Tim Fasano sees "obvious fake" in TimberGiantBigfoot's latest 'Bigfoot' video

"Labels: Bigfoot Hoax, Timbergiantbigfoot"

Everyone's favorite Skunk Ape Hunter from Florida, Tim Fasano says he's tired of watching TimberGiantBigfoot come up with different ways to hoax "Bigfoot sightings, blood on trees, wood knocking for 15 minutes, gift offerings and on and on it goes." He's finally speaking up against Jim's latest 'Bigfoot' footage.

A few months ago, Fasano accused TimberGiantBigfoot on YouTube for being a hoaxer, and then he backed away when fans of TimberGiantBigfoot began to harp on him.

"I posted last March that this guy was bad for Bigfoot but I was roasted by his religious followers, so I backed off. Not anymore, this guy is a huckster and should be ignored by BF people. See the obvious fake in his latest video," Fasano wrote on his blog today.

Fasano later apologized and made up with TimberGiantBigfoot. But a man can only stand so much 'hoaxing' in one year and the latest video from November 21 was the straw that broke the camel's back. Here's the full post of what Fasano had to say about Jim:

Timber Giant Bigfoot and a Suspect Video at Best
This video is real or it is a hoax. There is no other conclusion possible. Timber Giant Bigfoot constantly comes up with Bigfoot sightings, blood on trees, wood knocking for 15 minutes, gift offerings and on and on it goes.

His activity is so prolific it is now becoming a parody of what really happens with Bigfoot hunters - NOTHING. Not much for months or years, not every God Damn time you go out in the woods to raise money and have $2,400 HD video cameras donated too the cause.

I posted last March that this guy was bad for Bigfoot but I was roasted by his religious followers, so I backed off. Not anymore, this guy is a huckster and should be ignored by BF people. See the obvious fake in his latest video.



  1. Looks like TBG has been "Fasanoed" again. What a loser. Who is he to come out and say he's a hoaxer. Gotta love these guys! Unless he is seeing something different than us, he has no grounds for those accusations. Let it be! Reserve judgement. It could be a hoax, by why accuse him of that? Just because he gets "results"?

    That's the problem with the bigfoot world. People like Fasano! They give bigfooting a bad name.

    You can be a skeptic, or a beliver. But don't be an accuser without having any proof!


  2. Ew, burn! I thought Fasano dropped out of the whole scene or did I imagine that? I am always extremely skeptical of people who come up with too much stuff on their excursions. In ghost hunting, it's very annoying when other hunters think that every freaking place is haunted and there's activity everywhere. It's so freaking rare that we must be babbling idiots to keep going back time and time again for that one tiny freak moment when you get amazing proof. In the case of BF hunters, it's probably even harder because they're moving into BF's territory and there's no way they have the upperhand. BF knows they're there. So, people getting evidence that is too cryptic or too frequent, I gotta wonder.

  3. @AF

    I with you on that too, but to come out and directly call people hoaxers is a big claim when u don't have proof. Comparably, its like accusing someone of cheating on their spouse (or significant other) with-out proof. You could be a part of ruining someones life and dreams. The guy does seem to be pretty dedicated. Even if its not real.

    That's the advantage having opinions, but what Fasano said is direct accusation based on the limited iinformation we were all given. Try to be skeptical, not slanderous.


  4. That's part of the business of chasing the "unexplained." There are a lot of characters out there that jump the gun, look for things that aren't there. I just wrote a post today about that on my blog--belief and how it skews the way people perceive and interpret things. If you believe in BF and you're hunting him, and you capture something dark in the woods or something that appears to be moving--you fall into the trap I call the "trinity of relevance" Context (in the woods looking for BF), belief (you believe in his existence) and explanatory style--how you explain things to yourself which are based upon your basic belief system, in this case--it's BF!

  5. AKA confirmation bias.

    Looking into the entire bigfoot mess, I honestly think I was taken for a ride. It's a damn good thing I tend to be skeptical or I'd be even more pissed off at myself. :

    Maybe I'll write a Dr. Seuss-esque book about Vaporsquatches.

