Extremely Boring Video By Henry May Shows Bigfoot Costume Similar To One Released By Melissa Hovey

Since the release of the game cam Bigfoot photo by Melissa Hovey yesterday afternoon, the skeptical side of Bigfootery has been frantically dissecting every every inch of the photo.

Some in the community are claiming that they've seen the costume at a museum somewhere, but gave little information as to where they saw it. The closest match so far is the photo above, from the 2005 flick "Clawed: The Legend of Bigfoot."

Here's what Bigfooter Henry May thinks about the game cam photo from yesterday (warning: no audio in this video):


  1. Neat costume but I don't think it comes close to *whatever* it is in Melissa's photograph.

  2. I agree with another poster. Hair is to clean looking. No matting, kind of synthetic looking..All in all if this is a reAl bigfoot it has better hygene then Fasano

  3. I'm color blind so forgive me if I'm off here, but I think the skin color and hair color is similar in both. The alleged Sasquatch does seem to be thicker, specifically in the trapezius area

  4. I'm color blind so forgive me if I'm off here, but I think the skin color and hair color is similar in both. The alleged Sasquatch does seem to be thicker, specifically in the trapezius area

    1. you're right about color but the reason it looks thicker is because the hovey subject is hunched forward

  5. It's not even close. Just imagine this suit as seen from the back. This suit has a neck and the figure in Melissa's image does not.

    1. because in hovey's picture the figure is hunching forward

    2. I'm with you anaon 8:38, I dont' think it's the same And i don't think hunching over would account for the muscle mass i'm seeing. Still not sure what the photo is, but i' dont think its that particular costume. But it is very close in color and hair, so maby the guy made a bigger, better one???????

    3. You cannot appear to have giant massive traps and no neck just by hunching over, it would have to be part of the suit to look like that.

      dont see the connection

  6. I left a message for the writer/director/producer of the film (found an old blog of his). I'll let you know if I hear back. I also scanned through the film. The creature in the film is Auburn/Red and a partial shot of the bac in one scene looked different from MH's photo.

    1. This is the real Karl Kozak. The "Karl Kozak" who posted below is a fake, just like the photo. I should know - I just threw out the costume last month. As a matter of fact Mellissa Hovey might have been an extra on the film (shot in North Bend, Washington), her name sounds familiar to me. Sorry, but it's all a hoax. And - no - I am not making a movie about baby bigfoot in NYC.

  7. Yup, that video was extremely boring.
    The pic sure is inconclusive.

  8. Regardless, what a great depiction in the first photo, except for the scowl...LOl we do like our scary!

  9. It is the same costume. I directed Clawed: the Legend of Sasquatch, which was released internationally as "The Unknown" (a title I much prefer, BTW.) I don't mean to brag but The Unknown is thought to be the finest Bigfoot film to date so it's no surprise someone is using stills to propagate a hoax.

    Many of you have read my earlier comments about my new Bigfoot film venture, "Baby Bigfoot in New York." We've almost wrapped principle photography and I predict this second installment in my proposed Sasquatch trilogy will be the best yet. The film's story was crafted by myself and one of this blog's more prominent commentators. It's sure to be a gas for Bigfoot loving folks, such as yourselves.

    Baby Bigfoot in New York is made documentary-style, somewhat like Cloverfield, and I will be intercutting testimonials from actual Bigfoot researchers and hunters throughout the film. My budget is modest, but I am paying for testimonials by people with the right credentials. I would also provide airfare to Silverlake, CA with accomodations.

    Plesae send applications to babybigfootinnewyork@gmail.com

    1. I'm sorry, I amnotfolloiwng your post.
      Did you just confess/claim to a viral/troll maketing techinque via your work/website and pronoucenment of upcoming products through this oddly released BF photo?

    2. No, I don't have anything to do with a hoax. I directed the film several years ago. We took this picture on the set of Unknown, it was part of the press package promoting the film, and what we thought (think) is an excellent Bigfoot suit. I don't know how it got into the hoaxer's hands. If you watch the film you will see the identical foliage shown in the photo.

    3. Hi Karl

      Is the footage available online, video or photo, with a shot of the suit from the back?

