Breaking News: Creature In Melissa Hovey's Bigfoot Photo Is Not The Costume From The Movie "Clawed"

Back of costume from the movie: Clawed

Melissa Hovey's Bigfoot Photo

Yes, this is an important news update indeed. Dave Conover did the leg work and we now have confirmation that the Clawed director/producer Karl Kozak may have very well been sucked into the "John Chambers effect". Karl's 2006 movie featured an amazing looking Bigfoot creature costume, but unfortunately it's not as good as Melissa Hovey's.

On Facebook this evening, Dave updated us on an email he received from John Healy of Healy FX, the company that created the Bigfoot suit for Clawed. According to Dave, he goes into some detail on the construction, auction history and other elements, as well as expressing his belief that the figure in Melissa's photo is not likely one of their suits:

"...Originally the movie "Clawed" was photographed as "The Unknown" ... a working title in which many movies start off as. It then became, "The Ghost of Echo Mountain" from what I understand as the first release of the film. Please correct me if my information is incorrect as you may know more about this than I. The Healy FX Studios did in fact fabricate the suit, Mike Fields was a contractor resposible for overseeing the project, and he was the primary sculptor of the body. The suit, as many are mistaken, did not get sold on Ebay. It was left with the producers in Washigton State where filming occured. Due to a contractual issue, The Healy FX Studios retained the rights for any further fabrication at future dates of the costume. Three costumes were fabricated... All were dressed with roughly the same fur, and none resembled your attached photo. In my opinion, if this was a copy of our "Clawed" sasquatch the fur may have been pulled off and replaced with a longer, multi toned synthetic that appears to be on a lace mesh. I have numerous photos from the shoot but none clearly showing the back alone of the costume..."

"A view of the CLAWED suit performer in partial costume, courtesy of John Healy of Healy FX. This illustrates the multi-part construction used on modern creature suits very nicely as all-in-one styles are rarely built or used, due to the need for realistic movement and possible component replacement if need be..." - Dave Conover


  1. A good lesson for those who jump to conclusions and don't properly research the claim. You "never" just take someone's word for it, especially if there's a potential motive for the person making the claim to capitalize and without them providing any substantial back-up evidence. Though the photo still very well may be a hoax, I'd argue it was pretty obvious visually this wasn't the costume if people would've just taken the two minutes to really study it. Hopefully the correlation of the photo subject to the"Clawed" costume along with the film (I know...wishful thinking) is finally put to rest.

    1. It looks like the backside of animatronic baboon I saw for rent online. It is likely it gets its fair share of use and abuse similar to the one in the picture. This is like talking about invisible pink unicorns unless you have witnesses and forensics to back it up. An image sent in email or thrown over the transom has no provenance. SEE:

  2. Nice work Shawn. I really felt the costume was not even close to the Hovey photo. I'm glad this clears that part up. Now, let's see the rest of the pictures.

  3. Not only was it not close to looking like that costume it was totally the wrong color of hair ... Im so hoping this is real.

  4. Gee i know its late but awful quiet from the condescending clawed costume backers who were so sure about hoveys photo being a match before

  5. I may very well be the same suit. Or it may be another suit. Or it may be the real thing. My question is; Who sent the photograph!

    1. It may not very well be the same suit. Look at the picture of the back of the Clawed suit. It's not even close.

  6. I do not think it is real, but I don't think it's a costume either. Looks too good. Possibly a mannequin or wax figure?

  7. Apparently this is never going to go away without some definitive answers. I don't know how much cooperation I will get in this but I'm going to attempt an investigation. First of all, any suit like this is made using man-made fibers. Light weight nylon (in other words, plastic) It may be dyed a brown color and will look brown in natural light but the fibers are very reflective of light and may show white or gray in a flood light or a flash photo.
    Look at the actor standing with part of the suit on. Does it match the one taken outside or does it look gray? That's because of flash photography. The only way to test this hypothesis is to find out which producer has the costume(s) and go there to perform some photographic tests on it. I will do that if needed or asked.

    1. Im sure theyll come to you

    2. Amen! The only way to figure this out is apple to apples, and all we have is apples to oranges because of the flash. In some shots of the costume, it's brown hair turns silver just like Melissa's image.

  8. Forget the color lol... The shape alone proves this is not that suit. The guy in the suit clearly has a neck. This thing does not.

