Comments of the day: Building The Case For Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA Study

The past few days, Dr. Melba Ketchum has been cautiously keeping us updated without revealing too much about the Bigfoot DNA study that's purportedly in peer-review and slated for publication in an unknown scientific journal. The conversation in the Bigfoot community is slowly turning a question of "when" the study comes out, into a question of "if" it ever comes out. It's clear that there are two camps watching from the sidelines, and neither side truly knows what's going on behind the scenes. One side tells us to be patient and to wait for the results to be published. The other side swears she's pulling the wool over our eyes.

Regardless of what either side thinks or believes, let's be honest about this-- Dr. Ketchum is either pulling the most elaborate hoax in Bigfoot history by risking everyone's reputation around her, or she's telling the truth and about to make the biggest biological discovery of our lifetime.

Lately, there has been a lot of negative feedback from the community about the way she's handling the study. Having a public Facebook page to update people on the subject doesn't seem to be helping her either. Judging by the recent updates defending herself against skeptics, she probably feels like the world is closing in around her. We're writing this to let her know that there are plenty of people in the scientific community who is giving her the benefit of the doubt and presumes that she's probably onto something big with her study.

Harold Samuel Jenkins tells us he's a member of the scientific community. This is what he wrote in response to one commenter named John Lloyd Scharf, who claims to know about the Genbank DNA submission process. Here's what Jenkins wrote in reply to one of Scharf's comments:

John, I am a scientist and what you say is not "entirely" correct re Genbank and the rest. The data and the conclusions must be checked first before it is included in that database, hence the paper review process and that is best done through a highly regarded Journal. I suspect you may think you know what is going on here but with sincere respect you have taken a wrong interpretation. Presuming this is not the greatest hoax since Piltdown Man and that Ketchum is not insane and is not deliberately destroying her career and livelihood by running a hoax, then there will be a paper. What is in that paper only her and her co-researchers know. No one else. I think you have taken a very dangerous stance on this and I hope it does not come back to bite you in the stern. As they argue in legal cases, there are only three clear choices here. Point 1. What she has said is either true or not. If it is true all will be revealed in time and many will owe her an apology. Point 2.If it is not true and she knows that it is not true, she is a liar and her career and business are wrecked. Point 3. If it is not true and she believes it IS true then she is certifiably insane and her career is wrecked.

If this was just one strange individual doing all this on her own then perhaps she might be certifiable, but she has a number of other Phd's who worked on this. So I ask - what are the odds of them not pulling her up before now. Likewise do you believe they would all follow a lie and are doing nothing to protect their own careers.

I am sure that there are many out there in troll land who will not be able to follow the logic here or who just do not want to be bothered and find the easy path is to have a mindless rant. Frankly that is their problem. I just suggest to you that on the balance of probabilities that there is only one conclusion that has merit. Rather than focusing on the rumours we need to just sit back and wait either for the paper to be published, or for the train wreck if it is not.

My last point is this. Look at the volume of comments about her work in this site and elsewhere. There is tremendous interest, either in support because many understand the process she is going through, or against by those who do not or are unwilling to try to understand. The existence of BF is perhaps one of the most contentious subjects imaginable and attention has never been more focussed in the entire history of the topic than now. If I was carrying out research in such an environment of close scrutiny I would be doing exactly what she has done. Telling no details. The only thing I would not have done was start a BF DNA Facebook page because it attracts to much uninformed opinion and too many bigoted tirades for the most trivial of comments.

From one old salty to another, be careful to not pull the gangplank before you go to step ashore. It's a long drop into the abyss without a lifeline.

As usual, we like to give our readers both sides of the conversation. The following comment was posted by an anonymous person who claims to be a member of the scientific community:

Posted by: Anonymous
Apr 25, 2012 05:08 PM

I am a post-doctoral research associate ,and at the end of this week, I am presenting preliminary data from our lab at a research conference . This data is not published , but the manuscript containing this data is currently with reviewers undergoing the peer review process. At the conference I am sure we will be asked where we have submitted our paper to and when we submitted. We will answer these questions without even the slightest fear of the journal rejecting our paper. Presenting this data at the meeting to colleagues , and discussing this data with members of the scientific community does not jeopardize our ability to publish the findings in any way manner shape or form. The excuses from the ketchum camp citing the journal embargo policy as the basis for their reluctance to tell where in the process this paper is or isnt , is ludicrous, and makes me wonder what it is they are trying to hide . If that were not bad enough , now add to this the constant teasing from the FB page whenever there is a lull in interest , and constant empty promises that go unfulfilled, coupled with a removal of any and all posts on that FB page that do not exalt her to godlike status . Folks it is sickening.

As a member of the scientific community I find it egregious that she is trying to play on peoples lack of knowledge regarding the publication process to make it look like her hands are tied and that she would really love to tell us more but cannot . I also find it horrible that she will take portions of the journal requirements that fit her needs and post them for the world to see while leaving out others ( those that say specifically that data can be shared among colleagues and can be presented without violating any embargoes) that do not fit her needs.

