Dr. Melba Ketchum Can't Believe The Hoopla Over Her Stick Structure Photo, Claims To Have More Stuff That Will Blow Your Mind

Dr. Melba Ketchum is being extremely generous this week, giving us tidbits here an there about her Bigfoot habituation sites. Although she has yet to reveal the actual locations of these sites, she mentioned that she visited OK and AR this past weekend to take some photographs.

A few days ago, she revealed that she has seen a family of five Bigfoots at one of the sites and took a photograph of a "stick structure" purportedly made by the Bigfoots. On Facebook today, Ketchum says that she can't believe the attention her "stick structure" photograph is getting. She adds that she has plenty of evidence to support what she's seeing. "I have a lot of samples and yes I have evidence. I can't imagine how this is going to go..... What an uproar there will be, no doubt," she wrote.

Ketchum also notes that if she were to release everything that she has, "folks would lose it completely".

FYI, I visited OK and AR this past weekend and took pictures of some interesting things including the stick formation that has created such a fervor. I cannot believe that there is so much hoopla associated with the innocent posting of a stick structure which I made no claims about other than an apology for the poor photography with my cell phone. I guess folks would lose it completely if I posted everything I have. ;)

- Dr. Melba Ketchum

[Update] Coast to Coast AM's website recently picked up the story. Click here to see.


  1. This piece of garbage is looking for what every woman is seeking.ATTENTION

    1. Why dont you shut up, get off your couch, go upstairs and tell your mommy to make uou some dinner.

    2. Lol yea maybe some meatloaf and he wouldn't be so cranky.

    3. Exactly! Because people risk their careers and livelihood purely for ‘attention’. Put your brain cells to work for a change and get a clue!



    4. Hmmm...Britainy Spears...Charlie Sheen...Lindsey Lohan....

  2. Things are definitely getting interesting to say the least...Hmmm.

    1. Would sure be a lot more interesting if people didnt sit on evidence hmmm

    2. You mean working on the evidence, hmmm.

    3. You mean talking about the evidence, hmmm.

  3. Seems she is getting a little more confident in talking about things. Could be inching a tad closer.

  4. So are we on stage 4 now SWP? :D

  5. Is it just me or is this starting to sound like the ramblings of a cult leader? In most cults the leader almost always makes some kind of promise that there will be a great day of reckoning, not surprisingly when the special event doesn't happen on the day promised and when they sense that their followers are starting to loose faith and that they are also smelling bullshit they always come up with excuses to explain the delay.

    1. I don't believe in Canadians.

    2. It's losing, not loosing. I normally don't correct but when you post a douchey comment you deserve it.

    3. Your not bright enough to think that I might of double tapped the "O" key??? and I'm not even gonna bother responding to your accusations of douchery, what a waste of breath!!!

  6. She's probably getting ready to blow our minds by releasing a sex tape of her in a threesome with Arla Williams and Thom Cantrall. She will no doubt be accepting multiple DNA samples !!

    1. With Matt Moneymaker too for a quad. He will have to lift up his gut to perform.

  7. I wish she never had open that Facebook page. Since it's inception we have actually gotten less information and more tease than I care to recall. Plus, no self-respecting geneticist/scientist/vet, or whatever title she has would be offering crappy info like that with no proof. If you can't show your proof for whatever reason, then just don't give us a tease. If she keeps behaving like so, no one will take her seriously and her career is going to depend on only doing paternity test for the Maury show.

    1. Shes's said numerous times she'd rather give these small pieces of info than nothing, it's difficult to say which method's the better silence until it's out or this.

    2. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Can't win. The best thing to do is where most of "the good stuff" is... Kept secret.
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. If you are a scientist promoting a ground-breaking discovery, the prudent course of action is to promote your own credibility by playing it conservatively, ie, stay silent. She didn't do that.

      So unless this is going to be released in a day or so and there is incredible corroborative evidence - like someone holding a living specimen - why risk your own credibility? Either something truly big is about to go down or she is nuts. Discuss the evidence... ;)

  8. At least she is not looking for "Defense Fund" donations like that fraud Coleman. Or is it a "International Cryptozoology Museum" donation? Whatever it is, suckers donating left and right.

    1. Fat Moneymaker's "Defense Fund" is already rocking from the countless suckers that go on BFRO expeditions.

    2. Her Sasquatch Protection Society will most certainly need funding. If she hasn't started passing the hat yet, just stay tuned...

