Out of the Woods and Into the Darkness

Swamp Dweller provides some more scary tales to get us through the night. Listen at your own risk though.


  1. I am the eggman, I am the walrus, coo coo ca cachew!

    1. I hate "AC", Because he makes me look like the hipocrite idiot that I am,each an every time.

    2. Anybody else get the impression Stue is upset about something?

    3. He's gone stage 5 loon-a-tard. It looks terminal.

    4. Stuey is mischaracterizing me. I'm not nearly as stupid as I am.


    5. Well Chick...

      This blog is his ball & chain where he has to refresh hundreds of times a day, worried that if he misses something, he can't dominate a comment section with filth and prevent other people from using it. And he'd better keep up his 24/7 obsession. The second he thinks everyone's been driven away and he has a blank canvas to spout his lies about "Bigfoot" unchallenged... I'm gonna send him over the edge that little bit further.

      Have a great weekend all... AND HEY PIB!!!!!!!

      : )

    6. Well he sure is cracking under the strain. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    7. Stuey is always upset about something. Meltdown on, Stu. Meltdown on. We expect it from you.

      Hi all good folks!

    8. AC Collins here.

      Hi Uno,,:)
      Hi pib,,0xox
      Hi Chickx2..heee heee
      Everyone of you have a perfect start (monday) to your work week,,,,AC Collins :-)

    9. Stuey is the stupidjerks nemesis...he is the bane of their lives,forever troubling their little minds.

      Long live Stuey...you go go go !!

    10. @2:21 Indeed,, LONG LIVE "THE STEWEY'S"!!

      Good ole AC Collins,,haaa haa haa lol

    11. Stuart is clinically insane and intolerant of other people's views

      Have a good Sunday all you good people

      Muoramahr Mufdie

    12. Cheers, everyone. I'm getting up to speed on Sasq't duck decoys and am researching photographic memory in prehistoric geese as well.

      The most renowned discovery at Lovelock Cave was a cache of eleven duck decoys. M.R. Harrington and L.L. Loud found when they were digging for the Museum of the American Indian in 1924 in Pit 12, Lot 4. The cache included eight painted and feathered decoys and three unfinished decoys. Items found in the same pit consisted of feathers and two bundles of animal traps. The remarkable decoys were made from bundled tule.

    13. Good luck, Iktomi. I found fibers on my jacket that I'm going to get analysed for a Yeti match. I will record traffic noise later on today to see if I can detect any Sasquatch calls in the background.


    14. Hi, ive started banging my face into the wall to try to open up a portal.

      Wish me dumb,


    15. At least you idiots are conducting some form of research instead of perpetually saying hi to each other.

      Chick, portals posing as walls open easier with a headfirst running start.

    16. 7;0 you clearly don`t follow the blog.

      The only intolerant people here are led by the prIktomi bigot.

      Long live the Stueys.

      Ha ha hah hah hahaha

    17. ^ intolerance is a sign of shltty breath

    18. Anal anal schooled anal PhD anal anus Meldrum anal anal schooled anal PhD anal anus Meldrum anal anal

  2. Gosh, I had such a fun night and it was a surprise for me too.

    I found out I am not only a wanker but am ambidextrous too..so in fact I am an ambidextrous wanker..spent the whole night thrummin` my lil` todger `til the flush kinda shocked me..mom says I oughtta slow down a bit or I`ll get blisters.

    Who woulda` thunk it.


    1. ^ we all knew long ago Joe - congratulations as you`ve joined the ranks of your chums on an equal footing now haven`t you.

    2. ^ raises a glass - "bottoms up, cheeks parted" boys.

  3. Sasquatch sighting Frog Lake: http://youtu.be/EUX4R6pSGVU



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