    But it goes even deeper than that, this thing has defined back muscles. Everyone is saying "look at the delts!" Forget the delts, look at the back it's self. EVEN IF the suits creator thoughts of "f this was a copy of our "Clawed" sasquatch the fur may have been pulled off and replaced with a longer, multi toned synthetic that appears to be on a lace mesh." were even a remote possibility, then explain the definition in the muscles. See the front of the suit? see how the pecks are grotesquely and comically fake? Why would they spend time on the back that would normally be covered with that muppet-like fur, and not the front that lacks it?

    Lets be honest here. Since when has Hollywood EVER made any monster suit that looked that good?

    They get by with slimly creatures, but when it comes to hairy creatures, you always get muppets with fangs and claws.

    Snowbeast, Boggy Creek, The Untold, The Unknown (Clawed) Bigfoot of Hollercreek canyon, Sasquatch, Primal. These are Prime examples of how no one can make a convincing Bigfoot suit.

    If there is technology to make a suit like this, then PLEASE PUT IT TO USE!!! I want to see a good Bigfoot movie for once.

  9. I craft legal responses and this gentlemen never states that it is NOT one of his costumes. He says none of the photos "resemble" his costumes - a common dodge for direct questions such as, "IS it your costume?" All he is saying is that it doesn't LOOK like it - he never states it is NOT. This is very important.

    He also never states that is it not A costume. In fact, he states, "In my opinion, if this was a copy of our "Clawed" sasquatch the fur may have been pulled off and replaced with a longer, multi toned synthetic that appears to be on a lace mesh." In this sentence, he is telling us that his professional eye DOES see a costume in the Hovey photo.

    It is interesting to me that he provided information confirming that the costume came apart at the shoulders/upper arm as shown in the photo of the actor in the costume. Anyone can see that the Hovey costume came apart in the same manner. PERHAPS it is not the one from the movie, "Clawed," perhaps not. The only thing Mr. Conover has obtained is a dodgy statement from the costumer.

    Of course, given the voracity of debate on this issue, had I been providing legal counsel to the costume company, I would also have advised dodging the issue. Without a definitive photo of the back of the costume under the same lighting conditions, they cannot say with 100 percent certainty that IS or is NOT their costume. This is the only reason for a fall-back to the "does not resemble" tactic, as well as the acknowledgment that it could be a copy. Why? Because this strategy leaves an open door for him to be mistaken. Suppose a crew member steps forward to say that he/she took the photo on the "Clawed" set, or that it is a costume from another production, or even a sci-fi convention where rabid fans do not shy away from using theatrical products for costume contests? He left himself the ability to have been mistaken in it not being one of this costumes, or to be right that is is a copy.

    Am I splitting hairs? I don't think so. I am certain that this gentlemen had legal counsel advise him on his answer. It only takes a cursory web search to see that this is NOT a discussion in which one would want to become embroiled, as this "community" is so hostile and argumentative. He provided an answer that makes everyone happy because he did not definitively answer the question.

    The only definitive nugget I can take from his response is that he does tell us that he sees a costume in the photo. However, the "anti-costume" proponents will likely ignore this statement just as they ignore the Hovey photo's lack of arms. I do not understand why, when it dismisses the most believable of blobsquatches, this community is so blind to the fact that this photo is not a real creature.

    1. I made a mistake in my first paragraph in the reference to multiple photographs, as he references the one Hovey photo. I apologize for any confusion.

    2. I ignore his statement becuase who the fuck is he? He is allowed to comment on his stupid low budget costume that everyone knows isn't in Hovey's picture, but other than that, his opinion on the pic doesn't mean shit.

    3. There is no law stating he cannot say he thinks it's his costume. Had this guy been sure it was a fake, he would have been more clear on what he stated. NOWHERE did he say he thinks it's a costume, so, even with his professional eye, he is unsure of what it is. Not only that, any costume designer would want to take credit for something of this detail that has sparked this much controversy.

      You don't even have to read what the guy is saying. Look at the picture of the one from the movie, now look at Melissa's picture. Do they look anything alike? Ya, not at all. That crap about the lighting makes no sense. A flash will make the fur appear brighter yes, but it would make it appear more white, not in a darkish grey hue. Flash doesn't completely change the colour and design of hair.

      And had this been the Clawed costume, someone spent a lot of time and money removing hair, dying the remaining hair, somehow enhanced the muscular definition, and thought to add recovered wounds and scratches.

