the bedroom at night. Live the fantasy while it lasts. Your 15 seconds of fame ran out ages ago RL.

    1. Ketchum supporters seem like warm hearted people but they are naive. DNA is good evidence, but it's not definitive, that's just a fact. Without fossil evidence or a specimen it's still not enough to establish a species.

    2. Nothing is "definitive" to a hardcore skeptic. Bones, body, fossil, all hoaxes, misidentifications, liars, etc. etc. etc. There is already a fossil record. Study the original findings on Gigantopithica. They believed this animal to walk upright-not on its knuckles. Of coarse, I already know the response, "they are fools" or "hoaxers" blah, blah, blah.

      Proof only matters to those who are willing to accept it.

    3. I'm not a skeptic. She's already said that her DNA is not from giganto but from the genus homo, you are obviously not very well informed. There is no fossil evidence or specimen for what she claims in her paper.

    4. lindsay has been dead on for awhile now. if you don't see that, either you have an agenda or just don't like him. all i know is that this b/s has gone on long enough. its this week or bust!!!!!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, the research equivalent of vaporware. I am saying it will never come out. Linda Sedlak said Ketchum told her it would be in 26 weeks. When "Sally," which I guess is Sally Ramey, said, "Sally here - There is NO truth to the rumor that the paper will be published in 26 weeks," she did not say it will be published in LESS than 26 weeks.Shaun Wood asked,"Does that mean longer than 26 weeks?"

      She responded with: "Sally here -- I set the record straight that this was a rumor, and now folks are trying to turn what I said into something else. Please stop trying to read between the lines because there's nothing there."

      There is no need to read between the lines. No data is being shared. No journal name is being shared. On the other hand, Ketchum IS lining up for speaking engagements.

      MORE drama. No basis for any claims about having Bigfoot DNA. BUT, books and speaking engagements are in line.

    2. John, I never ever said said this paper will be out in 26 weeks, to you, nor to anyone else! I posted a note Dr. Ketchum wrote explaining how being published works, and she said 4-6 or up to 26 weeks IIRC. I have only said "soon" because Dr. ketchum has said "soon" many times recently.You, sir, are lying because you are angry that you were banned from a Facebook group because of the your behavior, your lies, and for the way you treated me. John, Please get a life, and leave me alone while you are doing it! I will sue you sir if I see one more lie from you about me. My brother-in-law is a lawyer so I can sue you for free, but you sir will have to spend money to defend yourself.I'm serious, John, :LEAVE ME ALONE and STOP LYING about me saying things that I have ****NEVER*** said, or you will be hearing from my lawyer!!!

    3. linda never said 26 weeks, i know that for a fact,nor would she say anything that would jeopardize ketchum.

    4. Thank you so much. I'm just devastated that John would try to hurt me like this.I am just stunned that he said that, and thank you for supporting me with the truth. Major hugs to you from me..

    5. I would **never** hurt Dr. Ketchum. I would never say nor do anything that could jeopardize the DNA work that Melba has spent *years* doing which will also help to have this species legally protected. My goal and heart is in protecting this species from harm and hunters.

    6. If Ketchum never gave a date or told us anything else, why are we all wondering why it is being "delayed"? Rumors are just that, and we should not hold her to the rumors spread by others. We weren't even supposed to know this was being worked on yet, till that got leaked, right?

    7. Who's wondering? Only those against this study to begin with are wondering, everybody else should feel certain we'll know about this new species in due time. Dr. Ketchum is doing everything right so far, if using facebook is a good idea or not isn't so important, the incredibly important end result is ever more important than lynch mob gossip on blogs. Always remember they're probably against the very idea of this species in the first place, just like John gives the impression.

    8. Threatening a lawsuit? Over bigfoot stuff? HAHAHAHAHAHA!! You would have to prove that his statements were libelous AND caused you financial damage to your characteer, and since they involve Bigfoot, I think that would be a tall order. So stow away your threats lady.

