Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum Responds To Robert Lindsay About Sierra Kills Event [Bigfoot DNA]

Yesterday, Robert Lindsay posted an article detailing the event that took place in July 2011 involving Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, Matt Moneymaker and a few other prominent Bigfoot researchers. Supposedly, Justin Smeja was the person filming the Sierra Kills scene and recorded Jeff Meldrum holding up a piece of the Bigfoot steak and said on tape in front of everyone, “This is it. This is what I’ve been looking for all of these years.” According to the article, Meldrum then went down a list confirming that this was the real deal.

This morning Dr. Meldrum posted the following message about the factual errors in Linday's article stating: "The piece is riddled with errors and false insinuations, to say the least. I am very disappointed in the caliber of the journalism."

Read below via Dr. Meldrum's Facebook page:

Yesterday, Robert Lindsay posted an item reporting on events associated with the alleged shooting in the Sierras by Justin Smeja. It was in turn picked up by other blogs and several individuals contacted me directly asking for confirmation. The piece is riddled with errors and false insinuations, to say the least. I am very disappointed in the caliber of the journalism. Attached is the text with the erroneous elements highlighted in red. Presently, I am not at liberty to discuss details of my participation during the examination of the scene or the tissue sample provided, due to an NDA with parties involved.

I can say:
There was no "steak" -- i.e. no muscle tissue, just a patch of skin and hair.

I was invited to the scene and had permission to bring a dog handler, but the scene was already rendered unsuitable by the activities of those already on site, and the dogs were never deployed.

I never made the statement rendered in quotation marks.

I never enumerated a list of characteristics indicating it was the "real deal" -- quite the opposite.

I returned to the lab with a tiny sliver of the salted specimen (1mm x 5mm) with a couple dozen hairs attached. I cannot discuss the details of the analysis of the hair further due to the NDA.

I will say that humans are primates. No primates have underhairs. No human populations adapt to elevation by sprouting underhair.

Also, there are a lot of misconceptions and misrepresentations about my ideas concerning what sasquatch are -- more ape-like or more human-like. I don't appreciate others putting words in my mouth, who don't have a grasp of the principles involved.

Finally, this just received from Mr. Lindsay at the close of a brief email exchange:

"You have developed an unfriendly tone in this exchange, and that makes it hard to work with you now and certainly in the future. If you develop a positive relationship with me, you receive special consideration in our reporting about you. Just a heads up."

You be the judge...

Below is the email letter Meldrum sent to Linday last night with "erroneous" elements highlighted in red (Click on the image to enlarge):

Here is yesterday's post outlining the event involving Dr. Jefferey Meldrum: Click here to read.


  1. Change Matt Moneymaker to Bobo and you'll fix one of the mistakes.

  2. This is the problem with using rumors and gossip as sources. Though I commend Lindsay in his determined and dogged investigation, we have all heard so many things by now it is quite difficult to determine just where the truth lies.


  3. Lindsay is a fucking idiot. Do you hear me Lindsay? YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT! YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON! It's one thing to antagonize certain people in the field like Matt Moneymaker who put themselves out there or Biscardi or Fasano... it's another to LIE and provide false documentation about Dr. Meldrum. Why are you FUCKING IDIOT? You attention starved small dick man! Man up! Grow a pair of balls and be respectable! How the FUCK dare you disresepct Dr. meldrum like that? YOU FUCKING IDIOT. If I was in arms reach of you I would bitch slap you across the face and say whats the matter with you? You sir are nothing but a shitbag screaming for attention. Go crawl in a corner somewhere and die.

    1. Can we keep this more cerebral?

    2. I fully support your opinion Rictor. I had "plesure" to read and communicate RL a couple years ago? and it was enough to me to ignore him after that. NEVER HAVE READ HIS NASTY FALSHOODS after...
      Igor Burtsev

  4. LOL, sorry not too impressed here, except that this and Lindsay's blog have enough traction to get a retraction. In a perfect world maybe one could control what others say about them or import into their mouths... not in this world though.
    Maldrums' lucky, his misrepresentations are public, where he can respond with a defense. The BF Resarcehers Rumor Mill, unpublished is actually worse than anything you have read here or at Lindsays's.
    Meldrum sounds irritated,wonder why? Surely not because one more silly blogger said one more silly thing. That must have been his limit. I don't think so, he has confused bloggers with an older form of print Journalism. Something else is bothering him.

  5. So Shawn do you have any policy about just really rank posts? I don't think Rictor knows what psychologists have known a long time: a reader imports into the author his tone and words, even when about another. So, in this case people who read Rictor's comments are more likely to remeber him as an angry Fing disrespectful idiot without balls and a small dick. See how that works? Maybe no policy is best, leave it there.

