Listen to Robert W. Morgan on MNBRT Radio Tonight at 6PM PST [Bigfoot Shows]

On MNBRT radio tonight, Robert W. Morgan will be Abe's special guest. Make sure you click here at 6PM PST tonight.

Here's some info about Robert:

Robert W. Morgan (b. 1935), a native Ohioan, is the founder and chairman of the American Anthropological Research Foundation and longtime bigfoot researcher. He began this organization in 1974. He had his own personal encounter in Mason County, Washington in 1957, and has some rather controversial ideas about the origins of what he calls the "Forest Giant People" which indicates that he believes these creatures to be more humanlike than non-human primate-like. He was the original host of Artist First's Bigfoot Central Radio Program as well, and currently hosts the AARF Show on Blog Talk Radio.

His official biography is as follows: Initially, millions of people around the world became familiar with Robert through the 1974 feature docudrama film BIGFOOT: MAN OR BEAST (originally entitled The Search For Bigfoot) that appeared in theaters and televisions around the world. It is still considered the benchmark of excellence in its genre even after 30 years. He generated millions more when he appeared on David Wolper's record-setting TV documentary, MONSTERS: MYTH OR MYSTERY for the prestigious Smithsonian Series and the Motel Williams Show. Morgan's more recent and repeated appearances on Ron McConnell, Art Bell, Larry King, Tom Snyder's shows and countless more TV and radio programs certainly grabbed the attention of sympathetic and serious-minded seekers.

In 1991 Morgan penetrated the Caucasus Mountains, the Crimea, and finally sat in the shadow of the walls of the Kremlin of Moscow with a refugee Tibetan lama where he learned the answers to crucial questions: who are these elusive forest giants called bigfoot, yeti, alamasti, and sasquatch, what is their true relationship to other humans, and why does the survival of the human species depend upon their preservation?

In the early 21st Century, Morgan became involved in a case with an individual named "Bugs," a hunter from Texas who called the Art Bell show one night while Morgan was a guest and claimed he had shot two bigfoot creatures in the mid-1970's and buried the bodies somewhere in the Lone Star State. Bugs claims to have a map to the location which it is claimed was given to Bell, but Bell denies he has the map, and the map is to be released on the event of the mysterious hunter's death. Morgan claims to be the catalyst of the law passed in Skamania County, Washingtonin 1969 protecting the hunting or killing of a Bigfoot in that area. Morgan is considered by some to be quite controversial because of his views and he is considered by some researchers to not generally be well-respected by most researchers today.


  1. Thanks Shawn great post. I had no idea who he was when I purchased the Bigfoot Observer's Field Manual via the internt.
    I also read Dr. Meldrum's and also Krantz' before venturing forth.
    But, I applied Morgan's technique.
    It works.
    Yes, to the more human than ape popular depictions.
    One sentence among many I appreciated in the book, "they are not thieves."
    They are, in all important ways, human.
    And deserve the legal right to life.

  2. Apehuman,

    Amen to your last 2 sentences....


  3. Thanks! I am listening now to the program and am really impressed, one reason is because I agree with a gread deal of what he says...! teehee.

  4. sorry wrong mistake.

  5. I agree, a legally purchased tag for the purpose of legally taking a bigfoot. I have not yet decided if I would purchase a bigfoot tag, but I support those who would do so.

  6. Awesome! Robert's been a hero of mine since watching "Bigfoot: Man or Beast" back in the 70's.
    Glad to see "Not Afraid" back on the scene!

  7. Why would Mr. Morgan be regarded controversial? Because he knows? Because he happens to know, and says what the apers don't like to hear? Tuff, I say. The man's right about this and deserves nothing but respect. Seems to me the day is soon upon us anyway, where he and a whole bunch of other fine American men like Mr. Paulides, Mr. Nelson and Mr. Morehead, can finally say "we told you so".

    1. er,he claims to believe in breeding populations of 10ft 600pd apemen that walk undetected throughout n america. i would say thats a tad contreversial. hmmmm. can u not see this?Its not as if there is any evidence to substaniate this claim.
      We'de all ove it to be true,the problem is evidence. There is none. So if someone claims in factual terms that this animal does existace 100%. So why the assuarity.another crank wanting attention

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Actually, I (Robert Hipp) was the host & creator of the AARF Show. I created it for Robert & the AARF and all of our members & fans of the forest giants & Robert ;)


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