Lastly, why hire a publicist and why keep posting things that no self respecting serious scientist would ever post? Enough is enough. If she has pictures or video evidence that has been taken from witnessing this family of playful BFs that are obviously not part of her manuscript , then post them , rather than just adding to the mountain of unverified data and claims . I am sorry if this seems harsh, but as a man of science myself, I cannot sit by and listen to any more of this BS. I am open to the possibility of BF being a real bona-fide species that has not been identified, but with people like this running the show , it is no wonder why there are so many skeptics.


  1. I can understand why she isn't posting any visual evidence yet. She wants to have the paper out first so it can be viewed in the proper context. She wants to do this right.

    I still don't understand why she releases tidbits and hints the way she does, as if intentionally teasing people with it. That just fans the flames and makes people make demands for the paper to be released NOW. I think she should ideally remain quiet and let the facts speak for themselves when the time is right.

    1. I fairly much posted your same statement about two months ago and will stand with it. This is not the way I would have gone about it, however I am not qualified to even begin such a project and I have no idea what she is sitting on.


    2. Mr. Jenkins and Chuck, I agree with you both however I see one other option. Option 2 with the following added....It is an elaborate hoax and her career is wrecked, however she has a whole new career that includes what for some folks is priceless...attention, fame and money...regardless of the outcome there are plenty of "outs" for her to claim victimization and turn to a new career that involves interviews, tv spots, articles, a new animal planet show..who knows but as a businessman and entrepreneur I can see several paths for her to turn any outcome to some sizable cash.

      Having said that, I cannot detect that level of maniacal intent or pure deception nor do I detect a high level of isnanity...we all know however that things like this are never surprising if that is the true ultimate goal. She claims a level of spiritualism that would negate this type of behavior but again maybe that is purposeful.

      Either way I am a bit over 50 50 that this is going to be some sort of scientific breakthrough and as always skeptically hope this is a real creature for many reasons.


    3. Agree with Mark about Ketchum having several paths to turn any outcome into sizable cash. #1 being CEO of her Sasquatch Protection Society. Get Sally Struthers as a spokesperson... Save the Sasquatch for just $24.95/month. You'll receive a nice letter describing your 'adoptee', the right to name your new friend, a map of the state he/she resides, a plaster foot casting, and a letter of thanks signed by our own Dr. Ketchum. Sorry, no photos or video.

    4. Mr. Jenkins and Chuck, I agree with you both however I see one other option. Option 2 with the following added....It is an elaborate hoax and her career is wrecked, however she has a whole new career that includes what for some folks is priceless...attention, fame and money...regardless of the outcome there are plenty of "outs" for her to claim victimization and turn to a new career that involves interviews, tv spots, articles, a new animal planet show..who knows but as a businessman and entrepreneur I can see several paths for her to turn any outcome to some sizable cash.

      Having said that, I cannot detect that level of maniacal intent or pure deception nor do I detect a high level of isnanity...we all know however that things like this are never surprising if that is the true ultimate goal. She claims a level of spiritualism that would negate this type of behavior but again maybe that is purposeful.

      Either way I am a bit over 50 50 that this is going to be some sort of scientific breakthrough and as always skeptically hope this is a real creature for many reasons.


    5. Everyone that agrees with Chuck and Mr. Jenkins is wrong.

  2. There is another option. It does not have to be a hoax, a lie, a delusion, or the all-revealing truth. It could simply be ... Bad Science. It could simply fall short of proving anything. I hope not. I hope it succeeds. But that it fails and is debunked eventually is a distinct possibility.

    1. She stated she saw a family of 5 bf, didn't she? In which case, yes, it would have to be either a hoax, a lie, a delusion or the truth.

    2. It is the truth. I know already that Sasquatch is a reality and I don't think for a second Ketchum's fooling us here, not only will this paper come out and hopefully prove it but other work in the future will add to it. People can doubt all they want now, I say there's no doubt we will all know the species is real. Those making hoax videos will feel shameful when they see the real thing, once you see them closer you quickly realize most videos are nothing but hoaxes.

    3. Who are you?

      My point being, When all you folks post anonymously. Why should anything you say matter?

      You're just random noise, sounding off in the wind.

      Why should anyone pay any more attention to you or anyone on either side of this issue when you post anonymously? You relegate yourselves to simply being noise.

    4. What's in a name, wtf is John Bamburg anyway? Matters nothing to anybody what make up or you call yourself.

    5. Hey I'm simply just noise also.

  3. At this point, why anyone would give this woman the time of day is beyond me. She has nothing.

    1. Agree.

      From a person who works in pr, Ketchum / Sally are commiting some of the biggest PR faux-pars. Its quite embarassing to watch this all spiral into a messy pr disaster.

    2. Do you have special "inside" information? How do you know this?

    3. Neither of them know anything, they're just talking wishful thinking out loud. That's very popular lately around here, lots of people trying hard till the end to voice their disappointment they've been beaten to it and outsmarted by a young woman scientist.

  4. Who are the other PhDs she is working with?

    1. Well, it appears that science guy number one fits the bill.

    2. No other PhD has been publicly involved in the genetic work. More importantly no other scientist has followed Melba's lead and said "bigfoot is real." Looks like she is alone on this one, which makes science guy #1's argument much weaker.

