The Ridge Walker Bigfoot Video Location

Jonathan Odom takes us back to the location where he captured a possible bigfoot on video. Check out what he finds while he's out there.



    The only rule is you have to pick one. You can't say all of them.

    1. 1 Iktomi
      2 MMC
      3 Chick c
      4 uno
      5 pib
      In order of lack of iq.
      Sorry couldn't pick just 1

    2. Noone better say my name, I'm Smart.


    3. I say Iktomi. The others may be dimwitted but ikdummy invests ALL his energy in something that doesn't exit. Ikdummy took a wrong turn and he based his existence on it. His premise is inaccurate and everything that stems from it is thereby wrong. But it's not just one lack of judgement radiating out repercussion-wise, it's all he is capable of and he no doubt makes one bad judgement after another in every aspect of his life.

    4. CC has been stunningly dumb over periods of time and sometimes reasonably dumb. Medications?

      PIB has one sentence a while back which made me think she had a literary background. So, i had this early idea based on an initial post of hers but NOTHING she's done has lived up to that and PIB has been a bit of a disappointment. Maybe she's holed up shut-in who can write or is an editor I thought...but no, completely empty mine, a cave-in, if you will.

      MMC may be retarded so I won't pass judgement.

    5. Wow

      All I had to do is comment about testing my truck battery fluid and Stuey Sue thinks that I think that I am a genius. Wow

      That shows all of us that Stuey does not comprehend the most basic things that a person has to do to live and work.

      A 12v battery is beyond Stuey sues comprehension. No wonder he is so intolerant. He doesn't have a clue about the most basic things in life

      Good luck on getting a woman in your life looser


    6. I honestly can't tell whether or not that is the real MMC.

      Looser? Truck battery? Anyone know what he's talking about?

      If that's your entry, MMC, you win!

    7. One does not "win" against a person like you Stuart

      You simply offer no opposition

      So there is no competition

      You are nothing more than a clinically insane good for nothing troll



    8. MMC may be cheating.

      The dumb is stacked in his favor.

      Should MMC be disqualified?

    9. ^ You still here crazy Stu ?

      I guarantee you that if you left this site and never came back that nobody would miss your intolerance

      You are unwanted


    10. So, the idiot posting anonymously is really MMC?

      I'm shocked!


    11. "MY TURN",, UNO should rate dumber than me, Not to mention,I have seen pretter face's on the backside of dog!

    12. Look who's talking Heffer! I've seen smarter cows chewing cud in the pastures,, and better looking too bi*ch!
      Uno :)

    13. ^ your mother's chews her cud ?

    14. Chick vs Uno: The cold war between the forces of dumb are heating up!!!

    15. Where's the voice of sanity (PIB) when you need her??

    16. I'm sure crazy Stu can't roam to far

  2. My god, what drivel. I'm going to lobby congress for a new law:

    All Bigfoot vids MUST start with a clip of the sighting in question, immediately! Then all the drivel, crap, illiterate utterances, and endless boring stumbling through the woods can follow. What idiot would sit through this inane 35+ minute video. I bet nobody!!!!!

    Oh this world of Bigfoot. The infrastructure and personalities involved are the true freak show!

    1. The reason I like watching J Odom's videos is that I find it Fascinating how well he can walk , putting One foot in front of the other while talking and chewing gum ALL at the same time!! The man is a freak of nature,, or maybe a DEMIGOD??

      Oh Hiii to Joes dad xx:)


    2. Stue sticks to impersonating others and attempting to irritate rather than taking on the subject matter. Iktomi is right, he is a coward.


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