Robert Lindsay's Breakdown Of Melissa Hovey's Bigfoot Photo

While Melissa Hovey's game cam photo is still being debated, a few witnesses who had close encounters with Bigfoots in the past are chiming in. Robert Lindsay has been taking notes and a few people have pointed out some features that only witnesses would know.

For example, some witnesses have noted what they called pointy, elf-shaped ears on the Bigfoot they saw. Robert claims that the photo clearly shows a right ear that looks rather small compared to human ears. "I have seen these elf ears before, possibly in the Hoffman video," says Robert.

Among other anomalies, Robert also spotted some sort of skin condition on the creature in the photo.

There are new high definition blow up pictures of the Melissa Hovey Bigfoot pic. They show excellent detail that seems to beyond what any costume designer would think up.

I can see the white bumps in the photo. This looks like some sort of skin condition. Perhaps someone with dermatological knowledge can chime in.

At first I thought I could see the tick, but now I can’t. Perhaps someone can point it out for me.

I saw the bloody looking sores/scrapes at first, and now I am seeing even more of them. I have heard that a lot of the older Bigfoots are pretty beat up looking. That stands to reason, I assume.

I do think that is an ear on the right. This looks a lot like the Harley Hoffman Bigfoot video. About the Bigfoots’ ears: they look rather small compared to human ears, but this stands to reason if they evolved in the north. Humans from the north have smaller ears than humans from near the equator. The smaller ears are to protect them from the cold. Some witnesses have also noted what they called pointy, elf-shaped ears on the Bigfoot they saw. I have seen these elf ears before, possibly in the Hoffman video.

The question about the photo being too high quality for a gamecam has been resolved. This was a homemade gamecam set up with a 35mm camera set with a zoom lens. These homemade setups were pretty popular a few years back. The photo quality makes good sense for a 35mm camera with a zoom lens.

The tree is a loquat tree. They are common in Florida, Texas and southern California. Hovey is a Texas researcher. It stands to reason that as she was chosen as the person to release the photo to, the photo may have been shot in Texas. Loquats have fruits that wild animals love to eat. Perhaps the Bigfoot was eating off the loquat tree. Perhaps since the Bigfoot was often seen eating off the loquat tree, a camera trap was set up to snap a photo of it while it was doing so.

There has been much speculation that this is the same costume that was used in a Bigfoot movie shot a while back called Clawed. However, I have seen the Clawed costume, and it looks nothing like this photo. I have also seen other costumes that this photo is said to resemble, and it looks like none of them.

- Robert Lindsay



  1. Lindsay seems like a guy who would believe anything you showed him to be authentic. IMO he'd sound pretty stupid breaking down all the detail in this photo if it later comes out that it's just a costume, which is why I'd assume more serious bigfoot researches would just simply say "I don't know, I can't tell enough from the photo" and play it safe.

    1. Exactly! Do we have a proper experts opinion yet, rather than the drivel from a self engrandising expert in nothing except bad journalism?

    2. Well, it is true that I have fallen for my share of hoaxes all right. We all do. But I've also identified a lot of good photos and videos. I usually do to the experts first like Tom at Crypto News and Facebook Find Bigfoot and see what they think. In general, the jury's pretty much out on this one, which is a good sign. My official position is that this is either real or one of the best hoaxes ever done, on the level of Bill Munns super Hollywood style.

    3. So these guys are experts on a creature that we are not even sure exist, I want to know what university i could enroll in this study Bigfoot 101 and become a expert also. Robert i do not judge you man, but why you and everyone else is making such a big hoopla about only one photo. a one dimesional photo can give the wrong perspective because of the lights and shadows if manipulate different ways, no matter how high quality it is. I read in one of you statements that you think Melissa Hovey is a good looking lady, I guess everyone has their idea of beauty, maybe your feelings for her are making you bais to her sham to get publicity.

    4. I don't even like Hovey. What are you talking about?

    5. Sounds just like the guy form FB/FB. that guy says proven hoaxes are the real deal.

    6. Most of the above comments are silly attacks geared toward a man who repeatedly releases information that is later proven to be right. As far as the one person above making a comment about "this is only a picture." I agree, my drivers license is only my picture too, but the police look at it and automatically believe it to be true. No I am not a one dimensional cut out person, but based on you analysis of this photo, I would be.