  6. I agree with Paul - let's be skeptical, not slanderous. Lets not be accusatory. There is too much in-fighting going on. One of these days absolute proof will come - until then reserve judgment either way.

  7. @MamaBear

    The default position for a claim this outrageous is disbelief. That doesn't mean you can't be intrigued. It doesn't mean you can't be open-minded. It just means that until there is solid evidence, it is best to withhold belief.

    My current opinion on the probability of bigfoot's existence: less than 1%. A few weeks ago, I was at 35%. Soon, I will be near enough to zero to state I do not believe in bigfoot and the question will be closed for me unless someone comes up with instant, undeniable truth. I will not longer be temporarily agnostic in practice, but permanently abigfootist in principle.

    You can only be strung along for so long before you realize it and spit out the bait. At this point, I think we're all being strung along. Maybe the DNA report will come out; maybe it won't. Maybe it will be next year; maybe it won't. Maybe Erickson has good sasquatch footage; maybe he doesn't. Maybe he'll release it; maybe he won't.

    Screw that. It's the same thing software companies do when they don't have the goods: vaporware.

    No more vaporsquatches for me. I will not accept anything other than outrageous proof.

  8. @ atheist , do you have to drop vapoware into every post? I mean, nearly every post you put onto this site has that in it. Let it go man, was funny first time. Quite annoying now.

  9. "You can be a skeptic, or a beliver. But don't be an accuser without having any proof"

    But it's okay to say it's Bigfoot with no proof.

    I understand now..............

  10. You know I usually discount anything said by The Skunk Ape Hunter but when it comes to Timbergiant and his antics in Canada I totally agree. If anyone just looks over the complete collection of Timbergiants bigfoot videos you will see if you have any common sense at all that the guy is in this for personal glory and fame. He probably was a middle child and never given a thumbs up by his parents or friends and like many involved in bigfoot research today they have an easy way of attracting attention to themselves by making home movies about a creature that to this day has only one video to prove it's existance. These yahoos that support TimburgGiant believe everything they see and can be lead like sheep. Go Fasano

  11. Tim Fasano said:"See the obvious fake in his latest video.",but he's done nothing to show why or how it's fake.
    I've watched the video many times and I can't say if it's a guy in a suit or a BF.
    One thing I've noticed in all Jim's videos is that he never says "it's BF","or it's a BF structure",etc.,etc.He offers suggestions but usually says "I don't know" or something similar.
    In this context,it's difficult to prove he has intentionally hoaxed.In effect,a disclaimer has been added to each video.

  12. Ever notice the one similar trait that finds it's way into all these fake videos "The size of the creature coresponds to the fake Bigfoot costume that sells in costume shops across the country. Ever notice Bigfoot are always slim and short in these videos ! Where are the 8 ft monsters were always reading about, seems like we only get the 5 ft skinny kids on film hmmmm I know there is a clue there if I only had some common sense I know I could see it !!!!

  13. I totally agree with the last post where are the giants in these videos they all seem to be skinny malnurished kids and their always some excuse to go along with it. I believe in bigfoot but I'm waiting for a video that looks like Bigfoot not some halloween costume.

  14. Hmm, big dramatic speech on why he's "retiring" and then it's the Favre routine.

    Just as I suspected.

  15. @atheist in fundyland, I think the real point that @anonymous is making above to you is that it is time for you to go....don't go away mad, just go.

    I used to like what you write but after reading what the other poster said about your tectonic plate and bacteria BS, I fully agree with them. A little light research to verify and that guy is spot on. This is a fun blog and we dont want your dumb politics and your attacks

  16. Why do the people, that "rip" other peoples comments and opinnions never leave a name. Cowards!


    1. Yep all these people who won't leave a name are the ones who never get off the couch and probably live in moms basement and are SO jealous of Jim they call him a hoaxer..Obviously on drugs or are in need of some serious therapy..and the person who CLAIMS to be a ghost hunter..Get a life.