  9. She doesn't have to produce anything else... my mind is already blown.

  10. Surely, as a scientist, she understands that trees are subject to the action of gravity?

  11. I don't know which is more pathetic,this bullshit web site reporting on Melba's every sneeze or me for actually tuning in here? I'm writing a directive to Robert Lindsay to wipe this crappy web site from the the internet.Robert, you have your orders......ps: You sastards even put butchy kid videos on your site? FUCK!!!!

    1. I'm with Verge on this one... This site sucks and so does the idiots who actually beleive that Twat Melba...I'M out... M NY

    2. You'll both be back here tomorrow at 12pm just like everyone else.


    3. I'm back, did they actually find any real proof yet??? And i don't count the Patterson costume as evidence.. Sorry but that's been proven a hoax!!! M NY

    4. Wow! I musta missed it. Did they find the suit?

    5. I'm sorry, your'e right, I'm back...What suit? Yes, I live in my mom's basement, fuck-off!!!

    6. i wish my mom had a basement. :(

  12. She saw a family of bigfoots but only photographed some sticks?

    1. There is 10 quazillion stick-fuck structures like this all over the N.W.?Anywhere there is log pole pines! I see them every summer on holiday! There must be a lot of BF's out there? Give me real shit or I'm going back to Live Action Role Play! I put my bedroom door back on after my mom had the fix-it guy take it down so I can get back to whats left of my porno collection! Go queer off with Matt sasqubator!!!! I cast you all down amongst the sodomites! Lord Vergearuker

  13. I am a post-doctoral research associate ,and at the end of this week, I am presenting preliminary data from our lab at a research conference . This data is not published , but the manuscript containing this data is currently with reviewers undergoing the peer review process. At the conference I am sure we will be asked where we have submitted our paper to and when we submitted. We will answer these questions without even the slightest fear of the journal rejecting our paper. Presenting this data at the meeting to colleagues , and discussing this data with members of the scientific community does not jeopardize our ability to publish the findings in any way manner shape or form. The excuses from the ketchum camp citing the journal embargo policy as the basis for their reluctance to tell where in the process this paper is or isnt , is ludicrous, and makes me wonder what it is they are trying to hide . If that were not bad enough , now add to this the constant teasing from the FB page whenever there is a lull in interest , and constant empty promises that go unfulfilled, coupled with a removal of any and all posts on that FB page that do not exalt her to godlike status . Folks it is sickening .
    As a member of the scientific community I find it egregious that she is trying to play on peoples lack of knowledge regarding the publication process to make it look like her hands are tied and that she would really love to tell us more but cannot . I also find it horrible that she will take portions of the journal requirements that fit her needs and post them for the world to see while leaving out others ( those that say specifically that data can be shared among colleagues and can be presented without violating any embargoes) that do not fit her needs .
    Lastly, why hire a publicist and why keep posting things that no self respecting serious scientist would ever post? Enough is enough. If she has pictures or video evidence that has been taken from witnessing this family of playful BFs that are obviously not part of her manuscript , then post them , rather than just adding to the mountain of unverified data and claims . I am sorry if this seems harsh, but as a man of science myself, I cannot sit by and listen to any more of this BS. I am open to the possibility of BF being a real bona-fide species that has not been identified, but with people like this running the show , it is no wonder why there are so many skeptics.

    1. It's a new world since facebook, some will use it some won't and she chooses to. I see no harm in it, it's instant communication. Her hands just may very well be tied, and if they are it's perfectly natural that she can't say anything yet. Look, the lady promised what she has will blow our minds and she may not be handling this like most (male) scientists would, but that doesn't mean she's not sincere. The whole business of Sasquatch is new to any scientist, cut her some slack and know it'd be career suicide to deliver a dud at this point. That really does leave the likeliest and best alternative = she has the goods 100% and merely awaits the final paper at this stage.

    2. I started out believing that the ketchum study was legitimate. However like the above poster states, I do know that the way she has characterized the press embargo is not accurate. At the very least, I feel that there is some dishonesty going on here and the more I hear about family's of Bigfoot that she plays with,this whole thing is starting to sound like a hoax.

    3. So, this whole DNA study thing is most likely a load of practical joke bigfoot BS?

    4. And to establish your credibility as a bona fide scientist you post this as an anon! And others naturally believe you? Just shows that people will believe what they want to believe. Smacks just a little of the pot calling the kettle black. Your post is just words. We all make judgement calls. some good, some not so good. Some of Ketchums statements may not be her finest calls but history will judge that. Your post will also be judged in the same light no doubt.