      It is really obvious this is not the same costume, and if this picture is a costume, than this guy is better than all of the other special effects and costume designers that every Bigfoot movie to date has employed.

      I can't believe people wait years to see clear photo's of a sasquatch, and when they get one, they look for the first reason to call it a fake and start bashing and insulting those involved.

      Friendly community.

    4. Good post, however I fail to see what legal issues he'd be protecting himself from. I.e. where any financial liability would occur from an opinion about the costume?

      Anyway, I also think that SnowWalkerPrime may be right about the fur not looking like that of a real animal.

  10. God bless the key board experts!
    If you spent any time at all in real observation of the wild ones your hair would stand up on the back of your neck when you saw this photo.

    More time in the woods and less time behind the keyboard!

    1. Having spent plenty of time in the woods, the only reaction this "suit" gave me. Was the indication that it wasn't a living animal. The hair on my neck failed to stand up. :)

  11. Tattoo tattoo, show me your dragon magic.

  12. Iknew it wasnt the same all along.The back of that costume looks really fake now.Mrs.Hovey's pic lookslike the real deal to me.I could be wrong.Maybe I just want it to be real.I just cant see someone going through all that trouble to create a hoax.I mean whats the point.Plus if it were a fake why cant the original owner be contacted?looks like an edlerly squatch at the wrong place at the right time to me.Who knows.Maybe we'll know the truth soon enough.Happy Squatching all.

  13. It was also interesting that the alleged costume maker stated that none of the suits were sold on Ebay. Yet we have a solid page on Cryptomundo that announced the selling of it on Ebay in 2006
    So although he said it was never sold, he never claimed it was not for sale at one time.
    For those who want to grab at any imagined details about the photo that simply aren't apparent, lets keep in mind that fake fir, latex foam and fabric is used in such a way to make it look real. These people are good at what they do and you can't tell any authenticity based on one photo from the back. To be accurate, we must begin at the Null Hypothesis and work from there (in either direction)to find the truth.

  14. Definitely divided on this one. At first I thought it to be the real deal. Then after reviewing some of the Clawed photos I swayed a bit as in different photos/lightenings the color does look very similiar. As like several others have noticed the cape of the creature appears to end as it does in the custom.
    The other purported photos would clear things up but that maybe a dead end.

  15. As someone who works in Photoshop daily, I can tell you that changing the hue on the hair is a simple procedure. Just because the hair is not grey does not mean that the photograph does not depict this very costume. The single back image of the costume does not prove anything. Combine this with the shaky story, unwillingness of anyone to talk about it and the seriously cropped image and you get a hoax. And not a very good hoax at that. I want to believe just like many of the rest of the readers here, but refuse to be a fool about everything that gets posted on the internet. I strongly suggest that we stop overanalyzing this image and move on. The mass amount of footprints recently discovered is far more compelling than this hoax "trail cam" pic that gets coverage everyday on this blog.

    1. Good point. The color is the main difference, shpae and hair texture appear similar. Plus, this article offers a resonable explanation of why the left arm is missing just below the deltoid (thats the way costumes are designed).

      Furthermore, it is an error in logic to view the differences between the "Clawed" costume and the Hovey photo and conclude the Hovey pic is a real sasquatch.

  16. I've been saying this all along. Let's not take every naysayer as 100 percent conclusive. That is just as stupid as shedding any form of skepticism and immediately accepting it as a living creature without sufficient evidence.

  17. If you will remember Shawn, I told everyone at the first this was not the suit from the movie clawed but no one listens to I've only been fooling with video for about 25 years...what to I

    Glad for the post and the leg work done.

    1. I remember Tom. I will give you an "at a boy". Fact seems to be maybe only one person knows for sure what this is and is not coming forward. To steal a famous line from the 1960's show To Tell the Truth, "will the real alledged Bigfoot photo person please stand up".


    2. Thanks Chuck...
      To me the picture/suit looks more like the suit from the Troma Team bigfoot movie..not saying that it is the same thing but it looks more like the photo to me. They could release another photo from the game cam and then we might know more.

  18. For all people who say they have spent many hours in the woods and seen these creatures on numerous times.

    Wheres the proof? and pleeeaaazze don't say my camera jammed, it wasn't switched on, the batteries went flat etc., fucking BULLSHIT. If you seen one and kept going back, YOU would have a FUCKING working camera or camcorder going.