    9. I had not realized before I read your comment that John is probably strongly skeptical about believing BF is real, and so he is against the study. That makes sense about why he is so hostile towards the project and us BF believers.John does not wish to be wrong, so he attacks the DNA project, plus BF believers. That's fine as long as he does not lie about something I've said. Let us believers believe, and let us allow the skeptics to be skeptical. Just everyone be truthful about what's said or not said.

    10. Anon, He lied about me on a National Form, using my name. Where is your name, BTW? Afraid to show it, hmmm? I suspect I may already know your name, so be man enough to use it.

    11. Anon, I thought that you might be John. I have been abused enough by that man, and I wish for no further dealings with him, so if you are not John Lloyd Scharf, I'm fine.

    12. Being skeptical isn't being "against" anything. it's requiring evidence before jumping on the bandwagon. Skeptics aren't worried about being "wrong" as they were never trying to be "right"

      requiring evidence is simply a matter of critical thinking. To simply blindly believe without evidence is akin to religion. It's not really a defendable position to be in.

      So, we wait, and if the data is good, then the skeptics will say it's good. But if it doesn't point 100% to a different species,and not some new derivative aleal of Homo Sapien. don't be surprised if most of the skeptics remain ,well, skeptical.

    13. I disagree. If the data is great, true skeptics are just that..skeptics. They will not accept the data. Regardless of what results come of this study, (If any) the skeptics who repeatedly attack those who know the existence of this creature is real will still refuse to acknowledge anything.

      As for me, I already know the truth. July 23, 2009 I met Mr. Sasquatch first hand.


    14. you make stories up to fill an empty spot in you pathetic life and gain attention.... it's okay, yer not alone

    15. And you know this how? Funny, I think it's what you're doing.

  3. The whole thing is getting really stale and smelling bad lately. Quit playing games on face book with dates, finish the fucking thing up. Or tell the world you are full of shit and end the hoax.

    1. Melba ketchum is the Father we never had!

    2. Would White Bigfoot like her as a mother?

    3. Nothing has changed in the last 12 months. The paper is always coming "soon."

      Also, if her work is so important and ground breaking why does she pay attention to blogs like this and Lindsay's.

    4. Nothing has changed in the last 12 months. The paper is always coming "soon." - and so is the end of the world.

    5. The paper will be coming soon.... Right.... As "soon" as the day hell freezes over.

  4. Heard it all before. Screw all the hype on both sides. If neither has anything SHUT UP!!!! We are tired of hearing about it.

    1. Isn't too smart to frequent bigfoot sites then, is it.

  5. Just another braindump of useless trivia from the king of disinformation. Still hasn't worked out that Ketchum gives him short shrift because his motive of self engrandisement at others expense is blantantly obvious to everyone but himself. Her paper comes out when it comes out and that is all you need to know. Rumour peddling is not journalism RL. Still have not learnt that yet have you? Live the fantasy while it lasts. Your drivel is as annoying as that mosquito buzzing around the ears at night.

  6. I just love the way all of "us" that have, "no dog in the hunt",get so vehement with regards to this topic.
    The only person that this "paper" has any actual effect on is Melba Ketchum. Yet the comments that will follow below and the one immediately above make it seem that there is some personal stake at risk for the posters.
    I've often told Shawn he should simply post the name Melba Ketchum, with no story or article, just to see what gets posted in response.
    Well since her name appears above, let the games begin.

    1. Watch,
      They'll even jump on me for calling the post about to be made inconsequential.
      And it will all be done as anonymous or as some made up handle

    2. Nice post! When did "interest" become fanatical and emotional responses from so many sides? I may be guilty, but the question still stands... I'd like to know! LOL
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. I didn't use the words, fanatical or emotional. Although, vehement, would imply that.
      Interest is a good thing and is reasonable. But if you look at the venom in many of the replies to anything that Melba Ketchum's name is involved in. You have to admit that they are just, a little bit, emotional. To say the least.

  7. a body or it didn't happen.

    This will just end up like the Patty film a maybe..

    maybe not.