      Further, I do not know Robert Lindsay, nor do I read his blog, but, with all of the news he seems to be "dead on" about, I would consider him much more of an expert than all of you arm chair quarterbacks who keep trashing his posts. I read this site because 99.9% of what he reports turns out to happen. (Plus, I enjoy reading Bigfoot news.)

    7. Phto Blahhh says: "I read in one of you statements that you think Melissa Hovey is a good looking lady, I guess everyone has their idea of beauty..."

      I'm not sure what Melissa Hovey looks like, but Robert Lindsay is one of those weirdos who thinks that Pamela Gellar is attractive. Pam Gellar? *PUKE!* He also seems to think that she is African-American. Funny, for a supposed expert on race he can not distinguish a wretchedly ugly hideously disfigured spray-tanned Jewess who had a few-too-many plastic surgeries from a black woman.

      Of course, considering what Lindsay looks like, maybe his taste in women should not come as a surprise...

      Wait a minute... Lindsay is convinced that sasquatch, yeti, and similar cryptids are hominids. (I tend to be agnostic on the issue of wheter sasquatch, yeti, etc. exist, but I tend towards them being pongids, closer to orangutans than anything else.) But how is he so sure? How does Robert know so much about bigfoot? Well, he looks too ugly for a normal human. He's very hairy, has a sloping forehead... Holy shit! Robert Lindsay is a sasquatch!

    8. Lindsay wears a bad rug and has pederast glasses.

  2. Yes, great job gathering the breakdowns that other sites already did the work on. Sarcasm implied. John

  3. So, one hoax is similar to another. Wow

  4. MH is lying. She wasn't the only person sent copies of this pic. Biscardi and others also received em. She has no copyright on this pic either. It's all a big scam intended to promote Hovey before the upcoming footer conference season.

    1. Prove it or shut up.

      I will hold you to the same standard that everyone seems to hold Robert Lindsay to.

    2. I agree, she can't be trusted. She is a Social Climber of the worst kind.

  5. It actually does resemble the Hoffman video somewhat, like the ear, that video obviously is a fake so if this is the same modified suit that explains it. Or hey could be real, at this point we can't tell enough. Maybe if it's real this old big guy just got tired of hanging around, so he deliberately walked up to a camera to pose. Like a cry for help, saying I'm sick and I'm hungry and we're sick of this fugitive life and need protection now. Maybe they've heard of Romney's lack of humor or ObamaCare and demand their human rights, another reason for some skeptics to keep it in the dark.

  6. that awkward moment when bigfoot doesnt exist

  7. Robert Lindsay the Dermatologist

  8. At least Hovey's right about one thing; we have a tendency to not only doubt crappy videos of poor quality, but when we see a high quality picture we doubt that as well. Natural skepticism perhaps, but to close off like that completely is not healthy or constructive either. It may be very well be a clever fake bust of a Bigfoot in someone's workshop, but it may also be an authentic Sasquatch. These beings must have certain attributes unique to them, right, like hairy bodies most importantly. So how could we expect a picture of a Sasquatch not to show that, for example. It's silly to oppose logic as well, because something proven real one day will show the exact same thing, after all. So did skpetics expect this Sasquatch to have no hair, more hair?

    1. Is not that we doubt a high quality picture, is that is only one picture. Your going to tell me from pone picture we have proven the existence of Sasquatch!

      You got to be Kidding me!

    2. I don't think the above poster is saying that one photo proves the existence of sasquatch. But, this photo is of extreme quality and it is getting trashed and attacked more than most. If you cannot view a piece of information impartially, you should simple refrain from making any comment. How do we know there is only one photo? If there is only one, then what? Throw it away because they don't have two? The attacked and negativism will go on and on........

      If a human walked by that same trail cam, it would have taken the exact same quality of pic. What then?

  9. now if we can get moneywanker biscardi and barackman to concur we will certainly know that this is without a doubt a bigfoot.

  10. Check the top of the neck, looks like five holes like where hair was stitched in, don't you think? Maybe. Not saying it's fake as I hope it's the real thing, just wondering if others have noticed it too.