  17. @Anonymous

    I'm not angry, just unconvinced.

    And I feel sorry for you if you can't accept scientific evidence for plate tectonics and evolution and instead go chasing after a beast which is most likely mythical.

    Mid-oceanic ridge: Look it up.

    When I leave, it won't be because of antagonism, it will be because there is no evidence of bigfoot.

  18. I'm with Fasano on this one,ever wondered what happened to his kid Bryce?Or the fact that his number one cheerleader is calling it quit's?Doesn't anyone know that the so called tooth on his neck is actualy a bear claw?So many blind follower's and yet if you bash TGBF you will be CRUCIFIED!!!It's an obvious fake,but I guess you would have to of seen a real one to know.Did anyone notice TGBF video as he boasted about fasano quiting,then he made it private.Kick ass fasano I'm with ya on this Timbergiantbigfake!

  19. Aww gee to the comment above me is that you Tim?

    Anyone who personally comes out and critizes the way he does is jealous in my opinion of the attention and who knows what else drives this egotistical appearing person named T. Fasano?

    I don't like Fasano and he has always irritated me but that is only my personal opinion. He rubs me the wrong way, always has with his know it all attitude. What better way to gain attention for himself than critize TGB?

    I'm shocked anyone posts video's of possible bigfoot sightings. As far as I'm concerned it's asking for criticism.

    I think if someone wants to believe in bigfoot that's their priviledge. Everyone has eyes and can intrepret bigfoot videos however they want.
    There is always that element of doubt or reality.

    Who says anything HAS to be given to Ketchum? I'd do exactly like TGB has done and if I were TGB I'd trust NO ONE. At least he's not out in the woods trying to shoot Bigfoot. I'm totally against that.

    Who says T.Fasano is the ultimate authority????Where in the constitution does it say Ketchum has to get any evidence? Did I miss something?

    I hope to the good Lord Bigfoot is never found because the Bigfoot People will be wiped out just like others.

    And Tim Fasano will continue to need his ego stroked and can never keep his mouth shut or retire. It's just not possible with his ego.

    I hope and pray that TGB ignores bigmouth TF and just continues to do what he does. Fasano is just trying to cause controversy. If TGB will ignore him and do his own thing that will be the best thing that can happen.

    As far as TGB and all the others who face continuous ridicule for having the nerve to post their video's and keep searching more power to them. There are those of us who can make up our own minds and actually have ways of enhancing what we watch online.

    Fasano is entitled to his opinion but obiviously since he does not respect what I call "professionally courtesy" he needs to keep his ego biased opinion to himself.

    I just can't understand....let me think on this a minute...hmmm why would one want to start a feud in the bigfoot searchers community???????

    I hope and pray TGB will not even acknowledge Fasano?

  20. Sorry I meant "professional courtesy" above.

    TGB and all others please ignore Fasano,just keep on searching. Don't even respond to him, it's not worth it because (I know this must be shocking to Fasano) there ARE those of us in the world who can think for ourselves and make up our own minds without "personal attacks" and accusations!

  21. Fasano is an egotistical, jealous hothead. Check out this link : http://cryptoflorida.blogspot.com/2011/10/time-to-lay-this-to-rest-once-and-for.html from Cryptoflorida to learn where Fatsano really comes from. Seriously, the guy is a total jackass.

  22. I agree with the three anonymous posts above me.
    Tim Fasano is the last person who should be casting stones at anyone.
    IF Jim's video is a hoax as Tim has said,he better have proof positive to back up his serious accusation.
    Fasano's opinion is of little value to me after his Bigfoot Buster fiasco.
    Instead of trying to redeem himself honestly,he comes out with this.

  23. I think it was Biscardi in a suit. It was his turn :)

  24. Just a reminder, here’s an excerpt from an article here on Bigfootevidence blogspot in May, 2011. It must take a sick person to do this, my opinion only! Please read the whole article at the link below. An attacking post about TGB was published on Fasano’s You Tube page and then disappeared…luckily someone was paying attention as addressed below.