    1. It's probably smarter to wait and see.

    2. I've always liked you, "it's probably smarter to wait and see" anon.
      AND to the original commenter, the need for a body was lost in the 19th century. That's not how we do things in our modern era. Your blood lust is indicative of your impatience. Please, research how many species were described with a rifle in the last 30+ years...
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. David, best comment here in a long time. The haters will hate and the skeptics will remain skeptical, but science will have the last word and we'll have the last laugh.

  8. the longer this B.S. goes, the more i think it's gonna sink! october of what f-ing year! here we go again!

    1. In Bigfoot lore it's always been the big month so this would make sense, even if all the naysayers here act like little impatient children on Christmas Eve.
      It's clear they all want it to fail while the rest of us accept the procedures and allow for the time it needs, you'd have to be crazy to think Dr. Ketchum is just making all this up to get attention like some mad troll.

    2. What? The article isn't coming out until Christmas Eve? I can't wait any more! I need to believe in Bigfoot!!

    3. If this article is going to be your deciding factor then, I hate to tell you, you are going to be SOL.

  9. When someone serves up 800 lbs of DNA on the *hoof*, then I listen. Until then, this is a circus sideshow, complete with a tiny car filled with Clowns and little else.

  10. The thing im afraid of is this paper is going to let alot of people down. Its basically going to say "this is bigfoot dna" "and here is the test results to proove it.". Everyone who already believes in bigfoot will say "duh we knew they were real". But the proof that everyone wants, the images, the videos the actual up close and in your face proof this paper will lack i believe. I think that Erickson holds the ticket to the show everyone is wanting to see.

    Big Hix

    1. Yes. There have already been DNA studies with "unknown primate" as the result. Did these "unknown primate" findings do anything to convince science and the rest of the world of the existence of bigfoot?

      At this point, the only thing that will prove the existence of bigfoot is a specimen for science. All of you who are trying to prove bigfoot's existence by any other means other than the obtaining of a specimen (live or dead) are WASTING YOUR TIME. You will prove nothing to skeptics without a specimen.

    2. Not true actually. You socalled skeptics forget one crucial thing, Ketchum IS a scientist. This IS science. Science is DNA and it's proof. It's what you have yelled for and it's happening finally, so quit moaning. It also means, whoever chooses still not to believe doesn't trust science when it says differently than you thought it would. That means YOU will be the conspiracy nuts now. LOL Somehow she's not good enough for you, probably because she's already confirmed there is this species and you don't appear to like that outcome.

  11. Justin Smeja will be rich by the time this paper is reeased. Likely it will be "well Bigfoot shares DNA with grass, fungus, raccoons and man, just look all four DNA types present in this Bigfoot soil sample"

    What a f---ing joke, and I mean seriously. Bigfoot DNA sequencing. I shot two Bigfoot but oops no proof". Of course the best this week is "Bigfoot Train hoppin" in Alabama of all places.

  12. I cannot believe I'm saying this but I actually believe RL. That took a lot for me to say. This thing has been in review forever and I do understand the importance of rewrites to make this as accurate as possible.
    Wouldn't they want this out as fast as possible if they say they have all this great evidence to prove a Squatch exists. With all the people looking for this creature now we could have one tomorrow and this would all be a huge waste of finances and time for her. Nobody cares if your the 2nd person to prove something they only care about if your the first.

    1. Well said, and completely correct IMHO. Being first is the top priority regarding this amazing discovery that Sasquatch are real, and living in woods and forests around the world. That is a big deal.Dr. Ketchum has worked hard and long to bring this effort to fruition and needs to be recognized for her efforts. Her goal is gain legal protection for them also once they are recognized.

    2. Great point. I hadn't considered that. If Dr. Ketchum has proof or very strong evidence that sasquatch is real why risk waiting when someone could get a good picture, body, bones, good video... and make Dr. Ketchum runner-up in the sasquatch discovery.

      Why does she need to write the paper. Just sequence the nuclear DNA and publish that. Let qualified scientists (Geneticists, Anthropologist, Zoologists, Biologist,...) speculate on the interpretation of the DNA. With all due respect she is a Vet, not ideal for interpreting the sequenced DNA.