    1. good eye didn't notice that till i read your post and as soon as i went to pic the holes jumped right out at me. lindsay will tell you that it is probably mosquito bites or someother insect. where is moneymaker we need his opinion now! is it real ? is it fake ? please matt tell us i can't take the suspense anymore.

    2. Really nice find, even ,ore obvious on the original lighter photo. Go straight up a few inches and it looks like you can see where the mask is joined to the suit. There is definitely a seem. Once again great eye, John

    3. No. I ain't seeing it.

      Trying to make an HD photo into a blobsquatch by the analysis.

  11. anonymous 12:45 it is spelled skeptical.(try spellcheck next time)

  12. Yes, 12:54 is an anon troll. Lots of them about lately like flies on dung. Anyway, lots of tricks can be done today with color grading, the photo above is completely different from the one we saw yesterday. Yesterday the hair color looked more fake and that photo was presumeably the correct lighting, now it would appear Lindsay's been messin' with Sasquatch. To keep the debate going?

    1. Shadows darkened and zoomed to 3000 pixels per inch.

    2. Exactly Robert what is the point of doing that, I am starting to think you have a pin-up poster of Mellisa Hovey on your wall and you love her, your trying real hard to prove that her stupid story and photo are honest things.

    3. 3000 pixels/inch? BAHAHAHA!!! Why would you say that? Are you trying to impress? Well, big fat fail mate. God that's pathetic. Also love how you stole a whole bunch of FB observations on this photo form days ago and wrote them up as your own. /shakeshead

    4. Actually, I can't stand Melissa Hovey. But this photo may be real nevertheless. Whatever I think of her, I do not think she's a hoaxer.

  13. Lindsay like the FB/FB folks...seeing what they want to see in every photo they come across and trying to come across as some kind of "experts"...profoundly rediculous.

    1. Come on man, be fair, FB/FB is on the right track. They are looking for specific traits. They made "fake" calls before. Until one is actually either captured or someone pulls a Jane Goodall and lives with a family of them and documents the event over weeks, then FB/FB is doing the next best thing. looking for known traits based off eyewitness accounts. What is so wrong with that? At least they tell you why they think the way they think.

  14. i believe we are all anon on this site so why is he a troll and you aren't? you seem to be as harsh as anyone on this post. also you're anon friend at 1:02 called him an idiot did the 12:54 poster make any derogatory remarks? i'll answer for you no he merely mentioned the spelling. maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror before commenting next time. you dolt. my name is scott kaiser i live in pennsylvania, there now i'm not anon how about you . mr. 1:09

    1. Just stfu "Scott Kaiser", nobody gives a shit what your name is or where you're from. Fuck off back to PA and quit trying to be a badass on the internet. What a tool...

    2. and this guy is who we all want to follow into the woods (anon 1:27) is that banjos i'm hearing must be you and your cousin brother sister right inbred if you can't post nicely go somewhere else inbred fuck weasel why not come on out to north carolina and look me up dumbass.

  15. Lindsay got pwned on the Siberian Mammoth footage and he will look stupid over this one as well. He has no interest in the truth only his own publicity.

    1. I said that the creature in the video was a pachyderm. It was in fact. It was an elephant, but it was apparently a CGI elephant inserted into the post. So I was correct on the Mammoth video.

    2. Robert Lindsay is normally correct and apparently you anonymous at 9:54 have penis envy.

  16. Since everyone wants to get technical on a photo that can only be "inconclusive, yet interesting" at best... My two cents. There is very little chance this is a "suit". I know, I know... "man in suit!" is one of the favorite battle cries of the antagonists. I just don't see that as an option.
    Here's why: A high quality suit would be made of hair woven through a stretchable fabric, as stated by the director of "Letters". The musculature of the trapezius and neck muscles are not consistent with the "Letters" or "Clawed" costumes and the skin malities could not be convincingly delivered upon fabric.
    My conclusion; If this was indeed a fabricated hoax, it is probably a sculpture or series of prosthetics created by someone with a fair bit of anatomical knowledge, to which hair has been manually mounted. Those scenarios would allow the artist to create and color the skin malities, then apply just enough hair to the piece to let them be seen.
    I'm not claiming to "know anything" about this piece... just sharing my thoughts...
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. David you have x-ray vision that you can see the exact details of this things muscles, do not take it the wrong way man, I am not a skeptic i believe and seen Sasquatch, saw him for about 3 minutes and remember all his details from 20 paces as it was walking. It was gray hair looking like the fake thing in the photo, but its fur did not even look close to this, it looked well maintained but uneven, certain places of its body it seem longer then others and muscular but i could not see under its fur the exact details of its muscularity. just saying

