Olympic Project Founder, Derek Randles Backs Up Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum In The Sierra Kills: Battle For The Truth [Bigfoot DNA]

Ranger Robert Leiterman, Derek Randles, Clifford Barackman, Brandon Kiel, Bart Cutino, James Fay

If you've just tuned in, it's been a busy 48 hours in the world of Bigfoot. Here's a quick recap of what's been going on between Robert Lindsay and Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum:

[Posted: 1/25/2012 09:18:00 AM]
Robert Lindsay posted an article and quoted renowned Bigfoot researcher Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum in a purported videotape saying: "This is it. This is what I’ve been looking for all of these years." The quote was in the context of examining a piece of Bigfoot "steak."

[Posted: 1/26/2012 10:30:00 AM]
Dr. Jeff Meldrum heard about Lindsay's article and decided to address it on his Facebook page. His message was clear: "Yesterday, Robert Lindsay posted an item reporting on events associated with the alleged shooting in the Sierras by Justin Smeja. It was in turn picked up by other blogs and several individuals contacted me directly asking for confirmation. The piece is riddled with errors and false insinuations, to say the least. I am very disappointed in the caliber of the journalism."

[Posted: 1/26/2012 01:48:00 PM]
Robert Lindsay came out with a rebuttal claiming his sources are telling the truth and he's sticking to his guns: "We continue to stick by our story as it currently exists on the site. This is a version that Dr. Meldrum has many virulent objections to. I have talked this over with my sources, one of whom was there at the time and the other who heard about it secondhand. They say that they are telling the truth and that Meldrum is not being truthful, to put it charitably. Further, much of this scenario was videotaped, and the video may still be available. That is, Meldrum is apparently on tape examining the sample, remarking on its positive qualities, and saying things along the lines of this is what we've been looking for all this time. So perhaps that video can be played one day?"

This latest message came from Derek Randles, head of the Olympic Project and Justin Smeja's boss. Randles claims to have the entire event on video and says he has proof that Meldrum has never uttered the words: "This is what we're looking for."

I'd like to clear a few things up for whom it may concern. I was there on site on the Sierra trip. As a matter of fact I organized the effort. Dr. Meldrum is being 100% truthful with everything he has stated. When the sample was first smelled by John M, he did at first get a little excited because he thought it smelled very similar to another sample he'd smelled in the past. Never did Jeff say, (this is what we're looking for). As a matter of fact Jeff never got excited about the sample. It was interesting to him, but when the initial examination was done, he had no conclusion. He said his gut reaction was 50/50 or less. I know this because I was standing there. So was Bart Catino and James bobo Fay. Paul Graves was also there. And I have the entire event on video.

As far as the cadaver dog is concerned, it did show up with Jeff and John and its handler. We were not instructed to stay out of the area until the dog arrived because the original dog plan had fallen through, and Jeff had been working on a back up plan with a local handler, but it was not guaranteed. We did not know that the dog was for sure until it showed up. If we knew the dog was a for sure thing we would have left the area alone. Another problem was we had very limited time, and the entire area needed to be searched. The other thing to consider is the dog probably wouldn't have worked anyways. That dog was trained to search for human remains. No idea if it would have worked with Sasquatch. Also, you can't just give a trained cadaver dog a piece of flesh and expect that to work. It simply doesn't work that way. You can ruin a trained dog that way.

Finally, the reason I invited Jeff and John. I worked with Dr Meldrum for five years with the North American Ape Project. I have massive respect for this man. He has risked his career, and made many many sacrifices along the way helping out us researchers, going out on a very lonely limb because he knew that there was just too much evidence to ignore. I will be forever grateful for his diligence in the face of every kind of skepticism. I felt he above all deserved to be there. I invited John because I believe that he's a fantastic biologist, and he also deserved to be there. Both of these gentlemen are two of the most honest people I've ever met, and I consider myself very lucky to be fortunate enough to work with them and call them my friends.

