Watch this: The Jersey Devil On Video - 1st Footage of It Ever Caught [Free Documentary]

The Jersey Devil has been seen in southern New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania in the Pine Barrens or Pinelands for over 300 years, yet it has never been caught on video, filmed, or even photographed -- until this paranormal team caught the first footage of the Jersey Devil. It looks like the same creature people have been claiming to see since the 1700s. Watch below:


  1. Replies
    1. ..C'mon Wendy, tramps like us
      Baby we was born to firrrsst...

    2. Screen door slams, joes taterhole gapes. Scott Nelson's speaks of squatches so lonely, hey it's MMG he wants to blow me

    3. ^^^Hello HSG (Homosexual Super Guy), you surely are rectum-obsessed. Remember, it's for exit, not entry.

    4. lol...Did Springsteen write that too? Wow, that is some poetic BFE related shit coming from a working class Jersey guy..

    5. Okay, I don't want to take the time to watch 19 minutes of crap. Where in this 19 minutes is the Jersey Devil clip so that I can go right to it?

    6. ...They get a thermal image..They show it during the summary of the investigation, so just watch the last 2 minutes...Its pretty cool- it looks a bit like a deer but the neck is long and it has a taterhole with a 3 inch diameter...


    7. Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of obstructing of on-topic discussion in online forums and comment threads. People afflicted with ITPD may purposefully present themselves as being inappropriately sexually provocative or racist. Often times they disingenuously express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, pretend to throw arbitrary tantrums, and never hesitate to contribute absurd, non-sequitur remarks at any perceived opportunity.

      The etiology of ITPD is still being researched, but scholars agree that afflicted individuals usually enjoy some type of unfulfilling (and unsupervised) employment situation where they have access to computers with internet connections.

    8. oh whoops!! my bad!!!!

      One more for good measure??

      Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of obstructing of on-topic discussion in online forums and comment threads. People afflicted with ITPD may purposefully present themselves as being inappropriately sexually provocative or racist. Often times they disingenuously express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, pretend to throw arbitrary tantrums, and never hesitate to contribute absurd, non-sequitur remarks at any perceived opportunity.

      The etiology of ITPD is still being researched, but scholars agree that afflicted individuals usually enjoy some type of unfulfilling (and unsupervised) employment situation where they have access to computers with internet connections.

  2. Replies

    1. Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of obstructing of on-topic discussion in online forums and comment threads. People afflicted with ITPD may purposefully present themselves as being inappropriately sexually provocative or racist. Often times they disingenuously express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, pretend to throw arbitrary tantrums, and never hesitate to contribute absurd, non-sequitur remarks at any perceived opportunity.

      The etiology of ITPD is still being researched, but scholars agree that afflicted individuals usually enjoy some type of unfulfilling (and unsupervised) employment situation where they have access to computers with internet connections.

  3. Screw the Jersey Devils- Let's go Islanders!

  4. C'mon! There's no such thing as a Jersey Devil. They just took a bigfoot and taped wings on its back.

  5. Poop Chute riding
    Throw back a bottle of beer

    Poop Chute riding
    Throw her in second gear

  6. You mean the Brooklyn Islanders!!

    1. Not yet- Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves

  7. Hard to tell if this is more Hollywood BS or not. But if it is Ligit then this thermo image bears a striking resemblance profile wise to the trail cam image of one chasing a dear through a feeding station. Short far legs and all

    Check it out


    1. Anyone here ever seen a Blue Heron bird? Has a long neck and a large wingspan. I did not watch this video....could this be mistaken for the "Jersey Devil" maybe?

    2. Hard to tell if this is BS or not? Really? It's easy to tell that this is BS.

  8. Jersey Devil is the most credible voice in TomFootery.

  9. What a coincidence HMMMMMMMMMMM.

  10. Looks like a deer after it has imprinted some of its body heat onto a bunch of tree branch.

  11. Nope! It's a deer. The fur on it's back is cooler than the underside fur because it is thicker to shed rain. The underside fur is soft and fuzzy and a completely different construction than the back fur. These kind of mind games are what we are used to seeing on Animal Planet in Finding Bigfoot.

    1. I found the picture of Matilda's baby.

    2. The cat is More realistic than the rug to say the least. haha

    3. finding bigfoot did that in season 1 and they all said they almost left the show over the incident. Tricky editing by producers made them look like they were doing that.

    4. How do you know the Jersey Devil doesn't have thicker fur on its back? Then again it could always be a dogman.

  12. (clive squashy)

    A flying chupacabra...



    1. Grow the fuck up idiot

    2. Soommeeonnees touchy!

      warren travis


    3. Internet Troll Personality Disorder (ITPD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of obstructing of on-topic discussion in online forums and comment threads. People afflicted with ITPD may purposefully present themselves as being inappropriately sexually provocative or racist. Often times they disingenuously express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, pretend to throw arbitrary tantrums, and never hesitate to contribute absurd, non-sequitur remarks at any perceived opportunity.

      The etiology of ITPD is still being researched, but scholars agree that afflicted individuals usually enjoy some type of unfulfilling (and unsupervised) employment situation where they have access to computers with internet connections.

    4. But sadly its true and there are many here who fit the description. They all are anonymous too.



  15. Replies
    1. Martin Brodeur is fatty fat fatty. Sloppy seconds anyone?

  16. Thats a damn deer. it looks and moves just like a deer. there are no wings lmao, just a difference in heat. that is such a bad way to interpret that video, my god people

    1. You got it. People see what they want to see. It kind of boggles the mind that anyone would jump to Jersey Devil instead of a deer.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hoaxing has assumed a new level with this one.

  19. Sorry to tell everybody, but Paranormal State was a fake show. They have be caught lying about all their investigations. Thats why they are not on A&E anymore. Almost all of their episodes were set up hoaxes

    1. Really? Here I was thinking they were no longer in production due to Ryan Buell being diagnosed with and battling pancreatic cancer.

  20. I am a drunk, a liar, I cheat on my wife, I lust for young girls, I don't pay my taxes, hate black people and scam the government out of food stamps and get welfare!

    But you got to believe me now, in spite of my faults, for the first time in my life i want to be honest with you all.

    i was driving back from Alantic City and i really needed to take a crap! i pull into a pine barren lane ran behind a tree and started my business. When all of a sudden, as I farted, The Jersey Devil stood up out of the bushes not 5 feet away! He didn't like my smell and flew away! i swear this true!

  21. Its a deer.
    If it had any semblance of a wing or wings it would have just flew away with its flappy deformed skin. It didn't, it moved like a deer, acted like a deer. Your in the woods with strange noise's and yeah that most likely does get f'ing scary and you start to see and hear things. The first thermal looked strangely like an owl btw. and the second one was a deer. Not a whole generation of deformed forest people flying around like squirrels. Bigfoot is one thing, but the Jersey Devil is a whole nother thing.

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