  6. OMG Robert Lindsay is the biggest idiot on the planet.

    Thanks to the Doctor Meldrum For clearing that up and we (orig-6) extend our apologies for you having to disrupt your work to dealt with this issue.

    Hats of to you...

  7. Robert Lindsay is a idiot.

    First, To suggest that it is possible for humans to have guard hairs while apes cannot demostrates remarkable ignorance and general lack of common sense.
    Second to discount Dr. Meldrum's Coyote theory based on his opinion of having seen Coyote before.

    On another note, if 2 Sasquatch lie dead in this area just find a bone. Really starting to doubt this guys story.

  8. It is hard to believe anyone involved in Bigfoot Reseach. It is easy to believe they are all idiots. But, I do believe you alone, Ed Smith, because you stated your case so well. You were banned over at Lindsay's right?

  9. I would beleive Dr. Meldrum over anyone in BF research (Dr. Esteban Sarmiento included). Why he would get involved with questionable people (I should say non-scientist) is odd to me.

    He does not have to yield to anyone in this field. Signing a NDA was a mistake. This is science, not spy v spy, CIA crazy stuff. This talk of BF "steaks" is absurd. His ability to prove it was a coyote just made liers out of many.

    You people are now seeing just what makes up the bulk of web blog posters and forum posters. I refer you to the eloquence of Rictor above.

    What guys like him do is make my physical size the issue, not BF research. The name calling and insults are bad on this site, as well, as other.

    Shawn called me at my home one night to apologize for, as he said, the cyber bulling directed toward me. I told him he did not have to. He was not rersponsible for that. He did say he would consider controls over comments in the future.

    There seems to be an uban myth that surrounds some researhcers (Biscardi, Fasano, Standing). You can see how well Todd Standing came accros the other night. I think he stood his ground well. He may have played with some things in the past, but the video they showed is the best one they have shown yet. Even Bobo said it was a big guy.

    You are right, I do put my stuff out there. 648 videos that nobody has been able to debunk. They call me a hoxer, but cannot say just what it is I have hoaxed. They go by hearsay and innuendo. Stick to the facts folks. Which of course you are not capable of.

  10. Good post Fasano, its nice to hear words from some of the people out in th field.

    And Shawn, you are a good man!

  11. @ fasano you started off on the right track about Dr. Meldrum, but you made that post about you pretty quick. I am somewhat new to the Bigfoot Community so far and to be honest I really haven't seen much of your work. If your stuff is legit than congrats! Don't let the hatred of a few bother you, but when you start talking how nobody has debunked any of your videos it becomes a very defensive tactic like you care what they say. Let your evidence speak for you is all I'm trying to say. Don't worry about the rest.

  12. So Shawn, is Lindsay still vindicated in your eyes?
    Rictor, while maybe not the most eloquent way to state the case, I find your assessment dead on. Robert Lindsay is a racist, pedophilic, woman hating, self hating gay basher. Some of you may read this as a rude assertion, but I am simply stating facts. Please for gods sake, quit acting like this nut job has broken any reality based sasquatch news. There have been rebuttals like this from all kinds of people Lindsay has written about. Stop treating this man like an expert when it just feeds into his self loathing attention seeking behavior. I urge anyone reading this to go to Robert lindsays blot and read 5 non-bigfoot related articles written by him. If you are not disgusted by his hate spewing word vomit and lack of any integrity, there may be something wrong with you. John

  13. Dr. Meldrum sounds irritated here, and I'd say with good reason too. I knew that Lindsay post yesterday would big make waves, it was a stupid thing to cast a muddy shade of ridicule on a person so respected and involved in the search as JM. I also pay attention to Dr. Meldrum's comment about his views of ape or human, seems he's quite ready to go wherever the results lead. But it's no secret either of course, he's been chiefly in the animal/ape corner so far, there's no denying that. We all understand it's a primate alright, so there's no sense in lately people stressing humans are apes too. lol The question is which kind of primate is the Sasquatch.

  14. Yes! Dr. Meldrum is THE world's most respected authority on the phenomena known as "Bigfoot." Suckit Biscardi!!

  15. We continue to stick by our story as it currently exists on the site. This is a version that Dr. Meldrum has many virulent objections to. I have talked this over with my sources, one of whom was there at the time and the other who heard about it secondhand. They say that they are telling the truth and that Meldrum is not being truthful, to put it charitably. Further, much of this scenario was videotaped, and the video may still be available. That is, Meldrum is apparently on tape examining the sample, remarking on its positive qualities, and saying things along the lines of this is what we've been looking for all this time. So perhaps that video can be played one day?