Derek Randles


  1. What Lindsay has reported seems to have more accuracies than inaccuracies. This particular argument over the precise words Dr. Meldrum used and his level of excitement seem hardly as impoirtant as the fact all of these people showed up, with dogs, looking. And Meldrum walked away with a smaple of something. Does the Sierra Kills Story still seem like total BS?

  2. Hey anon above, shut it. This is the final nail in Robert Lindsays tiny coffin. The man is full of shit. John

  3. So its the word of 2 qualified scientists and a widely respected BF researcher against a paranoid, anti-semitic, attention seeking nut-job?

    The more we pay attention to Lindsay the more he thrives. Time to stop posting stories by him IMO.

  4. Meldrum is a sincere, flat-out honest man. He is the one who took the ball from the old guard and ran with it, risking his rep all the way. Glad Randles showed him some respect. He deserves it. Mid-tarsal break FOREVER!!!!!

  5. This along with Lindsay's own admission that he will only write positive things from those that favour him is the nail in his coffin for me.

    The man has no integrity.

    Shaun, uk

  6. Ur so right, Shaun. That comment didn't sit well with me either.

  7. In the photo above half the guys are wearing hiking boots. The other half flip flops. just an observation lol

  8. No denying this event took place. No denying these guys were out there looking for a dead Sasquatch or two. No denying Lindsay broke the story. I dont care who said what. I can see the photo. I am waiting for all the claimed data. Too bad Lindsay takes the fall, someone is his source and he is protecting that. I think what everyone notices is that this particular story is followed with the most threatening posts I have seen yet. Seems Meldrum's camp is pretty tough. Nicest guy ever Dr. Meldrum, just like R. Lindsay is the worse ever. Yeah, we are getting so much more truth here in the comments.

  9. Robert Lindsay is a pedophile. I have it on good accord from my sources that he has forcefully raped young children, mostly male, all the while sodomizing himself with his computer mouse.


  10. Is that a gun in Bobo's pants, or is he just excited to see the dog? The plot thickens. lol

  11. mormon meldrum is on his second marriage, so wife one is stranded in the galaxy without a planet and protector. from good sources we know he hawkes plaster casts at fairs. if you crass meldrum supporters are any indication of his bias then no wonder he thinks Bigfoots are apes. hard for you guys to imagine something more evolved than yourselves sounds like.

  12. Reminds me of that scene in Die Hard where Mclaine says "I'm not the one who just got butt fucked on national tv". Robert Lindsay must have one sore ass this morning.

  13. They even got the dog to look at the camara

  14. Dr. Meldrum's never brought religion into it, so don't you either. Only shows your own limited evolvement. He'll come around like the rest and soon discard the ape stance, think it's already dawned on him.

  15. An amused outsider can't help but notice how really ridiculous, juvenile, and stupid these posts are. Thanks for making my world seem sane and smart.

  16. Oh, so the world outside all things Bigfoot is sane, is it? It most certainly is not. Anyway, how can finding a new humanlike species not be considered anything but sane?

  17. Oh, you are Talking abuot a New Human species? Sorry, I thought this was a bash the reporter who broke the story or the Ape Scientist at the Kills site story...LOL, MY BAD!

  18. A very nice note from DR telling it the way it is first hand. BF research needs more quality people people like these two gentleman (DR & Dr. Meldrum) in an area full of total screwballs. Hopefully with the advent of the ground breaking publication (?) these guys will be rewarded for their achievements.

  19. Rumor has it the ground breaking work will be coming from a woman, Dr. Melba S. Ketchum.

    Maybe a long time in the Bigfoot field as an expert, like 20 years and with University credentials, will not be a calling card for Recognition, academic or not, given the work product Dr. Ketchum claims will be forthcoming soon.

    Is Dr. Meldrum a co-author?

