Could Paranthropus (PAH-ran-THRO-pus; Greek for "almost human") Be The Ancestor Of Sasquatch?

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Damian Bravo, a Sasquatch believer. You can join Damian's group Sasquatch Lives? on Facebook.

To describe Paranthropus we must take a look into the Byzantine pathways of hominid classification. This ancient primate was once assigned as a species of Australopithecus, A. robustus, and still is by some paleontologists, who aren't convinced that Paranthropus was distinctive enough to deserve its own genus.

Paranthropus was a very human-like ape, though one shouldn't take the parallels with Homo sapiens too far. Paranthropus had a slightly larger brain than Australopithecus, which itself had a slightly larger brain than a chimpanzee, and it was also significantly bigger than its predecessors, about five feet tall and 100 to 150 pounds (compared to only three or four feet tall for other Australopithecus species). The most noteworthy feature of Paranthropus was its large, heavily muscled head, an indication that it fed mostly on tough plants and tubers (in fact, paleontologists have informally described this hominid as "Nutcracker Man"). As with Australopithecus, there's no convincing evidence that Paranthropus hunted in packs or used tools; in fact, it seems to have been a common meal for the carnivorous animals of its African habitat. Paranthropus existed in the late Pliocene Period, about two million years ago. Paranthropus was an herbivore and had a bipedal posture.

While looking over some information on our Hominid ancestor I could not help but notice the striking resemblance Paranthropus has on the typical descriptions of a Sasquatch. Some scientists that believe in the possible existence of this creature had made comments that Sasquatch could possibly be a hominid that evolved into this large creature that many people today have seen. They believe the Sasquatch species might have evolved separately in its own distinctive branch on the hominid tree. It’s possible the Sasquatch could be some kind of hybrid species of man that has survived trough centuries in small groups like modern apes, maybe due to its high intelligence and evolved brain.

One thing you can be sure of, people are seen this strange creature/beings on their hunting and camping trips. For skeptics the answer is clear: such a creature shouldn't exist! But for so many others that believe in such a creature, the existence of such a species living in secluded parts of this continent with intelligence and heighten senses is a possibility.

Some believe this creature's entire existence is to live peacefully and stay away from humans. Could it be that Paranthropus is the lost relative of this creature we call Sasquatch that's waiting to be discovered. The discovery could help us make a connection to our own origins, just like the recent discovery by nine-year-old Matthew Berge in South Africa, who stumble upon bones of our ancient ancestor dating back two million years. The possibilities of Sasquatch existence is too great to be ignored.

Paranthropus robustus


  1. Replies
    1. I think they grew up to 5 feet tall, but there are fossils of an Asian hominid called Meganthropus which has been thought by some scientists to be a form of robust australopithecine (such as Paranthropus) and is thought to have possibly grown to 7 feet tall by scientist's early estimates of fossils.

  2. As you can see from the picture, these primitive human ancestors have very low foreheads, unlike the reported higher and usually conical shaped heads of a sasquatch. Also, there is no evidence that suggests ancient humans ever reached heights of 8 - 12? feet. In fact, as time goes on, humans are getting larger. I really don't see what real evidence there is that suggests bigoot is more human than ape. Don't beleive the hype.

  3. Paranthropus had an awesome saqital crest (coned head)!!! However, robustus (which makes one think big) only stood about 4 feet tall. The interesting thing about these guys is that they were said to have gone extinct about 1.2 million years ago, which puts them side-by-side with Homo erectus and Homo heiderburgenesis for almost a million years. Both those guys, in turn, may have shared time with US!
    Paranthropus is hypothesized to have fallen prey to a specialized diet, thus causing their extinction. Their hard enamel and large molars tell the story of a grass-eater. Now, I'll probably catch flack for even stating this, but I find it interesting that those same oral traits are found in Gigantopithicus teeth, outside of Paranthropus' African home. However, if I were an homonin (circa erectus), I'd probably try and get the hell outta the dust-bowl, STAT! (See-erectus migration) Gigantopithicus blacki shows up in China shortly after the extinction of Paranthropus. Again, I'm not stating a theory, just pointing out some interesting facts for the sake of discussion...
    I'm a nerd, not an anthropologist!
    David from the PAC/NW

    1. Couldn't Gigantopithicus . Gigantopithicus was still a knuckle walker and most certainly had a divergent toe like other apes, neither of these traits are shred with Sasquatch. As for Paranthropus being too short who says that the species couldn't evolved to be taller. as for it the species dying out 1.2 million years ago. This is just when we stop finding their fossil in Africa, who say that could not of migrated into Asia and then North America, and thrived. WE have found species that were considered extinct for over 1 million years, why couldn't Paranthropus be antor one that has survived. I think the evidence and descriptions from sighting match Paranthropus more than any other species.

    2. Couldn't Gigantopithicus . Gigantopithicus was still a knuckle walker and most certainly had a divergent toe like other apes, neither of these traits are shred with Sasquatch. As for Paranthropus being too short who says that the species couldn't evolved to be taller. as for it the species dying out 1.2 million years ago. This is just when we stop finding their fossil in Africa, who say that could not of migrated into Asia and then North America, and thrived. WE have found species that were considered extinct for over 1 million years, why couldn't Paranthropus be antor one that has survived. I think the evidence and descriptions from sighting match Paranthropus more than any other species.

  4. I think he looks sort of like Morgan Freeman.

  5. Anonymous @ 07:16 PM
    Thats a cool connection you made on the same oral traits of Gigantopithicus teeth and Paranthropus, Hmmmmm, think I am going to look into this, sounds like a sound idea even if your not a scientist this is a great article. I commend the writer, he makes me think about such a possible connection. what about if they did not go extinct and what some people are seeing is a larger evolved Hominid that did branch of on its on, very interesting. Damian very impressive to think of that possible coonection, good work. Also good work AnonymousFeb @ 07:16 PM

  6. Interesting article and nice to point out some of the lesser known hominids. I don't know if I agree w/sasquatch being a late surviving Paranthropus but diet wise I do believe the "hypercarnivore" attributes of sasquatch are overstated. I wouldn't be surprised if sasquatch had enzymes/microflora to digest cellulose- at least more efficiently than us.

    Nice to see The Naturalist is back, maybe he was on expedition somewhere? Too bad bidfootisboring left- I was looking forward to a battle royale between him and The Naturalist.

    1. I would so love to see that showdown, but I think I could take on Bigfootisboring pretty well myself.

    2. I would gladly square off with that dastardly cur (Marquis of Queensbury rules, of course) but as the lovely Autumnforest pointed out: she already kicked him in the marble bag.

    3. I see why everyone talks about you Naturalist, you are a kind of suave scoundrel with a rapiers tongue :).

    4. Much obliged. You are now my favorite anonymous.

  7. I'm sorry, I didn't read the article and most of what I know about prehistoric man comes from watching Captain Caveman.

  8. Anyone know the timing estimate for when the chimp 24th chromosome pair doubled up to form human 23 pairs? If this happened early, then a sapiens-robustus hybrid is theoretically viable.

    I have always liked the robustus theory, but I still prefer an Asia erectus hybrid.

  9. Hi MR Naturalist,

    Glad you're back. I really appreciate your input and repartee. Have you been on a quest?

    1. Hello Blondie, good to see you again, as well!

      I have been on a quest, in manner of speaking. I've been chasing autumnforest all over the World Wide Web!

    2. Chase something long enough and it starts chasing you...

    3. That reminds me of the time I was hardily mounted in the Indonesian rain forest during the Orang Pendak's Musth season.

  10. I haven't ever heard of Paranthropus, but that bust is AMAZING!

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