    3. I wouldn't say so, she merely confirmed what many of us already knew for years and I thank her for that. If that was the right thing to do who knows, done is done and now let's have the rest.

    4. Saquatch Enlightenment

      You will have to wait to see all the PhD co-authors names. In any research like this it would not be unusual at some stage for the genetic results to be checked by other independent labs as part of a blind testing regime. That also helps the researcher pick up on possible differences with their own results. You could call it a form of insurance. Given the contentious nature of this subject I would be extremely surprised if Ketchum had not had much of her analysis already double checked by other independent labs to make sure there was no room for error. I do not know who in her lab also contributed to her study or what other labs did any blind testing for her. Nor do you or anyone else, other than her team. Making categorical statements such as you have only points to your lack of understanding of good scientific procedures.

  5. I'm going with science guy number two. This whole fiasco reeks of trailer park drama. In the end, the sample submitters will be the fall guys, and she'll gladly help them fall.

  6. Thank you...Mr. Jenkins...

    You comments are a voice of reason in a tempest of nonsense and appreciated by those of us who have assisted Melba, Arla, Sally, and others.

    While we may not agree with the wisdom of the Face Book wall and the consequences, it should not detract from the splendid efforts of their diligent research in the face of adversity and controversy.

    I am proud to have been associated in the past with this noble effort to recognize scientifically the "ancient people" of North America.

    live and let live

    Steve Summar

    1. Do you even have a clue as to who Arla is and what her Bigfoot beliefs are?

    2. Dear clueless anonymous...

      Miss Arla represents a specific traditional Native American spiritual perspective. I respect those beliefs and knowledge even though I may disagree with specific tenants.

      I am a retired Oklahoma oil and gas producer with multiple encounters and sightings, my perspective is more practical and pragmatic based upon first hand observation.

      Perhaps you will share your perspective, and identity?

      There is ample room in sasquatchery for a diversity of opinions and beliefs.

      live and let live...

      Steve Summar

    3. Arla believes that Bigfoots are shape shifters with telepathic powers and can control your thoughts.

    4. "There is ample room in sasquatchery for a diversity of opinions and beliefs."

      No. You couldn't be more wrong.

      There is only 2 options, it is a creature or it is a myth. Opinion and belief have NOTHING to do with it.

      Regarding Arla's spiritual perspective, we could discuss metaphysics and epistemology forever. It has nothing to do with the DNA paper.

    5. Enlightened one...

      I have never been a proponent of the metaphysical traits attributed to Sasquatch.

      Miss Arla is entitled to her beliefs and I respect that right, even though we may agree to disagree.

      Sasquatchery is enigmatic and murky enough...there is no need to "muddy the water" with unsubstantiated claims of paranormal abilities...JMHO

      I continue to enable, assist, facilitate and network with respectful observational no kill researchers.

      What is your contribution to this field of interest?

      live and let live...

      Steve Summar

    6. Great words there Steve, I support her too and eagerly await lots of apologies coming our way, that is if the naysayers have any courage at all which is more than a little doubtful.
      I'd like to hear from any honest skeptics what they will say when hopefully this is proven soon.

    7. I'm an honest skeptic. I'm honest enough to post, using my real name.

      I've spent an enormous amount of time in the outdoors, in truly wilderness areas. I've never seen or heard anything that I would relate to Sasquatch.

      I am however, open minded. Simply because there is a part of me that hopes there is something out there that we,(mankind), has not yet ruined and/or discovered.

      If any of this proves to be true? All you will hear from me is "Well I'll be Damned". but then again, I'm not one of the anonymous posters that hang out here screaming at any and everyone that has any opinion on anything.

    8. you know what happens to scientists that claim to believe in God and try to be viewed as legitimate scientists by the rest of their peers?

      Beliefs have a big influence on how your research is viewed.

    9. Miss Arla, is a respected Cherokee tribal elder, not a scientist, she is entitled to her beliefs regardless of our approval.

      My comments are based upon 60 years of observation and experience, I don't "believe" Sasquatch exists...I know they exist.

      I am not a researcher, I assist researchers.

      live and let live...

      Steve Summar

    10. Please make sure the culling of the self absorbed starts with Summars and ends with #59, Two of the most useless waste of space there is.

    11. All old diseased hogs get culled, by predator or old age and disease.

  7. Two bodies will be required male and female for Holotype specimens for the species and two additional for each sub species. DNA is not a body.

    Please stop being taken in by this shame and fantasy that is being conducted by the Ketchum camp.

    1. Please stop being so bloody daft, Eddie the 'Ead. DNA is a body and it's what science works with today, it proves there is a species so snap out of the monster mode and acknowledge reality.

    2. DNA doesn't mean anything to mainstream, Jackhole. Take a moment and Google unknown primate DNA and look at the shit that comes up. They have been finding it but mainstream still hasn't recognized these studies at all. All that it means is there is unknown primate DNA with nothing to match it to. They won't give a rat's ass about this paper no matter what it proves because there is no body to match it to.