    Meldrum, on the other hand, virulently insists that my sources (one of whom was there) are lying. So both sides are accusing the other of lying.

    I am not sure what to do at this point, but I for the moment, we are going to stick to our guns. We believe that the story as it exists on the site now is truthful, and that Meldrum is being completely forthright.

    I also believe that all of Meldrum's videos state clearly that he thinks Bigfoots are apes. I can't understand why he is disputing this obvious fact, but any time he wants to dump his ape theory and jump on board the hominin train, he is welcome.

    Meldrum's explosive reaction doesn't make a lot sense. I think I know what is behind it, but I don't want to go into it right now.

    There will be no retractions, and we do not agree with Meldrum's rejoinder.

    1. You, sir, are full of nonsense. One example is that you badmouth sociopaths when you seem to be one yourself due to your bigotry. What a sad and patheitc man you are.

  16. Anon, wasn't the point of the shift in tone here to recognize that other interests whether occupation, weight, ideology, religion, sexual orientation forth aren't a fair basis on which to judge BF news or evidence? Hoensty is, and it seems Lindsay's blogs are honest as to his world view, as upopular as it may be. Set aside your opinion of him outside the Bigfoot reporting and then what? What is so bad about the Bigfoot reporting? He got stuff wrong, based on stuff people told him. When the truth came to light he corrected his blog. And it appears more and more he got quite a bit right. He only seems to attack those that attack him first and he has reserved a great deal of respect it appears for the scientific process and this particular story. Whether the Kills or the DNA study it all seems to be some kind of real news, more than just the Bigfooters are lapping up.

  17. What shall we do if Dr. Meldrum refutes or doesn't endorse the "Ketchum Study?" Is he a co-author? Did his paper on the DNA from his international work get published in a peer review journal? Wasn't that something also reported about last year? Where is he really in all of this?

  18. Dr. Meldrum-s book, "Sasquatch, Science Meets Legend," clearly states his views then and there were no more evolved than his predessessor's Krantz, who beleived Sasquatches were a surviving line ogf Gigantipithicus. There is just a hint of hint DNA research in the last chapter. The involvment of the amateur BFRO and their Skookum cast and the conclusions from that will also be there. If Ketchum's work convinces him Sasquatch is not from the Gigantipithicus or orang, "ape" line then he will change his public tune, or get his own work published that is contrary. He appears to have quietly been changing the spin on his past, through a show called "Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide," and also his recent on-line "Relict Hominoid Inquiry," journal. Use of Hominoid leaves him room to grow. In the show he stumbles, bu manages an ultimate acceptance of feral humans, although he finds that somehow more incredulous than ancient extinct or new species of apes.

  19. Lindsays stated " opinion" and "world view" apply directly to everything he writes. You see, when someones "opinion" is constantly misinformed and without any facts to base it on, then it is just that, an opinion, conjecture. I find the man vile, but my own feelings aside, don't piss on my head and tell me its raining. What I am asking is that you stop taking his articles as any more than they are. There should be at least one sasquatch sight that takes the news they are posting more seriously, and has the facts to back up those sources. Of course he SAYS he has sources all the time, but never reveals one. To quote Walter Sobchak, "You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon... with nail polish. These fucking amateurs..." Basically my point is anyone can make shit up. So if you let Robert Lindsay spoon-feed you his shit while he tells you its creme broulet, well... you're a fucking amateur. John

  20. Okay who else wants to bend down and join the train of people kissing Meldrums but. Why are you doubting this story and assuming that its false? What has Meldrum done that makes you think hes such a saint. He has a doctorate, and is very knowledgeable at what he does. But what is it that he does? Oh yeah he looks at footprints and studies anthropology and anatomy. I must have missed something but i think a taxidermist and an avid hunter would know the difference between a coyote and something unknown. Give me a break. Yeah meldrum has kept his nose out of hoaxes and thats good. But to think the guy wouldnt lie if it suited his purpose youd be very wrong. And meldrum isnt being completely honest in this case. Choke it down, cause its true. Lindsay may be wrong but if Smeja was lying then why is his sample in the ketchum study. Why is that basically the only widely acknowledged fact about the study. Uhhhh because its true. So either Justin is telling the truth or Melba and all the others are lying and were all gonna be disappointed. This is the reality we have to face. Every other time such a killing claim has been made it either fades quick or is debunked quick. Yet this one has gotten even stronger as time passes. What does this tell you people? This is exactly why people dont come forward. What has bigfoot research come when you cant tell people honestly what happened without 2 million armchair skeptics telling you it didnt happen. No wonder no one wants to help anyone else in this field. The honest people who have something to say cant say it without redicule. Something truly amazing may have happened but no one is gonna come forward with stuff like this. So is Meldrum right is Lindsay it doesnt really matter. What matters is that armchair skeptics dont know anything and really should keep quiet. Someones PHD doesnt make them trustworthy nor their experience. Anatomists and anthropologists arent fur experts or dna experts. And vice versa. The sample has been tested and is in the study, enough said. If you cant believe this or understand this i suggest you bend down and assume the position and continue puckering for Meldrum.

