In Case You Missed It: The purported Bigfoot samples sent to Dr. Melba Ketchum's lab

The latest update regarding the samples sent to Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA study was posted by Robert Lindsay over two months ago. For many of our new readers who may be be unfamiliar with the purported samples, the number of samples submitted is estimated to be over 200, with almost 100 presumptive for Bigfoot (and Yeti too). According to Lindsay, the samples are from 20-28 different "individuals" from all over the world.

Below is a list of just 15 of the nearly 100 successful samples:

1 blood sample from JC Johnson in the 4 Corners area of New Mexico (skunk in a drainpipe sample).

Sample Quantity
Hair samples from Golden Ears Provincial Park in British Colombia, representing 5 separate creatures, gathered by Erickson Project 5
Toenail from Larry Jenkins in the Grand Canyon area of Arizona (Update: Alex Hearn is also listed as one of the submitters) 1
Blood sample from JC Johnson in the 4 Corners area of New Mexico (skunk in a drainpipe sample) 1
Blood sample from Crittenden, Kentucky, gathered by Erickson Project. Sample was obtained by gluing glass shards on a feeding plate 1
Hair sample from David Paulides’ NABS known as the Ulibarri sample from Hoopa Valley, California 1
Hair sample from Larry Surface in southern Ohio. Surface shot the controversial nighttime Bigfoot video that was pulled from the web recently 1
Hair sample from Scott Carpenter in the Great Smoky Mountains, Eastern Tennessee 1
Slice of Bigfoot flesh from Sierra Buttes, California from the adult male Bigfoot shot dead by Justin Smeja 1
Large sample of saliva from the Olympic Project obtained via a Bigfoot licking a camera 1
Hair sample from SE Oklahoma collected by TEXLA Cryptozoological Research, whoever they are 1
Yeti hair sample from Josh Gates collected in Bhutan 1



  1. "Slice of Bigfoot flesh from Sierra Buttes, California from the adult male Bigfoot shot dead by Justin Smeja"

    I loled at that.. what a dreamer. It never happened.

    1. Says someone screaming for blood. Fontunately lots of good folks know the dreamer is you, sadly it does appear to have happended.

    2. Really? How do you draw your conclusion? Please fill us in because your statement didn't provide jack saquatch. Get it jack squatch? Anyway...your an idiot for making the kind of statement you did...blind and unsubstantiated.

    3. Until there is a credible release of documentation, the Sierra event is, of course, unsubstantiated. That does not mean that it didn't happen. While worthless at this point, the claims cannot be proven to be false, so... Saying either way with any certainty is "dreaming". It's just another incredible "story" and could remain that way for a long time.
      David from the PAC/NW

    4. the story in itself tells you it is a lie, kinda like the mormon story, its so obvious but people will blindly believe.

      dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

    5. Never happened. Justin Smeja is carrying out a hoax. And has written a book. Big surprise.

    6. Says the hypocrites yelling for blood. Fact is, you just don't want this species to be real even though it is. LOL

    7. Says the dumbass that can't understand a single word that is said.

    8.'re such a they let anybody on here

  2. "Blood sample from Crittenden, Kentucky, gathered by Erickson Project. Sample was obtained by gluing glass shards on a feeding plate"

    why not point a camera at this feeding plate?

    "because bigfoots are intelligent and know what cameras are and avoid them".... "but glass shards on a feeding plate will draw in that dumb ape"

    1. Um... The Erickson Project is purported to include DNA samples and video/photographic evidence, so... photographing that would be the ultimate goal, right?
      Not claiming to know anything about the project, just thinking logically.
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. My understanding is that the Erickson Project has HD video. I do not know either but it would seem as if the trolls refuse to read before they spout.

    3. Each DNA sample should have photos or videos of a Bigfoot. And a Bigfoot in a box. In fact lets just skip the bloody bits and pieces, the smoke and mirrors, and put one in a box. Coffin or Cage. SWP

    4. @ David,
      If they have such solid evidence, why are they trying to make a for-profit movie/DVD instead of, say, publishing their findings in a reputable journal?

      Simple: there's a sucker born every minute, and all of them have money.

    5. Good point, 3:21 Anon.
      All I was saying is that if their goals are film and DNA and they didn't film the collection of the DNA, they really missed something so obvious that it would defy logic. $'s, aside...
      David from the PAC/NW

  3. If they have a saliva sample from bigfoot licking the camera, where is the video of him licking it? That would be a lot more interesting.

    1. There's a picture of it on the Olympic Projects website.

    2. Erm...if Bigfoot is intelligent, what possible reason would it have for licking a trailcam?

    3. Lmao..haven't u seen people with that disorder where they lick everything? i mean bigfoot is human right? no reason one wouldnt have all of our disorders.

    4. Well...just checked out the Olympic site. All you see is hair in the photo and a lame excuse as to why it didn't take very well, as usual. These people suffer from a severe form of pareidolia. They have all of these animals, even a pair of elk gettin it on, on film clear as day but this one close up is supposed to be a bigfoot face, teeth, and his ass.