  20. I'm just going to say this--I appreciate the soap opera recap. Sometimes, I miss tuning in to the program, but I'm glad to see that the villains and heroes are following the plot line accordingly and staying in character. hee hee

  21. Dr. Meldrum's first name is spelled wrong in the header, I smell a conspiracy here.

  22. LOl comment of the day, I am sure it is too. LOL

  23. Odd thing about the photo, if it is in the back country, why are 3 guys wearing sandals?

    1. The story purportedly transpires within a reasonable distance from a logging road. Boots seem to be optional. :)

  24. Stay tuned for a sneak peek of next weeks episode of "As the Bigfoot Turns"

  25. You can pick you friends..
    you can pick your nose..
    but you can't pick bigfoots nose..


  26. Hey, just wanted to put out there I really enjoy this site! Now for these past 2-3 days of events, what I would call a total and unaldulterated cluster/$ck, its clear one person is stirring up some sh!t, mhmmm Mr. Lindsay, as far as Jeff Meldrum goes, hes too credible to make stuff up. Now as far as this documentary/film/evidence goes, show the sh!t already! Yea you guys have invested alot of money, but if you got undeniable proof that this creature exists( we know it exists), and want to show it to the world you fu&$ers could have at least teased us with a 5-6 minute film on YouTube or a news website....not keep everyone in suspense like those idiots from Georgia..... I'm no genious, nor am I a biologist, or anything special in fact I'm just a 20yr old kid from Ontario that looks at this site as a valuable piece of information, I'd like to go on a few BFRO expeditions.....when I see crap like this I think hoax, I think the way they go about this they could have done better! Jeffrey Meldrum your my hero as well as well as the BFRO team!

  27. Hey, just wanted to put out there I really enjoy this site! Now for these past 2-3 days of events, what I would call a total and unaldulterated cluster/$ck, its clear one person is stirring up some sh!t, mhmmm Mr. Lindsay, as far as Jeff Meldrum goes, hes too credible to make stuff up. Now as far as this documentary/film/evidence goes, show the sh!t already! Yea you guys have invested alot of money, but if you got undeniable proof that this creature exists( we know it exists), and want to show it to the world you fu&$ers could have at least teased us with a 5-6 minute film on YouTube or a news website....not keep everyone in suspense like those idiots from Georgia..... I'm no genious, nor am I a biologist, or anything special in fact I'm just a 20yr old kid from Ontario that looks at this site as a valuable piece of information, I'd like to go on a few BFRO expeditions.....when I see crap like this I think hoax, I think the way they go about this they could have done better! Jeffrey Meldrum your my hero as well as well as the BFRO team!

  28. my question is why did everyone wait 6 + months to search for the carcasses. Smeja stated that he waited 3 weeks before he broke the news and was immediately put in touch with Randalls, now why didnt they go out as soon as randalls was in the know? It's been stated Randalls is a seasoned researcher and he would know that two bodies would be the best proof ever. Yet they waited six months or so can't remember exact time but close enough. People are lost in snow/avalanches all the time and cadaver dogs can work in snow, hell they find people buried alive so don't use the excuse there was snow 2 ft of snow on the ground. Things just sound a little fishy with the story because a lot of other people would have gone out there immediately to find the proof of the century. Digging in the snow with bare hands if need be. Everyone is focusing on the trivial stuff and not the real JOURNALISTIC questions.


  29. The photo isn't from the shooting site.

  30. Isn't there a moderator on this blog, to weed out some of the more insane comments.

  31. No, that's why the comment section on here is so great. In the picture above half are wearing sandals because they are stoners.

  32. Thats a good point. The three with sandals are hiding their eyes with shades. Skunk weed with the skunk ape

  33. The picture is being mistaken as being from the sierras body search, it was actually from one of bart cutino's private ca exp with friends who are pictured, a few yrs ago

  34. For all those who have posted using insults you need to but your diapers back on. You behave just like the groupies in the Dyer camp. Instead of attacking the messenger do some investigation on were the so called event took place. Name calling gets you no place.


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