    [“After letting out that bombshell, the user just vanished. Looks like the account was deleted soon after making those comments on Tim Fasano's YouTube page.

    Luckily for us, serious people have been watching this event unfold very closely. utubewatchdog tells us about the character assassination attempts by this person who goes by different names on YouTube. This person makes outrageous comments about Bigfoot Researchers accusing them of hoaxing, then deletes the account.

    Watch utubewatchdog explain this person's behavior:

    I know who is behind the attack on TimberGiant. It is one of the bigger names names in Bigfoot Research out there, this individual has said all this to me in person this past year. He made attempts on me to do the same thing Fasano is doing right now to Jim. Each time he uses a fake channel to do all this then deletes them. I was warned of him back when I got into this about a year ago. The individual has just recently ( about a month or so ago) been caught hoaxing himself. He went silent for awhile and deleted most of his videos and came back out differently. Strangely enough,he's been silent this past week when this new attack started. I only have one thing to say...May 14th is right around the corner. If the guilty party does not retract EVERYTHING said about TimberGiantBigfoot I WILL SPREAD EVERYTHING I KNOW AROUND AT THE BIGFOOT CONVENTION AT SALT FORK LODGE! That's a promise and I KEEP MY WORD!”]

    Hmmm who do we know that went silent for a little while???

  25. Who ever is supporting Timbergiant has to be either an idiot or Jim himself because it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to see that Timbergiant is out making tons of money off off ignorant subscribers who have been sucked into his joke of a research website.

  26. Hi Tim, gotta be you cause it's about money.

  27. applauding you Blondie, cause that is who it has to be (One or the other Tims...lol)... and the anonymous post about the one who went silent, i know who that was also.. Its a shame people have to be this way, i say if you don't like the video don't watch it, thats what i do.. I stopped watching certain posters videos because of all the BS, but i don't rip them apart just because im jealous of them or say they are hoaxing, because it may be real and who am i to say one way or the other.. I wasn't there to know 100% either way.. so I for one enjoy seeing what Bigfoot researchers are out there every day doing and filming.. Im not saying i believe everything i see in them but i enjoy them.. I can't get out there myself so i like seeing the new videos posted to youtube.. I think Fasano owes yet another apology.. But im not sure if it was me getting that apology that i would really beleive he was seriously sorry for the things he says... I for one believe Timbergiant is truthful in all he posts and i look forward to his continued research videos.. Thank you ..
    signed : Squatchladypa(you tube name)

  28. Squatchladypa, thanks, I feel Fasano is basically saying WE are idiots because WE can't think for ourselves.We are stupid and dumb. NOT a good public relations move at all!!

    I believe at my age I am capable of independent thought and analysis. I can also dress and feed myself. LOL..

    His accusations remind me of something in psychology called projection, accusing others of what we ourselves are guilty of doing and thinking. U-Tube knows...oh yes they do.

    When one attacks an innocent family member like a son, a minor,that is way over the line, way over. It tells me everything I want to know about the accuser. He has proven every suspicion I had about him. It's not TGB's video's/research that's eating away at him it' the money. Fasano has shown his true self and it's not pretty.

    TGB made a smart business move something Fasano could do if he wanted instead of whining and bullying.

    Nope it's not TGB's video's it's the money.

    I truly admire TGB and hope he continues to ignore this redundant,pompous, attention seeking,green eyed jack in the box.

    TGB has something Fasano will never have in my opinion and that is humility and sincerity.

    Oh Mr. Fasano, I just want you to know that ever since I read the statement you made yesterday I have gone to TGB's U-Tube Channel and played and viewed every video I could find on his Bigfoot channel and The Old Drive-shed. I will continue to do so every chance I get.