    3. Or the very least release the pictures and video evidence she has with a DNA follow up. I mean that's a big risk she is taking.

    4. Dr. Ketchum does DNA all the time regarding the breeding of many species, looking for genetic mutations, or/and best sires and mares for horse racers to achieve another triple crown racing winner. DNA *is* something she knows a lot about, and even a lot more about recently regarding a new to science species....

    5. From my understanding she works in private practice, she has no connection to a university, and is not doing research under an Ethics Board. Therefore, she is not a scientist, she is an entrepreneur.

    6. Rut-oh. Without being under an Ethics Board, is it even possible to submit results for "peer review" to an Ethics Board-approved institution?

    7. Que? What scientist is not an entrepreneur if they can translate their discovery into an income stream? How many of their discoveries end up with lucrative patents? Take the discovery of Wifi technology for one example? That was researched and had a paper published. Obviously it varies from one scientific field to another so don't start quibbling! She is a scientist.

    8. Really distasteful joke.

    9. Think of it this way... Private sector or university lab, do you care which cures cancer? If the science is good, it's good.
      David from the PAC/NW

  13. When it was learned that Melba retained a publicist, that should have been everyone's first clue.

  14. 2011 is "The year of the Sasquatch". The year isn't even half over and you people have lost all patience, jeesh...Oh wait, it's now 2012, isn't it? Nevermind.

    1. You can always tell she's on the right track with this much traffic whenever there's a new thread about her study.
      Lots of people really don't want her to succeed, but she's got thick skin and is seemingly the perfect one for this hard job.
      She's now part of a long line of famous people in history, many of them ridiculed at some point for being involved with this subject. Let's hope she's about to vindicated them all. Says a lot about the lacking moral of their opponents too, doesn't it.

  15. "Doctor Ketchum" (sung to the tune of the old Wonder Woman TV show theme song:

    Doctor Ketchum, Doctor Ketchum.
    All the world's waiting for you,
    and the knowledge you possess.

    In your white lab coat,
    With the stuff you wrote,
    All our eyes will turn to you.

    Doctor Ketchum, Doctor Ketchum.
    Now the world is ready for you,
    and the creatures you can prove.

    Make a beast a man,
    Show us if you can,
    Make the doubters see the truth.

    Doctor Ketchum,
    Help us prove the Sasquatch, Doctor Ketchum.
    All our hopes are pinned on you.
    And the science that you do.

    Stop a skeptic cold,
    Make the hoaxers fall,
    Change their minds, and change the world.

    Doctor Ketchum, Doctor Ketchum.
    You're a wonder, Doctor Ketchum!


    I used to like coming here, despite the horrible shaky vids, and nearly irrelevant articles. I hope Dr.Ketchum's paper does get rejected. It's not like this community would do anything to protect the species anyways.

    1. Why do they need protection? From what or whom? No one has found them after nearly 50 hears of trying, what can a human possibly do to harm them? Most likely anyone trying to protect them would end up harming them more than helping.

    2. If it ever comes out that these creatures do exist without doubt, there will be boat loads of people hunting them down in every forest known to man.

      There would be huge money catching one of these alive for display.

    3. "... for display." The mere thought of that makes me puke.

    4. Gotta chuckle at that display post, must be some toothless yahoo putting a naive comment like that. What, you think this is the 1800s? Modern man doesn't hunt primates anymore, let alone humans like this squatch is, to even produce a paralized thought like that you probably never went to school and your deranged grandparents raised you.

    5. Since there is no license to hunt/bag a Sasquatch, once you publicized your "display", the appropriate authorities would confiscate your illegally obtained property. Check with your local authorities... whether you get caught with a bag of weed or an out of season Elk, you DO NOT get to keep the illegally obtained goods. Sasquatch falls under your state's "unlisted" species statutes (after the fact) and is 100% illegal to possess alive or dead.
      David from the PAC/NW

  17. I had a Bigfoot in my yard for six months and I don't need to see a report from anyone. :-)

    1. Dang. Did you charge him rent? No way I would let anyone hang out in my yard for 6 months without rent. That's dangerously close to "squatting".