    1. I bet I can guess the anon who wrote the above post! LOL.

  21. So, what makes Robert Lindsay trustworthy in your opinion? People keep saying he was right about so many things, yet none of what he has written about is confirmed by any evidence. I think Robert Lindsay has created everything he has written about thus far. He is using the bigfoot world to gain attention and nothing more. You guys really like eating these shit sandwiches all day? John

  22. So, what makes Robert Lindsay trustworthy in your opinion? People keep saying he was right about so many things, yet none of what he has written about is confirmed by any evidence. I think Robert Lindsay has created everything he has written about thus far. He is using the bigfoot world to gain attention and nothing more. You guys really like eating these shit sandwiches all day? John

  23. People, listen to Dr. Ketchum's voice. Does she sound like someone making it up? As far as I know, she's well respected in her field and so is her work, I find it almost impossible to believe she would confirm the existence of this species, as she's basically done on web-radio if it wasn't true. She'd come crashing down if she lied, only a mad person would have an interest in destroying one's own professional career. Dr. Meldrum would do wisely to go along with the new study, not fight it. He'd lose all my respect if he did that, and win extras if he accepted the truth as the rest of us will shortly. I read his latest comments as just that, ready to change his opinion. And that's good.

  24. So if, the "patch of skin and hair" was just from a coyote or other known animal, wouldn't it have been rejected off the bat by Ketchum, and if so why would Meldrum not be able to talk about it? Why would it be covered by the N.D.A. if was ruled out as evidence?

    1. He could have signed NDA at the beginning of this whole thing. Even if it has gone to hell in a handbag since then , he would still be bound by the agreement legally. He can't say anything, and certainly not what was, or was not, included in the study. His hands are tied and lips sealed, I would think.

  25. Oh my goodness. Lindsey vs Meldrum,

    Anonymous vs Anonymous

    Thanks to the guys who are posting with names.

  26. In amongst all this He Said She Said to-ing & fro-ing - does anyone in the BF field ever actually FIND anything of note? And yes, that's a rhetorical question.

  27. Stoosh, I'm sure some have but like me if I had something I'd never put it out there because of all of the above.

  28. All of you bigfooters contemplating
    'The kill" story should really consider something, (it is an assumption)but please consider!
    For those that listened to Justin, he stated on air that he was "thinking of proof" during the event! You cannot convience me that the young creature DIDN'T come down off that mountain. If I had shot something that I knew wasn't human but looked human--- two things would happen before i would disclose that " I had the Body!"
    1. I would get a lawyer to direct my actions concerning the legalities of shooting an unknown creature, and to protect it as a huge financial asset -- like it or not!
    2. Second, I would look for " scientific" help / proof both to help prove what "it is" and to prove i didn't kill a normal human!

    Justin obviously had something very, very substantial to get Meldrum and Ketchum's attention-----------right??????

    Meldrum went there---Right????

    Something to consider about Standing. At least this guy went way-------- way out in the middle of F-cki-g no-where, unarmed, sleeping on the ground, in known grizzly country, got his ass pursued by a particular grizzly, survived, and walked out. All that was verified by search and rescue! I don't know wether all his stuff is legit or not????
    But I knooooooooowww He has got more balls than 95% of you who are "SURE" he is a hoaxer? He may make a lot of people eat crow.
    One reason I think it may be real is you have to be utterly fu-ki-g stupid to make fakes as wierd as his "video specimens" look???
    Maybe they do in many ways look drasticaly different???
    By the way, I've had three bigfoot encounters!
    A sighting, a YELLLLLL, and a knock responce. They are real!

  29. How do we know Standing went anywhere at all. He won't say where he went, and he could've been anywhere shooting those muppet heads.

  30. @ anonymous. It was on finding bigfoot. The RMCP was called to find him. Thats how "we know" he has at least been into the woods!


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