Robert Lindsay: Justin Smeja's Artist Rendering Of Adult Bigfoot Looks A Lot Like Todd Standing's Bigfoot Creature

In a Facebook conversation between Justin Smeja and a taxidermist named Chris Sink, a comment was left out in the open that left many people puzzled.

According to a source familiar with the matter, the comment had to do with the two Bigfoots that were shot near the Sierra Buttes. Here's what Robert Lindsay wrote this morning:

Facebook conversation between Smeja and a taxidermist, Chris Sink, clarified. We reported earlier that a cryptic comment left on Smeja’s Facebook page by a taxidermist could have been a reference to the juvenile Bigfoot that Smeja shot being taxidermied. The comment said: “Thanks for the stuff, Justin. That’s one ugly kid!”

It turns out we were at least partly correct. The comment did indeed refer to the young Bigfoot shot in the Sierra Kills. However, there is no evidence that it has been taxidermied, and Sink did not taxidermy it. Instead, Sink was commenting on drawings of the baby Bigfoot drawn by a professional artist who is working with Smeja on a book that he and the Olympic Project are writing about the Sierra Kills. The source said that the rendering of the baby looked “exactly like a chimpanzee except it has huge eyes.”

The source also said that he had seen a similar drawing of the adult Bigfoot shot at the Kills. The adult was said to look almost exactly like Todd (Fraud) Standing’s latest hoaxed video of a Bigfoot head. Fraud Standing is one of the worst hoaxers in the Bigfoot world. He has charged big money to rich folks to the rights to his fakes and he has also charged chump change to average Joes for DVD’s of his lies, frauds and fantasies.

Todd’s fakes are so well done that they have fooled many in the Bigfoot world. It is uncertain whether Fraud has shot one single video of a Bigfoot and his legendary Sylvanic Bigfoot site probably does not even exist. Fraud appear to be a liar and a con artist – basically, a criminal. The Bigfoot world is absolutely swarming with these types – they are literally everywhere.

The article above suggests that the artist rendering of the baby bigfoot looked "exactly like a chimpanzee except it has huge eyes" and the rendering of the adult Bigfoot look almost exactly like Todd Standing’s latest hoaxed video of a Bigfoot head.

Lindsay believes that Todd’s fakes are so well done that they have fooled many in the Bigfoot world.



  1. Robert Lindsay believes many things about bigfoot for some reason. He is correct however in his assessment of Todd Standing.

  2. Standings Bigfoot looks like Standing in sfx make up.

    Shaun, UK

  3. The bottom picture makes Bigfoot look like an ugly Filipino woman. "Habang kita ay nililimot," says the Filipino Bigfoot.

  4. Mubahey! Remember back in the early
    70's the "Stone-age" tribe found
    in the Philippines? Few tools no fire?
    Then it was discovered these were
    outcasts kicked out of farm villages
    a couple generations back?

    Makes you think. And.... Standings a creep but don't trash your sisters!

  5. Lindsay is full of himself.

    Wait - I know - Todd Standing secretly interviewed Justin Smeja so he could be sure to replicate a real bigfoot so Justin could later say something wild like the adult looked almost exactly like Todd Standing's video of a bigfoot head! Yeah, that's the ticket.

    I can't wait for Todd Standing to be vindicated. In the mean time, he should sue Lindsay for slander.

    1. Standing a known hoaxer would have to prove he is lying about him. He won't take anyone to his spot sooooooo

  6. More believable is Justin described Todd's bigfoot face to the artist. Either way, I guess that could make either one or both of them hoaxers. But I'd like to see Lindsay prove that Todd's videos are fakes - not just ridicule them - prove it.

  7. Karla, Karla, Karla. I don't even know where to begin with you.

  8. I've asked this before but I'll ask one more time. Still no one has been able to tell me how it is that Standing is a proven hoaxer. I understand that believing him is a stretch and he's sketchy etc, but if he's a known hoaxer, then there must be some definitive proof outside of something doesn't smell right with him.

    Just wondering.

  9. @ Dave & Karla:
    I've posted this before but I'll do it again.While nobody has out right proven Todd a hoaxer,there is evidence that suggests hoaxing by Mr. Standing.

    This is a post by Squatchdetective outlining some errors and peculiarities with Todd's work.

    Todd could very well have good intentions regarding the protection of Bigfoot,but hoaxing is hoaxing.If it is true,it goes beyond a white lie.
    Todd isn't willing to share his location or any substantial evidence he claims to have.
    Oh, he will,for a fee.
    To me it just smells of a fraud.

  10. Shawn, this is not about Bigfoot is it? I think I'm beginning to understand. LOL

  11. Oh Yea like Squatch Detective is the be all end all in Bigfoot. Kulls is a guy who spends more time proving others are frauds than finding BF himself. Ask Kulls a question on Bigfoot forums and count the seconds before you get banned. Kulls has an opinion like everyone else, only his is wrong. IF thats ALL the proof you have that Standing is wrong then you have some mighty weak proof.
    Like Dave and Karla asked, show the proof or go away. The Squatch detective is all about himself and thats IT! It should be a BIG RED flag to all you, when someone else spends an inordinate amount of time hounding others like Kulls does with his Hall of Shame, that he isnt that great either. See how much time Meldrum and Bindernagel spend on debunking others work (Zero) and you get an idea on how petty some of these other guys are. Todds in the Squatch Detective's Hall of Shame.... Seriously?

  12. To Average Joe,,,,Amen. IMO here,,,but seriously?? Why work so hard to try to make someone else look like a lier or a fake!??! It's not like all of us in this community have way too many odds against us as it is. I think the "debunking" technicians are as bad if not worse than hoaxers. Why? Many reasons,,,, say they play a new video that could be great new footage,,but replay in slow motion and rant and rave about how this should be and etc etc,,,,it could potentially ruin whatever could be gained from many others taking the film seriously. At the end of it it may boil down to this. Witch is harder?? To go out,,,be uncomfortable as hell,,,in the wilderness,,looking for something that most people say your nuts to look for,,,and experience many great and awesome things,,,but even more not cool at all things,,,etc,,,,,,,,OR to sit in a climate controlled room in a nice Cozy maybe even leather type(lol) office chair with a computer and a nice shiny microphone,,,,using all the state of the art editing and playback gadgets to show the other guys work as phony. Hmmm. Jealousy. Maybe. Before I ever even glance at a "exposers" work,,,,first I try to find some previous field work,,,photos,,,notes,,,journals,,,etc. if they don't have it that says a great deal. To me that is...

  13. And for the record I am not lashing out at all debunkers. Probably like most I loath a fake,,hoaxer,,con artists,,etc and I do support the notion of when they rear their ugly trade they need to be exposed for many reasons as well. What sets me off is the amount of wasted time seen lately that could've been used for good used obsessively sometimes for bad. I always try to remember that famous line that sooooo many witnesses/reports have in the beginning,,,,,,,at first I thought this is a guy in a suit.

  14. its all just a mass halucination and todd threw a 400 lb log at himself while 7 search and rescue people were looking for him. leif erickson lied too when he wrote about seeing a sqauch.

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