    4. I met Karl at a independent film fan convention at the Beverly Garland Hotel in North Hollywood. Stand up guy and a big Bigfoot lover. Thanks for the heads up, Karl!

    5. Yes, the footage is available streaming on Netflix.

    6. Karl, I just have one question. What is that foliage?

    7. I also have a interesting thought; isn't it curious that a certain investigator in NY is connected with both the Bigfoot Baby investigation and also a close friend with Melisa Hovey~~~~Let's hope so, I would hate to think she is truly this dis-honest and untrustworthy... Let's hope it's just a publicity stunt for a film~~~~You know almost something like what Biscardi, MK Davis and John L Johnsen might do~~~I think the suit looks pretty close, and it's very easy to manipulate the shading a little with photo shop or even just windows live...

      I'm watching Clawed as we speak.

      Karl I seem to have heard something about your new venture~~~now if I could just remember where????

  10. Looks exactly like it color and texture wise.

  11. Looks exactly like it, are you blind? It looks nothing like it.

  12. I would like to wear that costume and stand outside of the I Doubt It lady's window at night. When she goes to take out the trash I might tackle her and say in Bigfoot-ese, "Believe me now, be-otch?"

    She would have the right to call the police but it would totally be worth it.

  13. Right, now that's cleared then who sent the photo to Hovey? As cool as that movie costume may be, it also shows why even the coolest suit ever doesn't even come anywhere near the realness of Patty, and therefore only further helps prove her a genuine Sasquatch. The Clawed suit is basically a tall man whose shape and limb proportion has human size like all Bigfoot suits, this is because the Sasquatch anatomy simply doesn't allow for any realistic recreation. Unless you spend millions of dollars, and even then you couldn't use it without giving it away in action. These forest beings are 8 feet or whatever, you can't fake that realistically, even at 7 feet you can only get the human build if you want to give your actor free range of performance.

    1. umm, if you have ever seen a breakdown of Patty's anatomy and roportions, you would see that she falls well within human liits at EVERY level. height, arm length, torso to leg size...etc

    2. Yup, as I have always said...

      Patty is Bob H... Still no one has answered me this.

      If Bob H is lying why does or did Gimlin deny knowing him????????

      When we now know there are photos of them together... BTW: In that photo, P & G wear what sure looks like the same outfits that they have on in the film too?

      There's some question as to when the photo was taken, OK, but everyone agrees it was either right before, during or right after (days, weeks, etc) Patty is said to be filmed... Why then did Gimlin deny knowing Bob H for so long when in actuality they both come from Yakima~~Only Yakima knows the truth... Why doesn't someone go there and just ask people... Oh wait they already have and that video is out there...

      Also there's this everyone likes to discredit Bob H, by saying he likes to drink...

      Well that actually helps his story, as Bob G was a BT in a bar, Bob H drank at... So again, why that first denial???

      Also although Bob G has never said he hoaxed the film, he has left the door open that Roger might have? What? That's huge!

      From : http://www.is-bigfoot-real.com/bob-heironimus/

      On a side note, Gimlin has not admitted to any hoax , although he has indicated in an interview that he allowed for the possibility of a hoax on Roger Patterson’s part.

  14. position of the head is clearly on top of the shoulders in the know costume. no where near the position of the supposed sasquatch head in the photo. not saying it is real, but it is not the same suite shown hear.

  15. Close. Could very well be that costume. Matches on the pale skin, thin whispy hair, and hair colour. But neck must be bent down considerably and shoulders rolled forward to achieve body position in Hovey photo. Seems possible.

  16. Hi Karl-

    No offense but your costume is a joke imo and is everything wrong with film-making today. It's not scary or accurate etc.. Your makeup guy probably thought he was cute and clever the way he designed your creature but it looks like a laughable costume absent any realism and regardless of what's in Hovey's pic...that ain't it. it reminds me of long ago blockbuster from the mid -80's "troll." I'm sure you remember that one as calling your work B-movie is a stretch. Frankly, it's also in very poor taste for you trying to sell yourself and falsely attempt to convince others that your ridiculous costume had anything to do with that pic. Can't you tell we have enough idiots around here???