    1. Agreed. I love this statement made by half the people that claim to see one:

      "I was in the woods hunting and this thing walked right past me. No way it was a man in a suit. I just froze."

      Then fucking shoot it dead. The hoaxes get worse and worse, to the point that the "experts" have to claim some to be real to justify making money off this whole fable. Saying the PGF film is the greatest piece of evidence, with it being as old as it is, is an embarrassment to this so-called field.

    2. Then the conclusion you can draw from this is Simplem anybody WHO claims multiple sightings is full of SHIT............without PROOF.

      Better still, WHY wait on the internet for photo's to emerge then oh lets disect this that etc, GET OFF you fucking arses and INTO the woods and into 'The Woods' if your so sure it exists. Oh Hold on....that means going outside of campsites LMAO!!

    3. Or even better, I like the people that are just filming trees and shit while driving. I don't know what is better use of my time then taking a drive while having my wife hang out the window with a camcorder. Then we watch the video five years later and oh my god, there is something on it and we think it is a bigfoot. Like the "NY baby bigfoot" nonsense. It is some friend of the people in the video, with his pet monkey. Logic and reason people. You have to eliminate the obvious before claiming these things exist. The worst part is the people like BFRO making money off the whole thing.

    4. Don't forget the Todd Standing and Melba Ketchum type comments, "Well, I have observed them, and I know where they can be found, but I'm not gonna tell anyone."


    5. Not to mention the collective hard-on because footprints were found in Oregon. Because no one has ever faked footprints.

  19. Sure, a clear back photo of a squatch...doing what? Taking a leak against a solid fake looking foliage wall? A trail cam pointing directly into a wall of foliage? There are so many issues with this photo that to take it at face value is foolish. Submitting this photo -alone - as evidence is ridiculous. If real, then where are the others? Where are the details? The burden of proof is on the one presenting the evidence.

    new anony

  20. I truly do not understand the remarks on this site. are you all so hard headed you can not see for yuourselfs what is in front of your eyes? Enlarge the photo if you need, look at the weave, you can see the fabric weave arouind the left sholder even unp-enlarged. Then there is the many areas that appear to be manipulated. This is a man made construct of some type that was photographed then the photo was retouched. Retouching a photo is very simple these days you just need a simple computer program. look for yourselves just copy the photo to your hard drive then open in windows pictures use the enlargement tool and LOOK at the photo. Damn quit peeing yourselves over the question of was it the suit from this movie or that it does not matter. The silly photo is a fake. sure its good I would be very proud of it had I built it . Its cool but its just not real. Please people show me i'm not wasting my time here. I pointed out the problems w/ photo just after it was released noting fabric weave and other issues. Now you have a costume guy saying that it appears hair was applied to a woven fabric what more do yall want. A weave pattern overlaying hair on a animal DOES NOT OCCURE IN NATURE. please forgive any typos as my finger has becomer tired.

  21. Sorry guys I didnt completely read all remarks so not everyone is a dip. I completely agree that we should all move on. the foot prints/casts are potentailly very good evidence. tom

  22. The lack of arms bothers me. I've seen this image on FB with the exposure increased all the way. You can see foliage and other stuff where the lower parto of the upper arms would be. If the flash lit up the back all the way to the bottom of the frame, why would the lower part of the upper arms go dark like they are in shadow? There is no shadow there. The flash is going straight through the air because there are no arms.

    1. What is with this "No arms" crap? The right arm ends where the picture ends. The left arm could be in front perhaps ready to move foliage or pick fruit or berries (Or pretend to) off the bush in front of it.

      But as for the skeptics, we have photo experts, legal advisers, people who seem to think monkeys are a common animal in New York (And let them freely roam around in trees), and wilderness experts that claim "NOTHING GROWS LIKE THAT IN NATURE" And they are all Anonymous...

      I think I would rather believe the picture and I don't even think the pic is real lol.

  23. I never saw the resemblance, personally, and assumed the director (if it was really him) was mistaken. That said, I don't think the photo warrants much more attention, barring further developments from Hovey or her source. It's intriguing, but not good enough to prove squat.

  24. Headline: You are wrong! This is from the movie Clawed. Its a dead ringer, especially when you adjust the tint. Quit fueling Hovey's Hoax!

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