      Common sense is a lacking trait in many people now days.

    3. I love how people say this or that will be required when we have no precedent, since no extant undiscovered bipedal primate or hominid has ever been discovered. This isn't the 19th century, Ed.

    4. what does a precedent have to do with this? we are talking about the requirements needed to prove something exists. not to mention you should take a moment to clarify what you are talking about. if you look at the fossil record, there have been many bipedal primates discovered. just because it hasn't been found yet doesn't mean that the possibility is not there.

      it would do you good to try to find some intelligence before posting your immature absolutes.

    5. Bill really is a hardass, isn't he. Sorry you don't grasp this buddy, but DNA is mainstream science what you want is old century news.

    6. I am a hardass especially when it comes to dumbasses. What part of my rant makes you think that I don't believe DNA is part of mainstream science?

      Seriously, you have to be a woman because you just stated that I implied something that I didn't.

      Try rereading it again but slowly this time.
      Me..i could care less either way. I would be content if someone could just go out and get legit film of them and study them that way and it get accepted. The problem lies with mainstream. They will never accept film of any kind because to them it can be faked and that is the end of that.

      I don't give a damn if mainstream ever accepts it to be honest.

    7. DNA samples have been submitted for years and years, in the hundred's at least, So guess your statement is a foolish one, and ignorant. So according to your logic, science should have accepted it a long long time ago, because DNA IS a body! You are a dunce! It's a good thing science moves forward without input from the people who quit school in the 9th grade.

    8. Well when you graduate 6 th grade your world will be twice as big.

      No amount of spin you put on this subject you will never change the fact that DNA is not a body and two per Spicies will be required.

      The misinformation you are putting forth is simply not responsible on your part.

  8. Id like to believe this paper is real. I dont personally know Ketchum so any comment I could have about her leading the sasquatch community on, I would keep reserved to myself because I dont know what kind of person she is. I realize that not everybody on Gods green earth has the same level of patience, but from my own experience, patience can bring about good things. I could understand why the peer review may be so stringent on this particular subject-because what we are talking about here has been considered myth for many, many years. Im by no means taking up for Ketchum-if she is pulling our legs I hope her career goes down the drain. But I have seen a squatch-so I know they are real. Which is what leads me to believe that this paper will be published.

    1. Same here. No complaints. Looking good so far.

  9. Gentlemen, Dr. ketchum is and has continued to work behind the scenes to organize the **Protection** of this species. That is the reason Dr. Ketchum has gone "public". Without the public's backing and support of this project she would not have been able to have plans in place to protect this species. Everything Dr. Ketchum has done is for the benefit of the Sasquatch, period. People who turned in samples to her and whose samples became part of the study leaked info about her project forcing Melba to go public. Lighten up, the lady is doing everything possible to *protect* these animals after they are revealed to be actual living creatures in America's forests. This will be huge news, and needs to be handled correctly.That is what people are working on behind the scenes. It's all about protecting the Sasquatch from harm.

    1. Linda/susiewhatever your name, you're extremely pathetic and easily influenced. You should stand back and read your posts and how ridiculous you sound regurgitating talking points of others you hope to get noticed by. Not only is melba a distaster but she's also a potential fraud, not to mention, obvious media whore.
      Most submiters have regrets about giving anything to her, and others, including Smeja, wanted nothing to do with her in the first place.
      What does that tell you when the person involved in the sasquatch shooting collects & submits circumstantial evidence, ketchum confirms it yet the shooter (hoaxer to some) wants a second opinion based on charcter of the Dr.
      Absolute embarrassment to the field she is.

    2. Btw Linda if she was doing everythingto "protect" them, then she'd do nothing to try and prove them. Believe me, if proven they will be protected, we dont need ketchum's smoke & mirrors and deflections in the interim and there's nothing she can do protection-wise prior other then hook her minions even more before producing a shred of evidence

    3. Linda, what you're suggesting is very odd. If her goal was to protect them, then the prudent course of action would be to implore actual zoologists and biologists to observe the family of 5 that she admits to regularly observing. This would be exponentially more effective at "proving" the existence of the species, and thus ensuring protection efforts, than some alleged paper that is perpetually "coming soon."

      Also, in most states, a hunting permit is needed to legally hunt a certain type of game. You can't simply wander into the woods and hunt any/all animals you observe. So unless sasquatch hunting permits are being granted by states (to my knowledge no state is issuing any sasquatch hunting permits), the species is protected by defualt.

    4. A load of nonsense, don't you understand this train can't be stopped now. It's gonna come out either way, and it's either gonna show it's all a gag or the opposite that the species is there. All these negative comments serve only one purpose, to service the wounded ego of its sender. The only thing Linda's incorrectly informed about is the nature of the species, they're not giganto or gorilla animals but a new species of Homo.

    5. No Linda is a bored middle-aged housewife numbskull who is attempting to get noticed & get attention. Guaranteed she's written fan-based email and or FB posts and Ketchum probably responded to one or two convincing Linda its gospel (not very difficult). How can anyone take ketchum seriously now since we've got associations with Ramey & Arla, bigfoots talking to her while she works, blurry stick structure pics with claims of seeing 5 of them, bigfoots visiting her home in TX after she started project, unprofessional FB leaks. This woman is a disaster for serious researchers as think about the professional repercussions of her obvious biases & undisciplined actions.