    1. Do I come over to your job and knock the ____ out of your mouth?

  17. Karl

    utter nonsense and you know it. Its nothing alike,you are just trying to get publicity. Sad.

    1. Hey Karl, sorry I wrote you were sad. I just watched Unknown and Skidmarks back to back and I've got to say you're quite a good director. Big fan!

  18. Wow a crappy director is now taking claim to Melissa photo.To actually say they took that pic is low...loser.

  19. Well before we believe or attack "Karl," we should probably verify that the Karl posting here is the writer/director/producer of Clawed.

    1. I don't mind reading a few negative comments. Haters gonna hate.

      My third film Sasquatch: Unchained is in preproduction. If you don't like our original suit, don't fear: This time we're using high end CGI from a studio like Lucasfilm for the Bigfoot effects. Our plan is to make the creature very agile, to the point that he can run and flip around like the Orientals karate masters in Flying Tiger Hidden Dragon.

      There are open investment opportunities on this film if anyone is interested. The profit margins on these films is incredible.


    2. Karl, can you clarify please?

      Are you stating the photo put online yesterday by Melissa Hovey is one of a suit you used in a film? Or, that the one in this blog post at the top of this page?


      Shaun, UK

    3. I am saying they are one and the same.

  20. Doesnt matter, its not even close and i think its scary that people cant look at two obvious distinctly different things and correlate them. There isnt one thing about the clawed costume that matches hovey's pic (not size, not realism, not hair, not anatomy) not one thing...

  21. Should have said non-correlating things and distinguish them

  22. If it's that flashy movie with Lance Henriksen, who's made several Bigfoot movies incidentally as well as narrating the infamous and crappy Fox hoax show, I couldn't even make it through without suffering severe epileptic seizures. lol

  23. lol look at you nerds. both are bullshit. end of discussion.

    1. Who's more nerdy? The nerd commenting on the possibility of bigfoot, or the one reading them just to make stupid comments?

  24. This is an interesting situation because if in fact this is all a hoax (as I'm sure most of us are assuming if not concluding), wasn't it a hoax planned for 4 years ago? Kudos to Melissa for sitting on the photo that long and sucking the wind right out of the hoaxers sails I'm sure. 2012 now and not 2008 as planned, the photo get's released with 0 information and an unbiased copyright owner free to wreak havoc wherever it can. It's like a ghost hoax O.O

  25. It's a hoax. There is no bigfoot.

  26. Now Karl is tryin to get investors ..so bad. Completly unethical to try to lay claim,just so you can self-promote.

    1. My comment above was uncalled for. I was having a bad day working at the drive thru window at McDonald's and they fired me for putting my wee-wee in a customer's milk shake.

      I need to clean-up my act.

      I apologize for saying your unethical, Karl.

  27. I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume the real Karl is not the one posting in this thread.

  28. Who knows, but it's a real troll posting at 12:22.

  29. The "steak" is cooked on this one being a hoax. But I will grant a window until this is 100% verified. If and when that occurs its game over. I have stated publicly here of photograph being inconclusive, but right now after reading this thread/blog it appears to be nothing but another hoax.

    1. Hoax upon hoax upon hoax. Can we just find Bigfoot already

  30. So its no longer conclusive because a crummy director lied about it being his suit?

    Wow you are easily swayed.

    Can I borrow 1000 bucks pleas?

    1. What a minute -- all I said was that the picture was indeed the suit we used in Unknown. I didn't write the article.

      Why so angry?

      I'm one of you guys, I love Bigfoot and want it to be real. I'm on the verge of making a third Bigfoot movie, after all.

      But let's not overlook Baby Bigfoot in New York which,industry buzz is suggesting, is the best Bigfoot film to date. Just behind Unknown: the legend of sasquatch.

      For those of you who haven't seen Unknown you will be pleasantly surprised by the realistic angle I took when dealing with the subject of Sasquatch. It's available on Netflix, Blockbuster and DVD (region 3.) The film won critical praise and multiple awards, including best new director and best story.

      If any Bigfoot enthusiasts out there want to play themselves in BBNY I will pay for your travel expenses and you'll get a screen credit plus 1/4 scale for your day's work. Craft services included, and I know some of you are big boys with big appetites!

