Mike Rugg updates us on Bigfoot DNA Project, says Richard Stubstad started DNA sequencing of his own in parallel with Dr. Ketchum [VIDEO]

Can we all agree competition is good? It will not matter who crosses the finish line first. What researchers learn after competing will ultimately benefit everyone.

Richard Stubstad, after being cut-off from Dr. Melba Ketchum's DNA project is launching his own research project. According to Stubstad, the lab he's working with is outside the States and he needs our help. Mike Rugg says Stubstad is looking for samples such as hair, blood, toe nails, or tooth.

Bigfoot Museum Mike Rugg updates us on Bigfoot DNA study

On Stubstad's website, this is why he's launching his own project:

There are definitely efforts by others to obtain samples too.

At the time, Dr. K was working pretty closely with both Adrian Erickson, to some extent Java Bob, and especially me on the mito sequencing, plus we had begun sequencing a single gene on the nuclear side to “see what we could see”.

The link between Sample 1 and Sample 2 was accurately articulated by me, but only after doing quite a lot of research in the literature and also comparing both samples’ entire mito genome to several very close samples in Gen.Bank to both of these samples, not just one at a time. Dr. K hadn’t really thought of using Gen.Bank in this manner, but this lead to pinpointing the common “mitochondrial Eve” of both samples to some 15,000 years ago in sub-glacial Europe.

Adrian & I especially looked at these data together, and the implications thereof; after that, Adrian paid for I think it was six nuclear genomes. I kept hearing from Dr. K that “they weren’t finished”, but now I believe she had seen enough evidence to REALLY see a difference between modern humans and sasquatch within the nuclear data; then I stopped getting any information, as did Adrian Erickson and Java Bob, and we were effectively isolated from the ongoing work.

I doubt that the work would have progressed as it did without the work of the three of us: Adrian Erickson, Java Bob, and me. The former two contributed both sasquatch samples; the former contributed a lot of money, and I contributed some money and the impetus to look into the nuclear genome in earnest.

Really, I don’t feel like a traitor at all; on the contrary, I would say Dr. K is the traitor here. On the other hand, what is she to do when she hires two or three lawyers and they all advise her that she only needs samples from us; not any help? It’s really too bad, but if she hadn’t lawyered up, I’m sure everything would have proceeded just fine and we would probably had a paper out by now — without the “Sierra Kill” sample(s), assuming they even exist.

It’s all quite a shame, but life goes on. Others are also working on sasquatch sequencing, and I am getting a lab from outside the USA involved so we can “parallel” Dr. K’s study. This will be needed whether she is successful or not. In spite of all this, I hope she is successful. That will depend a whole lot on the integrity and credibility of the REST of her coauthors (she says there are five others, whom I don’t know at all).



Here's a link to Richard Stubstad's latest Bigfoot DNA find (published September 2011):

Has Richard Stubstad found the "mitochondrial eve" for Sasquatch?


  1. Glad to see this post as word since Jan 2010 is Ketchum has enough. More lab, more studies...it could be a real beginning.

  2. Just like we've all been saying Ketchum had people sign their rights away. It's funny how all the tools that are involved in this keep trying to tell you "no that's not true" and yet here's more evidence for it. What a bunch of idiots. They're riding on the hem of her skirt just so they can be included but its gonna be funny to watch all of them after she steps on top of them to climb up to the podium to except all the credit for HER HARD WORK.

  3. Stubstad was Biscardis money man for years and when Melba found out Biscardi was working with Stubstad she backed away from Stubstad deal.

  4. That's almost an endorsement...it would be the first BF researcher I know that invests in others rather than asks for money! In fairness, when I talked with Erickson he said he was "tapped out," and that was in 2009!

    A "moneyman.."
    nice ring...

  5. Sour grapes. By the way, not one of these people were forced to "sign their rights away". They deserve what they get.

  6. Someone go out there with a real interest in BF, and prove it through other means before Melba does. Do it for sake of science, not notoriety. Amazing enough video evidence is a start. Keyword: Amazing

    - A sideliner


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