Mr. Blurrycam Explains His Blurry Pacific Northwest Sasquatch Footage

A few days ago, a purported cell phone footage of a Sasquatch from somewhere in the Pacific Northwest was uploaded to YouTube by a user named designperfxion. According to designperfxion’s description of the footage: "I was startled by a noise then saw this step out from behind a tree. I stumbled for my cell phone camera & took this video as it was walking away from me."

Recently, a YouTube user named SasquatchWatcher got in touch with designperfxion and received some info regarding the footage. The owner of the video seems to have a pretty good excuse for why the video is so blurry and out of focus. For the skeptics out there, designperfxion says, "I don't care what people think.. I know what I saw that day!"

What happened after the filming stopped, I ran up to the drop off that lead down the hillside. I continued to film with my cell phone, but what I didn't realize is that I accidentally must have touched the screen & stopped the recording when I ran after it.

You see the camera point to the ground, that's because I was looking where I was running, dropping my hand that had the cell phone in it while I ran. Then I stopped at the top of the hill & pulled the camera (cell phone) back up into position.

Anyway, what I continued to wintess was this large figure make its way down the steep ravine through the heavy brush effortlessly for about another 10-20 seconds before it went around a bend & I lost it in the foliage & trees.

I didn't follow any furtehr because it was too steep & off the trail. There was no noticeable tracks left behind. Just turned up leaves. The smell was awful. Before it stepped out I thought there was a skunk around.

I don't care what people think.. I know what I saw that day!

- designperfxion

One of our readers sent us this info possibly linking the following social network accounts to the person who uploaded the original footage:

Shawn, if you follow the link from the Flckr photostream for designperFXion's for the picture of Zombie Garden Gnomes.

The link is a facebook page link under photos DSCN1574 and price promo it takes you to this Facebook page..

The email contact on the page is which takes us to which has this page..

The conatct name of Doug at KloneFX is this guy:

The prosecution rests.......




  1. "...what I didn't realize is that I accidentally must have touched the screen & stopped the recording when I ran after it."

    Uh huh.

  2. C'mon folks. It looks like a muppet.

  3. Man, and it's a pretty good suit they made on that klonefx website. I think I wan to throw down the cash to rent it next Halloween. Shitty hoax, great costume.

  4. Good work. Was their every any doubt it was a fake though. lol. If your gonna try and pull a hoax, you need to at least use a screen name that doesnt point you out as a costume designer. Geezsh what a moron. Its also really funny how much padding they put in that things butt, or maybe they got a huge butted person to wear it. Its almost funny though, this must have been the "big momma" costume option.

    1. Dr. Jeff Meldrum is shown on their website next to one of their models.

  5. notice he is fiends with todd standing on Facebook

  6. Knock off with using Gay as a put down. NOT cool!

  7. @Anon 06:31: 'fiends' with Todd Standing LOL good one!

  8. yes it is GAY!!! and we even get the move known as the patty turn. almost every f-ing hoax has that classic move. almost as if that will make the video look real to the hoaxers. nice try homo's. next!

  9. Nice work sir, you are a fine detective. I would be proud to have you in my office!

    " I don't care what people think, I know what I saw!" We do to, it's a costume. Please.........

  10. If he didn't care what people think, why did he make this video explaining himself?

  11. IMHO that is a suit...If that's a Squatch then it's got to get off the couch every once and a while...It's kind of thick around the middle if you catch my drift, plus the walk doesn't seem to be right...


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