    5. Dude Ketchum is batshit crazy, a habituator associated with Erickson and Bascardi. One sample may have come from the bigfoot in the freezer who knows, but this bitch is a kook.

      And career suicide for her? Bullshit! Shes a horse doctor, and if she has done good selecting champions with dna she will keep making money. In fact this sideshow circus is the best commercial she could have!

    6. Be a kook to smell one out.She's smelling kookish! I wonder if she has her Indian name yet? Mines Shoshistiquai (two dogs humping). She's beginning to paint herself the habituator and all around spokes person for the "secret forest people"(that's what we call them in my LARP group). She's created so much stress for me I'm going to find something else to believe in.I'll miss you guys man.......

  14. I've been a defender of Dr. Ketchum for a while, but this latest round with the stick picture has made me change my tune a bit.

    The protests of "I was just posting a picture, what's the big deal" seem really REALLY lame to me. What's the big deal? Surely you can't be oblivious to the fact that there are literally thousands of proponents AND skeptics hanging on your every word and update. Then you post a really REALLY blurry and dark photo (it was way worse before Sean chimed in), claim you have more evidence, but won't show it, and then act all offended when people question why you would do that? It shows either a cluelessness I don't find reassuring, or some kind of deception. So, while I'm still sorta excited, this latest round has been pretty discouraging.

    1. Exactly right. She is either clueless or deceiving us, either of which is bad.

    2. And the skeptics that are watching are going to have a field day with this little nugget. Her reputation will be destroyed in about a week.

  15. Her Facebook page is like the Bigfoot Forum; if you don't agree with the moderator, you get kicked out. Give me a break. Show the evidence already and stop with the BS.

    1. That's the best way to do it too, getting rid of all the damn trolls. This place should do that also, it's a Bigfoot news blog after all not a slugfest.

    2. Then I guess you would be gone along with all the other die hard Ketchum fanboy trolls

    3. Nope. Still there, just smarter than the average troller.

  16. The comments are getting to her because she knows she and her work are in huge trouble.

    Rather than provide information which she can and is allowed to release we get blurry pictures of sticks.

    Sally Ramey is there for damage control, plain and simple. Its pretty obvious Ramey either has no idea what she is doing or she has lost all control over Ketchum.

    Prediction: Ramey steps down as her publicist in the very near future.

    1. Luckily she doesn't seem to care one bit about crazy comments like that. There's no work trouble either, on the contrary the paper's passing every review with ease and flying colors so I'm told.

    2. So you're told by whom? Internet gossips or someone involved with the project directly? Yeah, I thought so.

  17. Science works through open discourse and information sharing. There is no melodramatic build up to the release of a paper. There are no Facebook pages with nibbles of meaningless information meant to pander to a special interest group. No blurry pictures of sticks, no promises of mind blowing video or photos, no lawyering up and confronting team members. Frankly if the scientific process worked the way Ketchum works, we would still be practicing alchemy and think the world is flat.

    1. Fortunately for Ketchum, her supporters seem to be some of the least science-literate individuals on the internet. These people think you can "discover" a new species via DNA alone, so obviously they're oblivious to her centuries old snake oil selling tactics.

    2. That's absolutely right. She should be ignoring us until her paper is released, and instead she is reveling in the attention. Sad.

    3. It is highly doubtful the intention of the DNA study was ever to provide proof to the world, no matter what their claims to the little people. It is very likely it is intended to provide 'enough' evidence to win grant funding for long-term research. Has everyone forgotten about the line-up of stars at the Olympic Project? All they need to activate that brain trust is... money.

      As far as open discourse in science... hahahahahaha. Yep. Unless you are a military scientist. Or a government scientist. Or a corporate scientist. They are all bound by NDAs. I suppose internet armchair scientists can freely discuss their 'research'. And UNIX programmers.

  18. Replies
    1. And it will bring down the whole idea of sasquatch with it. Erickson project is over, Meldrum, Bindernagel, all the big names have been associated. Erickson project was the most thourough attempt to date.

      Sadly, it's over.

    2. At least we can finally move on.

    3. Anyone else wonder if she is a plant positioned by the government to make the sasquatch and sasquatch investigators/believers look like complete morons in an attempt to discredit the whole thing even more strongly in the mainstream? Don't tell me it's not possible.