    2. No offense taken. I just see what I see. I was arguing that I don't believe that this photo is of either of the suits that people have been proposing. Most likely something static, like a sculpture.
      David from the PAC/NW

    3. Oh I see brother, your cool man. I not here to piss people off, just to make to try and make people see the sham this woman and her her society is trying to pull :)

  17. I know that guy.That's Ernesto the mexican squatch who migrated to Texas in the 70's.Course then he had long flowing locks of black.He's looking pretty bad these days.Must've had some beef with the locals squatches on account of his spanish language barrier.Poor guy.Look like he's had his a@# handed to him more than once.Hopefully the species will be reconized and protected.Ernesto could use a shot or two of rogaine.

  18. Really? None of that can be faked? Gimme a break. It's funny how far people really go with these hoaxes. To me, the hair quality is the first thing that gives this away a fake. This thing is suppose to live out in the woods and is suppose to be able to tolerate severe winters. No other animal in North America lacks in that department. If they did they would freeze to death. If this isn't fake this sasquatch is suffering from a bad case of the mange. Oh yeah...the elf ears...lame! What other primates on planet have elf ears other then a few deformed humans?

    Someone delete this garbage so it doesn't get further entertainment.

    1. Well Bill, I will say this... Why aren't there any movies creatures of this things caliber if it is so easily faked? Hoaxers (like film makers) go the other route. They add so much fake hair that no detail can be seen at all.

      The quality of the fur however is the one thing that stands out as "Real" to me where you find it fake. For one, sasquatch according to eye witnesses do not have Fur. They have hair like on our heads. This meets the description. There are even strands of grey coarse looking hair mixed in to it (Like the crap spreading on my own head).

      Now i have not made up my mind 100% but I am leaning towards "Fake". But if it is fake don't take from the guy who made it. Like I said, I would like to see this kind of thing in a movie
      as opposed to the same ol GCI crap or the same ol Man in a monkey suit.

    2. Like I North American mammal has hair patterns like this. Hair...fur...whatever you want to call it. This is not designed for survival in extreme weather. Hair/fur provides protection from all sorts of weather...cold..rain...heat..etc. This design does not fit that purpose.

      Movie creatures? Well there is another thread that is comparing this very pic to a movie bigfoot. The hair patterns are almost the same so there is your proof. This isn't no where near on par to the Patterson film. Do some FX research and watch some behind the scenes footage and you will see this is easily faked. The bigfoot from Hairy and the Hendersons is a good comparison as well. Patterson's bigfoot has hair that is similar to that of a gorilla. It wasn't long and stringy like this pic.

      If this is a fake I am not taking anything away from the guy that made it. Whoever it was did a great job and it would be really cool to see something this muscular in the movies.

    3. If this photo was taken in the South, perhaps they have evolved a lighter density of hair dispersal (due to a milder climate) than those seen in the North or at a higher elevation. Just sayin'....

      Also, what if this species has a tendency to lose hair as they age, just like their (possible) cousin, homo sapien sapien? Again, just sayin'....


    Some good info here.

    Sorry could'nt get link to work.

  20. Bill, you seem to think these beings are apes. That is such a wrong assumption, from my experience they're not. They just don't act like you'd expect a wild animal to act. In other words, these guys think and they even speak for crying out loud. COL I know that all sounds far out even to other bigfooters, espeically those in the animal corner, but it's going to be in the result one of these days. I'm telling you right now, 100% they're a homo-whatever. Also, skeptics still need to explain to us all how they think the back side of a Sasquatch ought to look then, if not like this. If the photo's fake, and it certainly could be, then what's wrong with it from a skeptic's point of view?

