Do We Need A Bigfoot Body?

From Bigfooter Blayne Tyler:

Why do we need a Wildman specimen for scientific identification? Consider the scientific technology advancements we have made in the past five decades (since PGF). Also we have thousands of reliable witness reports that in any other field is accepted in court. Also we've collected hundreds of real castings with dermal ridges, numerous brief but authentic Bigfoot video footage, as well as plenty hair, blood, scat samples collected of an unknown species for DNA analysis. Rather is there not politics and corporate profits involved in keeping this research field out of the mainstream? As Dahinden mentions in the vid clip, the only way for species acceptance from the general public, governments and scientists is a live or dead specimen.


  1. Any hairy man will do for stu


    1. Just dropped a fresh Suzy stu

      Back to work

  2. I wonder if all that gravity really is is buoyancy and density balances and imbalances


    1. MMC, worry about not contracting HIV before you ponder gravity, you freakshow.

    2. ^ this is how you are when your mother is a crack wh0re. Multiple personalities due to being sold for rock. No friends due to shltty breath and B.O. And can't get laid if he was the only Suzy boy in the world

    3. 6:11 was me. I meant that for gravity fool MMC at 3:17.

  3. If you think that you need a Bigfoot body, you've got to ask yourself one question. Who do you think that you are going to show it to, after somehow not getting it collected by the first law enforcement agency that you run into, in order to prove something once and for all? Scientists don't want to see it because they don't want to be caught in a position of verifying that is real. Sykes won't do a legitimate DNA analysis on it, because any DNA samples will somehow fail to get past his first screening. Ketchum will bleach all the DNA samples so they look like every other sample that she bleached. Since Bigfoot are paranormal, you have no idea if they remain in a condition that they can be identified as being a Bigfoot. For instance, some paranormal specimens have been reported to turn into a hairy, bloody pulp with no bones remaining in man's dimension. If that happened with your body, then all your efforts would be completely wasted. If you really want a Bigfoot body, why don't you just borrow one from the Feds because they should have a whole warehouse full by now since they have been collecting them for a very long time. In conclusion, if you somehow defied all odds and got a Bigfoot body, that will be the starting point for when your troubles get a whole lot worse, and in the final analysis, you will end up with nothing but a good story to tell. Assuming of course that you were warned not to tell anyone or you will disappear.

    1. ^ fantasy bigfoot role play at its dumbest. F you u piece of sh1t.

  4. Today's newbie researcher think that Bigfoot is a new phenomenon and that the only reason that society does not accept their existence is because there is not enough good proof shoved in the face of society so that the have to accept their existence. Therefore, they spend lots of money and much time seeking proof so that they can be famous when they get that proof that society cannot refute. Without that goal, their life would have no purpose. Well, I have got some bad news for you. The bad news is that there is no amount or quality of proof that can be obtained, that society will accept as sufficient to prove their existence. So your life's obsession is a complete waste. Knowing this, if you still remain obsessed with seeking proof, you are inadvertently providing proof that you are mentally ill and should seek help before you waste any more of your life. Bigfoot has already been studied ad nauseum by the top government scientists. There is virtually nothing left for you to discover, that will contribute to the government's understanding. Because I already did that. It is now possible for any paranormal Bigfoot phobe to prove to himself that there is a large invisible biped investigating you in broad daylight, at every quiet campsite that you stop at. And this starts within minutes of your arrival. The equipment is over the counter and will run you at least $1000. So if your paranormal Bigfoot phobia consumes your cherry picking of field evidence, you are an endangered species since your obsession can be proven as highly misdirected and highly flawed. Find another hobby asap. Those organizations that live off of teaching newbies to gather evidence that they think tends to prove that the Bigfoot are 24/7 F&B, will survive as long as ignorance rules the land.

    1. Another person with zero proof to back up their claims!


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