    2. "A Bigfoot in my yard for 6 months"?

      Just a mad assumption but...
      I guess you didn't get a picture or more witnesses or anything that could be called evidence either?? Right?

  18. First of all, having Sally Ramey as your "publicist" does not add to the credibility of Vet Dr. Ketchem's alledged paper. Sally is a photographer and Janice Carter minion.

    Unless there is a type spcimen to COMPARE these samples to, this will be proof of NOTHING, other then there is a "unkown" primate. Or we can call them "Forest Friends" to placate the Ketchem followers.

    Unknown IS Unknown. Proof is Proof.

    1. To my knowledge, Ketchum never said she was going to PROVE anything. Only attract scientific attention by giving the idea of sasquatch existing some much-needed credibility. Then those people drawn to investigate can do the real proving.

    2. Actually she did promise it in a sense, she's confirmed there is a bigfoot race out there and all we await is for that to be presented as scientific fact, she knows it's true already and so her peers do now.

    3. If collected properly, a type specimen can be identified and attached to any of the purported samples [that's a longer post]. I'm sick of people assuming a type specimine needs to be a corpse. That's a very 19ty century approach to biology/anthropology. Don't call me a tree-hugger, because that's not how we identify species anymore. Period. It is totally unnecessary and it will not teach us anything about their life, habits and traits that you can't learn through scat and observation.
      Give it up, killer! LOL
      David from the PAC/NW

    4. Oh, absolutely not necessary to bag one. Som may have tried and most have failed, those few who did do it - like Smeja unfortunately - probably realized quickly what they'd just done and split the scene.
      Once you see these beings up close you can't believe how human they look, it's enough to freak any hunter out fearing severe jail time.
      It's the age old view these are just animals fueling the blood lust of less smart people, kept alive by the spouting of the Matt Moneyaker ilk. I wonder what Ketchum thinks of him, his view's not doing the cause any service.

    5. Bingo, nutbag Sally Ramey (forest freaks, bluff massacre, carter farm etc...) is an absolute joke and speaks volumes about ketchums credibility or lack thereof.

  19. Fat Lady promises Bigfoot evidence.

    Never delivers.

    1. Negatively referring to someone based on their size is cruel and utterly juvenile. I suggest you grow up, sir.

    2. You shouldn't eat so many carbs before bedtime.

    3. The true colors of the haters. Take solace that no slander and foul innuendo can stop this and they sense that too, for some reason this is a cool subject for these kids to make fun of.

  20. If they have real solid evidence,it wouldnt take this long!!!Trying to fluff it up maybe???? People are loosing interest,a live Bigfoot on
    a quality film or captured is whats needed

    1. Shut up, wait for it dammit like everybody else.

    2. The recent (and incomplete) hypothesis on the Red Deer Cave man began in 2005 or before... Many years, I can't recall exactly. We're you checking a blog everyday to find out the results? Was your reality or belief threatened (it may be, btw)? Did you even care? If you answer, "yes" to any of these questions... you're not being honest.
      Think about it.
      David from the PAC/NW

  21. Funniest aspect of "The Paper"? The fact that she refuses to discuss the data.and the NDA's.
    It's completely okay to discuss data contained in a paper that is under review for publication. (Don't believe me? look up the militarization of H5N1 virus paper.) It didn't involve this much secrecy, not NDA's and was discussed at conferences and symposiums!!! AND THIS IS THE WEAPONIZATION POSSIBILITIES OF A DISEASE CAUSING VIRUS!!!! But nooooo, Bigfoot is more hush hush than that!!

    1. I agree. Data should be availible to all scientists ASAP.

      And I don't buy this "she wants to protect them" idea. Specifically what is she going to do to protect them? This is the Todd Standing approach to why my evidence is not public. Furthermore, witholding the data from scientists is potentially doing more harm than good.