    1. Ok, I didn't say they were apes...they are primates just like you n me. If you subscribe to the evolution theory, homo sapiens lost their hair because we don't need it. Granted that's kinda arguable because you see the occasional dude with a hairy sweater but still, you can see my point. Your point is good but it doesn't fit with any type of wild animal in the woods. Here is a question, are there any mammals in warmer climates that are less hairy than the same species in colder climates? Do racoons in southern Florida have less hair than racoons in Canada? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and I brought up the Patterson bigfoot and compared it to an ape because, in my opinion, it's the best evidence so far. It's been analyzed to death and has stood up to scrutiny. You can see the muscle moving under its hair. With this can see its bulk but you would have one hell of a time being able to see any sort of definition under that stringy hair. Kinda like comparing pitbull and a sheepdog.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Oh, and the Wild West is dead.

  23. Those Movie creatures shown look nothing like this. You can tell they are fake at first glance. If you were to put any of those up, there would be no debate here. As for the hair pattern? The common thought is that they migrate. This comes from the fact sightings in the Pacific Northwest drop in winter.

    As for evolving in the south? I guess it is possible, but I do not think those are the same thing as the Pacific Northwest. The eyewitness descriptions are different and the creatures behavior seems to be more violent. It's not just the current sightings, look at Native American lore. Most have legends of similar creatures but how these creatures act varies from peaceful to vicious depending on tribe and location.

    If you go world wide it varies even more. Yowie are said to have fangs and claws. Yeti are said to look more ape than human, Alma are said to look more human than ape.

    If you go back as far as we can trace human origins, you will find that we were not the only Humanoids on the planet. It was taught that we "evolved" from these others back when I was in elementary school. Now we know that we existed concurrent with at least four of them. And they suddenly vanished?

    Felines,Canines,Monkeys,Apes, Bears etc... Multiple species of each and yet only one species of human?

    That photo may or may-not be real. I only bring this possibility up because some of the judgments I see are based on it being an animal.

    1. What happens if this animal sheds its summer coat for the denser winter coat? This photo looks to be late summer/early fall. This coincidentally is when animals in the wild shed their summer fur and it is replaced with their much darker, warmer winter fur.

      This thing could be in the shedding process. Pay attention to deer from late August thru late Sept. Many will look as if they are developing mange. This looks is even more greatly intensified from shedding their winter to summer coats.


    2. Many animals have winter and summer coats and this is a good question. You are right deer have winter coats and they shed, the same with horses. Here is the difference between "real" animals and their shedding vs this "fake". When an animal sheds its winter coat the hair is still uniform and not patchy like in the photo. I have horses and I see this every year. You can also see it with deer and any other animal that does this. Like I said before, hair serves as protection in many different environments and that also includes very warm climates. One good example of this are monkeys or any other primate for that matter that inhabit any of the various rain forests of the world. Their hair is uniform and not patchy.

      One more thought behind the whole winter/summer coat idea, are there any other primates that share this trait?

    3. Deer do look patchy as they shed. But the problem here is we are talking about hair as opposed to a pelt. No undercoat, no over coat, just hair.

      But food for thought; what if it does not need anything but hair? If they are nocturnal then perhaps they have a high core temperature. 90% of your heat is lost from your head. How often do you feel your scalp get cold? You usually feel your ears and face get cold long before your scalp. All your body heat is rushing out your head and your hair is holding it in even better than your coat is insulating your chest.

      If a sasquatch body runs on a higher temperature then why would it need a pelt, especially if it does migrate?

      You see these supposed structures on youtube that Sasquatches supposedly make. I used to think "How can that protect them from the elements?" but maybe the only element they need protection from is the sun and they are built only for shade. (If any of that is real).

      Of course all of this is just a guess.

    4. By patchy I mean gaps of hair missing so that you can see the skin. This doesn't happen when deer shed. There are no bald spots or gaps between strands of hair as there are in this pic.

      You bring up some good points though. Remember, its core temperature has to have a limit. Since primates are not known to have a winter coat, I am inclined to believe that their hair is consistent year round. Now, a high core temperature may provide some relief from the cold but it won't be the prime source of protection. The core temperature of most bears is between 98 and 100 degrees. It's their hair that allows them to survive in extreme environments. If you look at a polar bear, it doesn't grow a winter coat but other animals such as buffalo do. Hair is the one of the evolutionary keys to survival and I just don't see this important trait being displayed in this pic. This type of hair can be faked. To produce anything on par with a gorilla so that you can see the muscle pattern under the hair would be painstaking. This long haired pattern is easily done just like in the comparison pic they used of the movie bigfoot.