    6. Luckily it matters not a great deal what you think here does it, all that matters is the end result regardless of your own wishes. If you think this species is just some inactive fruit eating ape you're in for a shock. Skeptical is good, stupid skeptic not so good.

  10. @ ED SMITH
    many other animals have been proven to exist without
    dna or a body, so, needing 2 bodies is a total fabrication and could not be farther from the truth.
    You do not have a single clue about animal Identification.

    1. Really? How do you prove it then Mr. Clueful? Because in this case photos or video are unacceptable. We have seen this over and over and over.

      It's important to use your head here. For mainstream science nothing short of tangible evidence is gonna do. This is not in anyway similar to documenting a new frog species in Indonesia. PHOTOS OR VIDEOS WILL NOT DO!

    2. Please cite one example that was proven to exist without a body or a piece of a body.

    3. DNA is piece of a body. Sorry doubters but it can't be faked, you'll just have to accept that science has moved on while you haven't.

    4. Hey stooge wake up! No one is saying that the DNA will be faked. And it doesn't sound like you understand a damn thing that is going on. If this DNA is from the real deal all it will conclude is that it is from an unknown primate. It won't say anything other than that. it won't say it's from a bigfoot, it won't say it's from a yeti, it won't say it's from a wookie. Why? I will tell you and the rest of the geniuses out there that like to cling to just any old band wagon. There is no data that represents sasquatch DNA. Why? Because mainstream science needs a confirmed piece of tissue to extract it from. Confirmed so that any unknown primate species can be compared to it.

      You can't confirm it unless you have a body or piece of the body. If Melba doesn't have this then and the study shows what she does have is unknown, the sample will remain classified as unknown until a verified piece of sasquatch can yield a sample that it can be compared to.

      You need to accept that intelligence has moved on while you haven't.

  11. Ed Smith's current "Live Capture" thread (on another site) is apparently rendered as bogus, given his above comments.

    1. A body live or dead Fits the specs of the project and is a very valid operation.
      If you would read the information rather that rutting lthrough it lke a canserous filled hog you might learn something but that's real not in you nature is it.

    2. Ed gets typos when angry. Calm down, Ed. Your fear is showing.

    3. #59 can't read

      Ed's fear is not showing

  12. Proof more than trolls come here to comment. Shawn your blog has filled a unique niche in Bigfootery: the underbelly of the blowhards is soft and so apparent even if Anons. And the solide researchers also apparent in their toughtful work, and the resulting positive comments.
    I really can't stand most of the articles, because of the embarrassment to be associated with some of these whack jobs, a reason many won't come forward in Bigfootness now.
    And a reason many of us hope this study will recieve the right attention and send those types packing.

    Also, what is the "different direction" BFRO is taking that causes OP to post a comment about the parting ?

  13. Just want this study to be released already! Dr. Ketchum has assured me personally that this is real, and I'm gonna trust her. I just can't wait to rub it in the skeptics faces! LOL.

    1. Haha I've got some buddies that think sasquatch is hooplah so I really can't wait for it either. But like I said, patience usually brings about good things.

  14. As I have said DNA is not a body the apropreate studies of the physical specimen (Live or Dead) cannot be conducted with out a body(s).The misinformation that is being spead as truth here by Linda and others is proof of the low level of scientific methodologies being allied to the so called earth shaking report.

    1. Not to sound condescending, but I would think (and this is my own personal opinion) that with the DNA evidence there will perhaps be some sort of conclusive specimen offered a as s supporting evidence for the DNA. Instead of attacking the way that the paper is being handled, why not just sit back and wait for your theory to be proven right or wrong? Because yes, a body needs to be produced. But with the lack of credibility of all of the speculation around the paper its pretty much pointless to discount anything. Nobody really knows how this is going to turn out and what evidence will be brought forth. Who knows, as secretive and misleading as all of this is, Erickson or Ketchum, or the Olympic Project may have these things eating out of the palm of their hands-I mean who really knows? Nobody outside of the closed doors, thats for sure.

    2. Unless there is a body there is nothing to report the physical properties internal and external can only be determined with a body living or dead there is no substitute for the scientifically based research That is Curently under way.

    3. Go away Edna you're dreaming, the Dark Ages are over and Grover's gone too. There's no need to kill anything, you really want a dead body of something that is the closest living primate species to us?
      Not going to happen nor any live capture and presentation, simply because they're not gigantos or gorillas but much more like us than we previously dared to imagine.
      Believe it or not, this means they should have rights not to be treated inhumanely or put on display for your personal pleasure.
      That's why your scenario will likely not happen, a dead body will have to come by found naturally located deceased somewhere not intentionally.
      DNA is the only way to go with this, we cannot force or harm them just to prove they exist when we seem this close as species.