    TGB can thank YOU for that, since this is really about money, I wanted to be sure I contributed to TGB's massive fortune! (rolling eyes)

    You see after your insults, which I took personally, as a subscriber to TGB's channel and since I've been sucked there by some mysterious magical research of TGB, having no mind of my own what else could I do? I thought it only appropriate to contribute a little more to TGB's massive fortune.Thank you Mr. Fasano for giving me a push in the right direction.

    Mr. Fasano, You need to be careful what you say because you are NOT hurting TGB- YOU are hurting Yourself by calling me and others fools and idiots.I think quite possibly you are digging a hole so deep you won't get out of this one.You might have been aiming at TGB but you hit me and stepped way over the line! No one tells me what I think and believe!!!

    After all,
    according to YOU Mr Fasano, I'm just too blind,stupid, ignorant and gullible to think and reason for myself all because I subscribe to TGB's channels... so... I'll be sure to watch and listen to the tall, nice, Canadian man enjoy life and his outings in the woods,his tractors and Geo-caching at least twice a day. Wow, bet that will make TGB a billionaire??(see Blondie rolling her eyes and shaking her head)

    TGB thank you for taking the high road here and my advice to you is keep on doing what you're doing,being who you are and trust no one! Eh?

  29. is fatsano still around?thought he screwed hinself with that bigfootbuster blog thing he had, yea i'm going to beleive the biggest hoaxer in florida, i don't think timbergiantbigfoot hoaxes anything. fasano wants people to believe he's in the (deep jungles of the florida everglades) but you can hear cars driving on a highway, and that he's out every day looking for the skunkape, walking miles and miles. but he is getting fatter and fatter. i think timbergiant got bigfoot on tape and fasano sees he getting attention and wants some on him.

  30. I feel I must also post a comment, as I know that TGBF will take the high road and not stoop to fasano's level and defend himself. The real problem here is that I think fasano is jealous of Jim. He complains that Jim gets something "every God-damn time he goes out into the woods", actually, he doesn't. Jim goes out into the woods alot and comes up with nothing. Just because Jim is doing everything right, as far as earning the trust of the bf in his area and fasano isn't, he can't take it. Someone else may actually get in the spotlight for hardcore evidence and like a whinny little baby, fasano has to cry about it because it isn't himself that is able to get said evidence. Well, thank God Jim is a serious researcher and is above throwing around accusations about other researchers. Jim is more worried about his OWN business than others....as it should be. Keep up the good work TGBF. Fasano, get out of the way. (I "unsubscribed" from fasano a LONG time ago on youtube....I suggest everyone else do the same, unless they like his whinning).

  31. I'm pretty new to all of this Bigfoot news and videos. A lot of videos I've seen look fake or just unclear and inconclusive. TGBF seemed to be the most genuine of the Bigfoot hunters on youtube and though most of what he's "caught" is really blurry and speculative there have been a couple that I thought were decent. Like this new video. They're at least interesting, and I'll stay subscribed to his channel until I come to the point that I'm positive he's pulling a hoax. I don't know. I'm skeptical of everything concerning this subject anyway and I wouldn't dare send money to any of these people. I just read about this girl who faked having cancer for 4 years. She had a lot of people fooled including her best friend.. After reading about that I find it hard to trust anyone 100%. I find some of the evidence I've come across pretty interesting, and I hope someone comes up with some solid evidence someday. Until then, I'm happy believing in the possibility that a Bigfoot type creature exists.

  32. Concerning the following post:
    Anonymous said...
    Who ever is supporting Timbergiant has to be either an idiot or Jim himself because it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to see that Timbergiant is out making tons of money off off ignorant subscribers who have been sucked into his joke of a research website.
    Wednesday, November 30, 2011 3:11:00 AM PST (End Quote)
    This HAS to be Fasano himself posting anonymously because he doesn't have the balls to put his name on it. Yup! That's Tim. Asshat.

  33. The guy works with Biscardi for cryin' out loud! You CAN NOT GET more fake than that! Fasano is the pot calling the kettle black, bigtime. And he says he was invited to a national radio show....laughable!!!!