      What bugs me about this is that people like Moneymaker and the owners of this pic know that there is a market here. They will do anything to exploit it. I am a biochemist and an avid hunter and I am very open minded to the existence of bigfoot. I just can't stand to see things like this released and people fall for it.

      I really believe that the Patterson film is the best source for scientific proof so far. I personally know an eyewitness that encountered one in Kentucky when he was 8. What he described fit the Patterson bigfoot and not this pointy eared elfsquatch.

      Btw, even humans are animals.

    5. Yes humans are animals but I use the word human to separate ape-beast from Humanoid. And I say Humanoid as opposed to Hominid because of the debate that some Hominids were apes.

      But Patty also had patches of hair missing. Look at her sides when she swings her arms.

      My mother, grandmother and aunt had all seen one in Missouri (my mother alone, then my mother with my grandmother, then my aunt alone.) And though they all say it looked like the Patterson film, they all claim that the head was not quite as pointy and it had red glowing eyes that seemed to be self luminescent. My mother said that when she saw it, it was making "raccoon noises" but at the volume of a woman screaming.

      In my case, I was stationed at Ft.Lewis, Washington. I had a detail to guard the AHA (Ammo Holding Area). As I was patrolling the parameter, I heard footsteps in the woods on the other side of the fence. I figured it was my Platoon Sgt. checking to see if we weren't sleeping (He did crap like that all the time.) So I did the standard "Halt, who goes there"

      There was no reply, just more footsteps. I then alerted the other guy who was in the guardshack (There were two of us) that I thought we were being tested. Then we heard this loud screeching/wailing sound that seemed to come from the other side of the fence and got louder and faded back and fourth with the footsteps.

      We came to the conclusion that it could not have been a prank or test because we were both armed with an M-16 and 3 round Mag a piece. And our NCOIC would know this. Any soldier would know this as well. Test or prank was now out of the question.

      So we stood next to the guardshack and watched the fence-line. At this point we could tell that it was following the fence line back and fourth but stayed in the shadows in the woods. We then came to the conclusion that it must have been a large Owl.

      It wasn't until I got out of the army and heard exactly the same sound on a talk radio show which was playing supposed Sasquatch recordings. one of the recordings they called "The Puyallop Screamer" was exactly the thing I heard.

      I recorded the talk show and played that excerpt for my mother and asked her if this was what she heard and she replied that what she heard sounded nothing like that.

      This is why I do not think that there is just once species in the U.S. Also She said that the thing she saw did have a bad smell, but not like "Rotten eggs" She said it was more like it rolled in something dead..

  24. I'm still looking for the Jack's Links Beef Jerkey bag.

  25. Why all this nocturnal talk still. Just because we have night time encounters doesn't mean they're nocturnal, as we have just as many reported daytime sightings. It stems from this age old conception they're animals, but they might as well be people that have figured out it's even safer to move about in the dark.

    1. Think what you will about the BFRO, but there database is excellent. Yes you do have daytime sightings Patty is one of them. But then again there was a flood in the area right before that was filmed and Patty seemed to be heading for higher ground. The majority of the reports are dusk, dawn and night.

      For me, it solidifies my belief that they are the other hominids. Of all the hominid fossils, only Cro-Magnon (us)had small square diurnal eye-sockets. The other hominids had larger more rectangular sockets suggesting that they were nocturnal.

      Lloyed Pye makes a lot of good points in his book "Everything You Know Is Wrong". errrm about hominids lol. He will go on to tell you that the Hominids are the actual humans and that we are alien hybrid transplants sent here as gold mining slaves. I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion, but his theory about hominids still living today makes a lot of sense.

  26. I'm definitely thinking that the timing of this picture's release; before the Ohio conference to be suspicious. And contrary to your article Hovey is from Ohio not Texas. She may not have out right hoaxed this but she has plenty of "outs" written into the back story to relieve herself of responsibility and place it upon the third party submitter.


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