    4. I agree. These things are treasures of nature that have eluded time and the destructive nature of modern humans. They should only be observed in their natural environment. For a body to be presented by way of killing or capture is nothing more than proving how careless and destructive we are. Things shouldn't be killed to be understood. What do you learn from that? Anatomy and physiology sure but you won't learn about exactly what they are by killing. That is learned by observation and conservation.

    5. I agree Okie. People will learn much more about them by observing them in their natural habitat than they will if one is killed. All I am hoping for Ketchum's paper is that people take it seriously and it is a jumping off point for other studies.

    6. DNA is not a body. It's as simple as that. The three above posts are not scentific views but misled and uninformed romantics that have held up this field of research for to long.

      The scientific comunity will not accept DNA to prove this species, the inability to accept this reality is contradictory to the scientific view and accepted methodology.

      It is in short not Responcible on thier part.

  15. I three am a Man of Science! and I say if you think this is a load of hockey and you work in the scientific community than why are you wasting your time posting on this blog and following this story so closely! just so you can say "ah-ha see I told you all this discovery was a hoax! see I was right and you were wrong!" how very scholarly of you. Patience is a virtue and all I see from the opposing arguments here is a severe lack of patience leading to irritability and complaining. Find something else to occupy your time, release your contempt for this woman you don't even know, and one day soon you'll see the article header 'Bigfoot Discovered' or 'Largest Bigfoot Hoax Self-Destructs' and you'll have your answer same as everyone else but with far less stress and negative vibes being thrown around everywhere.

    1. Everything you said is a lie.

    2. @armondo You sir, hit the nail on the head. Patience is a virtue. Instead of arguing about who's pecker is longest, people should just sit back and wait for the proof.

    3. @ sir are wrong. no one is arguing about peckers.

    4. You might as well be. Half of the back and forth comments here are just pissing contests. "I'm right" "No I'm right"...We wont know who's right until the paper comes out. All it is is pointless arguing.

  16. When her failure is obvious, does anyone think she'll admit to it? She'll probably step away from it, close the FB page and leave the few hangers on that are still around to debate over it, for years to come.

    1. Sorry but not so, hang in there the big one's coming.

  17. If the Ketchum "paper" is released, I imagine that it will be inconclusive to the few who readily understand DNA analysis, ambiguous to the majority who don't understand DNA analysis but are somewhat science-literate, and absolute proof to the Ketchum proponents with no science background at all.

    It will fall into the PG film category, with a few people willing to admit it's inconclusive or a hoax, ambiguous to the general public, and absolute proof to the die-hard believers.

    Mainstream science still won't accept the creature as real, we still won't have a live specimen in a zoo or a dead specimen in a lab or a museum, but Ketchum will be able to sell books, book lecture appearances, be interviewed on paranormal television shows and documentaries, and the myth of the sasquatch will be propelled well into the 21st century.

    And then in another 20-30 years, we'll have another "researcher" who announces that he/she is on the verge of discovery, adn the whole farcical cycle will start again.

    That is, IF the "paper" is released.

    But based on all the available information, I infer with confidence that no peer-reviewed paper will ever be published in a respected science journal, and it will either 1) be published in a fringe journal with little credibility, 2) be published on the internet, 3) not be published at all, and Ketchum will claim that her research is being supressed, or 4) not be published at all, and Ketchum will claim she herself has been hoaxed by Paulides, Smeja, etc...

    Regardless of what happens with the "paper", in 5, 10, and 50 years from now, we still won't have a body or specimen, and sasquatch will remain as a figment of blurry YouTube videos and semi-anonymous internet sighting reports.

    1. you are wrong and the paper will be released.

    2. yes it was...simple and to the point.

    3. And very true too. I must laugh at all this infidel clutching at straws from the stunned naysayers, can't you folks just wait and see what happens instead of your useless personal belief info.

  18. The original post gives false alternatives, which should be recognized by critical thinkers. This is a ploy designed to manipulate the listener: I quote: "there are only three clear choices here. Point 1. What she has said is either true or not. If it is true all will be revealed in time and many will owe her an apology. Point 2.If it is not true and she knows that it is not true, she is a liar and her career and business are wrecked. Point 3. If it is not true and she believes it IS true then she is certifiably insane and her career is wrecked."
    some of these alternatives are unlikely, in fact. And there are several others that are more likely. For example: Ketchum has been fooled by hoaxers and/or misinterpreted her results, is not insane, and her business will be largely unaffected.

    Just thought I'd point out the attempted manipulation.

    1. Precisely. The argument "Ketchum must be telling the truth otherwise why would she jeopardize her career" is spurious as 1) There are countless examples of professionals jeopardizing their for bizarre or illogical reasons, and 2) it's unlikely that her career would even be affected if this entire fiasco is determined to be a hoax. Why would Rick Dyer jeopardize his career as a police officer to hoax a bigfoot in a freezer? Why would Charles Dawson jeopardize his career as an archaeologist to hoax Piltdown man? Who knows, but they certainly did.