    2. Sorry to disappoint you there but there's no witholding, peers are involved so other scientists are looking or have looked at it. So much traffic in these Ketchum threads it's hilarious, tells you one thing that most here know it's close and it's all good.

    3. ^GOOD CALL^
      David from the PAC/NW

    4. @anon 10:45 am Very well said. You made an excellent point

  22. With out a body Melba's work is folley!

    Melba's workin way above her pay grade, she is out of her class and under skilled to do the job. She turned a paper had it handed back stamped "Un-Scientific" and she suppost to be a reviewer her self.

    The reports a shame and her followers are pathetic for placing thier blind trust in her.

    1. There's really no doubt she's hoaxing us. Can't believe so many have bought into her lies

    2. Proof of this you see where? I see proof of the opposite, heavy and heated discussions indicating you're sad Bigfoot's real after all. LOL

  23. I am reminded of something an older mother told me when I was a young mother bragging about my only child's early milestones. "Dear when he's 20 years old, it won't when he started walking and talking, just that at some point he did it." I think the same goes for these findings. They have to be exposed at some point whether it's now or 6 months from now, but what matters is that this first go-around of official DNA testing will have yielded results; positive, negative or spurious. It will come in due time. We always want everything yesterday, but I'd rather have scientifically backed support of the findings than a rushed mess that isn't recognized. Do it right the first time -- like your parents always drilled in us.

    1. @Autumnforest: You think you're smart, and you're not. Plus, your avatar is criminally misleading.

    2. Your avatar is accurate--because you are nobody.

    3. Autumn, please leave avatar as is.

    4. @Anon 1:02pm don't be a little moneymaker and cry about something so little as someone's avatar. Stay on point and add to the conversation or go cry in your bedroom that you share with your roomates (parents)

      @Autumn I agree with doing it right the first time my only complaint is why after going through this for years is she still having re writes on the paper. It's like if I turn in a report to my boss and he has to keep asking me to change this and that it wasn't done right the first time. Also why are they asking her to re write her initial findings.

  24. this whole thing is a fucking joke.

    1. Oh no..these things have been reported on for hundreds of years, all in the pacific NW, now Bigfoot is nationwide and no doubt Melba will prove it! Just one problem: Paper will never be released since Bigfoot isnt real. Melba is back to making a fortune in Equine genetics while you folks all believe it will still be released.

      Her career on the line? What better promo for her real career, than reading about her overe and over again in national pubs. Youve been had, one born every minute, everyone loves a get the point.

    2. We get the point you're jealous, ah isn't that just too damn bad! LOL

  25. This is no different to any other paranormal topics in which the evidence is always "coming soon". It never does come though.. and it never will :)

    1. but theres always plenty of books and what not to purchase in the mean time:)

    2. Oh yes it will trolls it will.

  26. Justin Smegma's book, entitled "I shot Bigfoot, Bigfoot's Baby and dont have one shred of proof but some lame drawings" will be out soon.

    Cant wait to see a drawing of what one really looks like. Hope Melba includes a genetic marker legend that will show what gene made Bigfoot look different than me or a chimp. Thanks to Justin and Melba, 2012 will be "The Year of the Sasquatch".

    1. dont forget that fat bastard matt moneymaker and that fat bastard cliff and that even fatter bastard bobo! they contributed to sasquatchery too!


    Not sure if we are in stage 3 or 4

    1. If you are talking about idiocy, failure to comprehend reality and obsessive belief in total bullshit then its DEFINITELY stage 4.

      Bigfoot sheesh

    2. If you dont believe at least resect those of us who do! This paper or some other evidence will soon show trolls the truth. Go somewhere else to hate.

    3. Ketchum is showing us the truth now. Read between the lines and you have the whole story: There is no paper, no evidence and no Bigfoot. There are only people, smelly forest dwellers who live covered in feces and years of unkempt hair. They wear animal hides, plants, whatever necesary to live outside and they are people...on the run, mentally deficient, homeless and hungry. Other people see homeless bums in the woods, get startled and dream up a giant ape instead of an old crazy next to the creek, in the mountains. Mud spreads in sunlight, mixed with hoaxes and over-stepping bears and wala...years of footprint evidence. Oh yeah dont be shocked but many native tribes already knew that bigfoot is really just a person who chooses to avoid people like us.