      The more and more I read and see of these lame ass researchers the more I am beginning to doubt that anyone will ever find it.

      I feel real sorry for you suckers that are on board with these groups that haven't put out a shred of decent evidence.

    5. You cannot have both dna and photos: When dna is deposited the sources bio-balance gets disturbed and its molecules begin to wildly vibrate , hence any reflected light from the source will be scattered. Hence the blurry photo. It happens retro-actively too, via worm-holes in space-time. When the elk drops its load, the picture will become blurry. Watch. Bill, you dont seem to know much about quantum bio chemical genetics. I will sell you an instructional dvd for 49.99


  4. A toenail? Can someone elaborate on this? Dis they follow a bigfoot around n wait till he trimmed his nails?

    1. No. But you still follow bigfoot sites.

    2. are dumb and wrong. ;)

  5. So they have flesh from a dead Bigfoot. Where is the body? Why not post pictures and a postmortem report before this study to add credibility?

    1. Since you obviously have all of the information about what is NOT real please debunk this evidence. Most of us only know the information provided on this site and others. We don't know about how the toenail came about, If Smeja has been beaten into a confession, so forth and so on. Apparently many of you do know absolute truths that 100% refutes this evidence. Please, please release this information to us. Quit being like all of the people you guys bash all of the time. Otherwise, you are as ignorant about what is real and what is not like the rest of us.

    2. They have a bit of dried Coyote flesh and nothing else, except a crazy story.

    3. Do they? Don't think so. You'll see.

    4. Tell us why they don't?

  6. Which of the samples was Biscardi involved with?

    1. He will tell u all of them

    2. Biscardi is like that fertility doctor that father all the children. All the samples are his.

  7. Josh Gates sent his yeti hair to her? Is there anyway to verify this besides from someone attached to this project? I am having a hard timd believing that they would send this to her especially considering the rest of the nonsense on that list.

    1. Melba was featured on an episode of "Destination Truth" and performed a quick-version of the MtDNA with an interesting, yet spurious conclusion. She also stated that the Gates Yeti sample is NOT included in her study, as they were not taking new samples at that point.
      Shawn also has a post about this...
      David from the PAC/NW

    2. Ok..thanks. i remember seein an episode but i thought he let some old guy examine it.

    3. I thought I read the yeti sample from Josh turned out to be bear hair after more testing

  8. None of this makes sense. How can there be all these biological samples and yet no good photos? Surely it must be easier to get a Bigfoot photo than a toenail, blood, flesh.... Also the methods of sample collection will not satisfy peer review too easy to be contaminated, no consistency...

    I really want to believe, but it just defies logic.

    1. yep, it does defy logic.

      theres always an excuse at the ready for why there is never a photo.

      its insane, it really is.

    2. It defies logic; because if the samples were real, there would be a body. Show us the body.

    3. Of ocurse you can get photos but those you'll call blobsquatch. Once the proof's out and known I bet we'll see videos released, probably a good deal too.

    4. Why is it biologists are able to get clear photos of Apes, but we're stuck with blobsquatches?

  9. Did any of the samples turn out to be human pubic hairs ?

    1. That'd be a good control. Hopefully someone sent something along those lines to the good doctor.

  10. I seen one in the KOA campground near my place un in the Redlands. Came out of the treeline looking for food I suppose. We was roasting marshmallows and singing campfire songs. One of the kids screamed and we looked up and all but one of us got a good look. Just like everybody says it looks but it was closer to man size height. Maybe 5'10" maybe a baby? I don't know.

  11. where is the paper ketchum?

  12. Whew! Feel so much better now; knowing the prestigious pedigree of the DNA samples. Bigfoot is real!

    1. You know what? I'm feeling so much better too!!!! NOT.....the more read about this alleged creature, the more i realize never really existed!!! Sorry nerd believers....Bf is actually just a Cash Cow!!

  13. Steak but no Body,how can u cut a slice of flesh from a body and not have a picture or film of it. Body before the slice makes more body first then examine for Dna!!!

  14. Serious question - If Smeja did shoot "something" that got covered by snow, would not the snow be melted or be about to melt, so will there not be some remains to be found if scavenegers have not taken them. Anyone know the facts. Quite a few seem to know the area.

  15. I find all the cloak and dagger stuff to be deeply unsettling....If I had shot an unknown creature (or two) I would a) take a photo of it and b) take the body to a reputable scientific institute for examination. Smeja supposedly killed a small juvenile, so he and his buddies could easily have carried away the body.
    Having done all of that, they would earn millions in TV appearances and book sales, so why the secrecy?
    .....or is it all a hoax?

  16. Enough of this nonsense! Show me the monkey, NOW!

  17. Those that submitted samples will be the ones to take the blame when failure is imminent. She is going to skewer these guys and roast them, step 5 style. It won't be pretty, but it will be entertaining.

  18. You want to see the monkey? Then take a look at your wife!!!! And then show her monkey butt to us........jerk wad!!!!

  19. Enough with jerking around all of us Dr. ketchup, release something because at this point 99% of us think you are a joke. You are just a veterinarian after all, kind of funny.


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