      Ketchum is a veterinarian that runs a DNA lab in a small Texas town. It's unlikely that many, if any, of her clients are bigfoot enthusiasts or are even aware of her "bigfoot protection" efforts. If my local vet was trying to prove the existence of leprechauns or unicorns, I'd likely never know about it. And if he was a good vet, I wouldn't really care.

    2. Trolls always care only they don't like to admit it that's all. Take a prime example like 451, good grief, reading his defense speeches is almost like he's preparing to go to war armoring himself for any incoming blasts tearing off the old secured layers. The second he mentioned unicorns and leprechauns you know the type you're dealing with, the stuck skeptic hell bent on staying so.

    3. Why would Dyer risk it? Because he's a dumb joke of a redneck. It says a lot about this 451 dude putting that guy in the same category as Dr. Ketchum, but the strategy's very typical.

    4. Ad hominim attacks in response to a well-reasoned argument? It's almost like you don't have a property rebuttal, just petty insults ;)

    5. "Dumb redneck" would apply just as much to Melba "Hayseed" Ketchum

  19. Next time don't think...just point.


    This thread indicates the apparent reckless nature of these individuals and as such, imputes an implication of a total lack of professional, ethical and possibly legal mindset(s).

    The Ketchum situation poses a diect threat to his (Smith, et. al.) ambitions and therefore apparently feels compelled to attack her at any opportunity.

    In other words, he is in a gold-rush type frenzy to "be the first" and is grasping at any and all straws.

    That, my friends, is probably what a cancerous hog looks like.

    1. Your old news John and remember sick or injured hogs get thinned from the herd regularly it just your.turn.

    2. Are you implying I have a dread disease?

  21. are wrong as always and you can't read.

  22. Well I see I hit my mark John Phillips and canserous filled Hog is truly representative of your nature.

    1. Mr Shipley, you are the one in need.

    2. BTW, are you implying I have a dread disease?

    3. Oh Mr Phillips please don't try you disinformation tricks here your close association with the self admited Hoaxer BulletMaker turned your credibility to dust years ago.

      About the same time you embarrassed yourself as a financial advisor you really don't want to go down that road again, do you?

    4. Exactly how did I embarrass myself as a financial advisor?

    5. C'mon now Mr. Smith, you've alluded I may have a dread disease and am an embarrassed financial advisor.

      What say you...proof?...facts?

      Or, are YOU the one who's the Master of Disinformation?

      If so, where do you reckon that places YOUR credibility?'s a the bottom of something.

    6. So you really are John Phillips thanks for outing yourself as #59,TGS And a host of other sockPuppets.. I'm not going to spend one more moment with a hoax aiding person such as yourself. I'm sure you and Bulletmaker make a wonderful couple.

    7. Pretty much what I thought. Called you out to put up or shut up.

      Looks like the second option is your only choice.

      BTW, please acquaint yourself with the definition of what a sockpuppet actually consists of and I'd recommend a mirror to start with.

  23. Is this a great country, or what?

    1. You know what's wrong with being an American? Not a damn thing! yayayaya! Live action!

  24. So far its a head line for THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER!!!!!Show some real evidence!

  25. For info on John Phillips exploits go to Squatchaybss.blogspot.Com.

    1. You do realize what you've just re-published?

    2. Just a site I came a cross thought I would share.

    3. Just wanted to make sure you are cognizant of your actions.

    4. Also, are you endorsing said blog especially given the fact you have posted comments on it previously?

    5. That link says "blog not found."

    6. I googled it as Ed said below and it went straight to it.

      It appears that Ed just made a spelling error in the "abyss" part.

    7. John Phillips, #59 whoever you are! I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit a better argument than you! You are a cry baby!

    8. Well...I gotta steal that one!

  26. Replies
    1. I don't know if lit true, purhaps you could enlighten us?

    2. I believe you are being untruthful and YOU have posted comments on it before today.

      Now, who is furnishing disinformation?

      And, refusing to answer direct questions that are designed to affirm or refute your previous allegations.

      Again, put up or shut up.

    3. You don't know if it is true yet you went ahead and re-published the information?

      Don't you think that might be a bit reckless on your part?

    4. Bottom line John your a hoax aiding and hoaxer associate Bulletmaker have zero credibility and are the jokes of the BF community, enough said on this subject.

    5. Refusing to answer the direct question(s) put forth to you (in response to your direct allegations & innuendo) is the hallmark of someone that doesn't have the facts/evidence to validate their position.

      Your latest comment (I'm taking my ball and going home) is typical of those caught with no clothes on.

      I'm betting that you may soon find out that your alligator mouth has overloaded your spring lizard anus.

    6. You misspelled "abyss" in the name when you typed the link, Ed. That's why the link was dead. The blog is there.

    7. #59- John Phillips jr., I see you discussing a man with no clothes on, and then you said "anus". Maybe you need to find a friendly Swinger forum to hang out at. Get your mind out of the gutter.

  27. Clarification --

    Dr. Ketchum has not "hired" me and I am not managing her actions. As I have already stated here and elsewhere, I volunteered to work on her DNA project's Web site and other materials in preparation for the eventual announcement regarding her paper and findings.