      In other words, it is human DNA of inbred retards who were kicked off the reservation and happen to stumble into civilization from time to time, to howl, speak german mixed with spanish, and generally keep the simple minded thinking theres much more to it than misidentifications and hoaxing.

    4. That comment just goes to prove that they DO walk amongst us. Be afraid, be very afraid. What is even scarier is that they vote and breed!

    5. LOL Funny these not-real-skeptics even bother to comment here, isn't it. They think they can fool you into thinking they're skeptics, really they're afraid hoping to put off the turn of the finger.

    6. The four stages of loss are denial/anger/depression/acceptance and for whomever is right or wrong (proponents/skeptics), one of the groups hasn't made it past stage-one. Some of the more advanced skeptics have made it to the anger stage, so I'm siding with the proponents.
      @RealFoot, what tribes have you been talking to? You must have really pissed them off, because they lied to you... I'll assume that they did so for a good reason and leave it at that.
      David from the PAC/NW

  28. I love that picture of the tall and short girl. It helps me forget of the lack of evidence of bigfoot.

  29. I love this website. Seriously, I have never been more entertained at watching people check daily for DNA evidence of a big ape man in North America. Keep dreaming believers!!!!!!! I will keep coming here and laughing.

    1. amen. +10 for this comment.

    2. You know same here I do not even read the articles just the comments mostly. It is funny how you can almost predict the comments just by reading the title of the article.

    3. In reality, that's just the troll way of saying how scared and disappointed you are so you deal the best you can with the fear of ridicule rightly felt coming your way.

  30. And people say Bigfoot isnt real. He is. He lives in our hearts and imagination with Strawberry Shortcake and Dirk Diggler. Please find him Melba! Get that damn DNA inserted to the FBI database and prove to the fucking government once and for all he exists!

    1. Hey I got a buddy named Dirk Diggler (legal name) so let's leave Mr. Diggler out of this

  31. I had lunch with Linda Sedlak last week, and during our conversation she revealed to me that Ketchum had hired her as a "media associate." Take that for what you will.

    1. Maybe Anon3:06 is right about the FBi database. Now Melba will need a publicist to go on special premier of "CSI" to help Abbie figure out Sasquatch has been eating Marines. Cue guest appearance of dr Melba Krtchum next to Abbie, Ducky and that guy from Summer School wh let chainsaw set his couch on fire.

    2. Stop watching crappy television.

  32. I dont know if bigfoot is real,ok i will man up and say that......but do i beleive it could be real,yes,who knows what is out there,but i cant beleive dr.ketchum is wasting how ever many years of her life,time....if she didnt have something major that would PROVE that a bigfoot really does the whole world....i think she is gonna prove something ground breaking,just.......wait for it....wait for it!!!!!

    1. Right you are too, this is the big one as they say.

    2. I've noticed a very strong correlation between being unable to spell and believing in bigfoot.

    3. Me too, in your comment.

  33. If your speaking to me,i can spell..........stupid,idiot,reject,needs a life,ect......iam on here because i like the topic,not to poke fun,or check other peoples spelling!!!!!...........there is another forum you would like,its called haters with plenty of time r us.....check it out!!!

  34. Ok, these tid bits, story here - story there, fantasy, whatever.

    I need to quit reading about this Ketchum person. If she wanted to publish a paper alone, was a field Vet in the past and takes "Realtor-like" Glamour Shots; then I don't need to waste my time reading another thing about this topic.

    Not only that but she hooks up with a Californian/Nevada Redneck that hadn't heard or believed in Bigfoot but kills 2 or 3 and she hooks up with some Redneck Taxi Dermists to write a paper.

    Exhausting, ok, time to ignore the entire subject of Bigfoot for another year.

    See you all, I'll be back this time next year to read all the fresh finding.

    It's always great to leave and then return.

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