  34. LMAO!!! If you google "asshat fasano" you actually get a BUNCH of hits! Ugh...I have tears, I was laughing so hard.

  35. Timgergiantbigfoot's name is NOT Jim,come on people get your info right before you open your stupid mouth!His name is James NOT Jim,and he live's in Dundas Ontario canada in a very nice community.Check it out,a snow plow goes by his front door clearing the street he live's on for crying out loud!He has a collection of antique motor cycle's,tractor's,cars,trucks,he plays Geocash,and the list goes on and on,but NOOOO he live's out in the bush and is poor and has no money and can't even down load a video in HD and yet he has a $2500 dollar HD camcorder!Give me a break,google TGBF and you will see ton's of add's pop up!He is in it for the cash man and worse than that is this,there are people sending their hard erned money to CANADA!!Shame on you TGBF for what you do will bit you in the ass just wait and see!I'm glad Fasano has the balls to speak out,NO One else seems to go figure that one out.

  36. I have issues with the vast majority of squatch hunters. Most of them refuse to acknowlege that their cameras and sightings could capture anything other than a bigfoot. None of them want to be objective. I gotta give ghost hunters credit, most of them will take a look at what they capture on film and actually try and debunk it. Very few bigfoot hunters do that and that's too bad because skepticism is healthy. If you can be truly skeptical of your captures then when you DO actually capture something unexplainable it helps a whole lot with your credibility.

    As for TGBF, he's most likely a hoaxer. Way too many sightings for his part of the province. He does infact live in Dundas Ontario which is not too far from Hamilton. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources there are no black bears in his area however the MNR also denies the existence of squatches. TGBF is quick to point out what the MNR has to say about bears in his area but fails to acknowledge that they say there are no bigfoot. If he were honest, he would admit that just that there is a chance of there being a bigfoot, there is also a chance of there being a black bear and some of his sightings might just be a black bear.

    He also captures black masses on film like the one that was seen low to the ground moving behind a tree, but he must have forgot that he also owns a large, black dog (which we see sitting with him in another video) that he claims he often takes on walks with him in the very area this video captures happens.

    His latest venture has him chased out of the woods by coyotes yet he failed to get any of that on video. He also claims in his younger days to have gotten chased by a bear because him and his buddy threw a rock at it. Alledgedly the bear gave chase and when they ran back to their truck it was locked so they had to climb into the flatbed while the bear started bouncing the hood of their truck. In both of these stories (the coyotes and the black bear) knowing what I know of these animals, it is highly unlikely any of this happened. Bears only usually charge if you get between it and it's cub and coyotes are not the chargers that he claims them to be. If they did charge him, he must have been doing something to it, provoking it in some way. I see coyotes almost everyday in the fields across from my house and not once has one ever charged. We had one in our driveway one night and one time it even walked through our open garage door but in both instances as soon as it realized it's mistake (being too close to humans) it immediately ran away.

    Personally I wouldn't put too much into TGBF's "sightings" and video captures. Just enjoy them for the entertainment value.

  37. I retract and apologize for what I said in the above post in regards to TGBF. After carefully watching and analyzing more of his work I realize now that he is NOT a hoaxer and that what he submits he genuinely believes to be authentic. I'm not saying everything he posts is a BF, I'm saying I don't think he's trying to hoax anyone and that he is posting what he believes to be something that requires further investigation.

    I'm truly sorry TGBF, I was wrong and I wish you continued success in your hunt for this creature. Keep up the good work!

  38. lol, you have to laugh, one hoaxer calling out another known hoaxer. crazy


  39. iknow im a troll.prick;loser[delete as appropriate or leave them all]

    anyone who believes thousands of 8-10ft 800pd bipedal ape-men are walking about north america are all crazy weirdo's. there is no evidence

    the only 'evidence' is a clever 45year old hoax taken by 3 cowboy's, although only 2 claim to be there, yet minutes before they filmed patty they filmed the 2 on forses.so there was 3RD person whose never been accounted for-fact

  40. Amazing article sir. Thanks for sharing this knowledge...


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