    It was Dr. Ketchum's decision to start her FB page. My role on her page is specifically to address the peer-review process in relation to how/when/what info can be discussed publicly. I am one of three admins who monitor it for rude, confrontational or off-topic posts. It is Dr. Ketchum's decision what she posts on that page.

    1. So all of those bizarre statements really are from her?

    2. asking a legitimate question = ban

    3. Will the real Sally please stand up?

    4. "My role on her page is specifically to address the peer-review process" -
      How does it feel to fail miserably at the one thing you were supposed to do?

    5. Sally ramey spokesperson
      Couple questions if you will dear

      Do you believe bigfoots can disappear at will?

      Sally, do you think there was a massacre and cover up at Bluff Crk?

      Sally, does dr ketchum believe bigfoots braid her horses hair?

      Sally, isn't it a little coincidentl dr ketchum starts seeing bigfoots (on her
      property) after she started her study

      Sally, do bigfoots "mindspeak" to dr ketchum while she's working in her lab?

      Sally, why do the bigfoots that ketchum sees are finicky about being
      photographed but are cool with their stick structures being photographed?

      Sally, do you & dr ketchum believe that bigfoots are "people" who have
      special abilities?

      Sally, what's with the "out of this world angel dna," and will it be downplayed or omitted for the paper entirely?

      And last but not least sally, does dr ketchum think she's going to get away
      with trying (unsuccessfully) to bully an unnamed evidence submitter (hint: the most critical one) to destroy forensic evidence so it can't be tested by
      anybody else? Thats real science ha?

      Thank you for your time & effort Sally

      R M

    6. You forgot one R M

      Sally, why did Melba flat out lie & downplay her associations with kooky Arla Williams initially?

  28. Am I sensing a little tension here? I could be wrong, just throwing that out there.

  29. 'John Phillips Jr. Financial' A business ran by John is no longer in business. Located in Broken Bow Oklahoma.

  30. I googled his name too, and the location. So your telling me that #59 manages other people's money? And he posts comments in public like this?

  31. Let me get this clear, A high falootin uppity money manager from Oklahoma is moonlighting as a TROLL on a bigfoot evidence blog????? Now I have seen it all.

  32. Wow, is that stuff all true?

    That stuff just doesn't sound made up to me and what I call having to plug some leaks.

  33. "I googled his name too, and the location. So your telling me that #59 manages other people's money? And he posts comments in public like this?"

    And, exactly what do you mean by the above comment?

    1. As in Trollish behavior, Not very businesslike. Unless of course being a troll is JUST LIKE the way you handle yo bizzness!


    The evidence appear to indicate you (and, a couple others) fit the definition to a tee.

    The problem for you (and the others) is you cannot engage in selective editing and as such, your behavior is permanently documented in the IP log.

    Thank you.

    1. Maybe you can convince your LE friends to jump on the case, and get to the root of your personal issue's.

  35. If having a functional BS meter qualifies for "personal issues" especially when those so called out for it can only respond with defamatory, ad hominen attacks instead of factual evidence to refute the factual based opinions, don't think so.

    Case in point, Mr. Smith disparages Dr. Ketchum's work while conveniently omitting his own half-baked ideas such as the ludricous Infra-Sound "experiment" invites the question of simply, who is he to criticize others?

    You people's behavior on this blog only serves to crystalize that observation into undeniable fact that you acknowledge the apparent accuracy of my opinions.

    Perhaps, someone just can't handle the truth?

    1. Your BS meter doesn't function at the end of your own Pie Hole. Lot's of Bovine CaCa flowing there.

  36. Coming from a hoaxer such as yourself IE game cameria photo of a hunter that you tryied to pass of as a BF, and your associations with self admitted BF Hoaxer Bullitmaker

    I would be using the word TRUTH to loudly.

    A little FYI the infrasound thing was rescheduled and performed at a Texas Location I Know I was there.


    1. Maybe you did not eat enough Alphabet soup #59, Your argument looks a little shitty!

  37. Mr. Shippen,

    Please furnish any evidence you have to help prove your allegation that I ever claimed the referenced photo (aka: UHS) was a BF.

    Why do you keep on keeping on with statements for which you have no evidence thereof to substantiate your allegations.

    The Infra Sound "experiment" in Texas? LOL Were there any survivors?

    While being truthful may well cause an outbreak of hives, I suggest you try it anyway.

    1. I see that it causes you physical pain to be left out of the information loop. Commence with the culling!

    2. I noticed you skimmed over the fact that you allow the self admited hoaxer Bullitmaker to post on your forum, it's appaerant you condone hoaxing just by this action.

      There for your credibility is zero. I don't take questions from those who aid and condone hoaxing. Simply put your just as good as a hoaxer.

  38. You people have yet to come forward with anything of substance that validates anything you've posted. Dispense with the juvenile pejorative as you're only digging the pit deeper and making yourselves look foolish to an exponential.

    1. Well I read the blog that was offered up to substantiate their argument. There was substance and validation there. So eat more alphabet soup, cracker!

    2. It seems you can often be found wallowing in the depths of the pit you preach about.

  39. And, you association with a felon somehow enhances your own stature? LOL

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