      You'll also get to meet me, and my "Monster Squad" (it's what I call my crew.)

      You have to have the right credentials, i.e. proof of your Bigfoot research and enthusiast skills. A few snarky blog comments won't do -- you'll have to actually put in the time and energy looking for Sasquatch.

      I've already received a few requests from some of this blog's readers but they were bumblers with no experience. Let me know asap. Thanks!

    2. Are you saying fans of Bigfoot are fat? Eff you, Mr. Hollywood!

  31. Not swayed. Looking at the totality of the facts and interpreting that logically points to a high probability of this being a hoax. Your judgement may vary but thats where I am.

  32. http://www.buzzfeed.com/aggregate/george-washington-punching-big-foot-in-the-dick-52hj

  33. Karl
    Post up that scene from the movie or youtube it so all can see the segment. That would help your case and close this one.

    1. Yes Karl, please post it since you made such a definitive claim. Also Karl many of us who research don't hope bigfoots are real, some of us know it, so please don't patronize or insult our experience and or intelligence to push your low grade films. Industry buzz is excited about your film or are you trying to push it as there's a film, corny as it was, called Harry and the hendersons, that was much better then any bigfoot killer film you and many others like yourself have created for a quick buck.

      You know what Karl, you're not misleading here, you're a flat out no good liar about this being your costumed bigfoot in the photo. I dare you to prove it and show us the clip...quit dicking around and put the damning comparison clip with vegetation out there.

    2. Sorry Karl. I was mistaken. My comment directly above was stated out of ignorance and anger toward my domineering fat wife.

      I saw your movie and loved it. I am convinced you were telling the truth.

  34. This guy "Karl" is trolling, if you ask me. Baby Bigfoot in New York? Give me a break...

    He also said in the third film he wants to make the Bigfoots "run and flip around like the Orientals karate masters in Flying Tiger Hidden Dragon" in his third movie?

    Then he asks for investors in these shitty sounding movies. You gotta be pretty naive to fall for his crap, if you ask me.

    Still, I don't think the photo is a genuine sasquatch. I do believe it's either from Hollywood or a museum piece.

    - Ian

    1. To clarify, I don't think he is who he claims to be. If he is indeed the real director, then he's pretty damn awful...

      - Ian

    2. As it turns out the person posting as Karl is the real Karl Kozak. My mistake. Your movies are pretty great, and I only stated those things because I'm jealous and I want to make movies too, but I sadly have no talent.

      - Ian

    3. Shut the hell up Roy from L V

    4. As it turns out, we have absolutely no idea if what you are saying is true, thus we have no idea if the person claiming to be Karl Kozak is the real guy. The saga continues......

    5. The Anon7.47pm was not from me, but from the same jackass thats been commenting on many posts here posing as the original poster, retracting their statements, and then saying something negative about themselves. The comments on this blog are poorly monitored at best, and I certainly won't bother trying to sign my posts anymore if I decide to make any further...

  35. I saw a Bigfeet, I know where some bigfeets live....You know why you never see them.....cause you are not "looking" inm the right "places".

  36. Whatever.That has to be the most whacked out squatch costume I have ever seen.That is not what is in that photo.Whatever is in that photo clearly has muscle mass.Look at the gray thinning hair with the flesh visible underneath.Unlike your costume you can tell the hair is real.I mean look at the different lengths of each lock.My opinion this is a very old squatch who doesnt have all his senses about him.It prolly has lost some of its hearing that would explain the series of photos.Not being able to hear the camera.Im very interested in what the other photos will entail.

  37. P.s. your costume shows a squatch combed and styled for a movie where as the photo shows a squatch who just rolled out of bed with a bad case of bed hair.I would even go as far as saying he's sporting that grunge look.

  38. We need to see the back of the fake suit in the movie (Clawed, Unknown, what have you) and only then can a reasonable idea be had. As it stands, the two photos, one from the movie[s], the other from the trail cam, look nothing like one another. Go back to eyeball school if you think they look the same. Audacious of Karl to be posting on here, if that is indeed him.







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