    4. the same government that can't legislate itself out of a paperbag? I mean, isn't that we all bitch about, how inept they are? While being completely inept, they can mastermind conspiracies in fringe science or orchestrate precision destruction in Manhattan using holographic planes and... No.

      The purpose of this study is secure more money for long-term research. Whether you are a book-writing habituator, a profesional con-artist, or a scientist, you are all still Americans. It's all about the money. Waiting 40yrs for an answer? And who are you again? Are you one of my donors? Oh! You are the little people! Then it's all about protecting bigfoot for you! Then comes the pat on the head and the free lollipop. Suckers.

    5. Yep, it's over. Bigfoot is done and only the outer fringe kooks will hang on. She has done more damage than any hoaxer could ever hope for.

    6. The govt didnt need to plant anyone to make Bigfoot believers look like a bunch of bungling idiots, just sayin

  19. Maybe after all of the hoopla about bigfoot DNA, the study actually revealed that it's coyote DNA. Now there is stalling and back peddling because money was spent on this cluster ..... and reputations are on the line.

  20. I hate to say it, but comments like, "I guess folks would lose it completely if I posted everything I have" sound like often used bigfoot BS lines in which there are hints about having something big but in actuality nothing is presented.

    1. Ah come on now. It's hard to say how many pictures of sticks that she has. I'm sure it's more than this one.

    2. Yep, sad to see it come to this. How utterly unprofessional of her. Now she is just being stupid about this whole thing.

    3. Yeah but, "Our data is amazing and beautiful and all cutting edge."

  21. Oh, Melba... you tease!

    So show us everything already. It will be fun to see the world "lose it"! Otherwise you are basically hoaxing or insane, take your pick.

  22. Come on show something better!

  23. If she has REAL EVIDENCE ,SHOW IT. Ice bends trees,wind etc. Seems more hype than anthing!

  24. What if Melba doesn't exist? Where is the physical evidence? No fossil record? People left with a strong odour? At least I can click on this site every day and see the pic of the big woman and the small woman. That always makes my day. Some days I think about the big woman. some days I think about the small woman. Some days i just think about Melba. Some days I believe!

  25. Oh Melba, what happened. I've stood behind you all along and had complete faith in your work. I've defended you many times over.
    The pictures you've posted and the statements you've made this week have made me lose all hope.
    I feel so foolish.

    1. Have faith! Dont let the trolls get to you. Melba is a DOCTOR and would not risk her CAREER by putting on a hoax like this. She has the real deal, just be patient.

  26. Don't buy it. Not at all.

    If Ketchum had evidence that would "...blow your mind..." at the ready, it would have been released. Imagine the free publicity her business would receive as she did interview after interview while talking about, say, a REALLY clear piece of video or photography of a genuine unknown bipedal hominid? (Something better than Todd Standing's Puppet Heads on a Stick, of course...) It would make for a windfall she couldn't ignore. Instead, we get pictures of trees blown down in the forest.


    I suspect Ketchum's endgame consists of a bunch of blurry photos, some inconclusive data, and a video and book deal where she writes and talks about her experience with these "magnificent animals" (barf). That way the bleevers have something to argue about, while skeptics get to point at it, laugh, and just say "Really? REALLY!?"

  27. HAHA...family of 5. That sasquatch daddy got in way over his head. I couldn't imagine how hard it is to feed all those mouths. I bet he sneaks them some pancakes and human food every now and then.

  28. Why is this a big deal? Josh Gates found hair samples on one of Destination Truth's yeti expeditions. It was analyzed and came up as unknown primate DNA. Why was that not made into a big deal like the nonsense going on here?

    1. Because it is NOT a big deal. It is not a Big deal until you have a type specimen (dead or alive) to MATCH the DNA to. Until that happens, it is still simply a unknown.

    2. And you just proved my point. I can't understand why people don't get this.

      You know, scratch that. People are so pathetic now days. They are grasping for anything to believe in and the weakest of the bunch clings to far out nonsense like this.

  29. This woman who claims to be a scientist, actually thinks this deadfall of wood is Bigfoot eveidence?

    1. yes she does. she posted her thoughts on the matter.

  30. I expect that the release of the DNA paper in a second rate journal will happen VERY soon. It will all come back as "unknown primate". We will all feel like fools but maybe there is hope yet! Maybe the publication of the study and the release of the EP movie (video, documentary) will help validate the existence of BF. I am not holding my breath though! I am very unimpressed with other "blobsquatch" photos, but "blobstick" photos? Gimme a freakin break!

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